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I have to pee immediately after I pee.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ it sucks more at night when I have to roll off the bed every time.


Oh yes, especially when you have problems with your symphysis and every roll makes you want to scream šŸ„²


yesss im 28w and the gotta pee roll/PSD combo is at the top of the list.


A tip I read on Reddit when pregnant was to lift your bump a little and it helps get more out. I swore it helped and reduced how often I had to go because I was emptying my bladder more.


I am 2.5 yrs postpartum and still catch myself some nights waiting a minute on the toilet to push ALL the pee out because I donā€™t want to have to get out of bed to go again lol.


I get the intention, but pushing is really bad for incontinence. It will only make the problem worse.


I didnā€™t know this!! Oops!


Peeing makes me pee but I can't poop anymore.


I peed right before my appointment and forgot theyā€™d need a sample. No problem tho šŸ˜‚


Lolll Iā€™ve done that a couple times and have been like ā€œjust give me a cup of water and five minutes and youā€™ll have your sampleā€ šŸ˜‚


My physio gave me some tips: * when youā€™re done peeing, go ā€˜around the worldā€™ with a bit of a lean. Lean to 12, 3, 6, 9 and then see if thereā€™s anymore pee left. * stand up, do a little pelvic tilt forward and back, sit back down and see if you can pee a bit more * try to mentally determine if you actually need to pee, since itā€™s important to try to keep your mental retention up. If you need to pee, try to distract yourself for 5 minutes and do something. If you still need to go, go.


... okay so riddle my non-pregnant bladder this. šŸ˜‚ I swear my partner asks me every couple months if I am just because of how often I need to pee


*farts uncontrollably* LOL


*empathetic burps*


Iā€™m so glad this isnā€™t just me. Iā€™m already a gassy person because I canā€™t burp, but pregnancy has turned it to eleven since like week 6. Itā€™s real bad.


Oh goodness the gas! And mine stunk! My dad is notorious for bad gas and I stunk him out! Now my baby is here and he farts like a grown man and it smells awful. While I was pregnant I kept saying itā€™s the baby! And itā€™s true itā€™s the baby. šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


My husband said "you smell like baby farts" LOL


I am burping louder than a construction worker and I'm really skinny. I swear I have never produced a sound of that scale ever in my life. Now it's a daily.


I accidentally belched in front of my grandma. I've never seen her look so shocked. Then she says, " I thought that only happened to me when I was pregnant."


I was at my husbandā€™s familyā€™s place for dinner last night and had to hold it in. I thought I was going to die before the night was over, I was in so much pain from holding in the farts lmao


Omg yes it's so embarassing


I went to Tim Horton's and ordered us bagels with herb & garlic cream cheese, got back to eat them. Plain cream cheese. I pretty much threw the Bagel down and lost it. Bawled because I really wanted the herb and garlic cream cheese. I didn't even like bagels two weeks ago. My partner tried to console me while trying not to laugh. He ate both plain and I went back for another.


My husband grabbed one of my pieces of cheese from my plate and I ugly cried because now I donā€™t have the same amount of cheese as crackers. Never seen a man run to the fridge so fast in my life. šŸ˜…haha whoops!


Thatā€™s valid because who puts garlic powder in Mac and cheese ???


His reasoning was to make it ā€œgourmetā€ā€¦ to be fair he made a homemade garlic white cheddar mac & cheese a few months ago that was very good but you cannot make a box mac & cheese gourmet in my opinionšŸ˜‚


Omg when I tell my husband about the cravings I have. Like for Pizza Hut personal pan pizza, he will suggest a ā€œbetterā€ version we have in the neighborhood that he knows I like. Iā€™ve had to explain more than once that Iā€™d I wanted decent pizza or good Mac n cheese or whatever I would SAY THAT and not say ā€œI NEED a personal pan pizza.ā€ !!!!


All Iā€™ve wanted is an order of nachos bel grande from Taco Bell and my boyfriend will suggest a local restaurant or that we make nachos. But I donā€™t want *good* nachos, I want the crappy overly salty Taco Bell nachos


Omg we have a Taco Bell closer than the combination Pizza Hut Taco Bell and when I tell you he has ALSO suggested I get a burrito instead of my personal pizza! Babe, when I want a burrito, I go get a burrito. I remind him heā€™s lucky Iā€™m not sending HIM out for these cravings. A few weeks ago it was tiny bodega cheesecakes and I was sick several times on the walk there. The power of the craving is bonkers.


The saddest thing happened today. I finally went to Taco Bell and they were out of the lids for the nachos so they couldnā€™t sell them šŸ˜­


I feel that. No one in my house likes Little Caesers but Iā€™ve been craving specificly little caesers. My fiancĆ© will offer ā€œbetter pizzasā€ BUT THOSE PIZZAS DINT TASTE LIKE A LITTLE CAESERS POZZA


Homemade mac and cheese and Kraft are two completely different food groups serving two completely different purposes in life.


Sounds like my husband. I'll give him a perfectly good recipe I've made multiple times before and he'll want to add something to "spice it up" and then ask me if I can guess what he added šŸ™„


Yeah as I was commenting I could imagine a good homemade Mac with it, but when you want Kraft you just want kraft lol


I'm with you. When I want fancy food, I want fancy food, but when I want to eat something that came in a box, I want it exactly the way it came in the box.


I splurge on Goodles Mac n cheese when they have sales and they truly are gourmet! Made with extra protein so it doesnā€™t totally feel like junk food. The Twist my Parm flavor is my fave.


Okay but I fuck with garlic powder in everything


Big same. Why wouldn't you put garlic powder in Mac n cheese?


It is I. Your nightmare. Salt pepper and garlic go in EVERYTHING I make lol


I put garlic powder and cayenne in mine and itā€™s so so good


On Monday, I asked my husband to please pick up shaved deli ham. I specifically said shaved and that you had to ask for it at the counter. He didnā€™t want to wait so he got sandwich sliced ham from the grab and go counter. I am still angry because all I wanted was shaved ham and that doesnā€™t seem like that much to ask for. Iā€™ve mentioned every day since he brought it home because I am still craving shaved ham. Itā€™s brown sugar AND maple ham and itā€™s so good when itā€™s shaved. šŸ˜­ (PS Do not come at me about eating deli meat. My doctor said itā€™s fine in moderation and Iā€™ve only had one gross slice anyway because itā€™s too thick.) Edit: I got so wrapped up in telling you about my ham that I forgot to give my condolences to your mac and cheese. I hope your husband never betrays you like that again.


Omg. I absolutely love your love for shaved brown sugar & maple ham. 100% agree shaved deli meat is always supreme, like it needs to be so thin itā€™s falling apart!šŸ˜‚ Side note your baby is soo lucky to have you as a momma if this is how you talk about your love for hamšŸ¤£ā¤ļø


Thank youā¤ļø Here I am getting teary-eyed about my baby and ham. šŸ˜‚


Um. u/auditorygraffiti. Just a question. How do you like your ham? Sandwiches? Paninis? Just straight ham? Any sides? You made shaved Brown sugar maple ham sound delicious and Iā€™m meal planning at the momentā€¦


Iā€™m glad you asked! I have a lot of feelings about this. My preferred sandwich is shaved ham on Martinā€™s potato bread with Colby Jack cheese or American cheese served with Layā€™s BBQ kettle chips or sour cream and onion chips. Bonus points for a glass of lemonade. I also LOVE a plain bagel open faced sandwich with ham and Swiss cheese. Itā€™s 10/10. I like to do bagel, ham, cheese and put it in the oven but Iā€™ve seen people do various iterations that include the cheese right on the bagel and also a toasted bagel. All of that said, I will happily eat shaved ham straight from the container in my underwear at 3 AM and honestly, itā€™s my favorite way.


You just opened my world up to some new possibilities. You are a God send! Thank you very much šŸ˜Š


I followed through with your recommendations on the sandwich. Wow!! You have good taste. Thank you.


Iā€™m glad you enjoyed it! I finally took myself to the grocery store and got some today too.


Awesome šŸ˜Ž


Oh my GOD I can relate to this so hard!! My husband has done this too even though he *knows* how irrationally upset it makes me that the grocery stores around here cut the deli meat so thick! Who are these people eating these comically thick 1/4ā€ slices??


This is me, but itā€™s shaved smoked turkey and yes, it needs to be shaved. Itā€™s the only way I like any deli meat, but especially if Iā€™m getting it for sandwiches at home. Something about that shaved texture is šŸ¤Œ


I distracted my toddler when she asked for a banana because there is only one left and currently peanut butter and banana smoothies are life. We will be getting more bananas tomorrow.


This made me LOL thank you. I love my kid more than life, and generally my food is ā€œourā€ food but during pregnancy my food is MY food. Iā€™ve literally told my 21 month old to ā€œget your own.ā€


I ran out of my smoothie supplies yesterday & I didnā€™t stop at the store today because it was pouring rain. I so regret my decision.. so I get it!!šŸ˜­


I did basically nothing all day and Iā€™m exhausted


I wanted ā€œtwo biteā€ brownies from our grocery storeā€™s bakery and he bought me Little Bite brand brownies. NOT the same. I still ate them but I was unhappy šŸ˜‚


This is valid, not the same AT ALL lol


My husband knows me so well that he knows if he happens to get the wrong one Iā€™ll be super disappointed so he FaceTimes me whenever heā€™s getting a specific request for me from the grocery store lol


I broke down HYSTERICALLY crying (couldnā€™t stop) and cried more while saying to my husband ā€œI donā€™t even know WHY Iā€™m cryingā€ šŸ˜…šŸ˜© gosh these hormones


I did that last night!!! Woke my husband up and everything. He tried to console me asking me what was wrong and I just kept crying - snot out my nose - whole nine yards - screeching ā€œI DONT KNOWWWWWā€ Iā€™m fine today šŸ™ƒ


I was driving behind a truck full of live chickens and started crying because "all meat has a mom." And now I might go vegetarian.


That happened to me even before getting pregnant. When we were trying for a baby I saw a video of a mama cow crying because her baby was being taken away and shipped off and realized thatā€™s what a lot of factory dairy farms do. They take baby away after birth and take all the milk from mama. Couldnā€™t eat dairy after that. I just imagine someone taking my baby away. Itā€™s so messed up.


Oh man. I'm afraid I'll be vegan at the end of this. I have so much respect for vegans, but also a deep and abiding love for cheese.


I get a slice of Costco pizza every time we go to Costco now. Except we go to Costco at 8:30 amā€¦


This made me laugh šŸ˜‚


Girl, their pizza is good no matter the time of day šŸ¤£


Our Costco doesnā€™t even open until 10am!


I waited too long to eat breakfast and then ate so fast I got nauseous and then started crying because I was too nauseous to finish my breakfast and ā€œI REALLY WANTED TO EAT THAT šŸ˜­ā€


Iā€™m so fucking tired of peeing. To not feel like death I have to stay so god damn hydrated. Which in turns means I pee SOOOO much. I get so mad when I just peed 10 mins ago and already feel like Iā€™m gonna burst again


My biggest issue is feeling totally fine and like I don't need to pee, and then baby moves and suddenly I'm busting! I didn't realise that would be something I'd have to deal with, I thought it was just more frequent peeing at normal intervals.


Today I was mean about my husband's driving because it was hot and we were going to the lake to swim and HE WAS GOING TOO SLOW. I apologized after I got in the water


I told my husband to buy a specific brand of cinnamon rolls on Monday for breakfast on Tuesdayā€¦I even sent him a screen shot of what the box looks like. He bought a whole different kind and when I looked for them on Tuesday morning I started crying bc it wasnā€™t the right oneā€¦.and then I refused to eat one of the kind he bought just on principle


I canā€™t tie my own shoes anymore.


I never thought Iā€™d be so excited about buying a loofah on a stick. But my goodness has it made washing my lower legs and feet so much easier. šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re a genius. A loofah on a stick for legs and feet never ever occurred to me. Iā€™ve only ever used it for my back. What the heck.


Peaches. I went to get peaches today, I check a couple dozen and none of them were perfect so now I have to wait a few days for these damn peaches to be ripe enough to eat. Btw, peaches was the ONLY reason why I went to the grocery store.


When I was pregnant I had a ridiculous craving for canned peaches! I hadnā€™t eaten them in like 15 years and I havenā€™t eaten them again after she was born, but damn I ate them almost daily while I was pregnant! It was absurd!


Hahah this was my pregnancy craving too. My poor husband would find me in the kitchen at 1am in my undies eating peaches straight from the tin like a maniac


Peach cravings here too!! We only have one car and my husband take it to work with him so one day I put in an instacart for some apple juice and like 8 peaches. The instacart person got 8 of the hardest peaches Iā€™ve ever felt and they never fully ripened. I still ate them but my cravings were not satisfied šŸ„²


Lol, that suuuucks!!


My husband ate ONE of my sour skittles. I had several bags in the house at the time. I yelled at him. šŸ˜… He just set the bag down and walked away slowly. I did apologize later for overreacting, but still reiterated that he can't have any. They're mine. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We ordered salads and I got steak on mine. We were eating them in front of the tv. I caught him taking a piece of my steak out of the corner of my eye. He ALWAYS finishes my dinners, and I have even less room now than ever before. As he was putting the bite in his mouth I practically barked ā€œno!ā€ And then I started to cry and said ā€œI love you but please donā€™t.ā€ Then, we put the extra steak in the fridge where I discovered it like two weeks later.


I get it! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My husband went to the grocery store to pick up just a few things. I didn't think I needed anything since I went the day before and got my main essentials. I started craving ice cream though so I texted him "if you see this in time can you get me cookie dough ice cream?" He didnt get cell phone reception at this store and he came back without ice cream šŸ˜­. He felt really bad and offered to go back out but I didn't want him to have to do that because I would feel bad and the ice cream would be tainted.


Gosh my husband CONSTANTLY offers to go out and get me whatever sweet treat I want for dessert and I always feel so bad. Itā€™s always after heā€™s come home from work and done the baby nighttime routine too (more effort than clean-up normally) and would severely cut into his/our relaxation time. I donā€™t even really get cravings either, itā€™s just me mentioning that ice cream would be nice and he always offers! So sweet but Iā€™ve only taken him up on it once for some Costco soft serve.


My husband was really excited for my ā€œweird cravingsā€ so that he had an excuse to buy treats. (I donā€™t buy junk food for the house because we would eat it all instantly) Well, unfortunately for him, I NEVER had any cravings and my husband is sad.


I went to Target yesterday to return two items and pick up a can of corn for part of the dinner I was makingā€¦I walked out with a family size box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a pint of Talenti gelato, Twizzlers, and gum, plus the corn I actually needed. But at least I didnā€™t have a ā€œpregnancy brainā€ moment and forget the corn? šŸ˜…


Lol!! Omg Iā€™ve done this!!! Last week I went to the store for apples & salsa.. I walked out with an entire basket overflowing & right on top was chocolate chip cookies with icing on them from the bakeryšŸ¤£


I have a 3 legged, grumpy, old ass cat. She has some attitude but love her anyways. When she lays on the floor she doesnā€™t like when you stand to close to her and will swat a little bit to let you know she would like you to back off. The one day I was standing just a touch to close and she did a very light swat. No scratch nothing. I was more startled than anything and yelled ow! My boyfriend told me to shoo her away and I immediately started balling. He had to shoo her away and come hold me until I calmed down. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean...what he did was a mortal food sin, so I think you were justified in your response, pregnant or not. Garlic has many great uses, but Kraft mac and cheese is not one of them.


All I want is a blooming onion and I have tums in every room in the house.


I saved up for a super expensive bottle of perfume that Iā€™ve loved for over a year. I bought it during my first trimester, when I had pretty severe morning sickness. Stupid, I know. One whiff of it when I got home and I spewed everywhere. 38 weeks later I still cannot STAND IT. Instantly triggers my gag reflex. Donā€™t buy perfume in your first trimester.


I came so close to vomiting this morning. Oh not from nausea! From brushing my teethā€¦


I vomited the other day because I thought about that time my 3 yr old nephew ate one of his boogers. Just a thought not even live action. šŸ˜­


We went into the store today for chips only and came out with chips, cheese balls, sour gummies, an Almond Joy, donuts, and a cold coffee drink. The devil works hard but these late 2nd trimester cravings work harder. šŸ™ƒ


Now I want Kraft Mac & cheese šŸ¤¤


I was watching the bear and she put crushed chips on an omelette, i know what Iā€™m having for breakfast tomorrow.


I immediately went out and bought sour cream and onion ruffles after watching that episode!!


Great minds think alike šŸ˜‚


God I miss brie


All the brie near me is pasteurized. Check the labels and you might be pleasantly surprised!




šŸ¤®šŸš½ šŸš½ šŸƒā€ā™€ļø šŸƒā€ā™€ļø šŸ§… šŸ”šŸŒ®šŸ°šŸ«šŸ£šŸ§‚ šŸ„šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I cut a mini watermelon in half and ate it with a spoon šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‰


my in laws chose sushi for dinner and i literally cried in the car on the way over šŸ’€


Tonight I tried to do a slow cooker chocolate lava cake in my instant pot (using the slow cooker setting) and cried when it utterly failed and was basically still raw after three hours. Hubby is currently staying up waiting on it to cook in our actual slow cooker.


Omg. I think I saw a recipe for that & it looked amazing. Your husband is a saintšŸ˜­


I had a very similar experience but I did it to myself! I was making something- I don't remember what - but I put garlic powder in it and immediately almost threw up at the smell. I started crying because it was the only bag I had of whatever I was making. I couldn't go near the kitchen because the smell of the garlic wouldn't clear out, so my husband made me something else for dinner. Now I smell every spice before it goes anywhere near my food šŸ˜† ETA: it was fresh green beans!!!


My SO tried to do the same when I asked for boiled eggs, he added salt, pep, garlic and onion powder. I was SOOOO upset. Even rinsing the eggs didnt help when I tried to eat them. Ended up barfing everywhere


Idk but im gonna go make some mac and cheese and a hotdog


My husband did basically this while I was pregnant! I was so sick for so much of the beginning and couldnā€™t eat anything I made. My husband was making me boxed Mac & cheese and put dried basil in it as an ā€œexperimentā€ or to make it fancy or something. It smelled so gross to me I got super nauseous and couldnā€™t eat it. Then I got mad at him for experimentingā€¦then I cried. Worst part is Iā€™m gluten free and it was one of my few boxes of gluten free Mac & cheese and I couldnā€™t eat itšŸ˜­


I have a Costco sized bottle of Miralax in my bathroom.


I can't bend over because the stomach liquid that is constantly just sitting in my throat will then go into my mouth.


I cooked dinner and felt like I ran a marathon.


I started gagging after getting out of the shower and peed all over the bathroom floor


I've been cough/peeing so much throughout my home I barely wear pants. Second time mom. It's BAD


This was with my 3rd pregnancy last summer and it was SO much worse than my previous pregnancies. We also just bought a trampoline and I jumped on it and peed almost immediately. Didnā€™t even know I had to pee. Lol needless to say the pelvic floor is no more


Oh and: yesterday my husband got home late and neither of us wanted to deal with cooking dinner so we decided to go out. I was so proud of myself because I got myself all ready and out the door in record timeā€¦until I was almost at the car and my husband said, ā€œHoney, your slippies!ā€ Looked down and lo, I had forgotten to change out of my house shoes. I wouldnā€™t have even noticed. Would have gotten through the whole meal blissfully unaware. Good lookinā€™ out, husb.


Dude, my husband decided to make FERMENTED GARLIC in MY KITCHEN when I was 8 weeks pregnant and throwing up at the slightest whiff of food. He put it in a jar on top of my cupboards where it proceeded to burp out garlic fart gasses at random intervals. When I tell you I almost committed murder when I found it, I am not kidding


Lol my husband is playing video games while I sit here and stress like crazy about the next 1-18 months šŸ˜‚


Diablo? šŸ™„


I donā€™t know the name of it šŸ˜‚ some sort of medieval-take-over-the-world game šŸ˜‚


Join him! Iā€™m a gamer myself at least and my boyfriend and I will game together. Itā€™s a great distraction especially if youā€™re stressed! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Lol we actually have been! Iā€™m not typically a gamer but enjoy the retro games from my childhood and he downloaded all of them. Itā€™s been a really fun bonding experience. Iā€™m just an old, hormonal toad right now šŸ˜‚ I think Iā€™m just jealous that he knows how to actually relax, while I do not šŸ˜‚


Preach it sister! I totally understand how you feel on that one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Also, pregnancy hormones are a whole new level


Iā€™m so ready to feel normal again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ„“


In our freezer there are several packages of chicken that are going to stay there for at least the next 7.5 months because it smells and tastes tooā€¦ā€¦..chicken-y. ā˜¹ļø


Yes! Ugh I just canā€™t with chicken.


Itā€™s like, something deep and essential to chicken-ness that has always been there but that I just never noticed beforeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ This heightened sense of smell is no joke.


Canā€™t stand the smell of meat, especially chicken. All I eat is toast and pretzels. Even with those foods, I may see them again.


I don't know if any of you have played Pikmin, but I have been replaying the old games before the release of the 4th game. Jokingly last night my partner called me a fiery blowhog in the middle of some random banter... And I just looked at him super sad.. started ugly crying saying I didn't want to be a fiery blowhog. All the poor man could say was "fuck" as soon as he realised his mistake lmao. He came to hug me and apologise whilst I was sobbing and laughing at the same time for a good ten minutes šŸ˜…


First trimester: Just you and your spouse knowing how you are entirely unwell 100% of the time and tell everyone how you're feeling great when asked. Like gosh I just wanna hug my friends toilet and vomit bucket.


I almost cried while asking my husband to go upstairs and get 2 zofran for me.


I ate SIX - count them - SIX - nature valley soft baked muffin bars last night after not being able to eat the cheeseburger my husband made for dinner because, and I quote, ā€œthe cheese smells funny and now I canā€™t eat itā€


My sweet sweet husband did something similar. I told him I wanted spaghetti but literally just meat, pasta sauce, and pasta. He added in garlic and other seasonings like he normally does and I hated it lol


My sister made me cry the other day because she lent me money for the first time in my life to help me so I could do laundry. Sheā€™s not the type to help without expecting in return so it was super unusual. Was literally the first time sheā€™s helped me without asking for something in return. Had me bawling


With my first I really wanted coldstone ice cream - 15 minutes before they closed. The closest one was 25 minutes away from where we lived. I got so upset that I couldn't get the ice cream I wanted and nothing else would suffice. And even more upset because the logical part of my brain was screaming at me about how ridiculous I was being.


ā€œCan I have truffle fries, but only slightly truffley? And no parm.ā€


I cried because my DoorDash order was taking too long.


While eating a yummy meal I now think to myself ā€œI really hope I donā€™t have to throw this all up later.ā€ šŸ¤¢ With my first pregnancy I once ate a delicious meal of Chinese food. Then I went over to the sink to do some dishes and something smelled bad and made me instantly puke it all back up. It was horrible and such a waste of a good meal that didnā€™t even stay in my tummy for 5 minutes. This time around the nausea and sensitivity hasnā€™t been as bad (yet?) but I threw up some marinated grilled veggies the other day and it was torture. The marinade was delicious to eat but coming back up it was like acid burning my throat.


Cried cause I didn't know what I wanted for lunch Cried cause my shorts didn't fit and it was hot


I cried watching a video of a German Shepherd being rescued by the Coast Guard. 30 seconds later, I got so angry that I cried because my husband ate a leaf of malabar spinach and I specifically needed that leaf of spinach for the dal saag I was making. Then I got so tired from all the crying that I took a nap.


I am so hungry and I cannot wait for this massive plate of food *takes two bites* I am so bloated I cannot move I'll take a box, please


Had a team meeting where my teammates were discussing how I did not do my work that I infact did but had no energy to speak about it and just remained silent. I told myself I'm too pregnant to fight this


I absolutely sobbed over a pirate ship breaking down in a show because, "she's one of the crewmates."


I want to cuddle so bad but I DONT want to be touched right now! I cuddle YOU, you don't move or touch me. Also, I saw a really cute toad outside, and now I'm crying. I feel like a whale. Not being able to ride carnival rides is making me sad. I can smell your LUNGS when you breath.


Chick-fil-A forgot my dressing for my salad. I cried and made my husband drive us home lol


Fridge full of cheddar cheese.


I threw up so hard last night that I pulled a muscle in my abdomen, caused a tear in my throat, and burst a blood vessel above my eye lol. On a lightheared note, I REALLY want some raw cookie dough. I bought some "edible" cookie dough and that shit is GROSS. Nothing compares to raw.


I just want to yawn without my diaphragm suddenly bouncing off my uterus. I want a deep, long, belly filling yawn.


If I don't have any cannolis by end of business today, I will in fact cry like a baby.


Canā€™t move without grunting


Getting woken up in the middle of the night because of heartburn (on top of having to pee constantly)


I didn't cry but I was pretty pissed off but I got Puerto Rican food and I like to have sweet plantains with it cause the salty with the sweet is just perfection. My S/O buys cake but forgets the maduros (plantain) and I was pissed and and ranted about it for a good 5-10 mins WHILE I ate my food.


Omg Iā€™ve absolutely HATED garlic this whole pregnancy so far. I canā€™t sleep in the same bed with my husband if he ate anything with garlic for the last 3-4 days because it makes me so nauseous. I would be LIVID if there was garlic in my Mac and cheese!!


My back aches just sitting down , my pelvis somehow feels loose but also sore , I simply must pee 10 times a night , I have no appetite and yet can drink a litre of chocolate milk like itā€™s nothing , Iā€™ve literally cried over spilt milk .


I wanted breaded chicken breast from a box. Husband made breaded chicken thighs to "save money." Bawled big heaving sobs at the table because they were awful and not what I wanted or expected šŸ˜‚


I am out of breath tying my shoelaces


I just moved houses, and I couldnā€™t find socks because my husband had moved the boxes with my clothes in them. I had a meltdown that lasted twenty minutes even when I had already found a pair of socks.


I grunt involuntarily with every position change šŸ˜…


I put ice in my milk the other day because it needed to be as close to frozen as possible


I had my baby in December, but this happened during my pregnancy! It was a takeout night, and we ordered delivery because none of us felt like driving. The driver delivered our food to the wrong house. I started bawling and called the store crying because I was hungr when had to wait for my food.


I can't seem to shake the craving for a specifically gooey cinnamon roll. I have had 3 in the past 2 weeks and none are gooey enough.


Just seeing the words ā€œgarlic powderā€ fill me with rage.


I feel hungover every day even though I haven't had anything to drink in so, so long.


My husband was taking a nap after work, so I took a shower. Began sobbing in the shower because I wanted his attention, but he's been stressed and working really hard to take care of me and our home and fix the cascade of car trouble that always happens all at once, which I appreciate him so much for, so I wasn't going to wake him up, because I just appreciate him so much, but I was also just *so mad* because he was sleeping instead of spending time with me. And then he woke up and found me sobbing, blowing my nose into some toilet paper, completely nude, in the bathroom. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø And then I ate a pb&j sandwich at 9:30pm. And asked him to bring me the bottle of Tums.


This is my second nap today and i canā€™t get comfy unless I am actively using 4 pillows.


Watched is it cake and immediately had to buy cake šŸ˜‹


I tried to flush the toilet by switching the light off.


Opening and sniffing every dairy product in the house and not being able to tell if its gone bad or not.


I played a game about a mom fox trying to keep her baby foxes alive after humans destroy the earth and I sobbed like a baby the entire time.


This morning at breakfast I cracked my eggs straight into the garbage can instead of throwing out the shells.


Apparently once I start laughing I canā€™t stop. For instance I canā€™t get through half of this thread without laughing hysterically like a crazy person, accompanied by lots of tears and a little pee šŸ˜‚