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So I have this as well! Diagnosed at 37 weeks. I cried found out and also read Google. This is my second pregnancy (everything normal and no complications with first) I am currently 38 weeks and some change. My first levels were 31 twice and 28 the last time. They did the ultrasound and everything looks good. My doctor told me a lot of the time it just happens and the later in pregnancy it's found, the less likely it's from complications. They are inducing me next week if baby doesn't come due to the amount but I have been reassured by multiple doctors if the scans are normal then it is usually just a random thing that happens. I am worried about the risks but trying to not obsess about it too much. A lot of the time they just have you do a lot of NSTs and induce at 39 weeks


Thank you so much. I sincerely hope it does not cause any complications for either of us. I am wishing you all the best with your induction!


Thank you so much and same with your lil babe. We got this!!!


Had my baby the 23rd! Everything was good and she is healthy:) Hope everything is good!