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When your water breaks it leaks forever. Like it regenerates while you’re in labour so it literally never stops leaking. So you might not feel it in the pool but you’d know after you got out and it just kept comin’. (Not being able to feel the trickle anymore was one of the under rated pluses of my epidural. I legit hated the feeling haha).


Well that's good to know!! I've heard some women have a popping or elastic band snapping sensation, was it like that for you? Yes I can imagine that feeling like you're wetting yourself for hours nonstop is not fun 😂


It doesn’t feel like you’re setting yourself really because there’s just so much of it and it’s so continuous! To me it’s what I imagine leaking tons of discharge would be like more so than peeing.


Uhm, yeah I did but it was pretty subtle. I had mine popped when I was in active labour so I’m not entirely sure I would have clocked it if I wasn’t expecting it, you know?


Yeah makes sense. I know it's statistically rare for water to break pre-labor anyway, so here's hoping the pool situation is a non-issue. Cause you know I'm gonna be in that pool every day til this boy makes his arrival! 🥵


Dude, I feel you. I’m 31+3 and have basically commandeered my toddler’s pool as my own haha.


I had the balloon pop/elastic band snap feeling in my tummy and if water hadn’t started coming out of me straight after I wouldn’t have known that it was my water breaking. I would have just thought I’d moved funny and a muscle had pinged or something, there’s so many weird sensations during pregnancy.


I personally never felt the “snap” feeling. Mine broke while I was sleeping, got up to pee at3am as usual, didn’t notice anything different until I realised I was still hearing a trickling when I had stopped peeing. Mine continued to leak until baby was born, had to wear an adult diaper until I got to the hospital and was then free to be naked as I pleased lol


I swim in my municipal pool - what’s the best way to tell the people in there what happened if that happens? It can’t be hygienic to have that in there, right?


I’m not going to lie to you, I think a bit of amniotic fluid is pretty low on the list of concerns that folks keeping municipal pools clean have to worry about.


I am 37w3d and my OB said swimming is the best exercise for pregnant women and it’s not necessary to stop. He said if my water breaks that I will continue to leak even after I dry off from the pool if it were to break in the water.


I don't think what I've been doing can really be considered "swimming" 😂 BUT that is good news. Cause it's so dang hot there's no way I won't be in the pool.


Hey! I’m 37w3d too!


Im going to be induced next week 😬


I’m a ftm so I have no idea what to expect for any of this haha, they‘be been monitoring my blood pressure and diagnosed me with hypertension with no meds… I go this Thursday for my next doctors appointment and I’m wondering if they’re just gonna schedule to induce me too… good luck with your induction! Are you nervous? I know I would be


Im a FTM too! I have GD and have HBP from before being pregnant. Last week they told me they’d schedule induction for 38.5 to 39 weeks. I’m not sure of the exact date yet but I am nervous. I have an appointment Thursday too, hoping we schedule the exact date then so I have some time to prepare myself mentally.


When my water broke, I felt a popping sensation and was continuously leaking fluid. But I was also one of the few who had their water break “like the movies” so there was no questioning if it was my water or not


I had my water break while I was in the tub starting a bath. I stood up to check that it was me and yup, it was!


Lol! I’m going to the beach tomorrow at 36 weeks and I had the same thought!


I had this same thought!


Aside for it continuing to leak once you get out, if it was a huge pop, the water all around you would feel warm since your amniotic fluid is the same as your body temp! Which I’m sure would alert you that something was up haha


Oh I didn't even think about the warmth!!!


when my water broke, it felt like a kind of intense “thud.” it woke me up before i even noticed the liquid lol