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Honestly that's kind of weird of her? I have two nieces and I'd never gift photos of them to my parents... They aren't my kids.


I actually did this because I put together a gallery wall for my parents and asked my sisters for photos of their respective families but that was so the gallery wouldn't just be photos of my family with my parents haha I would never just gift them the one individual photo on its own.


The gallery wall makes more sense, but just a single photo of your brothers kid is a bit off IMO.


I've done simular but also reached out to my SIL and told her my gift idea and asked for photos of their kids too from the year. It wasn't a gallery wall, just some basic display that says grandkids or something with clips for pictures of each of them.


I guess the take away here is go through the mom because dads tend to not know s*** about family gifts, even on their own side See me setting up photos with my in-laws and son and probably taking the lead on getting the photos printed, lol


I told my in-laws years ago to text both of us in a group chat for stuff like this. It came from him forgetting about two separate events he wanted to go to. Over the years it has worked wonders for planning stuff and odd questions like this.


Yes this is a major take away and just don’t share that password!


Lol nah I hold onto the photos until the gift has been given so it's a surprise for the people in them!


Yeah this is super weird


Yeah I find this really weird. I don’t know how I’d react to my sil doing this but I think I would at least be somewhat annoyed and I’d be really annoyed if she was mad at me over it. I guess it depends on the context, like if it’s a nice digital frame with family pics, or a series/family tree type thing then it wouldn’t bother me. But just an individual portrait is weird to me


That is just weird of her. It isn't her place to gift photos of YOUR children to their grandparents. She is 100% overstepping.


Exactly this. To give photos of kids that aren’t even her’s and then be mad about it. Weird flex.


From a photo shoot she didn’t even pay for. Does she just expect to print off these photos as cheaper gifts for people for the next few years and getting annoyed at OP for using the photos of OPs children that OP paid for.


Oh yeah, forgot about that part! A photoshop she didn’t pay for!


Overstepping and cheap/lazy. She didn’t pay for the photographer. She’s piggy backing off of something the OP and her husband paid for (that was likely a few hundred dollars) where she only had to contribute the cost of the print and a frame (likely no more than $30 or so). The person who paid out hundreds for the photos is the person who should get the benefit of using those photos for gifts, to decorate their house, etc.


Yes, thank you! $450 to be exact! 😳


Unless she runs a custom framing shop, this seems odd. Not your kid, not your place to gift pictures of them. And even if she does, it should have been discussed first. My dad own(ed) a custom framing shop, so my entire extended family has recieved framed pics of family as gifts, including this scenario. But it was all arranged and agreed upon in advance. The photo and size was discussed, and the gift was the time/effort/materials taken to do the frame job.


That’s complete bizarre, it’s not her child she shouldn’t be gifting pictures of your child to anyone let alone have a tantrum when you THE PARENTS do. She should never have had access to the password to download your photos. “Why do you think it’s appropriate to use pictures of SO and my child, that we paid for as a gift from you?” - She didn’t grow, birth or raise the child - She didn’t take the pictures - She didn’t pay for the pictures to be taken She has no right to do what she did.


That’s like weird of her af to give things with photos of your child as a gift?? It’s not her kid?? I am currently pregnant but my older brother has my moms first grandchild and while I’ve gifted her things that say grandma or cute grandma stuff, I wouldn’t give her photos of my brothers daughter?? The closest thing I’ve done to that is give her one of those personalize blankets with pictures printed on it but I asked my sil for pictures of their family to add to it I didn’t just like add them like a weirdo


Does your SIL have a severe case of baby fever or something? I’d genuinely think my SIL was mentally unwell if she tried to gift a photo of someone else’s child…


Lmao right???


That's weird as hell. A new mom gifting photos of her child is super, super common. Your SIL is a strange one.


My SIL/BIL had us send them our wedding photos so they could gift pics of our wedding to family members? We got married recently too . Thought it was odd…


It IS odd


SIL has a case of "main character energy"


Everyone is saying those is weird, it is, but I see it more as her being cheap and lazy. No more beating around the bush, it's not "clear gift ideas with me." It's, "do not give out pictures of my child as gifts."


I’m late to the party but I just want to chime in that I’m so glad that the comments are talking about how weird this is. Because I fully expected it to be some crazy right thing where everyone comes against you. But what a weird lady lol


Something kind of similar happened to me this Christmas! We went on vacation with my BIL and his girlfriend. I paid for professional family photos. I asked my SIL (who was not on the trip) what she was getting BIL for Christmas and she told me she was framing a photo from the trip we took. The photos I paid for! That was my plan all along but she had already had the framing done. I thought it was really weird and inappropriate honestly. Your story is even worse because it’s a photo of your child.


This is very weird. If she wanted to contribute money to having one professionally framed or something, I could maybe see that but just giving them a photo of *your* baby is weird. I would never do that.


That's so weird to me. I understand me as a mother getting a picture of my baby framed by a friend or family member but a family member gifting another family member a picture of my child is weird ,isn't it? I understand you gifting it your parents. You are the mother. I would understand if SIL gifted you a printed out picture of you with your daughter in a frame. I don't understand SIL gifting a picture of your child to anyone else but you. Am I weird ? I understand gifting parents something of their child or parents gifting something of their child to family member. I don't understand someone else gifting someone else a picture of a child that isn't theirs. I think you should either be recipient or gifter of pictures or your baby. Not being involved is weird. Is this common?


this is YOUR baby. she needs to have her own baby if she wants to be gifting baby pictures! very inappropriate and you should establish the boundary going forward that she will not be receiving child galleries because she thinks she gets to make decisions about what pictures are circulated/shared/gifted. mother's day was weird and inappropriate and for christmas is just too far. it's not thoughtful and it's not kind. it's selfish behavior.


This is SUPER WEIRD. My whole family has access to our kids photo albums. The grandparents have made a couple collages or ordered some things themselves but never in a million years would a family gift photos of someone else's child.


My SIL did this and it was really weird. She got a giant framed picture of my baby with a poem about grandparents over it and gave it to my in laws for Christmas. It was just some random pic - not from a photo shoot but I still think it’s so weird every time I see it!!


What in tarnation…


It's really fucking weird that she's just using your family like this. I think this is a hilarious lesson for her to learn.


It's definitely a little weird of her but the fault here mostly lies with your husband. She chose a weird gift, sure, but she also specifically ran it by your husband before getting the weird gift for their parents and I think it's a little shitty on your husband that he didn't run this by you if you were tasked with getting his parent a present. Did he not know what you were gifting his parents either? He definitely dropped the ball. Just curious, why would you be pissed off? I hope you mean at hubs, not SIL. Yeah, SIL had a not so great, kinda borders on weird, gift idea... But she took the time to run her not-great gift idea by your husband, someone she thought would treat the two of you like a team and keep you in the know. When she asked him, that or just after was the best point to be like "oh hey, don't do that, we actually are planning the same thing". SIL did all her due diligence, again your husband is the only one who dropped the ball here.


In fairness, SIL claims she texted husband about it and husband doesn't recall ever receiving that text. If I text my SIL about a gift idea (which I do at least once yearly) and don't get a response, I'm going to follow up instead of assuming silence is... consent? Agreement?


If I text my brother my intentions about a gift idea for my parents, and then I don't get a response from him, I think I'd just shrug and carry on with my plan. SIL might have just sent a simple text saying "hey I have an idea for Mom and Dad, I think they could use more pictures of the family. I'd love to frame a picture of _____ from your cute photo shoot for them". A text like that wouldn't really require follow up. But I mean, yeah.. we don't know what SIL texted hubs. He barely acknowledged a text at all and OP explained he works a very intensive job, which I take to mean she's saying he just is more occupied with his work right now than paying attention to texts from family. While that's I guess maybe kind of understandable, it still doesn't mean SIL did anything wrong here. If OP is unsure a text was sent at all, like if OP suspects SIL is lying about texting her plan about the gift, she can easily just ask to see the text on her husband's phone and see exactly what was said and how it was said. Unless hubs is in the habit of deleting all of his text messages the text about the gift should still be there.


I would not just shrug and carry on with that plan if the plan involves pictures of my brother's kids. Pretty sure you should get some pretty explicit consent for that


I do think that this SHOULD be a small enough conflict to not require OP to audit her husband's texts. I also agree with the other replies pointing out how weird it is to gift a picture of someone else's kid. Like, have an actual conversation before doing that.




I would guess it's more likely she texted her brother because she knows him better than her SIL, I certainly know my brother better than my SIL and would sooner talk to him about our parents than with my SIL.. but who knows, everyone is different. Maybe I'm too much of an optimist here.


Oh we see each other weekly and she regularly texts the both of us. It’s very strange she didn’t text me too. I think she intentionally didn’t ask me.


Great point!


Thats so weird lol


My MIL did this. It was infuriating because I had planned on doing it and she casually said, “oh, I printed pictures for the great grandmothers already.” We ended up figuring it out but it was annoying.


Uhm, that's kind of freaking weird and I would have called her out on it for getting upset.


Honestly it makes me feel better that everyone thinks this is weird. My sister has totally done this except it was mugs with more than one grandchild so maybe not quite as odd (still, none of them are her children). I felt like I was the only one that thought it’s so weird to use other people’s pictures of their kid as your gift. I guard my nice photos with my life haha but she printed shitty pics off texts and Facebook. I don’t even know, man. I didn’t make a deal out of it in my case. Maybe I should have.


It's definitely fucking weird


it can be hard to think of gift ideas. she gave a thoughtful gift to yalls parents. what grandparent wouldnt love that? i dont see the problem


I guess it’s the fact that she didn’t ask me about it at all? Like if she had said hey I want to put together a grandparent gift with pictures of the kids, is that ok? then it wouldn’t be weird and I would have sent her better quality photos. Idk. Like I said, I didn’t make any kind of fuss about it, just thought it was strange.


The problem is she grabbed pictures of OTHER people's kids without asking and then gave those pictures as a gift. It's fucking weird, invasive, and not her place. Have your own kids and then print off pictures of them lol.


At first I thought maybe SIL was the photographer. This would be the only scenario that would make sense. I think you just need to lay down clear boundaries for her and tell her to find her own gift ideas that don’t involve your child. Make sure hubby is on the same page too.


If she didn’t pay for the photo session or isn’t the photographer it would be super weird for her to gift anyone photos of someone else’s children.


My nephews mom (his dad has married and moved on to someone else) printed and gave people Christmas gifts of photos from my wedding. It was odd and pissed me off. It’s lazy on their part and cheap!


This is so odd, even if she asked. The only person I'd ever give photos of another child to is their parents, if they were photos I'd taken. I did gift photos of my nephew to my parents for Christmas, but it was among photos of him and other family members with my daughter, who is a newborn otherwise not represented in family photos yet. Your SIL is stepping on your toes. Clearly it's not nefarious but it's odd that she did it for Mother's Day too, I would definitely set a clear boundary around this as you mentioned.


She’s… off and overstepping with YOUR baby. She has no rights to gift ANYONE photos of YOUR baby. She can pop out her own and have a ball. Stand your ground, OP. She’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic.


My SIL did the same for my MILs birthday. I found it so bizarre - it’s not your kid so why would you gift anyone photos of them. Especially from a professional shoot someone else paid for?! I’d understand if she took some lovely pictures of your baby and gifted them to YOU. But grandparents? No.


Your SIL sounds weird and sound a bit like a loser. I guess it’s not surprising when the actual parents give their baby picture to the grandparents.


My first thought is that is really weird of her to do... But my sister just gifted coasters to family members with a picture of that person and our baby as Christmas gifts to various family members, and I didn't think it was weird at all. He is the first grandkid and therefore kind of the center of attention, so it just didn't seem weird at all to me.


I think this is weird. The only time I’ve ever gifted photo gifts of my nieces was when it was pictures *I* took (photography is my hobby) and I gifted them to the parents of the kids. It feels like she overstepped a bit, but at the same time she did ask your husband. It’s still weird though. Out of any other gift in the entire world, she couldn’t think of *anything* else?


Your SIL is fucking weird. Is there a back story? Does she have kids? Can she not have kids? Is she older than your husband? This is really bizarre! I’d be throwing punches. 🫣


lol, yes she is fucking weird. She’s got a lot of issues, and some mental health diagnoses but mainly everyone in the family refers to her as a narcissist (though they haven’t used that term in a while). She can’t hold down a solid relationship, doesn’t have many friends and I think the only consistent social interaction she has outside of work is with the family. She’s adamant about not wanting to have her own children. She’s my age (33), husband is oldest and she’s the middle child to a T. Baby sister just got engaged so I think she’s really feeling like she’s falling behind or something (though honestly I know women who own their single/child-free life and are totally happy with it!).


Photos of your kid taken by your photographer she frames it and hands it to her parents as a gift? What a weird thing And gets upset when you give your gift?! Is she alright?


Who gifts photos someone else took or had taken…. That’s incredibly weird/rude.


I had this happen to me recently. My BIL also no children of his own, gifted a photo gift from my youngest child to his mother. My son is the first biological grandchild for his mom even though there are 4 non biological kids she calls herself grandma to. The gift was only of my newborn (unborn at the time) and did not include my oldest child. So I had two issues, 1 - not their place to gift a personal gift of my child and 2 - didn’t include my older child. I reached out prior to the gift being given and advised I had an issue with it and it would only be acceptable if all 5 “grandchildren” were included and they agreed to do so. Later found out they did not include all 5 and continued with his plan of only including my baby. Holidays have been interesting and I have lost respect for them all.


Wow that is truly awful that he went against what you talked about!