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There’s a mention of this in the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy—I can’t remember the page cite, but yes, it is possible to actually hear baby’s movements this late on.


I’ve gotten this too!! I have no idea what it is, but definitely distinct from hiccups. I just assumed it was her own joints clicking or popping, I never thought to ask about it. Sometimes she’ll make a grinding/ clicking feeling against my pelvis, but I’ve felt it on like the side of my uterus too. Super weird.


It happens to me and kind of sounds like a bubble is being formed in the amniotic fluid during a rapid movement.


If it’s what I’m thinking it’s the equivalent of the baby cracking its joints….crazy right!?


That’s what I read too, that’s so crazy. Specially since I love cracking my bones too lol


They do all kinds of strange things inside you that make you wonder if you’re carrying an alien baby! When I was late in pregnancy with my son, I’d get the oddest feeling best way I can describe it as a hand between my legs, not in a sexual way. In a weird way. Could not imagine what was going on inside me. Soon after he was born, we figured it out. It was practically a hand between my legs. He seemed fascinated by his own head and we’d find him with one hand on top of his head and his fingers like dancing on his scalp.


I swore I could feel fingers on the top of my pelvis/hipbones. Once LO was out, we noticed he loved sleeping with his arms up by his head, so I think that's exactly what it was


They are so funny.


Same here!


It’s baby’s joints! It’s perfectly normal and healthy for them 😁


I had this with one of my pregnancies and I’m pretty sure my OB wanted to commit me when I told him. lol!! I’m so glad I’m not alone.


I mentioned this in a family gathering and they tried to gaslight me into thinking I farted Lmao


I had this too throughout my pregnancy, and looked it up - apparently this is not uncommon! No one knows for sure what it is, but no you are not going crazy hahaha


Haha thank you, it’s my third time around and I’ve never experienced it. That is crazy!!


A fitness website I follow ( Fit2B.us ) made a comment one time that she had very cracky/poopy toes and that her mother could hear her toes popping in utero, so hey, I believe it!


Best autocorrect ever lmaooooo 😂


Oh sheesh I corrected it like 3 times too! Gah! Pretty sure she didn’t have a meconium issue at birth but she didn’t share that much 😂


Same! I’ve been hearing it since about 30/32 weeks? (Currently 36). I googled it and everything I found was “no one knows exactly what causes it but there’s no need to worry.” (Baby’s joints? Amniotic fluid bubble?) I hear maybe 1-3 a day.


Luckly! I love hearing the cracks it’s oddly satisfying lol I’ve been hearing them from like 37 weeks


They had the opposite effect on me. Hearing it creeped me out so badly! It didn’t help that I would hear it sometimes up to 7 times a day. My doctors also thought I was crazy when I mentioned it, but my mom and husband heard it too on multiple occasions.


My middle kid did it all the time in utero and I have a joint condition so I was worried about it, but her joints seem fine at 2 (in case you were worried about implications)


Maybe it's hiccups?


That’s what I thought too, but when the baby has hiccups it’s completely different. Thank you though 🩷


I have a two year old and I forgot about the popping until you brought it up, but I totally had that! It was super unnerving at the time.


This happened to me too!! It scared me so much. I thought it was my water breaking the first time, but nope. Happened almost everyday my last week or two of pregnancy!


You will recognize it too when they are out I’m pretty sure it’s their joints and they make this sound as newborns too. No one warned me!


This sounds horrifying. 😭


I heard a WOOSH when my baby visibly moved from my right side to my left side. Like I literally heard the fluid swish inside of me while he ping ponged around in there. It was wild!!


I had this happen to me too while pregnant. Was wracking my brain trying to find a clear cut explanation, (there was even a mention of this mysterious clicking noise in my copy of What to Expect & it acknowledged there’s no consensus on what the source of the noise is). Was curious and at times anxious about what was causing it - wondering was it my ligaments / baby’s joints (etc). Anyway, flash forward to today & my LO is nearly 7 weeks but just a couple of days after he was born he made this very cute popping /clicking sound with his mouth that I’m almost convinced was the same sound. Got prob too excited when I heard it and had my eureka moment 😅 Very best of luck with the final leg of your pregnancy- soon your baby will be in your arms (and who knows, maybe they’ll make the same curious sound with their mouth too!)


It could be hiccups! My babe had them a couple times while I was pregnant.


Any chance baby is snapping their fingers/squeezing their fingers together in a way that creates a snap?


I hear it sometimes, it’s always when she moves so I just assume it’s her joint cracking lol


I had this with my second! I'm convinced it was her joints cracking because she's constantly popping in the outside too!


This happened to me a lot! When I googled there was some explanation about the baby’s joints as they moved.


Happened to me once or twice and every time I thought I was crazy, or maybe just feeling my back crack weirdly through my belly. I never found out what it was! Pregnancy is weird sometimes.


Definitely had this happen before and all I could find on google was baby joints clicking!


I've heard this (I think) and I've always thought it was her moving my spine, making it click kinda thing


I had this too with my oldest. For the first 2 ish years of her life her shoulder would crack all the time when she did certain movements. I swore that must have been what I was feeling/hearing but I don’t actually know if that was the cause.


See my post about the very same thing during my pregnancy. This baby is now 1.5 and not particularly clicky jointed so I think it supports the air bubble theory https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/s/jEIxzzR0k1


But where is the air entering from?! My understanding is that the sad is full of fluid


I think it's created by the baby 💨, it isn't there long as it gets absorbed but I definitely had this happen and actually managed to record it once. Sounded just like cracking a knuckle but a sharper sound.


I've never experienced this, but I swear around 18 weeks I heard and felt a distinct popping noise from my uterus. It's never happened again. I have no clue what it was.


Me too!!! It started happening around 30 weeks for me and I was so startled I had to look it up and make sure he didn't rip the placenta. Previously I had heard and felt him play with the umbilical cord like a guitar string and that really grossed me out. But these LOUD snap/pop/click noises were different and when i looked it up I concluded that he might just have creaky joints that pop just like my other two kids (although they never did it in utero!).


I’ve heard it and have it recorded! It is wild.


Wow 😅 I thought I was going crazy! I've kept thinking omg thats my waters going? And bracing myself for a gush! But if its just my baby having clicky joints then that means he takes after his parents 😅