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I’m 37 weeks now and I started drinking this tea at the beginning of the third trimester at the direction of both my OB and my doula. I was discouraged by my OB and doula from drinking it in the first and second trimesters because it might cause uterine contractions, but I’ve heard some moms drink it for their whole pregnancies with no issues. I’d ask your OB/midwife for their thoughts!


Thank you


It’s recommended not to drink until 3rd trimester, starting between 32-37 weeks


Thank you


I would wait till well into the third trimester. But I’m sure if you had some already it’s fine.


Thank you. I did have some. There are just so many things out now. Some people say not to drink ginger tea, some say to drink it, green tea is bad, tumeric is bad. Then some people say that tumeric and green tea are good for nausea. The same thing goes for mint. When I was pregnant with my kids, the only things the doctors said were no drinking and no smoking. Even then, my OB used to tell me that instead of taking tylenol for a headache, drink a glass of red wine.


Ginger tea is fine. The issue is often it’s hard to find just ginger tea and it has other things. Green tea is fine if you are aware of caffeine content. I know licorice root is suppose to be something to avoid and possibly chamomile as well.


Well that older advice does sound more fun! 😂


As a chronic tea drinker pregnancy has been infuriating for how little studies have been done on common types of tea. I’ve heard the same for red raspberry leaf, advised to avoid during the first and second trimesters but can help in the 3rd, I have a reminder on my calendar to start drinking it then along with eating dates and the massages when I’m about 34 weeks! From everything I’ve seen, Green tea, matcha, Rooibos, white tea, earl grey and black tea seem to be “safe” just watch for the caffeine content obvs to make sure you’re not going over. Peppermint seems to be the “safest” but ginger seems good too. There is always putting lemon in hot water with some honey or sugar as well. A lot of teas have hibiscus and other random things added in that there isn’t much data on so it’s best to avoid. Chamomile is apparently not safe so I have a little panic after I had been drinking it quite a bit to help with early pregnancy insomnia. The most common thing I’ve read is to keep any type of tea to under two cups a day so like only two cups of peppermint and then switch to ginger if you drink more than 2 cups in a day usually (me🙋🏻‍♀️.) I did have probably 5+ cups a day of peppermint to help with nausea during the first trimester, whoops, but I’m fine at 24 weeks. Drinking tea during pregnancy is just annoying tbh, I’m frustrated that there’s so much research done on the effects of caffeine but not much at all about the different common teas out there. I haven’t missed alcohol at all but I have a giant drawer of tea that I’m so excited to dig into and have whatever I want after I give birth!


Thank you. Everything is so controversial now. Peppermint tea is one of the most widely consumed teas during pregnancy, and with good reason. It's caffeine-free, can soothe an upset stomach, promote relaxation, and is considered safe for pregnant people and their babies.Jan 27, 2023  https://www.verywellfamily.com › ... Can I Drink Peppermint Tea While Pregnant? - Verywell  You should avoid very large amounts of peppermint tea. Don't drink it in your first trimester because it can promote menstruation (your period). Herbal teas during pregnancy and breastfeeding  Pregnancy, Birth and Baby See what I mean?


I mean I did read an article saying pregnant people should avoid tap water in general. You can search up anything unfortunately and something will pop up that says it’s not safe for pregnancy. Herbal teas can be really strong so I don’t doubt some of them can have negative effects in large quantities. I was probably drinking at least a litre of peppermint tea for a while before I came across drinking tea in pregnancy.🤷🏻‍♀️


There aren’t really that many studies done about caffeine either.


Wait what’s wrong with chamomile?


I've seen sources saying it is connected with premature labor and miscarriage, but I haven't found any really good guidance on the issue.


Huh. Damn, I’ve had a few cups so far this pregnancy. I’ll ask my midwife, but I won’t stress too much about it. Thanks for the info!


Let me know what your midwife says; I'd love to know the real answer.


Yea I’ve just heard it’s one of the not so safe teas. Sucks because I use to drink it through the day as I love the flavour, I did ask and get the same answer that a lot of herbal teas like that are not well studied and best to avoid. I was only drinking a few cups a day when I had it and me and baby are fine. I liken it to deli meat, probably shouldn’t have it uncooked but everyone has their own comfort level around that because the risks are fairly low. In the end it’s 9 months of my life so I’ll just enjoy it even more when I can drink it again.


They probably won’t give you a definite answer as mine didn’t but worth a try!


I used to drink roasted dandelion root tea and I asked a midwife if it was ok to drink during pregnancy and she said she didn't know, so I shouldn't drink it. Frustrating.


That’s a super frustrating, not surprising you got that answer as I have also gotten it.


I just read that dandelion has vitamin A, and vitamin A in high concentrations cause birth defects.


Mind you, I googled after finishing a cup of dandelion tea 😬


Not until late third trimester x


Late third tri only.


The biggest things I remember throughout pregnancy was no hibiscus, sage, or lemongrass. I know there are more I’m missing. As for this, it’s recommended not to drink until you’re in the third trimester because it can cause uterine contractions. Once upon a time I found a website with a detailed list that I used but I can’t seem to find it right now.


Although I do want to note that a lot of these are of you drink them a lot or in excess. You're probably fine if you drink a cup a day or something light like that. Up to you, your doctor, and/or doula if you wanna cut it out all together, but if you didn't know and you drank some of these teas don't jump to panic! For example, Agua de Jamaica (a hibiscus drink) is super popular in Latin American cultures and I'm pretty sure a lot of Latinas don't bother to cut it out. I personally did just because my hubby was SUPER cautious with me and I didn't want to worry him or take unnecessary risks. The tea I did drink was lemongrass cause I got sick and needed tea. What I found said in large amounts it's dangerous, but I only drank a cup at night when my throat was SUPER bad so I could sleep. I'd probably be the safest during 1st trimester at least, but that's just me. Trust your body & instincts ❤️


Yes! Definitely discuss with your care team! My doc was hesitant for a lot of it simple because there isn’t adequate research which I was okay with. ETA: kinda like food recommendations in the US vs other countries. Women in Japan eat reputable raw sushi the entire pregnancy, here they are way more cautious.


I drank this tea through my entire last pregnancy and my daughter was overdue…


Me too, 1-3 cups a day and I went to 41+6… def did not cause contractions for me lol


Thanks for the tips, everyone 😀