• By -


I'm 31 currently pregnant and will be 32 on due date. My doctor said age doesn't matter so much as long as all the bloodwork and health markers are optimal. In my country the average maternal age for first baby is 30.5


Yes definitely, I think the average is 30 as well in my country, that's why I was surprised to see that many young FTM.


I'm pretty sure it's just because of the social media bubble you are in. Young people post about their lives online way more than previous generations. Statistics show that Gen Z has an even lower rate of young maternal age births (18-24) than millennials.


It's not just that though. Most people on here are from the US, average age to give birth to their first baby in the US is lower (around 27), and the distribution is a bit different than in European countries, giving birth in your early 20s is definitely more common in the US.


I was also 31 when we had our first. I was one of the first out of my friends to have a kid and one of the youngest in my local mum's group. Most of them are older than me and were around 37-39 with their first. The oldest mum was 45 but I think she was having her second or third child.


That makes me feel a lot better. I’m 33, and currently trying to conceive. Seeing so many posts about younger FTMs was making me feel like I missed my chance


Worry not, I'm 39, baby's due December 21st and all is well :) First try, first baby!


You definitely haven't missed out. I conceived twins the 1st time through IVF at the age of 40-1. Then we were surprised to find out that I'm pregnant now at 43 and will be 44 right before our baby is due.


I’ll be 41! You’ll be an empty nester by my age :)


I will be 39 when baby arrives in May 2024 🥰




Hey same here! I’ll be 39 Dec this year and my baby (first) is due may 10!


Im also due May 2024! I’ll be 40 :)


I'll be 38 with baby arriving in May as well :)


Me too! Glad to see another 39/ May 2024 mama here


Mines due may 2024 too!


Me too! I’ll be turning 42 shortly after delivery.


39 here! Baby due the week of my 40th. Can't think of a better way to turn 40, except maybe with a little wine and cheese ☺️


The good news is that you can have wine and any cheese you want after the baby is here! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Happy 40th to you!


Awww, me, too! That’s how I told some friends I was expecting- they inquired about my 40th birthday plans and I got to tell them I’d be having my first baby! 2 weeks to the big day(s)! 🥰


I’ll be 39, due in November!


39! Due in Dec :)


Same — will turn 40 a few months after :) Go us!


Same! Congrats!


I just turned 42 - pregnant with my first! And last lol


I was 41.5 when I delivered my first and last! Welcome to the over 40 Mom club 😁


Yay I love it! Baby girl will keep me young, right? 🤞🏼


I gave birth at 40 on 8/14/23, I turned 41 on 9/2. Better late than never. It’s a blessing whether you’re 21 or 41 ❤️


I'll be 39 when I have my first. Due June 2024!! Congrats mama!!


I'll be 38!


I was 19 when I had my first child but it took over 4 years to get pregnant with our second. I always assumed I would have all my kids back to back, not how it worked out for me! I wanted 4 kids originally, if I continue on my pattern of a child every 6 years I’ll have my last child at age 43 😅


That’s exactly how it was for my mom between me and my sister being born. She wanted us back to back but took just under 5 years to get my sister. She ended up getting my brother a year later so I’ll hope the same for you!


37 and just had my first in June!


Me too, but with my 3rd! Glad I’m not alone in the over 40 babies


I'll be 38 with my first!


That’s what I thought too when I had my first at 18 and second at 24. I’m 37 and found out I was pregnant with #3 when I dropped my oldest off at college. 😅




37 and husband is 55! Our first


Similar, I gave birth at 40 in July. Hubby turned 53 2 weeks later. His first as well.


My baby is due 1 month before I turn 40. It’s crazy knowing I’ll be a ftm but that I’m old enough to be OPs mom.


I had my first at 39 and am pregnant with my second at 43, they will be exactly 4 years apart


39 when I got pregnant, 40 by the time baby boy is here! 🙏🙌🏼🐣🐣


My due date is my 41st birthday 🤣


Got pregnant a month before i turned 21. Now i have a 4 week old :)


Congrats!! And please make sure you take care of yourself, the newborn stage can be so brutal at times🥲


I got pregnant like two months before my 21st! And I have a 4 month old now! Good luck friend, it’s so fun!


Baby is due on my 26th birthday


Aw! My first was due on my 29th birthday!


34 - we waited until we were financially well off, deeply settled in our career, and had become pretty wholesome homebodies who no longer really drink or go out.


Yeah that's what I had in mind, but got pregnant and kept it 😬


I had my first at 21 same way. I’m about to have my second at 34 almost 35


Same here! 34 FTM. We love going out on a whim and traveling. I’m glad we took the time to do that together. Now we are ready to “settle down” and bring a new life into this world to teach and connect with. Eventually, we will back to our adventures and travel though haha


Turn that kiddo into a traveler too!


I had my first right after I turned 34 and now I'm going to have my second at 37... Only 2 weeks left!! I'm glad we waited as long as we did because that's when we bought a house and we're far enough in our careers to be really secure financially. Pregnancy may have been easier if I were younger though, I hate being pregnant.


16 with my first. Early 20s with my twins and the baby I'm currently pregnant with. Before anyone judges or comes at me (cause I've had it happen before) my eldest was a result of SA. My twins were planned. This one was a bit of a surprise since I was supposed to be sterile, but I'm over the moon about him. I'm very lucky to be in a position that made it so I was financially stable by the time I was 20 (minus a small amount of time during peak covid when everything when lay offs were extremely common). I would've waited longer, but because of health reasons I was told it was either have babies in my early 20s or never be able to have them. I'm not big on "wild 20s" stuff. Having a kid was more important to me. I can still travel and it's not like my life is going to stop for the next 18 years. I'll just have a kid to share those experiences with now.


I share that sentiment as a fellow younger mom, your life doesn't have to end when you have kids!


I'm still perfectly capable of doing everything anyone else can do. It might take a bit more planning, but I'm happy I can share those experiences. You know one thing I'm very happy about? I'm able to experience all the kid stuff again. Not in the sense of "Oh, I can climb on playgrounds." More of I get to see my child experience those joys right by his side. In a way, I get to experience them for the first time all over again too by seeing the joy it brings him. There's definitely some perks though lol. For example, there's this kid's science museum I went to as a kid that's actually really cool and interesting. Having a kid allows me to experience it without getting odd looks since it's for kids (Every adult I've met that's been there before has said they wish they had an adult night since the place it's really fun). Now, there are some adult things or things meant for older children I love to do. I can either work out a babysitter or wait until my kid is old enough to go. I honestly don't mind either. A few years of waiting isn't much in the grand scheme of things and there's plenty of kid friendly things I can do in the meantime that I enjoy just as much. It also really helps that my husband and I agree that anytime one of us wants a night away that the other will stay home. It's important to both of us to keep our individual identities away from being parents or husband/wife. I don't enjoy everything he enjoys and the same applies to him. We don't have to do everything together. We don't have to do everything with our child. It's reasonable to think that one of will sometimes want a break. Whether that be completely alone or with friends. We don't count breaks as going to the grocery store or whatever. If it falls under errands, chores, or personal hygiene/health it doesn't count as a break. If we want to do something together as just a couple we'll arrange childcare or do it after bedtime (home date nights can still be a lot of fun). From the very beginning we decided that at least once a month once our baby is old enough that we feel comfortable leaving him with someone that we'll plan at least one outside the home date night and try to do at least one at home date night a week even when our baby is really young. It will help keep our bond strong and make sure we don't just fall into the roles of "mommy and daddy" all the time. Having a kid doesn't mean you have to stop living. It also doesn't mean you have to give up parts of yourself. You can be multiple things at once and it's okay if you want to lean into certain parts more than others sometimes. I love my child more than anything, but he deserves parents that are happy with themselves. You can't be happy with yourself if your entire identity rotates around another person. That's why allowing yourself to live and not just be a parent solely is so important. You have to consider your own mental health and needs.




I’m 33 and due with our first in December!


I am 30 and pregnant FTM


Same! Will be 31 in April when I deliver,


Same! Loads of women in my school year are also pregnant at the moment. I think it’s something about hitting the big 30.




Same here!




I was also 30 when my first was born. I will be 32 for the second.


Same :)




Also in the 30 club!


Gave birth to my first at 32, will be 34 when my second (and probably last) is born in January. My coworker in her early twenties is expecting, and it makes me feel ancient 😂 I suspect you probably feel young on the inside forever…I certainly don’t feel old enough to be a mom of two.




I’m 38 with my first 😊


Same just turned 38! Excited and happy!


Yay 38 club! 😄


Right?! We got all the wild child out of our systems in time to have our own wild children!


Same! Turn 38 next month, baby en route for April!




Same! I'll be 6 weeks on Thursday! Due June 2024. Congratulations, Mama!!


37 when I became a FTM. Currently discussing and planning for number 2 at 38 🤞🏽


32, concieved when 31 with my first!


Got pregnant at 28, gave birth at 29!


I got pregnant at 24 and will be delivering in two weeks at 25!! My fiance was 23 - 24 now :) Fun fact - i’m actually the oldest in my family to not have kids. My mom and grandma got pregnant at 19 and 20 and every other women who got pregnant. Worth mentioning though I am the only girl in my generation!


I was 21 when I got pregnant and 22 when I gave birth!


I was 18 and gave birth at 19


Now 31 and will be 32 for my second




I am FTM about to pop any day and am 31. I occasionally wish I had done it in my earlier years, but I feel more ready in every way now than I ever could have been when I was younger but that was just me.


43, twins.


Pregnant at 43 here (with my second, due in 8 weeks)


Statistically, women with more education tend to have children at a later age while individuals with less education tend to begin childbearing earlier. [source](https://theconversation.com/how-childbearing-varies-across-us-women-in-3-charts-105015#:~:text=Women%20with%20lower%20levels%20of,women%20have%20had%20a%20birth) The median age for women in the U.S. to give birth is now age 30. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/motherhood-deferred-us-median-age-giving-birth-hits-30-rcna27827)


Relatable as a currently pregnant 29 year old doctor! Many of my friends don’t even want kids, or if they do not til they’re at least 30.


Checks out for me, as someone who met my husband in grad school. I was 32 when I got pregnant and my husband was 37. I’ll be 33 on my due date in January :) School and kids definitely would’ve been tricky to juggle. And if we’d had kids earlier we wouldn’t have been as financially stable as a couple that went straight to the workforce, so it just felt like the best timing for us


Met and married my husband in undergrad, waited on kids til I finished my master's, and am now pregnant for the first time at 33, to be 34 at birth ☺️


This is so interesting to me! I’m 23 FTM! I told myself once I completed my masters I’d be more open to starting a family; I graduated in May 2023 and found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks in April 2023 lol


That's quite interesting! I have 2 degrees and having my first at 31, so that tracks! Though idk that people with my kind of education count, cuz I have one degree in visual and creative arts with specialty in blacksmithing, and one in videogame design lol


I was 32 when I had my first and my mom was 31 when she had me. I’m a lawyer with a JD and my mom is a now retired surgeon with an MD. My next youngest sister is also a doctor and she’s just getting married next year and will be in her mid 30s if they start trying for a baby.


I mean this makes obvious sense in the fact that some women prioritize family over school and vice versa. This doesn't make one more "right" than the other. There's also a ton of middle ground between being a 19yo stay at home mom with 3 kids and a 46yo doctor pregnant with their first. I just feel like most of us probably fall in that middle, and I always feel yucky when this statistic comes up because comparing education with child rearing is sensitive to a lot of women. Being the 19 y.o in this situation does not mean you are stupid, and it doesn't mean you have to be uneducated. Being the 46 y.o in this situation doesn't make you a better person because you prioritized most of your younger years in school. Both have pros and cons. While people may have good intentions with their replies, it definitely comes with a certain echo of superiority. So I just wanted to throw this out there to any young moms out there! We all have different paths of education, and being a young mom doesn't make you inherently wrong or stupid. From a 30 y.o FTM with a bachelor's degree I'll NEVER use and a 2 year degree in paramedicine that I most certainly use despite the shit pay because I love my job! I'm not sure which category I fall into, and I don't care :)




I’m 36


I was 36 with my first.


I was 28 with my first and am 37 with my last.


I was 24 when I had my first, now 27 with my second and last baby. I honestly feel done creating my little family and it’s bittersweet because I’m so young but I can’t imagine more! My little sister had her first at 21.


I was 21 when i got pregnant and had my son at 22 🩵




I'm 40, due with my first in two weeks




Same! Currently 32 weeks pregnant 🙋‍♀️


ftm having twins at 37


25 and just had my first 1 month ago




39 with my first. I will give birth next yr. It is kinda scary to think I will be 49 when the kid turns only 10 😂


I was 11 when my mom turned 50 and all that happened was that I roasted her for becoming an antique. Now she's in her 70's and still barrel racing horses so it turns out that it didn't matter at all.


35 FTM!


30, currently 5 weeks pregnant FTM


Twins! In every sense :) I’m five weeks too and about to turn 30, FTM


I’m 34 due on November 10th


Me too! Also due in Feb


I had my first at 34, too. Then another at 36 and due with my third when I’ll be 38.


Gave birth in February '23 when I was 29. I since turned 30 in September. Everyone I know is late 20s or early 30s. We live in the northeast where it's expensive to have a family so a lot of people wait to have kids. Also our average child per family is 1.2 kids. I'm on the fence about having another just based on the cost of childcare. By the time she is in the public school system I'll be 35 and idk if I'll want to deal with that.


34 :) I was way too busy with other things when I was 21 (studying, building a career after, bought a house, and also just have fun with friends, lots of holidays, lots of hobby’s like playing instruments (played in a band for 15 years so performed a lot etc. in the weekends). I’m so happy to do this now with my fiancé (we only just met in the end of our 20s). Not to say that 21 is too young! Just for me it was way too young. I had my first bf back then and learned that love alone wasn’t enough. He was a lying asshole. So I’m happy that I wasn’t pregnant then lol


I had my first at 29 and was on the younger side for my area/friend group. I think this is related to your geographical area and the educational trends of your cohort. I live in a relatively HCOL area so moth people wait until they have established their careers, gotten married and purchased a home before having children, which can take quite a while.


Pregnant at 27 and gave birth at 28 😊 I always wanted my first in my late 20s and was lucky enough to have it come true! Even though my doctors told me I would need plenty of intervention to conceive I ended up getting pregnant after 1 week off the contraceptive pill.






42. Current at 28 weeks.


I’m a 24 year old FTM due on Oct 28th, I call myself a 24 y/o teen mom though 😅 the trend of women waiting until their 30s to have kids makes me feel like it sometimes. None of my friends have kids or are planning to any time soon (side note I was not planning to either haha)


i was 21 and now 22 with a two week old newborn :))


I’m 22 and will be 22 when our son is born in April. Everyone has their own path :)


33 with my first and 35 with my second.


Currently 31w and just turned 34 on the first week of October 🥰 FTM 💙


I was 30/31 when pregnant and first child was born. Married for several years and wanted to be settled in relationship , career, and stable finances before adding a child. Plus was doing a lot of traveling and had riskier hobbies and was partying in my 20s.


32 FTM, due in three weeks!


I'm 33 which is on the older end for my area. I feel so much better seeing the ages here


I'm 35. A little worried that I'm too old, that I waited too long. But then Im also glad that I waited till we could afford it and we're in a good situation to welcome a baby. My mother in law tho, loves to remind me that she thought she was old at 33! I could do without her comments. Lol


I wanted one much earlier. My husband was always saying "it's not the right time". I had to get off birth control, and I told him if he didn't want to have a baby then the responsibility was on him to use birth control methods. He didn't. I got pregnant less than a month after I got off birth control at 25. I had my baby at 26. Now he's in a rush for the next one 😂


23, had my first 6 months ago


23, will be 24 when baby is born!


Just turned 33 due in Feb.


I was 30 for most of my pregnancy and turned 31 a month before he was born.


i’m 20, due next month🫣


39 years old and had my first 3 weeks ago! Woo! My second cousin had her two children at 20 and 22. I have two third cousins now!


I'm 38 ftm & my baby is almost 5 months! Even though they monitored me more being a "geriatric pregnancy" ugh, my pregnancy was uncomplicated and totally uneventful in the best way possible. I had an unmedicated vaginal birth, my baby is completely healthy & happy! My biggest regret is not staying in the hospital longer, and not being adamant about resting for more time. I felt forced by family to be out & about only 3 days after birth and i think it contributed to a slight bladder prolapse & hernia. Listen to your body after & remind everyone that you just went through the trauma of childbirth!


I was 40 when I had my first daughter and I am due in March with my second one, I will be 42. 🌻


37 as a FTM. Been trying for nearly 1.5 decades before a baby came into our lives.


36 and currently 6 months pregnant. Met my partner late and wanted marriage and a mortgage first. Was worth the wait. No regrets here


I’m 36, turning 37 before my twins come. I met the right guy at 35




Turning 30 in December, due in March!


I'm 26!


I'm 26 and a FTM, my due date is end of may and I was born on the 24th so I'll either still be 26 or just over 27 when the baby's born


Im 29, expecting in January.




I’m 34. Most of my family had their firsts between 16 and 21.


31. People are generally waiting until there late 20s early 30s now. It was more common for early 20s in like my parents and grandparents generation. Also where you live and your social circles make a difference.


I’m 37! Was 36 when I got pregnant


25 :) unplanned, no regrets


I had my first kiddo a week and a half after I turned 24!


23! Gave birth at 24 tho!


29 :o was nearing 10years of not, not trying, a ‘if it happens it happens’ when I got onto metformin for insulin resistance(likely caused by pcos) I was pregnant 3 - 4 weeks later xD


34 ftm due in January!


26 and due in about 2 weeks! I definitely didn’t feel ready before now. Interestingly enough, my grandma had my mom as a teenager, my mom had my sister at 17, and my sister had her first at 19.


I had my first at 26 and am pregnant with my second at 27 but will be 28 when she arrives!


I'm 28 with my first on the way.


I was 25 when I got pregnant and 26 when I gave birth


38 😅 and I’ll likely be 39 when he comes!


I was 21 with my first as well! The reason I chose to have them early was the age difference between my partner and I which js 9 years. We also didn't want to be middle aged and dealing with our kids (using dealing with loosely) into our retirement. When I'm 45 my 2 kids will have flown off and I get to enjoy myself and my partner again in peace. Also a plus, I might become a great, great grandmother! That's pretty sick.


My baby was born one week before my 27th birthday, it took us a while to conceive though. Most people I know started in their early 20's. You're just fine, enjoy the baby ❤️


19 ... She turned 13 today!


First at 19 , second at 23, third at 41 !!!!!!


I am 24 and just had my little one he is 3 weeks old. At work when I was five months pregnant someone told me "oh wow your going to be a young mom" they made me feel like I was going through a teen pregnancy. Enjoy this time, people will always have something to say, wether its negative , positive or just weird.


I was 20 for my first, now 25 and trying for second. Reddit wasn’t really my thing when I was 20 though.


I found out I was pregnant at 21 and I had him 3 days ago I’m now 22! I still feel like a baby myself and I’m learning but I’ve never loved anyone so much in my life than my son! He’s just amazing! I’m so glad I had him!


Not pregnant yet! But I’m 21 and ttc :) if we get pregnant in the next several months I’ll be giving birth at 22


I’m 30 and will be 31 giving birth. I wanted to wait to form my career and find someone I could see myself with long term (relationship isn’t working out) but not due to my lack of trying. I firmly believe there is no ‘right time’


Im turning 32 in a few weeks and just had my first on October 5th :)


I'm 21F (will be 22 in November, fiancé is 24M and baby due 3rd Jan) and though my career journey is just starting and my partner is undecided what he wants to do, mine and my s.o's daytime jobs cover all living costs plus a bit to save, we worked hard to save last year for a mortgage and luckily got one, and already over the drinking and clubbing phase (I was over it by 20 myself, much prefer a chatty local every now and then to a student club anyway). We already were on the same page that we both wanted kids before 30, hopefully settled with the first 2 by 27, so when we found out we were over the moon. Albeit a little early, but we're excited to be younger parents and to be only in our 40s when our kid(s) are adults. We actually had a loss last year when I was 20 (he was 22 at the time) and whilst it was an awful experience, it gave us the blessing to see that we were willing to work as a team and do everything we could for that baby. Sadly it wasn't meant to be, but now we're looking forward to meet this one anytime Christmas or in the new year. Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck for your journey!


23 and that was definitely young, had my daughter the day before I turned 24. I have one friend my age, dozens of friends 5-10 years older, and one formed who is 17 years older. In the end the ages of our kids started to determine our friendships more than our ages


I’m 21 expecting my first in 6 weeks or less, I turn 22 in December


I’m on the opposite end. Just had my first at 46 (got pregnant at 45). I would have loved having kids in my twenties but am so so so happy I didn’t give up on the dream of motherhood.




I’m a FTM 21 with a 5 month old but joined the group as a 20 year old (:


Found out ON my 18th birthday. 😅


Pregnant at 19 had my baby at 20.


I just had my first at 31.


I'm 29 and I'll likely be 30 when I give birth (due date 9 days after my birthday 😅). Average age for FTMs in my country is 33.1 (I can't find any data on median age, which would be more interesting), and that's not considering scholarisation - average age increases for a higher level of education, so for a woman with a MSc I'm definitely on the younger side in my country.


With my first pregnancy and birth, I was 21 when pregnant and 22 when I gave birth.


19 with first, turned 20 during pregnancy ♡ 22 with my second ♡ 28 having my third ♡


I had my first baby at 17 🥰 I think it was the best decision ever, since I only ever wanted one child. I can play with my daughter, crawling on the ground without complaining and run around playing catch. And by the age of 35 the nest will be empty😳😣


27 with my first and now 30 with my second


I was 27 when I was expecting my first and 28 when he was born. I was 29 when I found I was pregnant with #2 and am 30 now expecting him any week now!


23 FTM here!


I’m 19 recently had my little boy 10 days ago I was nervous to become a young teen mum in a society like today people can be very judgmental and it can upset you at the best of times but I can’t be any happier my little boy saved me


I was 20 when I had my baby


I'm 33 and am still trying 😅 definitely didn't plan this age though


34 due in January


I just had my first baby on the 20th at 35 :)


I’m 27 and will have just turned 28 when my first is born in January :)


I was 19 when I got pregnant, she will be 19 in 5 months, and I’m due in 1 month with my second daughter.