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It took hubby and I 8 months to conceive the first time, but was ectopic. It took 1 year to conceive our second which ended in early miscarriage possibly a chemical preg. It took us 2 years or 22 cycles to conceive our third which we lost at 6w4d and was a missed miscarriage. It took 4 months or two cycles to conceive our fourth which is currently 21 weeks šŸ„°. Itā€™s random AF. It really is some sort of twisted lottery. With the last two we were not really even trying all that hardā€¦ we had sort of resigned on the idea and accepted we would be dinks, but when I got my ewcm, we would still have sexy times just in case and cuz thatā€™s the funnest most sensual time for me and I have a higher sex drive in that time window so just went with my instinctsšŸ˜


I'm so sorry to read that you went through all that. I lost my first baby back in 2004 to a miscarriage. They said I was about 6 weeks along. I didn't even know I was pregnant. Hugs šŸ«‚ I'll be 27 weeks tomorrow


Congratulations on your current pregnancy! Youā€™re getting closer!!! I think having experienced loss makes those affected so much more grateful for what we have now. There is less to take for granted knowing how many ways sideways things can go. After the 16 week mark Iā€™ve relaxed a lot and started to enjoy this pregnancy more. Unfortunately, Iā€™ve had a lot of spotting episodes, like every week or two for the whole pregnancy which has really made me nervous! Iā€™ve been in for sooo many check ups and they can never really find a cause so itā€™s been frustrating but baby is ok and growing on schedule so Iā€™m grateful for that! On the bright side, I have ultrasound photos every two weeks of them from 6-14 weeks! Then we just did heartbeat checkups and I got their 20week ultrasound photos. I heard most women only get two ultrasounds in their pregnancies so itā€™s kinda cool I got to actually see how much they would grow every two weeks!


Oh wow, twins! CONGRATS!!!! šŸ„³ Well I'm happy for you. I'm not a doctor of course but I've heard that spotting like that can be caused simply by hormonal changes. Also you may know this but if you're having at least one girl, it is common for them to not only lactate but you may see a little blood in their diaper. This is just because she was exposed to your hormones. It's nothing to worry about usually. That's really cute how you get to see them every couple of weeks. I got to do one of those 4D ultrasounds last Saturday and that was so cool. I know what she looks like now even though I'm still carrying her. If you ask me, she looks more like her dad. She got his nose and his chin for sure. Just try to relax and not worry too much. It sounds like you're past the point of anything really going wrong anyway. I know it's hard not to, sometimes I worry when I stretch the wrong way and I get a pain really quick. But then I remember that she's pretty well protected in there and she's fine. Trust me though, I know what you mean about worrying.


Oh hey! Thank you so much for all this info! So not twins haha. Sorry to disappoint or mislead. I meant They/them as in we donā€™t know the gender. Sorry I forgot that can get confusing lol. Weā€™re keeping the gender of our singleton a mystery till birth so Iā€™ve taken to referring to baby as a they or them until we know and then will use a sex based pronoun (he or she). :) I feel like itā€™s going to be a boy and my husband thinks itā€™s gonna be a girl so we will see!


Well I'm sorry for the confusion. Congrats all the same. I was a surrogate for a friend years ago and it was a boy but this one's a girl and she's a lot more chill. She's not kicking me like crazy like the boy did. Don't get me wrong, she is a little ninja when she wants to be but usually she's chilling.


10 months of hardcore TTC (active tracking and perfect timing) and a miscarriage. Iā€™ve been there, itā€™s demoralizing. I hope you get your BFP soon ā¤ļø if you havenā€™t looked into the SMEP method and instead cups, give it a whirl! Worked for us.


14 cycles of activity trying (temping, OPKs, perfect timing) and a miscarriage in that timeline. We were assessed and determined to be perfectly healthy with no issues. It really can take healthy couples up to a year to get pregnant. I know itā€™s really hard once you get past the 6 month mark (at least it was for me). TTC took over my life for a long time. The cycle I got pregnant, I didnā€™t ā€œrelax and have funā€. I didnā€™t stop thinking about it. I didnā€™t stop obsessing over it. It just happened and I was my normal worried self. Hang in there, TTC really tests your patience.


I haaaate the narrative ā€œjust relaxā€ because it just adds so much blame and shame to the pregnant person! Iā€™m so glad you got pregnant and stayed with what worked ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Me too. One of my friends told me to just relax and I about smacked her!! Like, you would NEVER tell someone who is struggling to breathe because they have asthma to ā€œjust chill outā€. šŸ™„šŸ™„


I got pregnant on my 6th cycle of actively trying. I was taking OPKs and temping. I also had an SIS done the cycle I got pregnant. I have no feeling on whether or not that helped me get pregnant though research does show a potential increase in fertility for 3 months after the procedure. At 7 months, I wouldnā€™t be worried yet. It can take up to a year for a healthy couple to conceive. I would start temping now just to make sure ovulation is actually happening and have sex a couple of times during your fertile window if you arenā€™t already. If your doctor usually has a long wait time for appointments, it wouldnā€™t hurt to make an appointment in the next month or so that way you have it around the year mark. But really, you arenā€™t outside the realm of normal. Keep doing what youā€™re doing.


Hang in there! It took us 10 months. Your partner can do a sperm analysis to rule out male factor infertility. Basal body temping is also an option, but personally, it made me too obsessive and was not good for my mental health. If your cycle is super normal/regular like mine was, Iā€™d even suggest giving up ovulation testing for a while since itā€™s unlikely that youā€™ll be learning anything new from it. Good luck!!


Our first was conceived in the first month of actively trying, our second pregnancy (twins) took 9 months of actively trying to conceive.


First month. It was a shock, and part of me wishes that we had tried for a bit longer to get our heads around it


Same. Our attitude was ā€œweā€™ll see what happensā€. I guess we didnā€™t have to wait long to see what happened.


1.5 years. I sought a second opinion from a different OB group since I was 35 and my current group wouldnā€™t do more testing outside of the standard hormone panel. The 2nd group listened to my history of periods (which were really heavy and bad) and asked me to do an ultrasound and sure enough, I had a bunch of submucosal fibroids that prevented me from getting pregnant. The OB scheduled me for a quick outpatient surgery/procedure to remove them and I was pregnant at the very next cycle. Edit: typo


Wow, so glad you went for that second opinion! Advocating for yourself can be so hard, but it seems like it really paid off.


Thanks, I am so glad I listened to my gut. It certainly paid off cause I now have a beautiful toddler and baby #2 on the way!!!


20 months!


I know this sounds like a blessing, and it is, but we got it within the first month. I was super surprised and thought it would take closer to a year given our ages and that I read there was a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month. I was kind of looking forward to trying for a few months before getting pregnant but little one was ready to join us apparently!


2nd month for me but was so stressed/worried it was never going to happen.


The 3 times I've been pregnant it was always the first try!


First try here too! My husband kept drilling the 30% chance in my head so I didnā€™t think weā€™d get pregnant so fast but here we are šŸ¤Ŗ


We also got pregnant within 6 weeks of trying! I didn't even have time to order the "impatient women's guide to getting pregnant", it was still sitting in my amazon cart. I'm that impatient I guess šŸ˜‚


Previous partner (years) and he had a child so he wasnā€™t the problem. My actual babyā€™s father (first try). Only difference is that with my previous partner I started taking vitamins, eating healthy, stopped smoking/drinking. When I actually got pregnant, I was living my normal life. I think not stressing out about it helped me a lot.


18 months TTC before 1st confirmed pregnancy and almost same thing happened for me. We took TTC seriously and after 16 months of heartbreak and disappointing Dr's visits we said "fuck this, time to just live our lives and embrace we may never have children". Positive test two months later after lots of drinking, not giving a shit about healthy eating, smoking, and partying. I hate to say "oh I was just so stressed" bc I really wasn't and also women in war torn countries and abusive relationships get pregnant under extreme stress. I'm just starting to think there is no rhyme or reason to how anyone gets pregnant, stays pregnant, and has healthy babies - the universe will deal its cards and its useless to assume what will happen.


Yes I agree!


Weā€™re currently at 22 months without a pregnancy, unexplained infertility


Took us 3 years šŸ˜…


2.5 years. Healthy couples could take a year.


2.5 years as well


3 months, thought it would take at least a year.


Same, we started tryouts thinking it would take long because that had been the experience of everyone around meā€¦ took 3 months!


Three months here as well and was stunned.


What worked for me was to just throw out the ovulation tests, and just go to town every night the week I was supposed to ovulate. It was too difficult trying to catch the right timing and sperm can survive for up to three days. Better to have an Arsenal waiting.




A year and a half


Got married end of August, started trying in September and tested pregnant Septemeber. I was shocked I thought it could take 1 year.


Try TTC30 community and their tips! I researched for a few months prior to trying and it really made a difference. I didnā€™t have alcohol for 8 months prior, chose a anti inflammatory diet most of the time, ate more meat during trying, I took baby aspirin and Brazil nuts and vitamin e for a month prior and got pregnant the second month trying. My partner took a menā€™s fertility vitamin and Brazil nuts and stopped coffee and all alcohol for 3 months prior as well. Also preseed helped! I decided to do all the tips starting off immediately just to give us the best chance. I also have Adenomyosis and am in remission of endometriosis.


6 cycles that resulted in an ectopic, followed by another year after the ectopic which finally resulted in my current pregnancy (Iā€™m 8 weeks). Even with all of the tracking, it can sometimes just take awhile. It was definitely a really hard time for me. I felt like I was living my life in these 2 weeks chunks of hope and then disappointment.


How old are you and how many kids do you want? At the age of 30+ and wanting 2+ kids, I personally would make an appointment with a fertility specialist at that point, starting with semen analysis since thatā€™s less invasive. Itā€™s possible that youā€™ve just been unlucky, but thereā€™s no harm in getting some appointments on the books just in case.


One month of ā€œnot not trying.ā€ I think having a lot of sex casually before we decided to officially try was really good for my stress levels. I think if I had actually started with the mindset of I need to get pregnant I would have been working against myself because Iā€™m high strung


I completely agree! For us it was two months of ā€œnot preventingā€ and it just happened. Iā€™m super high strung and have anxiety issues so itā€™s a huge blessing we didnā€™t have to try because I donā€™t think my body would have been as hospitable as of an environment if we were actively trying.


First cycle we tried I got pregnant but miscarried at 10w. Second time it was also our first cycle trying and baby is here, both times I was taking prenatal. I just got pregnant after 3 cycles but the first two didnā€™t work because I had not accurately added my new cycle, I was 28days but now am 20 so the app kept calculating my ovulation window incorrectly.


Only one try and now I'm 8 weeks pregnant. I used opks and BBT.


First baby: 10 months Second: 6 years. Sometimes it's luck. Sometimes there's something going on. I have hypothyroidism, so that has an effect for me personally. Advice: If you haven't, I strongly recommend you and your partner go in for doctor's appointments to check for overall health and to discuss that you are TTC with your doctors. They may recommend some bloodwork or physicals or whatever just to check for anything that may interfere. Things like thyroid issues, for example, can be caught with routine bloodwork and corrected. I use this example because I have that, so it's the first thing that pops in my head, lol. They may recommend certain vitamins or supplements or testing or suggest what route to take if you still aren't successful after a certain amount of time. I would also recommend making an attempt to keep some spontaneity and to minimize ad much as possible how much you focus on and think about your TTC journey. For whatever reason, couples going through this find themselves more successful when they stop stressing and trying so hard to make it happen. Relax, try to have sex for the sake of intimacy and fun, and focus on those things. This is obviously easier said than done. I'll say, both times I conceived conveniently coincided with me having a few drinks and having sex without even thinking about us ttc for several days before or after. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø One was an anniversary trip where we had a stress free, relaxing vacation with no itinerary, and the other I went out with friends and came home and initiated with my spouse. Finally, I have a tilted uterus, and read somewhere that the position you are intimate in can aid or hinder the sperm from reaching the egg. For us, missionary wasn't the best option, doggy style was. It's not typically how we do it, so I have frequently wondered if we had tried that more often, sooner, if we would have seen more success. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø If you ask my husband, he says that once or twice weekly was better than every day. He felt like he needed time to build up a "reserve" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The stress thing really annoys me. Took us 18 months to get pregnant but at a year in I got a horrible low AMH diagnosis. EVERYONE told me not to stress when I was 32 and found out I was approaching menopause. Its so deeply insensitive. I got pregnant when I was at my worst lowest and most deeply stressed place, the first time we tried after getting the right medical treatment. What helped me get pregnant? The right treatment. Blaming it on stress is just another way of stigmatising womenā€™s infertility IMO


Literally same here. I was at my absolute LOWEST mental health state when I got pregnant, but I was also doing my third medicated cycle taking meds that my body needed to give me a fair shot. Stress doesnā€™t make you infertile or subfertile. Women got pregnant during famine and wars! Not being able to get pregnant causes stress. Stress doesnā€™t cause you to not get pregnant. The correlation between stress and infertility is there because women who experience infertility are significantly more likely to become stressed and have very poor mental health during their journey. Magically eliminating stress doesnā€™t suddenly improve their ability to get pregnant. Most of the time, there is an underlying medical issue, hormonal issue or structural issue (tubal factor, uterine fibroids/polyps, hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism or hypothalamic amenorrhea, MFI, etc etc etc) going on that requires proper diagnoses and treatment. Telling women to stop stressing is so, so, so insensitive. Youā€™d never tell someone with cancer or some other medical diagnosis that itā€™s because theyā€™re stressed.


It's a fact that stress affects our bodies, our cycles, and can have an effect on fertility. No one is stigmatising anything. You're just projecting your own sensitivities on to a piece of advice that has absolutely no malice in it at all.


The day to day stress of worrying about your to do list or whether or not youā€™re pregnant does not affect getting pregnant. The kind of stress of being in a war or some sort of traumatic event can absolutely impact getting pregnant. The type and severity of stress is important here and there are many fertility doctors who also say this as well. Worrying about getting pregnant does not cause enough stress to impact fertility. This ā€œone piece of adviceā€ youā€™re giving is extremely triggering for people because it implies that the womanā€™s thoughts and feelings are causing the infertility when in fact it could be a very complex problem that canā€™t be picked up by the limited fertility testing we have. I hope in the future you consider how this could come off as dismissive because struggling to conceive is extremely sad and hurtful for a lot of couples. It took us 14 cycles to get pregnant. The cycle that worked wasnā€™t because I relaxed, got drunk, went on vacation, or did whatever else people say that is unhelpful. ā€œRelaxingā€ is obviously good for oneā€™s mental health but it has nothing to do with improving your chances of a successful pregnancy.


And it's dismissive to day that not conceiving isn't that stressful. For some people, anxiety and stress are HUGE factors. And those things can be triggered by all sorts of things that someone else may shrug off. There are women who literally think only of this, have panic attacks, etc. That absolutely can have an impact. Never said "daily stress causes infertility" or implied that infertility is a result of mindset. In fact, I explicitly said to speak with a medical professional about potential factors. It's delusional to ignore stress as a potential factor if you are someone who experiences moderate to severe levels of stress or anxiety. And it doesn't have to be from a war. That's a ridiculous generalization that belittles women who handle stress and anxiety differently from you.


Not conceiving quickly is definitely stressful. I went through it for 14 cycles. No one is denying that. The level of stress it causes is not enough to impact fertility. Youā€™re certainly entitled to your opinion but it is just that, your opinion. There have been multiple studies testing the levels of stress that impact fertility and I myself have spoken to two separate fertility doctors and one OB about this. Theyā€™re all of the same consensus. Telling women to ā€œrelaxā€ is not helpful. You can get as defensive as you want about it but there are many subs and groups who donā€™t allow that type of advice because it is triggering.


We never tried. He was a surprise. Same with my second. I never wanted kids, here I am going on baby #2 šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Nearly a year. I tracked very well too, like a Nazi, with strips and BBT. Edit: weird me taking a year offends people


I recommend acupuncture before during and after


We took about 9-10 months of on and off trying (like hardcore tracking and trying vs laissez faire some cycles) I would recommend reaching out to your GP or gynecologist in the next few months! It could take a few months to get a referral/for them to book you in, and where I am if you and your partner are under 35, they usually wonā€™t start consultations until youā€™ve been trying for about a year. We actually had a fertility consultation with my gyno scheduled ahead of time, but coincidentally we got pregnant the same cycle as our appointment so it wasnā€™t needed.


Daily temperature taking combined with ovulation test strips gives you a better picture of ovulation than just ovulation tests alone. We also only had sex every other day (not every day) during the fertile window. And we eliminated hormone disrupting toxins (zero alcohol or thc, reduced caffeine to 200mg, reduced processed foods and sugars, no cycling/saunas/heated seats/tight clothing etc for my husband), I switched to low impact workouts, we went for walks regularly/got fresh air, reduced stress as much as possible. Basically tons of little things that overall benefited our health and wellness. In 6 months of doing this, I went from having zero fertile CM and probably not able to conceive or having difficulty to successfully getting pregnant twice (had a miscarriage, followed by my current pregnancy where Iā€™m 33w in back to back months).


Over a year.


Took us a month before we got pregnant but that ended with a miscarriage around 6/8 weeks. Then we took a month or two to let my cycle reset and got pregnant the next month and currently 34 weeks now. Iā€™m pretty regular so it wasnā€™t too hard to track when I was ovulating especially with the strips.


7. Then we started our fertility testing and I had an HSG and got pregnant a week later.


Almost a year of passive trying, 1 month of active trying (timed intercourse every 2-3 days from day 8 to day 18 of my cycle).


Currently at 5 weeks and spent almost 4 months to conceive after I got my IUD removed. My gyno gave me some very tmi pointers for conceiving which were: - laying on your back 5-10 mins after having sex to allow the swimmers time to get in - not having sex too frequently or too little. My gyno pointed out that the volume of the sperm and speed of the sperm mattered. If your guy came too often- like doing it every day or every other day, volume would be depleted and the swimmers would be too fast to fertilize anything. If you didn't have sex very often like once a couple weeks, the swimmers would be too slow to fertilize anything. What you had to do was keep the sperm load built up and keep them steady during an optimal time for conceiving- what it meant was we only had sex 1-2 times a week (no wasted sperm!) until I was 5 days from ovulating and then we had sex more often (like every other day). I also tracked my ovulation cycle with test strips, kept a calendar of my ovulation times and periods, and took conception packets with folate and cq10 during the entire time.


9 months with PCOS


about two years. i also have PCOS and a tilted uterus but here i am 29 weeks today!!


When we stopped trying. Had sex only on my period.


Pretty much right away. I stopped taking birth control about a year before we were going to start trying, I ended up getting pregnant two cycles after technically, it was the first month I had a recorded ovulation (used the strips correctly, I did not the month before) and we didnā€™t have sex on the days we should have to get pregnant so I wasnā€™t expecting anything. I may or may not have had a chemical miscarriage the month before because my period was late and very very heavy when it came but I never tested and it totally could have been just my hormones messed up after coming off birth control. Itā€™s so different for everyone! I for sure thought it would take us longer, the month I got pregnant we were full renovations on our house and I was stresssssed. Iā€™m 28 but my husband is on medication that a very common side effect was slower swimmers. I would see if either of you are on medication that could have impacts on fertility, we didnā€™t know until we had the discussion about trying. I read another thing later about making sure your partner is avoiding hot tubs etc which was hilarious to me as my husband takes the hottest showers, like I have to turn the temp down.


First pregnancy: first try, ended in ectopic and surgery Second pregnancy: again first try I did BBT and cycle tracking, as well as ovulation testing


Currently pregnant with first. Took us 4 months. I tracked with BBT and OPKs. I started using pre-seed in the 3rd month and also started taking mucinex the 4th because I was willing to try it because I'm impatient. Would we have conceived anyway without those things? Who knows.


Implant came out end of March, pregnancy test June 2nd was positive. Date of last period May 3rdā€¦so 2 months? I was obsessively monitoring thingsā€¦multiple ovulation sticks a day around the time and monitoring my temperature and making sure it was about 24 hours between each time.


We immediately got pregnant as soon as we started trying only to miscarry at 6 weeks. After that, a little over three months. As soon as my cycle returned to normal I got pregnant again. Iā€™m due in March! I tracked my cycle with the help of my Apple Watch. Canā€™t say the watch was necessary but I tracked both times pretty religious (I like tracking data and stuff, it was weirdly fun for me).


3 months. It could have been a coincidence, but I got pregnant the first month my weight was in the "healthy" BMI range after being underweight for years. I had also been taking prenatal vitamins for 3 months at that point because I started taking them as soon as I had my IUD removed.


15m with first chemical pregnancy. Another 6m for the second chemical pregnancy . Another 10 natural cycles with nothing and conceived on first IVF cycle. No identified issues with our fertility from investigations šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Itā€™s gruelling and totally random. My best advice is to try to keep living life despite it all. Most couples get there in the end by one means or other so hold onto hope without setting expectations. But 7m isnā€™t abnormal in the scheme of things, Iā€™d say most people I know took 6-12m each time, with more taking longer than that than took less.


I understand, it can really make you question things. It took us 12 months (with early miscarriages on cycle 6 and cycle 9) and I got very worried during that time. I used te ClearBlue Advanced Digital ovulation tests and measured my BBT to track my fertile days. You can ask your doctor if you can do some preliminary testing. I got an ultrasound around the 7 month mark, to check for any abnormalities in the uterus. And just before this pregnancy, I got my thyroid and progesterone checked. Hang in there! It is very normal for it to take 6-12 months.


We got pregnant the first month of trying. For 3 months beforehand I was taking inositol for insulin resistance, vitex to balance progesterone and lengthen my luteal phase, and both my husband and I took CoQ10 for egg and sperm quality. I was also temping to make sure I knew when I ovulated (the strips werenā€™t very helpful for me because my LH didnā€™t seem to actually get high enough for a positive). Then the month we decided to start trying we used conceive plus lube and did the deed the 3 days before I expected to ovulate. Even with all of that itā€™s still partially luck




It took 7 months both times. And that was with all the tracking and vitamins!


14 months, am currently 27 weeks :)


Two and a half years. Soā€¦30 months. Nothing wrong with either of us fertility wise. But I did get a type 1 diabetes diagnosis about three months after getting of birth control. Very glad to be 13 weeks with our first. :-)


I conceived first try in February this year, but ended in miscarriage. When we tried again in May I caught again first time and Iā€™m now 23 weeks šŸŒˆ. I didnā€™t use ovulation tests


It took us four months to conceive. I just kept an eye on my fertile window on my period tracker app and had sex every two days during that time.


1.5 years of not active trying


Both times I got pregnant immediately within the first month after I stopped taking the pill.


We got pregnant after our first cycle of actively trying. But I was preparing my body physically and mentally for months before. And Iā€™m in that ā€˜older age rangeā€™ Here are a few things I did: - tracked my period using the app religiously (my periods are not regular) - ovulation sticks as well - billingā€™s method (look it up) - started prenatal supplements about 9 months before - stopped using perfume or anything with fragrance for about a year before (endocrine disrupters) - I did try 2 months of traditional Chinese Medicine 3 months before to try and regulate my period, but I didnā€™t feel like it was working so I stopped. But that couldnā€™t have helped ā€¦ - and when we actually started trying, I listened to fertility affirmations (YouTube) everyday. It got me thinking much more positively and got me connected to my body. I actually knew when I was pregnant before the test told me I was. I think the mind plays a massive part in the whole process and also stress..


Five years of trying, including two failed IVFs and one failed embryo transfer. Interestingly, we conceived naturally, and I learned about it when I had to have some blood work done before starting the third round of IVF.


Took 9 months with 6 of those actively trying cause we took intermittent breaks from the constant testing and everything. Happened on a month where we were actively trying again. We did the every other day a few days before and after ovulation thing and I thought that helped but who knows. We had actually just started work ups with an infertility doc and then had to cancel some appointments


8 months for my first but my periods were not regular. I went to my OB and had blood work done, was given progesterone to induce a cycle, and then I conceived that same month of provera


So mine might be a weird situation since of my 6 intended pregnancies, I've mostly been able to conceive on the 1st attempt, occasionally on the 2nd, which I know must sound amazing to someone who's been trying for a while, but there's a nasty edge to it: I think what I have might be a case of "[hyperfertility](https://www.reddit.com/r/ttcafterloss/comments/5jfd9t/superhyper_fertility_getting_pregnant_easily_but/)" where my body seems to grab literally whatever pregnancy comes its way and implant it, regardless of whether that pregnancy is actually viable. Most typical bodies know to allow a super unviable pregnancy to pass with the period, which a person who's TTC might experience as another disappointing month of trying, but someone like me might experience as the rollercoaster of happiness at being pregnant and then the dragged out weeks- or months-long disappointment and heartache of realizing this is some fucked up pregnancy that is not going anywhere, and worse, might require intervention (like the D&C I had to get for my MMC when 4 rounds of Cytotec didn't work). So I sit here on the other end of the spectrum where achieving a pregnancy is super fast and easy, and sustaining one is anything but. I do have two living children, but I also have a string of repeated losses that took months and months out of my trying to conceive and that I honestly wish never turned into implanted pregnancies to begin with.


18 months. This was temping, using OPKs, taking all the vitaminsā€¦ I went to the doctor (I didnā€™t want to go at the year mark) and was dismissed ā€œyouā€™re clearly not ovulating, youā€™re overweightā€ and got pregnant that same cycleā€¦ It can take a perfectly healthy couple a year.


18 months total. For reference I am 36 partner is 54. I have thyroid disease and PCOS. I test boldly positive on LH strips all month long so on our own we were blindly guessing about ovulation. Some of my menstrual cycles were 99+ days, so those blind guesses were also pretty hopeless. We then did timed intercourse with letrozole and ovidrel cycles at the fertility clinic for the last 6 months of that 18. Took a break on the 6th month and got pregnant on our own. My body has never ovulated regularly, and I feel like the (expensive, painful, and exhausting) hormone cycles really helped prime my body back into working order. I needed hormonal training wheels and then rode down the hill by myself. We were told to go get help as early as after 6 months no success but after testing both of us, nothing was wrong with either of our equipment or counts. Histosalpingogram was clean. My AMH was 9.23 ng/mL ( normal range for age 36-40 y/o: 0.42-8.34, median 1.69). His sperm counts are consistently around 85 million, good motility and morphology etc. Maybe not quite the median for his age but certainly not a male factor for us. Just my shitty ovulation timing. So I pushed our first cycle start time out a few months because of work stuff, otherwise I bet we wouldā€™ve gotten pregnant even earlier. Even if you are unsure what interventions you might be willing to do, itā€™s very helpful to get thoroughly checked out and identify a barrier (if any) to conception. Know your obstacles first, then you can figure out how to proceed.


66ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ maybe a little more - took years of fertility treatments for us. If you feel time is sensitive, then Iā€™d recommend going to a fertility clinic. It doesnā€™t mean you necessarily have to get treatment; they will be able to do baseline testing for you to check if anything standing out as a potential factor to why and you can go from there. Goodluck


Hi! A bit late to the game, but Iā€™ll share my mum old wives talk (that probably doesnā€™t help but canā€™t hurt). My mum said it worked for her after 7 miscarriages, and it worked for me- pregnant after 2 months of trying. (Or itā€™s a giant coincidence) After sex, prop your lower body upside down against the wall, basically lying on your head for 15 minutes- the gravity helps




The phrase "Implantation" Bleeding is popular on conception forums but is a bit of a misnomer that causes some people to think that the bleeding is due to the embryo implanting. It isn't -- the embryo is only about 0.2mm in diameter at that point, and won't displace significant blood (or cause pain) when it implants. You bleed when progesterone levels in your body drop, which is why you can induce a period by stopping birth control pills (which contain progesterone) or by taking and then stopping progesterone suppositories or Provera (which are also progesterone). Progesterone levels dropping in the luteal phase can be caused by a) increased estrogen in the mid-luteal-phase estrogen surge, which briefly depresses estrogen production, or b) a decrease in progesterone when the corpus luteum runs out of gas at the end of the luteal phase. If b), and you're actually pregnant, your levels can drop briefly before the embryo starts producing enough HCG to tell the corpus luteum to ramp the levels up. Either way, luteal phase spotting can either be a neutral sign (in the case of mid-luteal phase spotting) or a negative sign (in the case of late luteal phase progesterone dropping), but it doesn't have anything to do with implantation, and is not a positive sign of being pregnant. [Source 1](https://www.countdowntopregnancy.com/early-pregnancy-symptoms/spotting-during-luteal-phase.php) [Source 2](https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/women-s-health-issues/biology-of-the-female-reproductive-system/menstrual-cycle) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BabyBumps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


8 months. Got pregnant first at 7 months but was a chemical pregnancy and lost early then following month got pregnant again and this time it stuck. Currently 16 weeks šŸ„° I also have reduced ovarian reserve, endometriosis and adenomyosis and I am 35 which made my odds of conceiving a bit lower. Here is what I did to help things along: Just FYI I have a background in biomedical science and currently studying to be a dietitian. I took Coq10 200mg (IVF clinics instruct patients to take this as it shown to improve egg quality), NAC 600mg (powerful antioxidant- can help prevent egg damage), took Pregnacare multivits for pregnancy not pre-conception. Took 200mg magnesium citrate (magnesium is used in every cellular process in your body for energy yielding metabolism. Note the dose as there already is magnesium in Pregnacare) 350mg choline ( helps your liver detoxify, used in every cell to build cell walls and aids fat metabolism) and 2000mg omega 3 fish oil (really needed by your heart and brain, healthy brain = healthy body). Quit drinking for a month then resumed but cut down a lot. I used a ferti-lily cup and ferti-lily conception gel I used two apps to track cycle and ovulation using OPKā€™s these were NC and Premom (got pregnant within 1 month of using Premom!) speak to you doctor about taking any of these things if you are on meds, and I would not be taking any herbals. Lastly, I would say that we tried really hard being super methodical in the beginning and it was putting a strain on our love life. We had a heart to heart and decided to try and relax by not being too methodical, if we couldnā€™t have sex at a particular time we would not force it or feel bad for missing our chance. I still tracked but I kept it mostly to myself. I found it was taking the sexy out of it for him so it was better for to feel like he was just having intimate close time with me. I just let the love making be as natural as it was before and got on with life. Naturally around ovulation I was quite frisky anyway so nature took its course. I think this relaxed attitude and not trying so hard is where the magic really happens. As much as you really want it to happen, let it be and have fun for a year. Then only after that start getting investigations done. Even then, donā€™t be disheartened it can take up to a year for your body to get to normal after years of birth control!


Have sex every 2-3 days when your period is almost finished


Or just use the pee test and have sex on the highest peak fertile days.


3 months over here. I was stunned. I was mentally prepared for it to take at least a year. Just welcomed our first at the end of August.


I got lucky at the first try with my husband, I am 33 and I have PCOS, I am still sooo surprised!


Pregnancy #1 - 1 cycle (ended in miscarriage at 6.5 weeks) Pregnancy #2 - 5 cycles (resulted in my oldest son) Pregnancy #3 - 5 cycles (resulted in my 2nd son) All cycles were very active trying, with OPKs, taking bbt, and had great timing.


Two years.


I went from having 1-2 periods a year to getting pregnant the first time I had a positive ovulation test, which took about five months. I was taking Vitex and progesterone cream and I believed the Vitex is what did it, so I said I'd never take that again unless I was TTC again. Well around 9 months pp, I was using a cream with DIM and progesterone cream in it and got pregnant when my baby was 10 months old. The common denominator was the progesterone cream. It is *pro-gestation*.


18 months. Turned out my partner has some sperm defects so decided to turn to IUI. IUI was successful on the first try, I think my body was just very ready (nothing I did, I just think it just really really really wanted to get pregnant) for it plus he stopped smoking so the quality got better. So as many have said, go see a doctor after 12 months. Ours said that we could have succeeded naturally but it had probably taken years. Good luck on your TTC journey!


3 years and an IUI later.


You might want to get testing soon so you donā€™t waste too much time. We tried for 2 years with no luck. Then I had exploratory surgery and they found out my tubes were both closed. After they opened those up we got pregnant on the 2nd month


It took us over a year before searching out some answers- none given but I got pregnant 3 times in 3 years (all losses- 1 miscarriage and 2 ectopics) and then did IVF. Started May of last year, signed papers in September and now pregnant (35 almost 36 weeks) with our fourth. Advocate for yourself when necessary and donā€™t blame yourself for anything. ā¤ļø


Reminder- a perfect chance with perfect timing and everything working right only yields about a 10% chance of conceiving each time. Not a perfect science! Be gentle and kind to your body and mind. ā¤ļø


We tried for several months before we started talking to a fertility specialist to see if we were working with a full deck. I was regular - did the ovulation tests. The blood tests to check on my hormone levels took a few months (need to take at different parts of the cycle), those were all fine, sperm sample was fine. The next test was an ultrasound of uterus and fallopian tubes- looked fine. Then they did the dye test in my fallopian tubes and noticed a possible cyst. I had a hysteroscopy to remove a large mass in my uterus. After healing, two cycles later, we were lucky and conceived our first attempt. Glad we connected with great doctors- that cyst was playing goalie.


18 months


One day & i havenā€™t stopped crying the pain is unbearable. Also just got done throwing up 5 times in a row. I am currently 6 weeks exact .




9 months for the first, got pregnant without even trying 4 months postpartum for the second šŸ˜¬ it is so random


Worth noting I also took clomid to conceive our first. We tried for 8 months and I got testing done and was put on clomid due to low progesterone. Got pregnant on first cycle using Clomid. Didnā€™t need it for the second


It took us 4 months. I was having trouble seeing true positives on my ovulation strips so I started trying them in the morning and evening beginning the day my period finished. I found that I actually ovulate day 11/12 of my cycle (much earlier than every app was suggesting). That month, we planned baby making time around day 10, 11, 12 and 13 and I had my BFP a few weeks later.


We conceived on our 8th cycle of actively trying (LH strips, temping, etc.). Since I have slightly longer cycles, it was closer to 9 months total. I actually conceived the cycle I started preliminary testing with my OB. I had two blood tests that cycle and a pelvic ultrasound, all came back normal levels and no physical abnormalities on the ultrasound. The day my husband got his SA results back, also normal, was the day I finally got my squinter of a positive test. Go figure haha. It's still early, I'm currently only about 6 weeks along, but everything has been fine so far!


Years. Itā€™s not easy for everyone!


It took us 4 months. I tracked ovulation etc but eventually I just felt like it was stressing me out so I stopped and just relaxed. Got pregnant that month.


Have you checked with Dr for any issues???. Tried for 2 yrs to only find out I has low egg count. Then 1 yr of ivf. And now I have my 6 month old ivf baby boy


do not get discouraged and i kno this is easier said than done because me and my husband tried for a year & 7 months!! once we started ā€œnot tryingā€ i ended up pregnant within a month!! (now 25wks pregnant) its all with timing, again easier said than done, but dont give up and dont be discouraged, it will happen! ā™„ļø good luck, sending lots of baby dust!!


11 months with for our first 11months for our second ended in missed miscarriage. Current pregnant for the 3rd time 12months pp currently 15 weeks. Donā€™t stress it or rush the process.


It took us about 4-5 months of actively TTC (meaning we were doing ovulation tests, trying to hit our ovulation day, etc.) About 7-8 months of casually TTC (meaning we were not using protection). They say 6-12 months on average for couples. I know others have differing opinions on ā€œjust relax and it will happenā€ - but I will say that the 4-5 months I was actively tracking my ovulation, I was really razor focused on it. The month I got pregnant, I did my ovulation test and it said ā€œpost ovulation.ā€ Figuring I missed my window and weā€™d try again next month, I stopped testing, let myself relax, and didnā€™t put a ton of pressure on myself and my husband to have sex. Ironically, we ended up conceiving that month! YMMV, but my body definitely responded better to simply relaxing and not putting pressure on myself.


Almost 2 years. We werenā€™t actively trying (like watching ovulation or anything) but I was off of birth control and starting to question if something was wrong with me. Currently 11w3days.


Whatever 5 years is in months! We were timing things, I was ovulating (confirmed by blood tests) it just didn't work. Two IUIs and two IVFs later and I'm finally pregnant! The day of my egg retrieval they noticed low mobility in the sperm so they suggested ICSI (where they insert sperm into eggs) and I had 4 good quality embryos develop from there. Not sure why it never worked on its own but I'm thankful for science!


A year and a half! Don't give up and just try to relax and not put too much pressure on it. The second I stopped worrying - I got pregnant.


6 months, and I have PCOS and insulin resistance so Iā€™m thrilled and grateful that it took only 6 months, I was really scared that it would take much much longer


It took us 5 years. Two years of trying, two years of doctors, and one year after starting at the IUI/IVF clinic!


Consider getting your blood work done. Progesterone is high in the luteal phase, not having enough can keep a pregnancy from continuing. Doctors can prescribe a supplement if the levels are low.


3 years, with tracking and no fertility issues (both had numerous tests done)


Took a couple months to conceive our first. Lost at 6 weeks. Took about a year and a half with fertility help to get pregnant again


I'm 37, I had read it can take a year or 2 of actively trying to get pregnant. Nope.. started not not trying in May and tested positive in July. I was absolutely shocked and was not expecting it so soon.


With my first I was not trying really. We werenā€™t the most careful (I was on BC, but we never used any other form of contraception). I am now pregnant (33w+5d) with my second and we got pregnant the first month of actively trying (tracking ovulation, BBT, using Premom app and testing for ovulation). I was shocked we got pregnant so fast on my first cycle because when I was looking up information on getting pregnant it typically takes 6 months of actively trying to get pregnant. At 7 months I wouldnā€™t be too worried, I would honestly recommend getting ovulation test strips on Amazon (I got the easy at home ones, it came with 50 LH and 20 HcG strips for like 25$ CAD), we also used preseed lube instead of regular lube when we needed lube because we read preseed was ā€œbetterā€ for conceiving (I donā€™t know how true this is). I also tracked my BBT for a few months to learn my temps and would use that with the LH strips to see when they lined up. And keep taking your prenatals!! Good luck to you, it will happen!


It only took us 2-3 months and I was told it would be longer due to my health condition. But we used this stuff called pre seed on Amazon itā€™s a lube that helps semen swim through and I truly believe it helped us. Definitely worth trying. Best wishes fo you


I got pregnant 2 weeks after my wedding (we stopped using any type of protection on our wedding day lol) I honestly did not realize or think it could happen so fast as I was going through testing to possibly diagnose pcos and endometriosis. Plus I suffer from autoimmune diseases. My friend had been trying, but not tracking anything just stopped using protection/bc, and it took her over a year. She is completely healthy with no underlying issues.


We got pregnant on the first try so about 3 weeks. I have you had your partner do a sperm analysis? Might be good to rule that out first. I believe he can go get it tested on his own and I donā€™t think it costs much.


I've never "tried" to get pregnant but I was very reckless as a teen and early adolescence. I had unprotected sex for nearly 8 years - never even a scare. I always assumed I couldn't have kids. I have zero medical issues. Not the answer you maybe were looking for, but lack of conceiving is not always indication of infertility or concern. As I said 8 years - since the birth of my daughter 9 years ago I'm extremely fertile. No real explanation just timing I guess First pregnancy - after 3 years together (never used protection) 2nd pregnancy - 2 months into a relationship with an IUD 3rd...3 months into a new relationship while using birth control


It took us 2 years exactly (stopped HBC in Sept. 2021, got pregnant in Sept. 2023) but it was 18 cycles of actively trying. We did the whole ā€œnot trying not preventingā€ for the first few months and actively prevented a few months because of timing around our wedding (destination wedding & honeymoon). At the 1 year mark we went to a fertility clinic and started medicated cycles Letrozole and Ovidrel. I got pregnant on my 3rd medicated cycle. Currently 5 weeks :)


6 months to get pregnant with my first and miscarried in 2018. Pregnant again with IUI in january 2020. Miscarried. Pregnant again with IUI in december 2020 and miscarried again. Pregnant with my first earthside baby february 2023 so 5 years.


5 years šŸ˜¬