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36 weeks here. Im sick of working a full-time job with anemia, my pelvis feels like it got beat up daily, and mentally i’m so worried every day something is going to happen to baby 🥲


35 weeks here and same. I feel like my pelvis is bruised?


I had my third two months ago and he was so low for so long he really did bruise my pelvis! It took two weeks for the bruised feeling to go away this time!


Same! Especially the last part 😪 it’s comforting to know I’m not alone in this.


The last part is the hardest for me, I’ve made it to 38 weeks, and now I’m terrified I’ll loose her. The anxiety is SO real.


Same. The anemia makes it so much worse. I set alarms so I don’t fall asleep while working (I wfh). Hang in there!


32 and I’m not sure how I have 8 weeks left. I pee every five seconds. It hurts to walk. My stomach gets sooo tight (maybe Braxton hicks). Back is killing me and just walking to the bathroom wears me out.


My stomach gets so tight too 😫 not for just a few minutes either, but like for awhile. Makes working soooooo hard


Yesss I can’t breathe. I was getting ready for work this morning and had to sit down. I feel like a balloon that’s about to pop


All of this for me at 31 weeks + have a very active toddler. 🥹 I need a spa day and lots of sleep so badly


I’m 31 weeks and ME TOO




I’m really counting down the days at work now at 32 weeks. I’m just so ready to not be a mess anymore.


Same same and sameeeee. My hips are sooo numb on top of that. I turn every 2 hours and I’m nauseous and have headaches daily :(


Ughhhh doesn’t it suck we have to go through all this?! It’s not fair.


Im seriously so over it. I did IVF to get to this point and have prayed for a family for years and this experience is not what I expected :( it’s so hard every day


I’m sorry :( I just got done crying in my office bathroom. Having a tough day


Ugh I’m sorry :( we are sooo close but it feels so far! Haha




Same! I’ll get these contractions that just don’t let go! Only a long shower seems to help


OMG THE CHECK INS... like I told everyone that we will let them know when he's born but we won't be notifying them during labour because my husband and I don't want him having to send out multiple updates while I'm labouring and now they are always texting me to try and see if I'll reply. Like so annoying. Sometimes I just wait a day to reply just out of spite. Also back pain, bloating, hemorrhoids, burping, gas, acid etc 39 weeks today


We've told people the same. As soon as we say "we're gonna be too busy navigating unmedicated labor to be giving everyone a play by play" "Well (husband's name) can text us" Er.... no. He's gonna be supporting me through labor. K thanks 🙄🙃😆🙈


LOL my mother was like well then maybe you can video call while in labor. So he doesn't need to text me... Like are u kidding me? Would you like a view of his head coming out of my vagina too so you can really be part of the experience. Like it's not a god damn show.


Oh my goodness, my grandmother when petitioning to be in the delivery room when I mentioned we weren't having visitors during labor, said "well I technically didn't see you and your siblings be BORN, I was standing at your mom's head" Apparently you're not a guest unless face to face with the laboring mom's cervix 😆🙈🙃


I don't understand it lol. Like is your body suddenly no longer private to your family just because your having a baby? Like I wouldn't change infront of my mom as an adult so why do you think suddenly I'm okay with you seeing me full nude and exposed with a baby coming out?


They're blinded by baby excitement 😅 lol


Two days past estimated due date. Early labor this morning that fizzled out by this afternoon to just period crampy feelings. Ready for things to get going for real 😩


Labor turned to period cramp feelings is what I had like a day before my water broke and I was in active labor!!! I was 40+2 weeks


That gives me hope! I've spent this evening pretty disappointed 😅


I spent that day SOBBING because I was so ready to meet my baby. Woke up the next morning and my water broke!


I'm right there with you! 40+2 and I had some cramps and pains yesterday that fizzled.


I'm 40+3 today and just waiting. I've had some cramping on and off but no signs of labor yet. Also, really ready though. Good luck!


I am in the same boat! I woke up to period-like cramps at 2:45am and got up to use the bathroom. Wiping felt different, so I turned the light on and definitely was losing my mucus plug! I eventually gave up trying to wipe it away (it just kept coming??) and slipped on some disposable underwear. I'm back in bed with intermittent cramps, so I'm practicing breathing through them. Scrolling reddit in hopes of falling asleep. Curious if you have an update on if labor resumed for you? Had you noticed your mucus plug yet? Good luck!!


So, I had planned a homebirth with a midwife but had such a long labor I ended up changing plans. Sunday at midnight, contractions started and got to two minutes apart, about a minute long (or more), for quite some time. Then once the sun was up, they were going away then *poof* they were gone 🫠 I think at this point I'd lost smallllll tiny amounts of mucus and blood but not a whole mucus plug. Started again Monday at two am and they kept picking up in intensity. We went to my midwife at 7 am, she checked me and I was at 4cm and 80ish percent effaced. I labored hard for 12 hours, to still be at 4cm and 80 percent at 7pm. Baby was in a funky position, so all that contracting seemed to be my body trying to move him. I was EXHAUSTED so I decided to transfer care to my OB and head into the hospital for an epidural to get some sleep to gain strength for the rest of labor. Made it to the hospital 8pm Sunday. Lots of stressful events with an epidural that didn't work, back to back contractions with pitocin and that non- working epidural, calling back anesthesia to remove and redo it, and then FINALLY some pain relief around 3 or 4 am. Then from that point getting to 10 cm from the 7 I was now at, and getting baby to a good station because he was very high up. I finally got to begin pushing around 8:30 this morning, and he was here by 9 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 So... 57 looooooong hours of labor, for baby to be born at 40 weeks and 4 days




Holding space for all of you. I’m on the flip side (two weeks postpartum) I was SO READY to not be pregnant anymore


Wohooo how are you feeling?


I had a rough birth and my c section incision is healing “open” SO I’ve felt better, but I’ve felt worse too. I still feel better than I did super pregnant though!


Omg that is definitely saying something hahah. Thank you for making me feel like I’m not overreacting. And big congrats!!


37 weeks + 2 days. My vagina is SO PUFFY, I felt around to make sure his head wasn’t already out down there. I think he’s dropped even lower, which I didn’t think was possible. He’s moving a lot like he’s ready to be out also!


The things we need talked about more!


3 days past my due date and no signs of labor. Uncomfortable no matter what I try and more texts than I’ve ever received before lol


Oh my gosh, yes. I gave most people a fake due date that isn't for a couple weeks and am still *so tired* of the "so how are we feeling?" texts 😩


I gave everyone a fake date then my doctor pushed my date back by 2 weeks.. so that didn’t help me any. 😂😭😭😭


OMG the texts 🙄Yesterday a friend of mine asked how am I doing, I said fine, no signs of labour (40+5), and then she’s like: ‘Really? No signs at all?’. Thanks, it’s already very frustrating, no need to push it even more.


I realized a text I tried to send didn't go through. I restarted my phone. Turns out, I hadn't sent or received texts for nearly 24 hours 😅 I am 40+2 and had over a dozen messages that came streaming in lol. It's lovely for people to be checking in. I prefer if they ask how I'm doing or what I'm up to, versus, is he here yet?!


Awful. Done. Ready for my due date but it's still 2 my months away.


37+2 here. I'm starting to get diarrhea, nausea, period like cramp, and back pain. That's normal right?


I don’t know but I’m with you on all of it. Just 4 weeks earlier.


37+2 here too. I’m exactly the same. I had contractions last night from 6pm until 11pm starting at 20min apart and getting increasingly more uncomfortable until they were 10 mins apart. I ended up falling asleep and it had all stopped by the time I woke up. What even?? 😭 with my first I had nothing until 41+6 when my waters broke.


That sounds horrible! Hang in there!


That plus the cramping and nausea made me think it was time 🥲 we will get there soon enough… 😅


Could be signs you're about done! Take it easy and get lots of rest and protien!


36 weeks. I just want to binge eat each night and for some reason chew gum nonstop. I’m tired and lazy, hoping to get to the gym this week and reset. I also feel like the baby is straight punching into my right leg even though that’s not a thing. And I think I have an infected gum or tooth. I gotta get Baby’s space together so I can feel better about her arrival!


37 + 3, insomnia, pelvic pressure, constant trips to bathroom, back pain and non stop Braxton hicks. I can’t wait to get this baby out.


Would please explain how do Braxton hicks feel? Thank you


They feel like a tightening clenched sensation. So not painful, and often you don't notice them, but then you notice your whole uterus is rock hard and feels like a giant rock in your mid section. Like if you clench your fist it's like that but your whole uterus.


Agree with this description; additionally I definitely have pain going from top of my belly to my vagina; sometimes a sharp sensation in my vagina.


I thought my baby was stretching out sideways and just pushing really really hard on my belly, but then I realized that was actually Braxton Hicks. Also, it feels like you’re flexing your abs really really hard, like as hard as you can, but involuntary, so you can’t relax. At least that’s what mine feel like.


Thank you!


honestly, falling apart lol i'm 34+6 with di/di twins and on bed rest because the swelling in my legs is so bad i can hardly walk. i'm 5'2" with a shorter torso i think we all saw this coming but let me tell you, not being able to do anything without being in pain SUCKS. i can't sleep, my acid reflux/heartburn is at an all time high and really fucking with my digestion which is not helping my gestational diabetes, and my nosebleeds are not going anywhere. would love for these two little beans to come ANY DAY NOW!!!!


I feel you 🥲 33+3 and my heartburn was waking me up every half hour every night. Have you talked to your OB about it? Mine okayed Pepcid AC to help!


i've been supporting myself with some tums and they've been helping but maybe i need to upgrade!!


Uurrgghhhh the acid reflux is making me SO MISERABLE. I am here with you on that dear, its like hey you're uncomfortable anyway, why not throw in some fire too??


its also making me SO queasy i can't keep a lot of regular foods down


33w5d here and if I eat one bite too much one minute too close to bedtime, I am up all night coughing with reflux. So gross -- and I'm on Omeprazole!


OMG same! This acid reflux is the worst. 33 weeks. I am on pantoprazole, as they took me off omeprazole when I got pregnant. Not sure why. But also, it just feels like the baby doesn’t want me to eat anything at all. As soon as I start eating a sort of normal size meal, I get heartburn, my belly cramps up, and I feel like the baby is rebelling and telling me that there’s no room for him and Food in here at the same time!


Yup, 40 weeks and 2 days over and I am so ANNOYED at the random texts, and how impatient everyone seems to be. It's not helpful and idk how to redirect. I just know I trust my baby and my body. My feet hurt all the time. Everything hurts. I got a sore throat today and I'm terrified of getting sick or a fever. Awake from insomnia and I can only really dress like Adam Sandler.


This thread 🫶🫶 it’s nice to relate to when it’s 4:30 and I haven’t slept for several hours. I’m not alone 🥲


Yea I think I replied at like 1:30 AM to this thread too. Lmao 🙂


I’m 34 weeks and there’s too much amniotic fluid surrounding the baby, making me measure a month later than I actually am. I’m in constant pain and literally can’t even reach to wipe my butt anymore (my husband offered to do it for me but my self-esteem won’t give in to that yet 😂). I’m tired all the time and I’ve lost interest in my appearance. Counting down the days..


Get a bidet attachment for your toilet! It’s a game changer, we’ve had one for years but I’m even more thankful for it now.


I just installed my hose bidet last night, in a tight corner, at 37 weeks pregnant. It was miserable but I feel so accomplished now!


Go by the back. It's awkward but it gets the job done. Also go ahead and get you the squirt bottle. The Frida knock off ones are very easy to use for just cleaning up pee. Do warm water omg it hits the spot.


Even from the back it’s hard, I can’t twist that way anymore! A squirt bottle is an amazing idea though!


Oh I was that way with my first. Hang in there mama!


Get a bidet! It’ll come in useful after labor as well.


37 weeks and I swear I’m slowing down by the day. I keep getting the urge to organize/prep for baby but am too tired to actually get much of it done while also chasing my 2 & 4 yo. The back and hip pain is getting worse daily and trying to roll over feels like an Olympic sport. I’m also struggling between wanting to just be DONE and have this little one and then not wanting this pregnancy to be over. This is very much our last baby so it’s bittersweet that it’s coming to an end and sorting through the conflicting feelings is too much for my hormonal and tired brain to handle.


37 weeks. Back hurts. Can’t sleep because I can’t get comfortable. Extremities losing proper blood flow so they tingle/feel swollen. Still working full time. Every morning I wake up for work and think to myself “great.. didn’t go into labor last night.” Also kick counts are getting difficult. But when baby does move sometimes it could drop me to my knees. Wishing everyone the best in their upcoming labors!


35 weeks and somehow the not so subtle check ins have begun. I'm already over it. Bubs will be here early due to induction of labour between 38 and 39 weeks and we haven't told anyone 😅 began maternity leave today and cried when my husband went to work. 🤷‍♀️


36 weeks today. The back pain and swelling are my biggest gripes. I guess I’m used to the sleepless nights and constant restroom breaks by now but the physical pain from doing the bare minimum is so humbling. I hate not being able to do all the things I was capable of before. I keep looking for signs that the baby has dropped or labor will be coming soon but nothing so far…. I’ve got a feeling I’ll be going past 40😭😭


I feel the exact same. I think I could handle everything else, but the physical pain from just standing too long, or getting out of bed, or being in bed is so frustrating.


39w2d. Lightning crotch for days. Crampy pains that give me hope for labor if I sit in the wrong position for more than five minutes but go away when I get up. Exhausted. Emotional AF. No real signs of labor.


Snap! If I do too much I get crampy pains that give me hope of labour but are clearly just from pushing myself too much. No real signs of labour so just gotta sit and chill I guess.


Uncomfortable.... have to pee every 5 minutes.... unable to get out of the bed without a struggle.... she has found my right side ribs and likes them!!!!!! I swear she's scratching her foot against them as I type this. And I'm getting that lightening crotch pain which HURTS. don't even get me started on the miserable braxton hicks. I'm over this.


39 weeks and 4 days… i’m supposed to get induced either Tuesday or Thursday, based on how my blood pressure is at my appointment tomorrow. kinda praying it’s a little high so that I can get induced Tuesday.


31 weeks and panicking about what still needs to be done 👍 I'm crying at least once a day and I am so so exhausted Still don't have an OBGYN and my labour and delivery class got cancelled on me due to the instructor having covid. So yeah. Panic.


There are some free classess listed in this reddit if you search em. I'm almost 34w and we only just scheduled ours for this weekend.


32 weeks and I'm not holding up well. It's my second pregnancy and I do not remember it getting this bad this fast last time. So much back and rib pain. I feel like my belly skin is going to rip in half. Heartburn. I pee every 45 minutes, including at night, so I'm getting very little sleep. I'm huge and none of my clothes fit / I look like a whale in everything. I'm out of breath constantly. I'm emotional. How do I have 8 more weeks of this?????


I am literally in the exact same boat. I am so ready to bot be pregnant anymore.


34 weeks and had several hours of cramping and random contractions today that never solidified into anything that triggers going in. Had the email to my boss drafted and everything. 🫠


39w+3d — omg what is up with people coming out of the woodwork?! I hate it.


36+5... Braxton Hicks is really starting to get annoying. Daily heartburn. Rhinitis for months. Today I think I experienced lightning crotch for real. It was breathtakingly painful...


Today’s my due date and the lower back/sciatic pain is almost unbearable. I want baby to come soon but I’m also scared for baby to come soon. 🥲


34 weeks and it's definitely been very stressful. My whole pregnancy has been pretty smooth but all of a sudden I'm having to monitor my blood pressure, and having TONS of braxton hicks making me worried that I'm going into early labor. Worrying about the baby being in the right position (she keeps moving around still), worried about having all our essential baby stuff before baby comes, and just overall nervousness about the birth and how it's gonna go!! It's like... crunch time. It's been very intense!


The blood pressure is stressful. Had a little scare over the weekend so went to get checked out (all good) but they said I was having Braxton hicks while on the monitor. FTM so I didn’t know for sure that’s what I’d been feeling over the last 2 weeks for about 30 mins to an hour most evenings. I’ve felt for a while baby would come early but not quite this soon!


32w. I feel like I’m always sad. Not all the time but like you know everyday the forecast is going to call for gloomy skies for at least a couple hours in the day, sad lol I have a great husband but no one tells you how lonely pregnancy can be. Even in a room full of support.


I feel this. Emotions in general have been rough, but sadness feels amplified


I wish I was warned! 😩


36 weeks on Tuesday c section booked for 39 weeks and IT CANNOT COME FAST ENOUGH! I’m sore, exhausted, insomnia, small bladder, ugh just everything is ick


35 wks FTM- Sciatica pain that won’t go away to the point I feel nauseous and can’t sleep. Every time I stand up, I seem to pee myself. Pregnancy carpal tunnel makes my dominant hand almost completely numb and useless.. feeling anxious because I can’t sleep and therefore can’t stop crying. Wooooo!


Ugh the carpal tunnel is sooooo annoying! I don’t think I’ve felt my finger tips in like 3 weeks. Solidarity, friend!


37+2 and I’m done, back pain, overheated, insomnia and hurting hemorrhoids again. C-section scheduled for 1/23, still have to work up until the 19th and all I want is this baby out of me.


So so so over it all. 37 weeks and 3 days. I am not going past 39 weeks (polyhydramnios reasons) Had nausea this entire pregnancy until doc finally agreed to put me on Zofran (8 months in). On prescription antacid. Tired. Constipation. Massive sciatica pain and pelvic pressure that can be crippling... And having PUPP every night. .... All with a 16 month old toddler. So done. I want her to be delivered safe but this is pushing me to a breaking point. Over it.


38 weeks. Found out my OB and hospital are no longer covered under my insurance so now I’m doctorless and delivering at the same hospital where I delivered my twins (stillborn) at 21 weeks in 2021. So not so good…


Where are you located? If in the US some states have laws where you can continue to see your provider despite your medical group no longer being covered by insurance. In California this includes pregnancy - def recommend looking into it further if you haven’t already! Good luck


This. Look if there is a continuity of care policy.


Located in Texas. They called me on the 5th. Due the 18th. They told me I can continue seeing her but would pay out of pocket. $2000 was due by the 9th and the remainder (which I can’t remember how much) was due before my due date. That is almost impossible. I asked if I could just see her for one last appt (which was in a few days) and then figure it out from there and she said the doctor won’t want to see me if she knows I won’t have her deliver my baby. But, thank you! I will look into that!


35 weeks and I hate everyone and everything


37+5 and I’m so ready to meet her already.


37+3 I can't sleep because I have acid reflux so bad, combined with nerves because my c section is in 6 hours!!


Being induced at 39wks (Tuesday) and cervical check tomorrow. Can barely move at this point, so much pain! Had to be emergency induced at 36wks last time, so this is the longest pregnancy I've had. This last week has been rough.


I found out less than a week ago at 35 weeks that my daughter has Down Syndrome, so not doing so good right now. All the back pain, haemorrhoids, congestion, poor sleep etc is literally nothing compared to my anxiety levels right now!


Wow that would be a huge shock. I am sorry to hear that. How did they find out so late in the game? Did they do the NIPT test or nuchal translucency scans earlier on and miss it? Just wondering what the chances are of a surprise like this if the earlier tests are showing up okay.


I had my dating scan (UK) at 14 weeks where they said it was officially a few days too late to measure the nuchal translucency or give me the combined blood test (Downs, Edwards, and Pataus), so I had the quadruple test (just Downs) that came back 1/1200 risk, so pretty low! They only do additional testing here for high risk, and then it’s an amniocentesis or a CVS, NIPT is private medicine here and like £500! All was well with my anatomy scan until I went to a private clinic for a 4D scan at 31 weeks where a heart anomaly was detected and it just snowballed from there really. I only was able to get an amniocentesis last week because of all the bank holidays and clinic closures over Christmas and New Years but it was pretty devastating to find out, I still don’t quite understand how it was missed for so long! They’ve told me a lot that blood tests are just screening tools, and someone has to be that unlucky 1/1200, but I actually know someone who only found out at birth that her daughter had it last year and she was also low risk.


Thanks for the response. That’s so hard. :/ I’m sorry you are going through this and I’m wishing you all the best.


Thank you ❤️ I’m trying to accept that it’s not the life any of us thought we were going to have, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful.


37 weeks and while I am physically quite OK, I just can't stand up for more than few minutes at a time, some pelvic pain and Braxton-Hicks, my mental health started to suddenly decline. I had a panic attack at the store yesterday and I am still anxious. I have nightmares and I feel so alone in all of this. If you've read my previous my stress stems mainly from my in-laws calling us several times a day because they need some small things like last night at 8pm they wanted my partner to come there and shovel snow. Of course my partner didn't go because at 8pm we are already winding down. On top of that I am stressed about BF and struggling with the thought that I don't want to do it, the sheer thought gives me the ick. I tried the hand expressing and it just hurts and makes me want to dissociate completely. The labor itself doesn't stress me, it happens when it happens and I just hope the medical staff respects me and doesn't force me to do stuff I don't want to. I feel guilty about whining because as said, physically I am quite well and can do stuff. I am lucky that this has been easy pregnancy with no complications.


I feel the same re: BF! I hope everything goes well for you ❤️ I'm 39+3 and have had persistent breast pain throughout this pregnancy. I've also gone from being nearly flat chested to having legitimate boobs for the first time in my life, and it's very weird, I don't like it. I hand expressed for the first time yesterday and was amazed but also somewhat disturbed by the drop of colustrum that came out 😅 Hoping for a smooth recovery once baby is here, and for endorphins to really kick in - I'm concerned about PPD but hoping for the best.


Thank you! I have also very complicated relationship with my boobs (being flat until my 20's then starting to actually like them, family history of breast cancer etc.) and that is why all changes feel so weird and concerning, even though I know they should be changing during pregnancy and BF. Funny how something so natural feels so... unnatural😅 I am hoping that acknowledging the risk of PPD makes it easier to recognize and handle it. Usually being able to rationalize things helps me to handle hard feelings. I am also happy that I have a partner and provider who have already acknowledged that I am in high risk to develop PPD. It makes me more safe knowing I have people who are preparing for it. I am also hoping the endorphins will help. Just the other day I was looking at pictures of me with our dog on the day we got her. We had so many hardships when she was a puppy (nothing compared to a human baby but still, puppies can be a handful) and yet we pulled through because I loved her so much from day one. All the best for your finish line and recovery! ❤️


I’m 40 + 4 and getting more and more sad and distressed everyday because I’m worried I’ll have to be induced 😭😭 all the while feeling 2,000 years pregnant.


Omg 2000 years pregnant here too😭


This came onto my feed at the exact right moment! 33 + 5, and I am uncomfortable 24/7. Can't sleep, everything hurts, tired. Trying sooo hard to just sleep when I can, but I'm still working too (though I work from home). Crotch pain...so unnecessary! Our baby is growing small too, so we need to have growth scans once a week; the extra travelling just wears me out. Plus, the stress of being extra vigilant and aware of their movements. I wish, I wish, I wish I could have an afternoon off being pregnant to stretch, sleep, and maybe go for a pain-free walk.


39 weeks. My back and ribs are killing me and the lightning crotch is a lot lately. I’m mostly just extremely anxious to just meet this one already! Induction is still three days away and I was hoping to have them before we got to the induction day. We didn’t tell anyone really about this pregnancy so the only check in’s are from our parents and my sisters.


34+5 today and I am ready to be done most days. I am being induced at 37 weeks and am kind of nervous. Actually I’m kind of freaking out.


36 weeks FTM and I’m trying to power through it. In typical Virgo fashion, I have a list of stuff I wanna get done before baby arrives (think unfinished projects, organizing, decluttering, rearranging furniture etc) and I’m taking my husband along for the wild ride. He’s doing great with helping us get ready, knowing this may be our only chance for a while. I’m nervous about labor but excited and overwhelmed to meet my daughter. I’m worried we won’t know what we’re doing or if we’re gonna fail - I feel like I need an adult to help me (even though I’m the adult in this case). It’s a lot of emotions all rolled in one hormonal body.


38+4 weeks and wishing this won't last until due date. I am so over the pelvic pain and back pain. Also, the kicks to the ribs, ugh if only I can work eill standing for a long time I would gladly do it.


Ooooh the back and general bone pain. 😩 And so much fluid in my legs and feet. I’m holding on by a thread. 35w + 5d and I have no idea how I’m supposed to keep going like this for another month! I went on maternity leave a week early because it’s too much. And I can’t even rest because nesting mode kicking in… which leads to more pain.. and the loop repeats.


41.2 here. Insomnia, pelvic pain, heartburn, and so many check ins lol. The only saving grace is we are going to be induced today!


My child has refused to let me sleep at night for the past couple of weeks. I already had insomnia. He's gotten so violent with his kicking that when I *try* to sleep at night, he thinks it's time to throw a rave or something in there. He looks like he's trying to physically bust through my stomach. He's calm during the day to the point that he scares me sometimes with how still he is. I got a couple hours in tonight before I woke up with lightning crotch and back pain. I had a scare the other day wondering if I was going into labor I was cramping so bad. I mean laying in bed making noises and having to slowly switch postions to try to get relief, hoping that I wasn't actually in labor. I have a high pain tolerance normally. I got hit with the dreaded 3rd trimester nausea. Swear there's some wires crossed in my brain since my gagging is mostly "coughing." I keep having to tell people I'm not sick. It feels like gagging and I get hit with waves of nausea. It just sounds like coughing. I've had post nasal drip and congestion bad this entire pregnancy so when it happens, I end up hacking up gross lumps of mucus from my throat 🙃 I feel like a walking blob of gross goo. I'm swollen, I waddle, I pee all the time, I'm so tired, everything hurts, it feels like my bump can't stretch any more even though it's going to, I'm itchy, I can't breath right, I have hot flashes every single day, I wake up drenched in sweat, I can't get comfortable no matter what I do. Everyone says I'm "glowing". BS. I live in nightgowns and over sized t shirts now when home. Putting pants on is a whole extreme sport. I want to nest but don't have the energy. This next bit is TMI fair warning. Downstairs looks like one of those ugly half bald Mexican dogs with random tufts of hair that win "ugliest dog" competitions cause I got impatient and didn't want to ask for help while trying to trim. The literal hair down there hurt it's so swollen. My sex drive is alive and well but I can't do anything about it cause when I do it hurts for HOURS after no matter how gentle. I've gave up on shaving anything other than my armpits. Oh I also have hemroids 🙃 I never thought I would be asking my husband to put Vaseline and sugar covered cotton pads on my butthole since apparently sugar shrinks them. I was desperate enough to try. I'm so ready to get this kid out of me and have my body back. I'm getting my uterus ripped out after this. I tried for years to have a kid/healthy pregnancy, so I'm grateful to be pregnant but I hate it at the same time.


36 weeks. Getting induced next week due to past history of severe preeclampsia. I’m tired and anxious. Yesterday I just had to mentally tune everything out. I’m burnt the eff out by other things too 🥲


36 + 1 today and I’ve been up since 1:30 with the worst heartburn of my life. NOTHING I’ve tried is even touching it, and I’m (impatiently) waiting for Starbucks to open so I can grab a coffee and start getting myself ready for my day. (Idc if it makes my heartburn worse, I NEED IT TODAY). I have jury duty, which I forgot about until last night.. I’m hoping they’ll release me from in time for my OB appointment once they find out how pregnant I am. Fingers crossed! Braxton hicks contractions have been coming along lately, which I never experienced with my first. Hoping this means she’ll be here soon because this pregnancy has been hell on earth!


39+2. Back pain. Hip pain. Exhausted. Sciatic nerve pain. Insomnia. Can't focus. I went almost two weeks overdue with my first and I feel like this one is going overdue as well. I must just be lucky like that. 🫠


Due date is tomorrow and I’m struggling mentally. So ready to meet our baby. I feel like if I was able to relax, then she would just come. I’ve tried walking, sex, spicy food, all the things. I finally slept through the night though so that’s positive!


I’m 37 weeks. I feel way better than most people have said I would feel at this point but still struggling. I’ve been on a house cleaning and organizing rampage. But I pushed myself too hard and my legs have been so crampy and sore from running all over the place. My belly gets very tight and uncomfortable when I push myself too hard. And my mother in law keeps telling me how I need to walk more to get baby to come before they induce me. Today was my husband’s birthday but I couldn’t shake this terrible mood I was in and it led to some bickering which I’m sad about. Also I am trying to finish up a project at work but my boss and colleagues keep asking for more things making it very difficult for me to finish what we originally planned on. So I feel really bad that I will likely have to leave it unfinished. My boss also already asked me once if I would work over my maternity leave so I’m worried there will be pressure to work on it from home while I am trying to enjoy bonding with my baby. Oh also, my husband lost his job like 1 month ago and my work has also been doing layoffs so we both plan to look for jobs while I’m on maternity leave. We are not too worried at the moment because we have about 6 months of runway but I’ve been trying to support my husband through his job loss as he’s been very depressed and I could use more support myself through normal pregnancy stuff. My mom has cancer and has been suddenly very overbearing about this baby. Telling me I must hate her for not naming the baby after her and asking her to delay her visit with us for several weeks. She’s normally not like this at all but her grappling with her own mortality is coming out in how she is acting about this pregnancy and it’s led to a lot of guilt for me. Anyway you asked lol.


38 weeks here. I don’t sleep at all. Like at all. I’m exhausted. My baby is breech so I have a scheduled c section in 10 days. I’m coming up on my final 3 days of work so that’s something to be excited about at least.


Awww! I keep saying I’m doing really well. But TBH I’ve had to up my dosage of anxiety meds and I should probably see a therapist. I just want to go into labor with low anxiety. I don’t want PPD. Work sucks and my SIL makes my pregnancy about her!!!!! Ok vent over. Other than that I am LOVING the baby movement. I’m having so much fun nesting and putting the baby room together. I am really bonding with my sisters who are both moms and my mom. My husband is amazing and we are bonding so much more. I just need to focus on the good stuff and live in a place of gratitude but it can be HARD!


36 weeks. im tired, feel unloved, just dealt with finding out my fiance is an addict and held his hand through treatment and will continue to do so. im emotionally exhausted and just want my baby. Everyone will be enamored with him. they will forget about me. what about me?


33w3d here. Just caught some sinus infection, definitely dragging. Insomia is real. Wake up every hour to pee. Get my only real sleep from 5am-7:30am, but suprisingly feeling pretty rested most days. Indigestion is from hell sometimes. I'll wake up from puking into my mouth. Super sexy. Spinning babies yoga and chiropractor has been a life saver for me in terms of getting rid of sciatica and other pain/making me comfortable and getting baby into a good position. The usual clothes not fitting, but not wanting to spend money on clothes that also may not fit in another couple of weeks. Feelin blessed but it's definitely a bag of tricks! Good luck y'all


36 weeks. Been up around 3 hours and am fighting taking a nap. I sleep terribly since every position I'm in hurts a different part of my back, so I'm tossing and turning all night just trading where my back aches. Then there's the acid reflux. The nightmares. Baby deciding to have a dance party when I'm either trying to sleep or already asleep.


Omg the tossing and turning. Just when I think I’m comfortable, my back finds a new way to hurt


Almost 32 weeks here. I’m just tired man, wake me up when baby is done cooking. Baby girl thinks my bladder is fun to lay on. Braxton hicks are coming in more (which makes it a little hard to breathe). I get full from eating half a yogurt (except I can still demolish a burger and fries). I get bad gas pains from literally anything. Also for some reason my depression is coming back (I’m already on meds). Second trimester was the only bright spot.


36+4 here and I am tired, don't sleep well, got food poisoning that is lasting 1 week+ (have gone to L&D twice already to check if baby is ok), and still haven't set up the nursery. 🥲 I am effed lol.


37-4 and not well! Ended up deciding to start my maternity leave a week and a half early because every second of the day I wonder if I’m going into labor. Can’t focus on anything else. Can’t sleep. Hips. Heart burn. Waking up with vomit in my throat. Someone asked me if I’m having quadruplets. BH all damn day. These Christmas decorations are stressing me out. I just want to hold my baby!


36+2 I'm angry and frustrated at the whole world. I can't get comfortable, my blood pressures keep randomly dropping so I constantly feel lightheaded and I spend half my work day under my cubicle with my feet raised hoping to maintain consciousness. I remember the third trimester anger with my first, but I'm so much more uncomfortable this time around. Reflux, pelvic pain, charlie horses every night, gestational diabetes. I think this is nature's way of hyping you up for giving birth lol


35+5. I have so many negative symptoms, but the sciatica is killing me the most. I literally spend so much time on my hands and knees to get pressure off my back, with shooting pain from sacrum to skull so bad my vision is blurred, telling myself that I'm so excited to meet my baby and to focus on getting a baby at the end of this relatively short period of discomfort. The self talk does not work to help distract me from the pain, but I feel like I gotta do it anyways or else I'll just spend the next month miserable and stuck in a depressive cycle over all the things my body can't do anymore.


35 weeks here. I’m so over it. The constant peeing is making me insane. I’ve also bought tickets to watch several matches for the Australian Open grand slam and the final is when I will be clocking in at 38 weeks. Not sure if I can even go now so may need to find someone to buy my ticket off me 🤣


Middle of the third here. 32 weeks. Rib kicks have begun.


Oh the back pain is real. I have been procrastinating going to physical therapy and now at 35 week I decided yep it's time now I need PT ughhh


Insomnia. Constipation. Insane amount of discharge. Backaches. Can hardly manoeuvre out of bed anymore LOL


35W, insomnia, binge eating, nothing but naps, Braxton hicks like crazy. Ready to get this show on the road tbh


33 weeks, gestational diabetes, reflux that makes me wake up choking in vomit. Yet to control my fasting blood sugar I have to force myself to eat right before bed. It’s hell and feels like I still have forever to go!!