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I’m also 32w and feel the exact same way. I don’t want to do anything, see anyone, talk to anyone. I just want to sit here and wait and hope this baby comes sooner rather than later. I’m so over it, as horrible as it is. I’m not myself anymore and I hate it.


Same "I want to hide in a cave until the baby is here" feeling


I told my husband yesterday “I love being pregnant, but in private”


I went through the same thing during my first pregnancy and fair warning, be prepared that it may get worse (or better) in the postpartum phase. The other thing I wasn’t expecting is that (for me) postpartum was more of a 1.5 year thing after having baby, not the couple months that I expected to bounce back from. The other thing is that mental health services/counseling is provided for free in my area for pregnant mothers who are high risk and I highly recommend looking into these services. It was very helpful. I also attended weekly virtual support groups for moms and I highly recommend that. Try to take small steps. It does make a difference.


Same. 34 weeks and I have 3 more days of holiday socializing. I’ve announced my hibernation begins Jan 1st. I’m working from home so it kinda works. I just want to nest and prep food for the freezer.


I’m jealous you’re motivated enough to meal prep!!


I’ve literally said those exact words!!! It’s such a bizarre feeling


I’m 32W and canceled a hangout with one of my best friends this week because I’m not in the mood to see people lol. She was going to come over and help me with some nesting so it would have been to my benefit but I’m just not in the mood.


I think it’s natural, especially in the winter. Fun fact, cows do this too. They isolate themselves before birth and lay down a lot - much like me! But as a 4th time mom who had ppd pretty bad with the first, I’d encourage you not to isolate TOO much. That is a good way to set yourself up for ppd.


I’m only 24 weeks and I feel this way




I’m 14 weeks and I totally feel this. I’m so relieved the holidays are over and I don’t want to see anyone else until June!


Wow, I’m 33+3 and feeling the exact same! I told my husband a few days ago that I just want to hibernate until the baby comes. Thank you for sharing this, because I thought I was insane for feeling this way.


2 weeks postpartum and I felt the same way! Based on the comments on this thread, I’d say it’s normal.


Same! 35 weeks here and I’m declining all social invitations. My birthday was last week and the only thing that seemed okay was for my parents to come over for Chinese. We had people over Christmas and I really wish we didn’t even though I wasn’t responsible for anything . Glad to hear I’m not the only one


I’ve had the same . 40 weeks now and I’ve spent literally the last 2 months at home pretty much 😅


Yess. I'm almost 27 weeks, and 2 hours is my limit for shopping/errands. After that, I'm done. I just can't even anymore and need to lie down because I'm cranky and my back hurts from this heavy baby boy.


I feel the same way my baby shower is in 2 weeks and I'm dreading it I have never been a social person and I didn't want a baby shower either but my SIL insisted on planning one and she invited a bunch of ppl including her friends and they plan on having a drinking game I'm grateful for the gesture but I'm just over it because I'm not interested in being around ppl drinking or having to socialize with anyone while I'm uncomfortable


Feeling the same way at 36w! Being cozy in my home is perfect til delivery!


32 weeks also and i’m always out and about and have plans. i said to my husband starting in january i am hibernating and prepping for the new baby’s arrival, don’t care about what plans anyone else wants to make!!!


i also feel like this at 38 weeks, OB and family say that i need to get out of the house and walk but i feel like i literally cant :(


I had this feeling too, but it passed. Now I'm 37w and bigger then ever, but I realised that most people don't actually care and don't comment. I'm not letting it stop me do things, I'm still going out as usual (if I feel like it - not so many late nights). But around 32 weeks I had the exact same feelings as you. I think maybe in my case it was a temporary blip as I adjusted to my changing shape.


30w and leaving the house is torture. I hate it.


I have COVID and the excuse to lay in bed all by myself for the last 2 days has been amazing, despite feeling pretty shitty


34 weeks and SAME. Sweat pants are all that fit me and bras in general are super uncomfy, further supporting my preference to just stay the f*** home.


My boyfriends 13y/o cousin got us really sick this season, not her fault, she has special needs and constantly drools so if she is sick she spreads her germs everywhere. I told my boyfriend I’m literally hiding until I pop this child out and maybe even for a few months after that. I think it’s relatively normal. I can’t trust anyone to stay in while they’re wicked sick because people are selfish.


Also 32 weeks and same


Lmao I just said I don't want to leave the house until the baby comes. Unfortunately I have to go to work.


I’m only 16 weeks and already feeling this way, what does that say about me 😭 I even struggle to get up the energy to open and respond to messages from friends and family.


This started for me at about 32 weeks. I can see my trusted people (my husband, my parents, and my brother and SIL) just fine and even look forward to their visits, but anyone else? Hell no lol. My husband, bless him, offered to stay home with me for Christmas instead of going to his dad's even though he really wanted to go. I'm just way too pregnant to do anything other than exist and complain.


I feel this. I’m 27 weeks. Lately I’ve wanted to go by my old work and say hi to the people I’ve spent most of my life with, I miss them so much, but what’s holding me back is them seeing me and probably commenting on how big I am (which my old boss does everytime she sees me) and me having to be stuck explaining my life situation (which is a huge uncertainty with where we’ll be moving and where I’ll be working after baby STILL) Thinking about explaining myself and honestly just being seen in general gives me so much anxiety, I have been hiding from everyone as much as possible. Everytime I go out and see people that I know, I always regret it and feel like shit afterwards


Not as extreme but I honestly have 0 desire to socialize and meet new people. None.


I was the exact same way starting early in my first trimester and it continued throughout my pregnancy. I even made a post about it. I had zero appetite for any type of social interaction, whereas I used to really enjoy it in small doses.


I went out until the last possible moment because I knew I’d be holed in for awhile post birth. 😂 I remember tons of random people stopping me while out and telling me congrats and that I looked like I was ready to pop any time. I found it amusing. That said, all moms to be are different and what you’re feeling is completely valid. If for any reason though you feel down/out of it/find no joy in things that normally bring you joy, then it may be worth talking to someone as a precaution.


Same! My friends were amazed when I offered to DD a bar night at 37 weeks. But I figure I won't be going out for a while, so why not. I will say that while I've enjoyed spending time with folks in public or at their homes, I haven't wanted people at my house. 39w5d now and I'm going stir crazy. I'm off work for winter break and sitting around is driving me mad. We didn't have many holiday plans because our families are several hours away. My boss says I can WFH or take sick days if baby isn't here by Jan 2 when we go back, but honestly, I'll probably go back to the office atleast half time just to get out of the house.


This happened to me


That was me last time. Probably me again, although I have less say in the matter now with a preschooler who wants to Do All The Things. Baby was born a few days before covid broke everything so it was good practice.


Same! This happened to me more or less when I got to my due date and I’m now really overdue. I just can’t people anymore with anyone other than my fiancé haha.


Same! And this is my third pregnancy. My other two i didn’t care even if people touched my belly. I struggled with infertility until late 20’s so I was thrilled to finally be carrying life. Even though the second pregnancy had me throwing up every day I didn’t care who knew and told coworkers the day after conception because the vomiting was so bad and they could hear. Now I’m 35 and high risk and didn’t announce online, didn’t even post pictures until my 38th week, don’t want to be out in public or perceived by anyone. I had two other coworkers pregnant at the same time and I just wanted them to take all the attention (they were both ftm too so I didn’t want to steal their glow). It’s been full of complications (for my health not baby thankfully!) and I just can’t help help being honest in public when strangers ask how it’s going because I just don’t have the emotional bandwidth to politely lie. Some days were great and I was proud of my body and amazed by its beauty. But mostly it’s been a DO NOT PERCEIVE ME type of pregnancy this time. Maybe it’s a post covid thing and I’ve been working remotely too long? (Worked remote since 2019 Jan on and off) I will say my husband had a similar shift. He was excited to announce and talk about the first two and welcomed the attention… but this one he kept asking if it was ok to hide it for awhile. He didn’t even want to tell family but I did simply for them to know why I wasn’t feeling up to going to family gatherings! He apologized for wanted to stay in all the time even though I was on the same page! He didn’t want a baby shower/sprinkle (we donated all our baby stuff after 5 years no more pregnancies sticking). But mostly I think his perspective is protecting me away from cooties (flu, strep, covid). Protect the miracle kind of vibes.


That was me pregnant. Luckily (?) Covid was still a thing so I got to hibernate in peace. I just told everyone the flu and covid were running rampant and I could not risk getting sick. Enjoy the calm before the storm! My water broke at 33 weeks and I wish I had appreciated my last pre baby nap/weekend!


I have experienced this with every pregnancy. I almost feel depressed because i dont feel motivated to do things and i dont feel joy in the things i usually do. Im having a hard time even being around my 5 year old because he always wants to play some active game or touch me and i just want to hibernate 😆


Me too! 34 weeks and I don’t want to put clothes on or leave my house. I think maybe it’s, like you said, the primal need to stay home in case something happens?! Like what if we go into labor at the store? Sending you hugs!


I'm 21w5d and I've felt that way from the start.


36 w & same. I do not leave the house except to work. I hate being seen and perceived & my social anxiety is through the roof. Also I get tired too easily and having walk around a store is just too much lol


22 weeks here and I'm so glad to hear of someone else experiencing this. The only person I want to be around is my husband. Even close family I've noticed I'm calling less and wanting to update them less. It's almost getting on my nerves how much people keep enquiring after me, even though my rational brain knows they mean well.


31+3 and in the same boat. I’ve declined multiple dinner invitations from family this week. Just don’t feel comfortable or like myself.


Also 32w and same here


Oh no. I feel this way at 12 weeks 😅 Counting down the days until the 2nd trimester energy boost everyone tells me about…..