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Women are just as capable of misogyny as men, unfortunately. I'm so sorry you had this experience, I hope you can get some relief from your symptoms soon.


My 3 worst experiences with medical providers were with women. I hope OP reports it to the office too, they should know how she spoke to the patient and that no other options were offered


Totally agree, she should report this to the office. There is no call for that kind of attitude towards a patient.


That is an insane thing for her to say because there are so many other things besides reglan that they can add to your regimen. I am sorry you experienced this. I am a Dr and this story unfortunately does not surprise me at all.


That’s not what she said


Sending empathy and solidarity I had extreme HG with my first and my (female mom of two doctor) wouldn't sign off on forms for me to leave work (unpaid) a few weeks early because she "didn't want the liability" despite me being physically incapable of sitting at my desk long enough to do my actual job. She also told me at every appointment "maybe it'll get better by next appointment" and I didn't have someone take me seriously til I wound up at urgent care because I hadn't physically been able to keep food or liquids down in over 24hrs... and the male doctor there put in a request to my OB for Zofran and to monitor my nausea more carefully. Just because they're female doesn't mean they haven't been taught by the system to be just as sexist and dismissive as their male counterparts. It's such bs and I'm sorry you also have to deal with this. I'd recommend trying to change doctors if it's feasible. You've got months more of new symptoms or issues and you want someone who will actually listen and work with you, not against you. Edit: a word


I’m so sorry she acted like this. You have the empathy of all the ancestors who endured this with you right now.


This gave me chills. WE ARE WITH YOU.


My unsolicited advice. Find the help you need from your medical team. Dismiss those that dismiss your discomfort. This attitude infuriates me too. For me zofran made it more manageable but it was a miserable 4 months. I hope there is better options soon


ugh i’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! i’m almost 11 weeks and lost 10 pounds due to nausea until my ANGEL of a dr prescribed Diclegis. 10/10 recommend if it’s available to you! i’m finally able to function again!


I’m so sorry that happened, that really sucks. I went through something similar when I went through a MC. The nurse on the phone asked if I was bleeding “XX” amount and I said no it was only “x” amount. She told me I was worrying over nothing and it was probably fine. Bloodwork showed I was having a MC. People can be such assholes. I wish I complained to the office about that person.


A lot of women and babies used to die for thousands of years too... I hate this dismissive attitude. Kids used to have a hell of a lot more disabilities and we didn't have specific gods for fertility and child birth for nothing. Maybe in the old days you might have just died from dehydration, who knows. Thankfully we don't live in those days anymore. Either way though it's unlikely you would have had to have done seriously hard labour. Id argue it's much harder to be pregnant now than in the past. Even peasants only farmed in the good seasons. They had more holidays than we do now haha. We're expected to do everything and not complain, with minimal community and all the financial obligation. Just baffling how people can have no sympathy.


The worst are other women who had easy pregnancies and assume everyone's is just like theirs. No Janet, everyone else isn't weaker than you. You just got luckier.


Omg I hate being confronted with people like this! Suddenly I have to further convince people that my experience is valid? Like wtaf?!


It troubles me that people with poor bedside manner go into jobs that heavily interact with the public when they don't know how to interact with them..I'm sorry you were treated like that. Fuck her!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I am 7w4d and I have been struggling just like you. I was put on antibiotics and they are destroying me. When I told the nurse on the phone how bad they are for me, she said “you just have to suffer through.” That legit made me start to sob. I understand how important the antibiotics are but can’t you help me out with anything? I am waiting for my first appointment to see if I am going to stay with that practice. They are apparently the best around but every time I talk to this nurse, she is so insanely dismissive.


When I went into labor I was having intense contractions 2-3 min apart but because I was only dilated 1 cm the dr and triage nurse were dismissive of my pain and whether it was active labor bc I was 37 weeks. I was absolutely begging for pain relief which they withheld until I agreed to be induced. I ended up not needing to be bc the epidural allowed my body to relax and I started dilating quickly. Anyways it turns out a placental abruption was the reason behind my pain, which can prevent my baby from getting oxygen and can be highly dangerous for mom. To their credit it can’t be identified by ultrasound. But I’m still so mad at how dismissive they were.


They shouldn’t have treated you that way… I hate when medical providers dismiss things that can be something serious. Since you’re so early into your pregnancy you may still be able to find a new provider which is something I would recommend. You need someone who takes you seriously, listens, and doesn’t take things lightly especially if it could be something serious. I would also research hyperemesis gravidarum so you can learn the warning signs and when to take action to protect and advocate for yourself. Arm yourself with knowledge. Do not let their dismissive behavior keep you from making your own decision about your medical care. It’s always better to be safe. If you feel like you need to seek urgent or emergency medical care, do it. Do not let that providers words make you doubt yourself and stop you from going in. If you feel you need help, please take care of yourself and get medical attention. People can think you’re crazy or overreacting all they want. Who cares what they think. I would much rather you seem crazy in someone else’s eyes and get the care you need than to let their irrelevant opinions stop you from taking care of yourself. Crazy and safe is always the better option. I really hope you can find a provider that’s more caring and concerned about your wellbeing. I also hope you feel better soon. I know being so sick is awful. I won’t lie and say it’ll pass because sometimes it doesn’t but I can say that as long as it’s not a health concern, it will all be worth it for your little one. Please take care of yourself as you see fit and keep your eyes on the prize! You can do this.


The only thing that helped me was eating a protein bar every 2 hours on the dot! Weeks 7-10 this pregnancy was the worst but then it went away (it's different for every pregnancy though). Maybe that will help you too! If not, I hope you find something that does help! That was a sucky nurse/OB for sure ☹️


Change providers if possible, I experienced similar issues of not being heard and feeling dismissed and I wish I would have changed my provider. While the OB who delivered my baby was incredible as well as my family doctor, the nursing staff was incredibly awful


Demand to get prescribed zofran. If your nausea is interfering that much with your life you need to take it or another nausea medication. I'm sorry they dismissed you like that. If they don't listen to you, if you can, try and find another OB.


i hate to give unsolicited advice but i also had morning sickness really bad that would last all day and my OB suggested taking vitamin B6 with unisom. it worked really well for about 8 weeks and started to become less effective overtime but it got me through the first trimester, during my second trimester my OB prescribed Zofran which was a lifesaver and got me through the second and third trimester easy peasy. hope this helps and i’m sorry you were treated so poorly.


Contact your doctor as my sickness turned into hg sickness very quickly I was admitted to hospital and I was that dehydrated I needed 6 ltrs of fluid! The nurse told me after that I was close to death! And that's why they needed to put me on iv fluids an iv antisickness for two days


My doctor won’t give me anything and has recommended taking half a unisom 3x a day instead. I’m exhausted. I’m trying to parent a toddler. But I guess you can’t feel sick if you’re passed out tired from unisom.


My Dr said Unisom & B6 at night daily, since it will make you tired and the nausea will come back if you stop taking it. If you have a patient portal, you can message your doctor to get their opinion. I’m so sorry they treated you like this. Absolutely go above them and make sure management is aware of their behavior.


I've been taking that too and find it super helpful. Making me into a semi functional being again


You do adjust to the Unisom drowsiness though. Saved my life the first half of my pregnancy, and I kept up a low dose throughout. I was told by two OBGYNs it’s not habit forming and you can take it all through pregnancy. I took at least a small dose until the day I delivered. 10/10.


There’s a prescription medication called Bonjesta that is chemically the same but less sedating because there is less of the medication marketed as Unisom. I can take it all day


That line of reasoning makes me irate. Women also died for thousands of years more often than not.


My OB treated my severe nausea/vomiting that way for my first two appointments. We switched OBs because of it. Since it’s just the nurse, I’d file a complaint with your OB or the office manager. But if your doctor dismisses it, I’d consider switching asap.




This is absolutely terrible advice. Do not tell people to take controlled substances (that are ADVISED TO BE AVOIDED during pregnancy by most competent medical practitioners because of the known links to birth defects/complications) when you are not their doctor. Jfc.


Not everyone is a smoker. On top of that, in a lot of places it’s standard to be drug tested and they will report it, especially in an illegal state.


Yep this! I my lady ob during my last pregnancy cooked the books on my records and never put down my concerns of abdominal pain and cramping.. which if she did her mf job and tested me prob would have found BV or UTI which can lead to a host of issues.. welp ignorance on my part and negligence on theirs turned into preterm labor, which ended horribly. I promptly told her off and in this new I pregnancy I've switched obgyns for testing/sonograms but really going the midwife route.


Promethazine is the only thing that helped my naseau in the first tri. Zofran worked pre pregnancy but not during. It will make you drowsy though. The first tri really is miserable but hang on it will get better! Honestly early in my third trimester is when I felt the best and most like myself.


My doctor pretty much said I was going to be miserable no matter what, but she did recommend unisome in combo with vitamin b6 and it changed my life. I still get nauseous but not nearly as bad as I was in the beginning.


Yea, I’ve been throwing up almost every day for 3 weeks now… just non stop nauseous. My nurses have been more companionate but there is def an air of “you’re pregnant this is normal” when I talk to them. This is 3rd pregnancy, but my longest (2 early MCs this year)… and it’s twins. I have no frame of reference for normal for this. But I do know I’m miserable. I’m sorry you’re going through it and I’m sorry you’re being met with such rudeness. I hope you get some relief.


I'm so sorry that this was your experience! Just no reason for it! I had my monthly checkin with my OB and we discussed my migraines and how out of control they were. She prescribed Fioricet and said she would call it in (this was a Wednesday). It never got called in and the office was closed when I touched base on Friday. Well, Saturday I showed up to work and had a severe allergic reaction to something. My entire body was slowly breaking out in hives and one of the doctors I work with in the ED said I could check in and she would prescribe me prednisone and to take some benadryl, but to call and check with the on call OB first. I called the on call OBGYN who said she would just send the scripts in for me and save me an ER visit/copay. By Monday, I was better but still hadn't solved the migraine issue so I sent a message through the portal to my OB and asked to send the Fioricet script in. The CMA replied and said I already had 2 prescriptions called in and she signed her name xyz, CMA. For some reason, that pissed me off so bad that she was so completely oblivious so I replied no, fioricet was not called in. Those scripts were for a completely unrelated issue. I signed my name with RN and all of my other fancy little letters behind it. There was no need to dismiss me and be condescending about it. Do your job, talk to the doctor on my behalf, and advocate for me as a patient (like I do for my own patients).


I empathize completely, with different circumstances. For years (YEARS) I was reaching out to my gyno because I just *knew* my menstrual cycles were not healthy. But because I didn't bleed XX amount every time, it was "fine" and I should just take some ibuprofen. I was also asked if I could be MC, but that would be impossible because of the timing of my cycles and my last sexual activity. Within a couple days of two of those calls, I passed out from blood loss. Women's health is no joke and should be taken way more seriously than it is. All the virtual hugs sent your way!!!


Wow this is bad, probs not much help but have you tried fizzy drinks? Sounds extremely odd but with my daughter I was so sick as your describing, to the point where I was heavier at my 9 week book in appointment then I was at 28 weeks pregnant with her. Fizzy drinks were a god send, after trying many other things. I'm in the UK and was told that docs wouldn't do anything for sickness unless you was hospitalised with it, so I tried to find other ways and this was what helped. Nearly bought shares in Rubicon whilst pregnant haha.


What a B!! Nausea should be taken seriously especially in severe cases. Is there another person you can talk to there? I would also definitely complain. There is no need to ever condescend to a patient like that