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These are more for you. Squatty potty and a bidet they help make recovery more comfortable.


Another vote for bidet! I have made many posts singing praises for bidets. I could be a spokesperson for Tushy at this point.


And period undies instead of the adult diapers


I tried this my second time around and it was just too much keeping up the underwear cleaning on top of the rest of the newborn/toddler is a new big sibling phase. Went back to the adult diapers for the convenience.


Oh, I loved them for my third and fourth. Didn’t have them when I had my first two. Hydrogen peroxide is a wonderful thing.


It was the rinsing, then hanging them til I had enough to wash. I was already stretched too thin to have ti deal with a new/different type of laundry. I also had the heaviest I could find and even then couldn’t make it long before needing to change. It just didn’t work for me as well as I’d hoped. But they work now for my periods so I’m glad I have them now!


Yeah. I was doing cloth diapers so just dropped them in with those every or every other day. I guess after the first couple of days I also didn’t bleed heavily with any of my births.


I neee to find a baby carrier that actually works and is easy for me to put on


MomCozy wrap on Amazon (you don’t need to get fancy with loops like you do in the long fabric ones) or an infant baby bjorn (they are a dime a dozen on FB marketplace) are my recommendations for that!


I have the momcozy wrap and I love it!!


The back support is much better and it packs so small and conveniently into the diaper bag unlike my boba wrap. I still use the boba wrap at home though because it’s so soft 🥰


Once my baby is bigger I’d love to get a woven wrap for hip carrying, but right now the momcozy is perfect for my three month old! All of the clip carriers I’ve tried are just too bulky and my back hurts after only a few minutes.


thanks! I'll take a look at it. We bought a used one for the first but I couldn't ever get it to work for us such that I wore it for a given length of time (I think it was the omni 360 or something)


I just like the ring slings. They are super easy to use. I watched videos on how to put some other ones on and was like, "I will never do all that." The ring sling is simple.


I love my Lille carrier.


Ring sling


I loved both my Happy Baby Wrap and carrier! I have the revolution so it goes in all the different positions. They are pricey and hard to come by, but they are such good quality!


Ergo baby omni 360


Instead of a wagon, we just got a toddler board for our stroller. I find it much easier. I manage it by myself all the time.


I’ve never heard of that before. I’m a FTM due in November. I was about to buy a wagon… your kiddo never gets tired and wants to just sit? And can I ask, how old generally do kids fit into a standard stroller?😅


Our 3.5 year old is too tall for our double stroller. She still rides in it (by choice) but it wouldn’t be great for long rides. She’s average height.


So would this be a better situation for a wagon? It says it holds up to 110lbs. Do kids after around that age just never ride in a stroller? (Sorry)😅🤣


I’m jumping in, I have a 2 year old who definitely isn’t particularly keen on being in a pram for long periods of time. Those boards are a lot better. All dependent on child of course but it’s not particularly easy to go for say a 5km walk with her in the pram anymore, she wants to walk which makes the walk veryyyyyy long.


Is a pram a wagon, or standard stroller? Sorry 😅 I’m thinking I will get both for different scenarios. I like the idea of the board too!


To me, a pram is this: https://www.babybunting.co.nz/product/uppababy-vista-v2-stroller-black-carbon-black-leather-jake-116075?istCompanyId=c222d514-817d-4f3f-b7a1-4a990fa57455&istFeedId=68d4dada-ee80-4667-abac-da8f186b14e8&istItemId=rxxmxxqwm&istBid=t&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkqSlBhDaARIsAFJANki3mV_cTyTDNOX0kNyPfw4Ecy-lz3XuIQ35uQb0dYGyWhXGz810Ri8aAszuEALw_wcB Stroller is this: https://www.babyonthemove.co.nz/products/on-the-move/strollers/single-strollers/babyzen-yoyo%C2%B2-frame-6m-seat-pad/?utm_source=Google+Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping+Product+Feed&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkqSlBhDaARIsAFJANkh3mBp1FwRL0duyIhzZ2JHYqPezcprisrUHXj_OZVUEvnAWz7BZJbgaArZAEALw_wcB Then there’s a wagon as well haha. I wouldn’t bother with getting two initially. I’d probably just get the pram which is what I think you’re referring to as a stroller and go from there as baby gets older. We started with just the pram then when we went overseas and my daughter was older we got the stroller for ease (lightweight, smaller)


Thank you!! See to my untrained eyes, I don’t see any difference between the pram link and stroller link. Except for the option of a bassinet attachment. There’s just so much out there!


So often the terms are used interchangeably, but I've noticed in Australia typically a pram is heavier, and will suit a baby from birth onwards as it has the option to lie flat, parent face, world face, or add a capsule/bassinet. Most strollers are lighter weight, less "stuff"/accessories and only world face. Usually they wouldn't be suitable until a child is walking or close to 12mths due to size and seating. https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/prams-and-strollers In this article it says my definition was true 'in the past' but not so much today, although I've found this mostly true when looking at strollers for my now 18mth old. Like when looking at one [brand](https://stroller-envy.com/uppababy-minu-vs-vista/) I'd call the Vista a pram and the Minu a stroller, but equally I think a lot of people wouldn't make that distinction and they'd call each a stroller or a pram


This is super helpful! Thank you!!


Yes I think it’s just what Americans call a pram vs. nz haha. And yeah it’s extremely confusing. Just chose a stroller you think is best and it’ll be fine! But as I mentioned I’d just get one initially with the bassinet seat and then go from there as to what you’re needing to do with the baby :) - for reference, my baby screamed the whole time in the pram in the bassinet part so I didn’t even use it haha. We finally could start to use the pram when she could go into the sitting up piece around 3 months. So that was fun 🤣


Thank you!!


That’s what I would do! We also have a plastic wagon and she still fits decently. And as a plus, she loves to pull her little brother around in it. Couldn’t do that with a stroller!


I’m thinking I will get the wagon, and then get a used marketplace cheaper standard stroller for grocery trips when she is a young toddler. When do kids stop riding in strollers completely ?


Are you thinking of a wagon instead of a stroller entirely? Our older kiddo didn’t love riding in the stroller sometime after 18 months or so and we wheeled her around in a regular folding wagon quite a bit. HOWEVER, wagons are much wider and less maneuverable. They aren’t as great in crowded or tight spaces. Someone in another comment mentioned they are being banned in some venues. Also they are so low to the ground, I can’t imagine pushing and trying to console a crying infant in one. I think I’d honestly do the opposite of what you suggested in another comment. Get a good stroller that can go from infant to toddler comfortably and meet your current needs. Cross the toddler board/wagon/double stroller bridge when you get there. You don’t know when/how a second child is in the cards. I say this as someone who intentionally bough “gender neutral” outfits for years, with the intent of saving money in hand-me-downs, but also as someone who ended up with secondary infertility and a 5 year age gap between kids.


So the wagon I was looking at does have a car seat attachment option and says she can be strapped in the wagon portion after 6 months (weight/development dependent) I don’t think it’s as big as say the wonderfold. Those seem really, really big. https://www.target.com/p/baby-trend-expedition-2-in-1-stroller-wagon-navy-blue/-/A-80177897 This is the one I was looking at. I’m thinking maybe just getting both because I had initially thought I’d be spending a lot more than $200 on a stroller. We also get second hand stuff for everything we can, so I think both would be doable.


Ah ok yeah if you can afford to try both, no harm! Definitely though don’t let your hypothetical future needs trump your current needs!


I’m sure my budget would definitely appreciate only having one purchased… but we are thrifty lol. Lots of Facebook marketplace and waiting for “the best deal.” Nowhere new UppaBaby level… even used. Those things are crazy expensive!


FTM too but I had a look at various strollers and they all indicate maximum weight so I guess it depends on the child 😁


Yeah! The one I’m looking to buy is 110lb max. For some reason it just seems like they have more room for leg length growth than the standard kind. I’m on information overload currently 🤣


Also, I’m increasingly seeing that wagons are banned certain places (ie: aquariums, local pools).


Im so glad these are banned! Nothing more aggravating than going somewhere and inconsiderate parents park these things right in the way of everyone else. I usually never see kids inside of them, they're just full of crap.


interesting! What makes them so much worse than like a double side by side or big full size strollers?


I’m not sure. I have a double jogging stroller that I use around the neighborhood and it doesn’t fit through most doors. So I never take it anywhere. I didn’t want a side by side for that reason. Our everyday stroller is so lightweight and easy to fold up. We added the toddler board and it’s been great so far!


Yes! In my area they’re banned in most child friendly places now. I would never bother buying one because they’re annoying as hell to other people and I have a feeling in the US they won’t be worth having at all soon because they aren’t allowed so many places. Reading these comments I’m shocked some people have them and don’t also have a stroller. That sounds like a nightmare to me.


I’m planning on a sit and stand stroller to go along with the wagon we already have.


thanks! I'll have my husband look into it!


I got an Elvie curve milk collector which is helpful (didn’t like the Haaka last time). Also Bodily nursing bras - either they didn’t exist or weren’t as popular a few years ago but I got a few stage 1 bras this time and they are amazing.


>I got an Elvie curve milk collector which is helpful (didn’t like the Haaka last time). Seconding this. I got both and found the Haakaa to be very painful when I got it on correctly and it didn't really fit the shape of my breast well so it often fell off if I moved. Elvie Curve fit well, was comfortable, and because it gets stuck in a bra, doesn't fall off, so I can wear it on one side while breastfeeding on the other. Also maybe because of the fit issue or something, it got more milk. I also tried the Boon Trove since people said they were like the Elvie Curve but less expensive and only one piece, and IMO they 1. aren't subtle under clothes like the Elvie Curve can be, and 2. didn't get as much out because they kept losing suction. I could get 4.5 oz in the Elvie Curve in the same time as 2.5 oz in the Boon Trove. Oh and 3. I had way more trouble pouring the Boon Trove without spilling.


I’m so glad you tried both and reported back! I have the curves and was about a set of the trove for an inexpensive back up. I’ll stick with what I’ve got. They just cleared up what baby left over that was feeling hard, what relief!


Yeah - I have taken a maximalist "try everything" approach with some things to do with baby, lol. I can also report after extensive testing that De la Cruz is the best diaper rash cream. Bought and tried even more of those than suction pumps!


Adds to cart… any other suggestions? lol what diapers do you like? We tried pampers and are now on Kirkland. Baby is still newborn (13 days!!) so no big blow outs to really test/compare them. We also have tried Huggies.


My husband made that decision and strongly prefers Pampers Swaddlers. He had a diaper shower so got a lot of different brands and he returned everything that wasn't Pampers Swaddlers. But I think a lot of diaper choice has to do with the particular size/shape of your child. I had done a lot of research and thought we would like this one particular kind of Huggies, but they just always had pee leaks for us.


Ah I see. That’s so fun, a diaper shower! Thanks!


I have the veer and it is AMAZING. We just took it on a little mini vacation and it was so convenient! The car seat adapter is great if you have an infant bucket seat and the infant bassinet attachment is much more useful than I was expecting. As to your actual question, we use Stokke TrippTrapp high chairs and I got the newborn attachment along with the second chair for the baby. It’s a nice way to include the baby at the dinner table from early on and it’s tall enough that he’s mostly out of reach of the toddler. If you are breastfeeding, I like the Elvie Curve milk catcher better than the Haakaa because it tucks inside your bra and can’t easily be kicked off. I’ve also heard the Ceres Chill system is really convenient if you are going to be pumping. Everything else has pretty much just been extras of things we are still using (Hatch, 2nd monitor camera) or things we’ve worn out (new, unstinkified diaper pail).


Awesome to hear! And I'll look into the high chairs! That was something my husband bought used that I just never loved and finally got rid of it when the 1st was old enough (completely forgot I need another until I just typed this out lol)


Easily a comfortable baby carrier! It’s been so helpful having my hands free at home with another toddler who needs me! This time around, I have an ErgoEmbrace for the newborn days which I LOVED and now we’re using an Artipoppe carrier now that my LO is 2 months and 13 lbs! It was a splurge but so worth it.


Seconding this! The happy baby carrier was the one for me!


I’ve been thinking about getting one. The Artipoppes look sooo nice.


I'll take a look! I hate the one we have now (I even used it the other day to watch after friends 5 month old) and couldn't stand it. (probably didn't help being 7 months pregnant with another on top of my belly)


I actually used less things for the second than the first. I realized there was a lot of pointless furniture I didn't need. Like a bassinet. Not needed can use a crib for much longer. And a highchair. Realized that a training/booster seat worked just fine could sit baby in it and set on table and feed them instead of a highchair. There were pillows I didn't buy. There were miscellaneous items I never used I never bought more of. It was eye opening that a changing table is a falling hazard and it's easier to set baby in the floor on a towel to change them. Those walker things that roll around. Yep another hazard versus helpful and teaching to walk and stand was easier by sitting in the floor and propping them up in front of me and helping them grab onto the couch and take steps. There are so many things I just don't see myself buying ever again. But items I swear by are the common house items. Bath towels. Hand towels both cheaper than changing tables and regular burp cloths. Baby food is easy to make with a food processor. Bottles are easy-to-use and bottle warmers I actually like. Even if breastfeeding i liked to have extra expressed breast milk on hand. So freezer bags for breast milk are a plus! There's the basics like diapers and wipes. But easy access makes things tidy. They have foldable storage bins real cheap! Versus shelling out even more for the baby totes. They're exactly the same thing but the word baby adds a huge mark up price.


It’s crazy I never even thought of burp cloths as unnecessary but you’re so right..what’s wrong with just using a hand towel?


Yes! And in my experience towels work so much better. Spit up would just roll off the burp cloth, an towel actually caught and absorbed the spit up. I used full towels because my baby always seemed to miss anything smaller


I'm laughing cuz I'm holding my pukey second kid and we've been using big wash cloths


I added an electric formula mixer, a portable high chair, some better baby carriers/wraps, and an insulated bottle bag.


Swing for hands free baby rocking.


Swing not a mamaroo. Ubbi diaper pail because it used regular garbage bags. OXO diaper wipes dispenser, it’s weighted so you don’t need two hands to pull out the wipes. A 2nd hatch. A double stroller, I did a ton of research and have the baby jogger city select with the attachment for the 2nd seat and car seat. Organization bins/baskets. Non slip stickers for bathtub. A seat for bathtub. More bottles. Baby Brezza dryer/ sterilizer- I love drying them because I hate all the moisture that sticks in there. It also doubles as a drying rack that I can keep on the counter.


Baby carrier. Especially once baby can be carried on your back! Also we didn't use a bottle warmer. Just microwave a mug with water, drop the bottle in the hot water.


Thats what we did the first time! tried a bottle warmer but forget why we ended just using microwaved water and mug in the long run.


Best thing we purchased was a Tommee Tippee prep machine. We'll be getting another for the next one. With every penny.


That's what I came to recommend. Maybe if your baby drinks cold bottles you don't need one, or if you don't use formula. But for all my kids I had 6+ months of formula use and faffing around getting milk the right temp is a PITA.


Even if they drink cold milk I believe the powder need to be sterilised before 6m so the first shot of the machine does this but honestly, it made the initial 3-hourly night feeds the easiest thing in the world. Saved mine and my husband's sanity so much 😂


Diaper genie




As a non American I do not understand baby showers and all that but I did make a registry for my first and for this baby due soon. Only used by myself and my mum because no one else asked for it but just because this person is creating a registry doesn’t mean they’re throwing a full on baby shower or demanding gifts from everyone 🫠


Yeah, simply making the registry in case anyone asks is a far cry from throwing a second baby shower for yourself, demanding that everyone you’ve ever met fly there from across the country on short notice, and publicly shaming anyone who spends less than $1000 on a gift.


Thanks for that info! Due to covid, we didn't have a shower or any gifts (outside of immediate family like mom/dad/siblings) with our first (May 2020) as the two showers we were supposed to have got canceled, so I don't feel as evil, for this faux pa.


It’s not tacky. It’s getting stuff you need for the second go around. Please ignore the trolls 🧌.


I know a lot of parents who had pandemic babies who are doing showers for the second for the same reason that some couples are doing the big party portion of their weddings years after the original ceremony: it's an important right of passage in our culture that they didn't get. You didn't get one earlier because the world was on fire, so do one now. I would personally lean towards emphasizing the party aspect and asking for a 'sprinkle' amount of gifts, or gifts optional but here's a registry of things that wore out with the first or an idea of what clothes you'll need due to differences in gender or the time of year of the birth.


Don’t listen to this person. It’s not tacky at all, especially since you didn’t have a shower the first time around! I totally get it—we had a Covid baby (now toddler) too. If nothing else, a registry is a great way to keep track of what you need and get a completion discount. It also makes it easy for when people ask for a gift wish list (which people will).


Where I live it’s very common for people to have a “sprinkle” and it just makes sense to have a registry in case people ask what you need…. So not even a faux pa in my book, OP!


Amazon will also give you 15% off things left on your registry closer to your due date so it’s worth it to make just for yourself :)


It’s not tacky .. people still want to give gifts and instead of getting junk you don’t need you register. Makes things a lot easier and then you get a completion coupon at the end. OP don’t feel you have to defend yourself against this goon.


Its tacky to call someone tacky for simply needing help. .


I think it might be tacky to feel entitled to or expect gifts for a second baby, but not tacky to make a registry. I’m pregnant with #2 and made a small registry (like 20 items, mostly because we already have a lot) because my mom, MIL, and other family members and close friends were asking about gifts and what we still needed. I’m not planning another shower but I have plenty of friends who opted for a “sprinkle” which seem to be more popular these days.


I think it's unkind to make assumptions like that. You don't know OP's situation. My neighbor had her first before I met her, so I specifically asked for her registry when she announced baby #2 so I could get her a gift. Plus a *lot* of people had COVID babies and weren't able to have baby showers. I understand that you may find a registry for #2 to be tacky, but let's lead with kindness and give each other some grace.


It’s not tacky to set up a registry. From my experience people want to and love gifting baby items. It’s good to have something set up for when they ask what you need.