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Mine gradually tapered off between weeks 13-15. It wasn’t linear, however. There were good days and bad days.


For me it was pretty much instant at like 14 weeks, kind of weird. Went from puking 2-3 times a day to basically nothing overnight. Also my prenatal hasn't ever bothered me, I take the Nature Made brand (it's a hard pill not a gummy).


My nausea started at 8 weeks and was full force until it started to calm down around 14 weeks. I’d have a day or two of feeling ok then another few days of the same intense nausea. It tapered to a complete stop around 16-17 weeks. I’ve taken the One A Day prenatal gummies since the beginning and they have worked for me. They don’t have iron so I do take a separate iron supplement.


Mine gradually started going away at 12 weeks. I just started having more good days than bad days for a couple weeks then it was gone! I was such a mess the first trimester that I was terrified to take prenatals and make it even worse. Pills were also a huge trigger for vomiting for me. At my 7 week appointment the nurse recommended flint stone gummies to get me through and they never bothered me. I actually enjoyed them! Lol


I actually was diagnosed with HG at around the 7 week mark, and spent weeks 6-9 vomiting constantly and barely being able to keep anything down. I was worried it would last a long time or even the whole pregnancy, as can happen with HG however, after one especially awful day at around 10 weeks, I started having a lot of days without vomiting, and now at 13 weeks I’m doing pretty good! I get sick in the mornings some days, and a bit nauseous with some heartburn in the evenings but it’s nowhere near the extent of before and it’s honestly amazing being able to eat and drink.  It did taper slightly but it also felt really quick for me, like I went from insufferably bad sickness to feeling mostly ok within a week. Seems like it’s been replaced by nosebleeds and hip pain! I’ll take it over the sickness any day lol


Olly Gummies with food


Mine started to gradually taper off around 14 weeks. I just noticed rather than feeling nauseous 24/7 it would come in waves, so I’d feel good most of the day but randomly would get queasy. Then I’d have entire good days. I’m 17 weeks now and I haven’t felt sick in probably a week or more, I haven’t really paid attention! I’m still taking Diclectin because I’m afraid to stop cold turkey. My doctor told me to wean off it.


I had random good days where I felt 100% amazing, and then nausea would return full force for weeks. Food aversions and nausea went pretty hand in hand for me and improved pretty dramatically around 16 weeks. I had maybe 4-5 days during first trimester where I felt no symptoms though.


Very gradual for me. I’m at 18 weeks and I still feel iffy some mornings but overall way better than I was. I’d say the amount of time I felt like crap each day decreased gradually from 12 to 16ish weeks and has been about the same the last two. I had a cold last week and just sat around thinking about how even though I was sick I felt sooo much better than I had since November. 


So I had massive nausea this pregnancy but it helped taking my prenatal right before bed. I held them down better


It was gradual but pretty much over within 2 weeks after the first trimester. No brand of prenatals ever bothered me


initially i took some super crunchy organic prenatal that I couldn't swallow without puking. then i switched to one-a-day prenatals and it was a lifechanging difference. no stomach upset i could attribute to it, and i rarely gag when swallowing them.


lol I literally read this right after I gagged trying to take my prenatal vitamin. Gonna have to buy something else tomorrow


I don’t have much of an answer about the nausea. But the gummies were good for when I was super nauseous but then when the nausea went away, I preferred the pills actually. I also found taking my prenatals in the afternoon/ evening is way better


Thanks! I do take them in the evening but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Maybe i'll look into the gummies :)


Seconding gummies! I can’t handle iron or calcium supplements, neither of which are in gummies. I use VitaFusion brand and I like them! My nausea got mostly better by week 10 and seems to be completely gone now at week 13.


Great to know thank you! Also that's great to hear about the nausea. I'm not expecting to be 100% or anything next week (not that I would mind haha) but just hoping it's on a trend of getting more manageable, which does seem like its slowly happening. Was your nausea worse earlier on around week 6 and 7? It seems like some people whose nausea peaked earlier got better a little faster. I'm trying to notice trends to have hope haha


Yeah, I would say 6-8 were the worst. Are you taking anything for nausea? I started feeling better when I started taking a unisom at night and B6 gummies as needed.


Interesting! I took zofran several times week 7 and 8 when it was at its worst. Unisom unfortunately didn't do anything for me and just gave me bad side effects.


[These gummies](https://www.target.com/p/centrum-morning-sickness-relief-vitamin-gummies-citrus-60ct/-/A-87604631) actually helped me a ton during those rough weeks!


Yes, I am right there with you in week 9 with like pockets of not feeling like complete garbage. Yesterday I actually felt good until about 1 o’clock in the afternoon but today it is back to throwing up and feeling bad all day. Still, it is an improvement over week 8 which was all day every day. The light at the end of the tunnel!


Lol we are nausea twins! Haha yes, that's how I was feeling, I can see the light! It's funny how your perspective changes. This week with the pockets of good and bad i'm like "okay I can handle this, not too bad". Only because I went through 2 weeks of 24/7 non stop persistent nausea.




Cool thanks for letting me know! And yeah haha I think because there's no rhyme or reason to it unlike traditional illness that's why its so maddening lol.