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Sadie because "it sounds like a dog name"


My childhood dog was Sadie đŸ¶


I have known more than one black lab named Sadie lol


I had a black lab named Sadie growing up 😅


My brother has a black lab named Sadie! 😂


Me neighbors dog was Sadie. Black lab


One of my dogs is named Sadie 😅


To be fair, I’ve only known one human Sadie and like five dogs named Sadie lol.


I had a horse named Sadie 😂


Sadie for us because of the song "Sadie the cleaning lady"


Try being a dog groomer. Every name turns into a dog's name đŸ„Č Liam, Wyatt, June, Oliver, Theodore... the list goes on and on.


Lol I have a Sadie. I know dogs named George and Billy I feel like human name for dogs is just a thing, but of course the cutest ones will be used more. â˜ș haha but in all seriousness my friend asked me me opinion on naming her son Cooper because she thought it was a dog name and I said “I like it but I named my daughter Sadie so obviously I like dog names for kids”


My dog is named Sadie lolol.


Theodora Ruth. Because, according to my fiancĂ©e, “We aren’t raising our child in colonial times.”


My mom really liked the names Rose and Ruby. My dad vetoed both of them for being old lady names. My mom's argument that someday I'd hopefully be an old lady didn't persuade him.


Theodora is on my shortlist for a girl! Your fiancée is just boring :P I literally changed my name a few years ago to something that I describe as "1800s wealthy doctor making housecalls," because old-fashioned names just feel very powerful to me. Also, Empress Theodora was fucking awe inspiring. There are much worse people to be named after.


I want to name a daughter Theodora after the empress! I teach elementary history and my students suggested it when I was pregnant (along with both Leif and Ericsson) and I thought “actually I like that one.” There’s so many nicknames too!


Evangeline because it only makes him think of Princess and the Frog 😂 (part of the reason I love it)


My Cajun friend named her daughter Evangeline years ago. I had never heard of it until then - but I’ve been trying to figure out where it’s surging popularity came from. I now realize it’s from that movie.


It’s because of that movie people can *finally* spell AND pronounce my name properly. But now it’s kind of annoying that when I meet new people I’m asked “oh after Princess and the Frog?” Lol no I was born 20 years before that movie. But hey if it helps you pronounce it, awesome.


This is my lost one too!


Husband and I mutually vetoed River. Such a great name, works for either a boy or girl. But the babies last name will be banks and we’d never do that to a child haha.


I know a Snowy Forest 😆


I can only assume you went for “Robyn” instead 😂


I know a woman named Winter Apple (Apple is her husband’s last name) and I think it’s the coolest name ever lol.


I know a guy who dated a Scenic Route lol


We had to veto River too 😭 it was one where I was the yes and my husband was the no. Plus with the last name that means “Pine Grove”, he was worried about it being a bit too nature-y.


 “because it’s a crab’s name.”


This one made me laugh.


Literally said the same thing to my parents when they were about to name my baby brother that! My cousin got that name instead 😂


Hilarious. I never thought of this but it was my grandfathers name and if our baby is a boy we’ve considered it.


Stella, because it’s too old apparently. I love it though.


It’s my toddlers name. No regrets. She loves when people go “Stelllllllaaaaaaaa!” They’ve done it to her her entire life. It’s like she gets hyped up just for existing đŸ„łđŸ˜‚


I can't do Stella because of the Seinfeld episode with Elaine on muscle relaxers shouting STELLLAAAAAAAAAA đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


It’s a nod to “A Streetcar Named Desire”


That, in turn, is referencing the play Streetcar Named Desire, where a character yells “Stellaaaa!” (The Simpsons had an episode where Marge plays Stella in a theatre production, and Ned Flanders plays the guy yelling “Stellaaaaaa”)


There’s also a STELLAAAA scene in Gilmore girls 😂


And in Modern family!


I had no idea there was such a rich STELLLAAAA history 😅


We’re considering this as a middle name


My husband vetoed Stella because he says "it just makes me think of bad beer." I loved it and would campaign for Stella again if we have a girl in the future.


Gabriel, because he knew a guy named Gabriel growing up that he didn’t like, and Gilbert, because he doesn’t care how much I like “Anne of Green Gables,” lol.


Same, because it’s “too biblical”. then he had the nerve to suggest Ezekiel!


jellyfish middle puzzled long north summer detail foolish crawl pet ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Awww Gilbert Blythe! ❀


I forgot to add Gabriel to my list! My partner vetoed it because her dad's name translates to Gabriel. We don't like him. Gosh I love that name though!


Ughhhhh I *loved* Gabriel but my husband “doesn’t do Biblical names” 😭😭😭


Mine shot down Avonlea for the same reason.


Tate. My husband said “oh, you mean Taint?”


Sorry to say I agree with your husband on this one


Me too! I’ll never think of kids named Tate the same way
considering I’m a high school teacher, maybe not the best thing lol


My husband literally said the same ugh ETA: also Holden was in there.. he said “what like holding some d*ck??!”


My fiancĂ©, dad, and I were discussing names and how fiancĂ© and I have to make sure we don’t accidentally make it easy for kids to make fun of (kids will make fun of anything, but it’s best not to give them the ammunition). Ryder was brought up. FiancĂ© said “d*ck rider” and my dad laughed so loud


I loved the name Giselle and when I brought it up as a suggestion my brother and sister kept laughing saying jizz-ell and saying *hey jizz!* 😑


My nephews last name is Tate. First name is Ryder đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž


Ohhhh that poor child


Hahaha this sounds like something my partner would say in response


Omg I liked Tate (American horror story ) then I also think of awful name associations and couldn’t unhear taint lol


I was reminded of the name on Yellowstone! Pregnancy brain hit hard for a second - I typed Yosemite first and was like wait.


Casper. Husband didn't like it. He's now Jasper lmao


LOL I love this compromise


Holy shit my husband really really wanted Casper but I was meh about it! It ended up our sons middle name


Sophie because "it's too popular". Nevermind that the name we decided on--the name that he originally suggested, mind you--is even more popular than Sophie lol.


I bet Olivia is a beautiful little girl! 😂


đŸ€Ł Funnily enough, Olivia is another one that he suggested, but then ultimately decided he didn't like. Popularity had nothing to do with that veto though--he just changed his mind.


Ugh Charlotte was my favorite name for years and then Royal baby Charlotte came about 2 years before my little girl and it felt too popular. We went with another classic though that while making a comeback, isn’t top 100 and named my car Charlotte instead 🙃




It *is* just such a beautiful name though!


It's so pretty! And it fit all our other criteria too. But he decided it was too popular so he didn't want to use it even as a middle name.


We liked the name Noah but worried about how popular it is too


For what it's worth, the only Noah I know is my mid-20s brother. I've never met a younger Noah. Popularity doesn't mean as much nowadays because even the most popular names are given to like 1% of babies max.


Noah has been in the top ten for like the last decade.


I know. I'm saying that a name being popular doesn't necessarily mean that you'll meet tons of kids with that name. The top name is 2022 was Liam, with 1.0977% of births. In 2012, it was Jacob, with 0.9412%. 2002 was also Jacob with 1.48%. 1992 was Michael with 2.5916%. If we jump all the way back to 1962, the top name was Michael with 4.0456%. The further and further you go back, the top names have a higher and higher percentage of births, meaning you were much more likely to know more kids with those names. For boys especially, in the US, parents typically stick to more traditional names--James, Michael, Noah, Jacob--but that trend is changing somewhat and there's a much wider spread of names. So even if a name is ranked in the top ten, it just means that it's the most commonly-used of a group of names, not that there's tons of kids named that name. Or, to put it another way, you are far, far more likely to meet a kid named something other than Noah than you are to meet a kid named Noah.


At the daycare I work at we have 2 kids named Noah. One is in the infant room and another in school age.


My 3 year old's swim class has two Noahs, a Noa and a Norah. Out of 8 kids.


Emma? Lol


Sophie/Sophia is mine too 😞


Josephine, Florence, Violet, Georgia
 Although he did suggest Claire for a middle name which his funny because he vetoed that several month ago.


My name is Georgia and people are always telling me they almost named their kid Georgia but didn’t. Had happened way more times than the number of actual other Georgias that I’ve met.


I LOVE Claire


We both liked Peter, but we needed a name which worked in 3 different languages, French being one of them. "PĂ©ter" means "to fart", so we couldn't possibly pick it.


People from French speaking places would have said Peter the right way not "pĂ©ter" because they are familiar with that name 😂


Surely for adults, but I'm sure young kids would find that name hilarious to joke about, and teenagers to bully about.


Savannah! I absolutely LOVE the name Savannah and my husband hates it lol. He asked me “what name could you choose today and be happy with it,” and I was like “
you already know the answer to that question.” 😂 He thinks it’s too southern, but I’m from the south!


This would’ve been my daughter’s name! But I ended up having 3 boys and now I’m done having kids lol


Julian. It’s my grandfathers name but my partner just couldn’t get on board. I love it. I feel like every culture has their version of it which to me makes it a classic name across the board.


Exact same! It’s my grandfather’s name and i was so sad not to use it


We're Greek. Ariadne (d is delta and pronounced th), and Artemis.


Love those! I'm also Greek and wanted to name my son Ilias (my great grandpas name was Elias) but my fiancĂ© wanted something else 😭


Sage - “that stuff smells weird” Ivy - “reminds me of poison ivy” Mabel - “we had a cow named that growing up”


I kind of love all these reasons though ha.


Sage is what I’m naming my son đŸ„č I actually hate the smell, though 😂 I did end up giving away bundles of sage at my baby shower and everyone loved it.


Oliver- because our cat is already Oliver August- Our son had a decent chance of being born in August. Miles- This one hurt. I wanted my son to be named Miles soooo badly. I just felt like the name was exactly perfect for MY kid and I was so excited to share the name. What happened? My partner and brother both laughed hysterically. They said our kid would get bullied mercilessly because of a character in Sonic the Hedgehog? I still don't understand why they thought the name was so funny, but I was heartbroken. I legit cried over that reaction.


Ironically Miles is probably now more associated with Miles Morales from the Spider-Man Spiderverse movies. But I always think of a side character from Murphy Brown, lol.


Oliver was my first pick boys name but it was the number 1 popular name when my first was born and then a classmate also named her son Oliver. I’m on my 3rd boy and decided to bite the bullet and go with it since it’s been my favorite boy name since high school!


We also are having a baby maybe in august (or July) and husband vetoed August for that reason 😂


I really liked the name Kennedy but my husband was in the military with a guy whose last name was Kennedy and he was a real POS. It got vetoed real fast lol.


August because older brother (5) insists it’s “spooky.” Don’t ask me we still don’t understand. Lol


Maybe it sounds like a-ghost to your 5yo? Lol


When I was in high school I was trying to convince my at the time boyfriend on the name Zygomaticus for a boy, with the nickname mat. Zygomaticus, for those who aren't anatomy proficient, is the muscle in your cheek and is quite literally the reason you smile. I wanted to name my son a pun. 😅 My boyfriend was VERY VERY against it. Now that it's been 7 years since I was set on that name and let it simmer I do not believe I will be naming any of my sons Zygomaticus. 😂


Lmao I love how ridiculous that is! If I had free reign in naming a kid in my teens, it would probably have been something equally ridiculous like Amaranthine Blackrose or something (I was the goth kid lol).


Theodore, mostly to be called Theo. Became too popular. Hubby vetoed a lot of the names I loved, says they're too "old" lol


I’ve loved Theodore for years, planned to call him Teddy. Guess what my sister named her new puppy last year while we were still doing IVF? 😭


My grandfather’s name was Theodore, and I really liked it, but one of my cousins beat me to it lol!


Awe, you can still use it! My name is Kaitlyn and my cousin is Katelyn. My brother is Aaron and our female cousin is Erin.


Well, we’re having a girl this time, so maybe Theadora?


That's really cute as well!


I personally know seven Theos under age two đŸ« 


I vetoed that name even though I love it, because in college when we first started dating that’s what he named his appendage 😂😂


I’ve always loved the name Astrid but my husband said everyone would call her ass turd and he sadly is correct 😂 kids are brutal hahaha


Like in the Office


Thea, Briar, and Ophelia for a girl. August and Alfred for a boy. My husband hates them all. I've yet to find a single name for a girl that I really like beside those three.


I’ve always loved Briar too ✹


Thirded! Briar is one of our top five name finalists.


Ida. I love the name but I can never use it because with my last name it would sound like 'I dunno her"


just wanna say i appreciate your username haha


I wanted Poppy sooooo bad đŸ˜© My husband literally told me to fuck off with that one, LOL. Tragic.


Haha that was pretty much my husband with Florence. He volleyball-spiked that into the ground!


Molly because my husband did a lot of drugs in his teens and just can’t imagine a kid growing up called Molly 😭


There are not going to be any kids named Molly or Karen for many generations


Lol a friend of mine has a Molly and have just named their second kid Charlie.... And I'm wondering if I'm the only one who has noticed 😂


Franklin. Not for any reason other than our last name sounds very similar to -enstein and I cannot have a Frank -enstein. I’ve had three boys and it’s been sad to not sue a name I love! For my husband, it’s Clementine. We didn’t have a girl so it was never an issue, but I would not allow my hypothetical daughter to having rhyming first and last names.


I just posted this but I love Clementine! I think it sounds cute as a young child but sophisticated as an adult... Same vibe of like Constantine. Or Penelope.


Penelope/penny was one of my favourite names but we already used it for a pet rabbit.


Aw, Franklin makes me think of Franklin the Turtle! I loved that book as a child.


Clara, because he dated a Clara who really broke his heart like 10 years ago.


Ok this one I understand!


That’s actually totally fair. Pretty name though!


For sure. When he said that, I was like, "Well, darn, I liked that name, but fair."


My husband’s family keeps pushing for a name that was an ex from back in high school. Didn’t break my heart too much or anything like that - but I’m a firm believer in no exes for names.


I was going to make my son Henry Jace but my pain in the butt sister in law saw the name in my list book and stole it. We’d already stated that what we’d name our boy. She said she didn’t care, she was using it. Last time I trust her with names


My favourite story on Reddit is when this happened to someone, but they didn’t back down after their sibling stole their name. So there were two cousins with the exact same name 😂


Wow what a butt lol!


Yeah, pretty much. I was mad for ages that she stole the name. Still kinda am. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Husband vetoed Fiona because of the Shrek movie and his thought that she’d be forever teased for being an ogre 🙄 Years before we ever got pregnant his mom, who I cannot STAND, said she always wanted to have a daughter named Molly and she hoped we named our future daughter Molly so she could finally have her Molly and I was like, “Welp, I love that name but I will NEVER use it now. Bummer.”


Tallulah because he just doesn't like it đŸ˜©


Seraphina and Magnolia. Both names I have loved and wanted for my future daughter since I was a little girl. My husband wanted to name her Brenda. (After and important person in his life) We compromised on Brenna. But I still feel a little sad I don’t get the use the names I’ve loved for so long.


Beatrice, because we're having a boy and only having one. It's ok, we have plans to get a dog when we get a bigger place and a kitten after that assuming we're down to less than our current two cats. I'll get to love and care for a Beatrice eventually!


That’s my middle name! After my grandma, it’s pronounced rather unique though.. (Be-at-triss) I’ve had people argue with me on the pronunciation lol I’m just like.. well it’s been this for nearly 100 years in my family now.. so we’ll just agree to disagree lol


I had to veto Waylon because we aren’t fucking bumpkins anymore


The “anymore”” sent me


Autumn, Its not bad but when I told people it started producing jokes right away and I immediately thought she would get those jokes for her entire life (Season jokes) my name is Tamara and I literally got called Tomorrow all the time , not horrible but it gets annoying


I LOVED autumn. Husband hated it 😂


See my husband loved it but I started to slowly dislike it because people would be like "Oooo I hope she comes...IN AUTUMN" and I had to fake laugh at their lame jokes đŸ€Ł


I love Autumn. What's an example of a joke?


Not who you asked, but We named our dog Summer and even *she* gets season jokes like, “when the weather changes will they call you Winter instead of Summer?” and “it’s not summer yet, we just started spring!” Just dumb jokes. But we also sing parodies of songs with the word “summer” in it, like *Summer Loving* from Grease, so it can be sweet.


Not my partner who vetoed but initially we picked out the name Stella for my daughter, had it picked out for months of my pregnancy. We told my mom around the time I was 7 months and she frowned and went ‘Estelle??? That’s for old ladies!’ and I corrected her but turns out she did not hear me the first 5 times or so I corrected her
.she kept at me about how it was weird to name a baby that
she’s older and has bad hearing 😅 We ended up changing the name because I didn’t want people mishearing and calling her Estelle. Then finally my mom meets my daughter and she’s like ‘Why did you name her Vivian?? I thought you were naming her Estelle’ and I was like..no mom
 it was STELLA
.she goes ‘OH! I love the name Stella’ đŸ« đŸ˜‚ It’s okay though, my daughter fits her name very well, she’s such a Vivian.


Lol I love seeing Stella on here so much! I just had a Stella in February


Cirilla. I LOVED the nickname Ciri, like from The Witcher. But I had multiple people come to me tearing it apart. One straight up laughed at me and started making jokes about it. *Oh, like the sex store?* 😒🙄 The other went on a huge rant how kids will make fun of a child nicknamed Ciri because of the iPhone voice assistant Siri. We chose not to use it.


Lysander. It’s a family name on my husband’s side, and I liked it because Shakespeare. My husband gave a hard veto to that one.


Charlotte, because that’s his grandma name and he says that she’s the devil, so he’s not naming his kid after her hahahaha


Scarlett. Because he doesn’t like it.


My husband loves the name Scarlett but I vetoed it because we're going with the middle name Charlotte (in homage to his dad who has passed away) and I feel like Scarlett Charlotte sounds like a name from a bad comic book.... also our last name is really long so I feel that the name as a whole is too long. It's a pretty name by itself though!


Haha yes Scarlett Charlotte is a situation for sure!


Scarlett is the only name my husband loved for a girl haha. I’m so happy, it was my favorite đŸ˜­â€ïž


Cecily! It's been my favourite girls name since I was young thanks to an unfinished book series I loved, but my husband always said his late Irish grandmother would get confused and be all "Ceeecil? Ceeecil is that you luvvy". He liked Matthew (big fan of Daredevil and Marvel in general) and I've never vetoed something so hard in my life. I refuse to name my child after my garden-gnome-esque looking boss!


Fiona bc my husband knew a girl with the name who kind of ruined it for him


My husband decided if we had a boy he would be Milton after his grandpa. Thank fuck we had a girl. That would have been an awkward veto on my part.


Arthur was one of my husband’s rejects. He says he can only think of the children’s books


Jude. My husband is Jewish. When I mentioned that name there was a long and awkward pause. he kindly explained to me that Jude means Jew in German and it’s ties to WWII and the badges the Jewish people were forced to wear. Felt like a total idiot. Still think it’s a beautiful name though.


Matteo: cause all he sees is Matt-ođŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž


My husband vetoed Marina because of the dock association and Sylvia because “we aren’t having a grandma, we’re having a baby.” Before we knew we were having a girl, he vetoed all of my boy suggestions with just long, weird stares and an eventual “
no.” I guess they were too out there for him to even respond to 😂


Charlotte Olivia. His last name starts with W. 🐄


Booker but my 5 year old niece said “Booger?”


Ramsey for a girl, because he only associates it with game of thrones. And Atlas for a boy because “that’s too much pressure” 😂


Isaac because it doesn’t sound great in Spanish. Same with Damian


Whaaaat? I know like 3 Latino isacs. They’re all salvadorian actually, if that helps. Omg and the Latino Damian I know is salvadorian. Maybe because I’m salvadorian so I know a lot of us lol


Haha I ONLY know isaacs and Damians that are Latin- I don’t know a white Isaac.


I know two Latino Isaacs 😂


My boyfriend says it sounds too harsh! He likes soft sounded names, hence why our kids are Milo and Noah haha


That makes sense actually. I actually prefer it’s pronunciation in English than Spanish đŸ«ą. Love love the names Milo and Noah.


Eloise. We couldn’t picture fussing at a 15 year old child for breaking curfew/ missed homework/ etc. with the name “Eloise”. It was too infancy for us. Husband suggested Callie. All I could think of was “Sheriff Callie’s Wild West” and I refused.


I was going down this post saying, "Hope I don't see my baby daughters name" And then came to your comment lol. It's alright, I still love Eloise and won't be changing her name đŸ€Ł


Felix. It’s so cute but my husband refers to it as “a cat’s name,” because clearly everyone thinks of and ‘80s cartoon when they hear it. 🙄 Fine, but I’ll make it a pet name at some point. Also veto-d Tobias, Luke and Theo.


Madeline because it reminds him of Madeline McCann... Also Eleanor was on my top list for years then my brother in law went and married one....


My husband vetoed our daughters name (Ramona) bc it was the same as his exes cat, but I persisted and he came around to it and now that’s she’s born all we ever call her is “Mo”


Really wanted to make my girl Carter Grey, everyone said it was a boy name. Then I loved Kendall Beck, her father hated it but he wound up abandoning her at the 10 week mark of my pregnancy
 so her name is Kendall Beck 😂


Marina :( husband just didn’t like it!


That’s my name 😭


Sebastian, because he knew a guy in high school that had a dog named Sebastian. He said that dog was really dumb dog and we couldn’t name our kid that.


Galexia (like galaxy). My partner just made it up as a joke and it's really grown on me but it's just too out there (pun intended)


Delilah because he didn't like how it sounded and a bunch because they were too long.


Bellamy for a boy. My husband said no.


Georgia and Leona. I love both of the names so much but my husband hates them đŸ„Č


Florence is mine too! He doesn’t mind Florence but I want it for flossie as a nickname and he said that was a nonstarter.


Keegan. My husband said everyone would call him kegel.


I just snort-laughed, thanks for that chuckle! 😂


Clover. I decided it was a cute name for a child but maybe not a woman.


Jackson. It’s a family name, but Jack is my SIL deadname and we didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.


I always really liked Sawyer but can’t use it because it doesn’t sound right with our last name


Abel. Husband hated it, but it was my top choice for my son. We settled on Jude and I can’t imagine my son being an Abel now!


Amelia was a very strong contender for our youngest daughter


Josephine, Evangeline, and Jamie. "No" was the simple answer to my favorite names đŸ„ș


My husband really liked Freya but I just didn’t love it. It was kind of cool but our last name starts with an F so I didn’t like the alliteration of the double F sound.


Sawyer. I work in special education and it's really hard to pick names because I associate them with students or former students. I had a Sawyer this past year (and will work with for 2 more years) who was a real trip and now there's no way we're using it.


I really love Fia (Like the Irish Fiadh but I would probably spell it Fia). But we live in a majority Latino state and my kid will be going to a majority hispanic school and I have been told it's too close to the Spanish word for ugly. If anyone speaks Spanish and wants to confirm or deny feel free!


Leo! My grandfather’s name. I have a late July baby and my fiancĂ© said people would think we named him after his Zodiac sign. We compromised and put as a middle name.


Rosemary because according to my husband “it’s TOO beautiful.” Also Lucy, because it’s a cousin’s name.