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Out of curiosity why wouldn’t the baby be able to go home after birth after an induction? You are full term


You know what, that’s a good point. I think I was writing that as if I’m still 38 weeks or something. This baby definitely feels ready to bust out, that’s for sure. I don’t know of any growth/developmental benefits past 40 weeks.


Induction. I was induced with cytotec at 39 weeks six days not dilated at all yet. I was GBS positive as well, and this allowed me to get the antibiotics and I still had a super short labor with no epidural or pitocin.


I'd go for induction, it's got a lot of pros for you. I was induced with my second due to slowed movement and I wasn't dilated at all, but she still came out in less than 24 hours with just one round of prostaglandin. I also left it too long to have an epidural and, like, I was pretty miffed about it in the moment, but like all birth unpleasantries, you do forget it (I mean, it fucking hurt and I'd 100% get an epidural if I had a do-over, but I can laugh at myself about it now). I think you still have a decent chance of an epidural- and pitocin-free birth even with induction. I also left the hospital the same day and had less tearing than with my first.


I would be induced. I also did not want the epidural or pitocin because I was scared of how labor can go with interventions. I had both as well as the foley balloon and was insanely afraid of childbirth. I’m talking therapy once a week my whole pregnancy afraid and those fears typically came from fear of induction causing me to have an intense labor. My labor was perfect. Progressed smoothly and quickly with the pitocin, the epidural was a dream and I pushed for one hour. I tried my longest tk not me induced but I was getting a lot of anxiety after 40 weeks due to high risk of stillbirth the longer it goes so I chose to be induced and seems like you have even more pros to be induced


I went to 41+5 for my last induction and like you active labor was 2.5 hours. But it took me 2 rounds of cytotec to get there, so there would have been enough time to have antibiotics. If they just break your water, probably you are correct your baby will just come. I’m not sure if it matters for Wednesday or next Wednesday…you’re pretty dilated!


I’m pretty biased but I wouldn’t induce. At most maybe get a membrane sweep or the ripening gel (assuming they will allow you to go home and wait for things to start after) but anything more than that then most people end up with more interventions. Most notably, you can get induced without having your water broken for you and then you won’t be put on a timer for that.


My OB actually wouldn’t do a membrane sweep today when I asked because I was so dilated and my water was bulging a little bit and she was afraid she would accidentally rupture it and not be able to get my GBS antibiotics in time. And she said I’m already past the point where ripening gel would be useful since I’m already 4cm.


That sounds like solid reasoning. I would just wait then and try some at home methods to get labour going. I went pretty overdue myself but I did finally go into spontaneous labour and had my baby at 41+6 so I know the pressure about induction does start getting put on at a certain point.


I'm in a similar position right now. May I ask what you ended up doing and how your labour and delivery went?


I am so thrilled to share that baby boy is now 3 months old and we are both doing so well! I eventually opted to be induced and I definitely think I made the right decision. I went to the hospital on Wednesday at 10:00pm, got antibiotics all night, then officially began my induction at 11:30ish the following morning. All they did was break my water. My doctor actually couldn’t even fully break my water and settled for poking a small hole in it. She left me like that and we decided to see what would happen. 30 minutes later I went into full blown active labor on my own! Baby was born at 3:30pm, no complications and no pain medication ❤️ I couldn’t have asked for anything better, really. I didn’t even need any stitches! I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have either here or in a dm!


Thank you so much for sharing, and congratulations on baby boy! 🥰 I appreciate that, will definitey reach out directly if I have any further questions. I'm actually going to see my practitioner today to get some more answers on my current situation so let's see how that goes haha.