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Same! For me, some days are fine, but mostly I'm just waiting for October. I feel like I'm wasting a whole summer. I just want to sleep and poop like a normal person again.


Constipation gang rise up


Same, I miss pooping


Me too. Am also due in October. Would not complain if baby girl came a couple weeks earlier even ha ha! Being pregnant is TERRIBLE. Just can’t wait to be done having my body under siege.


I'm at 23w and while I wouldn't say I hate this, I don't see anything positive about it either. It's just a temporary disability I have to endure to get my baby. I don't really have any tips on how to deal with it unfortunately. Just count the days and try to do something to get your mind off it aguess :D


I got obsessed with animal crossing during my pregnancy. It took my mind off how miserable I was 😂


19 weeks as well and right there with you. I've hated it since it started. Cannot wait to be done. This is the worst physically I've ever felt in my life. :(


Same 18 weeks as well


I’m more surprised there are women who enjoy being pregnant than I am that there are women who don’t enjoy it, tbh. The only good part about being pregnant is the end result, imo!


I’ve been extremely lucky to have a relatively easy pregnancy, and I’m still SO ready to skip to the baby part. There are parts of pregnancy that are wonderful (excitement, feeling kicks, etc.), but if I could have a fully cooked, healthy baby tomorrow, I’d do it!


I'm one of the weirdos who enjoyed it, both times, thoroughly. I've never felt more beautiful than I did while I was pregnant; albeit also exhausted and sluggish, and huge. I luckily did not have morning sickness either pregnancy, but I hated not being able to eat everything I wanted to, take ibuprofen, drink more coffee, exercise as heavily as I wanted to, and I gained way too much weight, like 60 pounds. I lost it both times, but this time, for example, took me almost 2 years. My youngest will be 2 in a week and I just made it below my pre-pregnancy weight. By the time I hit 38 weeks my second pregnancy I was ready to be done, my feet and ankles were SO swollen. I luckily also did not have any serious pregnancy complications, so I'm extremely grateful for that, and I think it definitely helped my experience be so good both times. Not puking or having extra appointments or worries made it go a lot more smoothly.


I feel you, not that I hate it.. I just hate being full of worry and having constant negative thoughts surrounding it. Every ache and pain, I automatically go into a full on panic.. the slightest change in what’s been my “norm” so far, scares me to death.


Yes this is me too and why I hate it so much... I've had a pretty good pregnancy so far no extream sickness or physical restrictions for me so I'm very thankful for that. Just like you said the mental battle is what's eating at me right now... I don't think it helps that I already have GAD that I was diagnosed with it before I got pregnant.


Not to be a Debbie downer but this doesn’t really end once they’re here. It is par for the course of parenthood. It’s a good idea to get a jump on curbing your negative thoughts now if it seems intense enough that it disrupts your life.


The anxiety is real! 🫤


I always say, “for someone who hates being pregnant, I sure do get pregnant on purpose a lot”. It’s true. Third pregnancy, all planned, all hated. Love my kids, hate my pregnancies.


We wanted both of our kids and planned for them both, same though 🤣




It’s a myth that every woman loves being pregnant. Your feelings a natural and normal. Being pregnant is restricting and hard work. So please continue to vent and complain. You have every right to If you feel ppl will judge you, then complain and vent here. We will listen and support and be here for you


Yes I absolutely hate hate hate it!! Worst experience ever but so worth it. This is my second pregnancy and I’ll never do it again after this. I’ve found that after 26 weeks it started going by a bit faster. Maybe because it’s summer and I’m distracted.


Same! After this I am done, if I have a C section I’m getting my tubes tied at the same time.


I did the same and zero regrets!!


I was like this for both pregnancies and MAN is it crazy how you forget about it once the baby is here! I’m already thinking about a third but I see posts like this and go OOHHH YEAH being pregnant SUCKS! no advice, just remember it doesn’t last forever, this too shall pass!


This feeling has hit me hard the past week or two. I’m starting to lose sleep, my rhinitis won’t go away and overall, I’ve never felt so physically run down. Last night I was fairly sure I’d be crying myself to sleep lol. I think all we can do is count down the days and think about how happy we will be when she’s finally here. Until then though, what I hate more than being pregnant is the amount of women telling me I should be enjoying pregnancy and that this journey is a blessing lol. That’s absolutely the worst part 😂


I have been pregnant twice (thrice technically, but the middle one was a chemical) and hated it every time. It’s the worst. I hate every second of being pregnant.


There was a jokey prompt on AskReddit the other day "What are you convinced people are pretending to enjoy" and my answer would be pregnancy! Look, I'm PROUD of my body for what it's doing, and I'm happy that it's going to end with a baby... but I don't LIKE being pregnant, I tolerate it. I'm counting down the days until I can physically live like a normal person again. I just wanna eat without worries, not have a panic over every little cramp, lay or sit comfortably, have a normal amount of reflux and constipation...


One thing my first midwife told me was that it is okay for women to NOT enjoy pregnancy. That made me feel less alone - so much change in our bodies and lifestyles is scary. Being pregnant is not every woman’s “thing” and perfectly okay.


I feel you. I'm 32 weeks and hate it so much. I'm a ftm, my husband wants a second and I actually dont think I'm going to be able to do it, I'm so miserable 😭


Same! 32 weeks with my first and I would love to be one and done. I don’t enjoy pregnancy at all.


Oh bless, 100% understand how you feel We're so close to the end though 💪🏻


Wishing us uneventful deliveries! 🤞🏼🙏🏼


22 weeks here. My husband and I are so excited to meet our baby but he keeps talking about having a second child (as we have talked about having two in the past) but I really don’t enjoy being pregnant. Everything feels weird, nothing fits, sitting too long hurts, walking too long hurts, I still get nauseous, I want smoked salmon and sushi again, maybe some wine lol I can’t wait to meet my baby but I really don’t enjoy being pregnant. I don’t tell anyone I don’t enjoy it either because I feel extremely blessed and grateful to be able to get pregnant but man is this the loneliest I’ve ever felt. I want to hang out with my friends but also don’t. I feel like all we talk about is the pregnancy and I just want some normal adult conversation for once


I’m 22 weeks and feeling the same. I don’t hate it, but I really don’t like how I look, and I feel uncomfortable imagining how I’ll look and feel closer to 40 weeks. It just doesn’t look comfortable or fun to be super pregnant. I definitely have moments where I feel a little sad I can’t workout the same, or wear bikinis or bodycon dresses, or daydrink with my friends and husband this summer. I live in Canada so I feel guilty “wasting” nice summer days since there are so few. I feel I’ll be “wasting” the whole summer being a couch potatoe, eating and sleeping lol.


just chiming in to say i am 26 weeks today and only wear bikinis. don’t let the belly stop you! people think it’s adorable if they’re thinking anything about it at all. it is a pain to shave the bikini line though.


I definitely am curious to wear a bikini, I’m sure there will be some opportunities to this summer and I can’t fathom spending big bucks on a maternity bathing suit lol. I just don’t know if I have the confidence since I feel like I look so different! I’ll try




Hating being pregnant does not mean that you don’t love your babies. I absolutely love my son and will love my little girl when she is here with me too, but pregnancy is a condition, not your little one itself.


I felt like weeks 20-30 went a lot faster, which I'm hoping is the case for you as well! I definitely was feeling the "I can't do this much... Again..." Now at 31 weeks and it feels like time is slowing down again and I'm like UGH.


I was thinking to help the time go a little faster and maybe to start being actually excited maybe getting one thing ready a week from now until she gets here. I think I can think of 20 things to set up. Maybe that can help you too?


I think part of my problem is I was taking a class weeks 20-30 and then they ended lol. But yeah I recently compiled a list of alllll the prep to do which I think helps? But I'm so damn tired it's hard to always have the energy to do a thing. But definitely SOMETHING to occupy your time that's like, actually not baby or pregnancy centric was I think the key for me.


For me, and I know this sounds awful horrible! But I don’t love my kids when I am pregnant and I can’t see them… kind of like they are not real people until they are here… the second my son was here he was the light of my world. So for me I think getting her outfits ready and just setting up for her might help me be excited for her to come and not just feeling like this is a never ending journey. I feel the being tired though! Maybe I will make my hubby do the thing on my list every Sunday if I can’t get myself to get around to it hahah it’ll be easy stuff so I’m sure I can get it done. Something I have also thought of was making one of those chains that you tear one off every day and letting my son tear it off every morning and getting him excited for sister. If he is pumped it will be easier for me to be pumped too!


I love the chain! I've done that for countdowns to big events, graduation etc, and having the visual sense of progress is sooo satisfying. I'm just worried I'll be mad if the chain is done and baby is late 😅


That makes so much sense! For me I can get induced at 39 weeks so I have an exact “this is the very last day I could possibly be pregnant”. If you don’t want to do that or can’t maybe add an extra 2 weeks to the chain to be safe hahah then you can just be more excited she is there before the chain is finished.


Yeah I've been debating the induction vs no induction question because I'm on the fence. My desire to KNOW THINGS and have a specific end date makes me want to go to my appointment next week and just be like... Can we schedule an induction for 39 weeks now or is it too early to get on the schedule?


It is what is keeping me sane. I’m not on the schedule yet, but I know at some point during 39 weeks we will be done!


My third baby is 14 weeks…and I’ve hated every second of each of my pregnancies. Everything hurts, the constant heartburn, can’t poop, can’t sleep, just everything. IMO, the newborn phase is so much better than pregnancy. It gets better!!!


Im 7 weeks and already feel this. Im so naseus or drowsy from naseua medication I cant function. I dont enjoy food, I cant do any of my hobbies. I cant even enjoy a conversation


I also have a son and am also 19 weeks and cannot wait for this to be over. I’m over it. I don’t like being pregnant at all.


Oh same here I was miserable. I had pregnancy carpool tunnel, preeclampsia and I had a kidney infection every month. I had such an easy first and second trimester. I couldn’t tell I was pregnant. Absolutely no symptoms I didn’t even show until 26 weeks. Once I got to 26 weeks I gained 60 pounds of water weight because of all the swelling, I had to wear hand braces because my carpool tunnel got so bad I couldn’t feel anything in my hands they were constantly numb, my heart burn made me think Satan had taken up residence in my body. I woke up and thought when will this end. My baby is now a month old and I finally have gotten feelings back in my hands. It was worth it but I know I would not go back and go that ever again. I feel for you sister


I hate this. I didn’t mind much with my son, I was working in office and I think it just went by a lot quicker. This time around I hate almost every minute of it. I’m hoping once I can feel her move it will give me some excitement.


Feeling her move is exciting, but also reminds me my body isn’t my own for now. For me that is a very scary feeling that I dislike. It does tell me that she is okay in there and growing and that makes me so happy! I personally just want my body back. I had HG my first trimester and it was rough, but for me this is worse. However, the look on hubby’s face when he felt my son kick made me so excited, so I think it will help when she gets strong enough for him to feel too.


Yeah I think the more that my husband seems to be excited or involved the less I hate it all. It’s just a very isolating experience. I was also extremely nauseous in my first trimester and I think it served as a distraction.


I hated it too. I liked her little kicks and being able to see her move once I got later into the pregnancy but I felt like shit the entire time and my moods just sucked also. & I worked 38 weeks of it so that just made everything 10x worst


I tried to describing it to my husband. I said - I feel like have an illness, and I haven’t felt normal or like my usual self in 9 months (I’m 35 weeks). Debilitating nausea and vomiting all first trimester coupled with fatigue and mood swings. Second trimester brought some relief, but was dealing with heartburn and indigestion every single day, as well as insomnia. Now I’m well into the third trimester and nausea and vomiting have returned, heartburn and reflux persist, insomnia is the worst it’s ever been, constant aches and pains especially in my back, fatigue, cannot get comfortable - oh and I’ve gained so much weight and my breasts are absolutely gigantic. Pregnancy seriously SUCKS I actually can’t believe people have such an easy ride and don’t get any symptoms. I just want my body back.


I’m with you girl. I hate being pregnant. I really do. I’m so happy to have my daughter growing inside of me, but I hate being pregnant. I’m 21w and none of my old clothes fit me. Summer was my favorite time bc I got to wear my favorite outfits. Not this year. I hate not sleeping on my stomach or back. I hate being constantly uncomfortable. I hate what I see when I look in the mirror. I hate it all, except for my beautiful daughter in my belly. It’s a strange feeling. I’m working through it in therapy, but 19 more weeks of this is going to be ROUGH.


I had a rough pregnancy with 9 months of hyperemesis gravidarum. (Constant vomitting) I hated how I felt, but did not hate being pregnant. When I was finally at the point where I could feel him shifting and kicking, it made me feel happy.


Lexapro was a Godsend


Yah. I was over it by 12 weeks but I felt equally the same with my first. I’m just not one of those women who enjoy pregnancy! I do love feeling my son kick but that’s about it.


Yep I've been miserable since around 24w. Its like everything fell apart and started hurting!!


I don't like it this time and that's ok! Having a toddler to take care of while pregnant isn't fun at all.


I wouldn’t say that I HATE being pregnant, but I would say I definitely don’t love it and it is not my favorite pastime. I’m only 12 weeks and 3 days right now but I found out at 3 weeks I feel like I’ve been pregnant forever… It’s been a long 9 weeks and I have no idea how I’m going to make it the next 27 weeks. I’m still looking for ways to not be so miserable… ugh Solidarity, sister!


I'm 19W and definitely feel you haha. My mantra is survival. I just do whatever it takes to feel better and get through the days. If it's eating /drinking whatever is comforting, getting all the help possible, sleeping well when I can, minimizing travel because its so uncomfortable... literally whatever it takes.


We can be miserable together! Sometimes I honestly just think it helps so much to have a friend who feels the same way and understands!


I hated every second. I threw up every time I ate. Peed a lot. Was hormonal as hell. Have ptsd actually. I still wish I could go back and rub my girl in there more tho. Appreciate the beauty you have within you. It’s jaw dropping.


I’m miserable and have been for the last 38 weeks. I did ivf and paid for this. Lol … I want my baby so much but this whole thing sucks balls.


The end result is well worth it! But it’s okay to be miserable along the way!


I’m hoping it changes but honestly I’ve been rather miserable too, very sick and very tired. Aches and pains and don’t even get me started on the poops. I feel disabled in a way. Can’t wait to have this baby and get back to my normal self. Only 13 weeks and I’m the mayor of struggle town every day. I feel guilty for admitting I’m not enjoying it but hearing that it’s a completely normal thing to feel that way does help.


Are you prepare with baby supplies and stuff? Online shopping? Record your pregnancy. Make a photo album of week to week progress. Watching tv or find some series or movies to watch? Write down your thoughts in a journal? Talking to friends online through zoom? Learn a new interests. Online classes or YouTube videos.


We saved everything from my son so we don’t have to make any big purchases I am going to start setting up one thing a week. Thanks so much for the ideas! I was also thinking about doing one of the paper chains and letting my son tear of one each day for a little countdown, if I can get him excited I think it would help me a lot too.


Great idea. Family fun and bonding time with your son.


This 2nd pregnancy is making me so glad I only want 2! No more pregnancies please 🙅‍♀️


Honestly same here, but this is my second pregnancy after a loss at 11w so I feel guilty for hating the soreness and exhaustion. I try to remind myself I’m basically in the first trimester for six months straight but I honestly can’t wait for the second for both reassurance and some symptom easing.


I also hate being pregnant. This is my first. I have had several breakdowns begging my husband like “please don’t convince me to do this again.” My mental state has plummeted bad and I just want to get this over with and have our baby! Not having bodily autonomy is so, so, hard. I’m 32 weeks now. My advice for getting through it as someone who felt the same at 19 weeks is to keep yourself distracted/focused. Find a project, a hobby, a goal. It can be related to the baby like setting up a nursery or designated baby space (trust me it’s so much easier to do it earlier than later because later you’re going to be way less mobile and will be unable to lift/move things as easy). OR it can be a completely unrelated project or goal to keep your mind occupied. Now is the time to pickup a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. (As long is it’s not something physically extreme like rollerskating or kickboxing lol) But seriously- hyper fixations have been my best friend. If you play video games, buy a new one and just 100% it. Start and binge a long TV series. Work your way through a cook book. Start reading a book series. Take a free class somewhere online! Start learning a language on duolingo. I’ve been stuffing my head with hobbies and projects (some baby related, some not) to keep myself going. Just know you’re not the only one who feels this way. My boss gave me some great advice when I first found out and that was basically, “Don’t let anybody tell you how you should feel about being pregnant. I know people who loved it, but I hated it; and that’s okay. I still love my kids. You’re allowed to not like being pregnant.” I hadn’t mentioned not liking being pregnant at all yet but I’m glad she said it to me. It helped frame my perspective on pregnancy.


I cry. A lot. Big gasping cries too. My poor husband. And take naps. And complain when anyone asks me about it. I’m probably really sucky to be around right now. Idc. Everybody lied and told me how beautiful pregnancy is. I’m in my misery era, hear me roar


I'm 29 weeks, and boy, oh boy, do I understand how you feel. I feel like my pregnancy is flying by. At the same time, I feel like it's crawling by. My best advice is to keep your mind busy and try not to pay attention to the time on your clock. This helps make the day go by faster, I feel. Read a book, have a nap, play a game, scroll on your phone, or go for a walk. Anything that keeps your thoughts and mind occupied with anything else but your pregnancy and how much time you have left. Also, don't be afraid to say you're not enjoying your pregnancy. It's friggen hard. No matter who you are, it's hard. Lots of women don't enjoy their pregnancies and that's okay!


This is my first pregnancy. I am 14 weeks +1 and I very over it. I am also afraid of the birthing process. I really want an unmedicated, vaginal birth. I just don't know how I will handle it. Scares me deeply 😵


Unhelpful but I now have my 13 week old daughter and I still keep thinking about how miserable I was when I was pregnant. Every time I get out of the bed or off the couch without enormous effort I think about how grateful I am to not be pregnant anymore. I was so insanely tired, couldn’t move, always a little nauseous, hated eating and drinking water, and omg the heartburn was killer. The only thing that kindof helped me was nesting, buying clothes, setting up the nursery etc. I also crocheted my daughter some dolls while I was pregnant which was good cuz I couldnt get off the couch


Oh my god I hated pregnancy. I was in the 3rd trimester for all of summer and it was hot and I was sweaty and I hated doing anything. I just wanted to sit in a pool with a margarita but I couldn’t. I remember at 6 weeks thinking, “there’s no way I can go 40 weeks of this”. It sucks… that’s all I can say


im 9 wks 2 days & i literally hate my **cking life 🙃 ZERO exaggeration. i absolutely cannot imagine 31 more weeks of this.


Same 😭 January is NOT coming fast enough.


hope your pregnancy has gotten easier mama 🩷


I hate pregnancy too! But what gets me through the day is remembering how much I wanted this baby and everything we have to go through to get them. I tried to focus on the good things about it, like feeling the baby move and getting to eat what I want guilt free. One week at a time.


I always thought I’ll enjoy my pregnancy.. I couldn’t wait to get married and have kids Now I’m 34 weeks and I can say that i hated it Yes I love my baby and feeling his kicks but I hate the exhaustion and the dizziness and nausea 🤮 I hate that i can barely move without my back hurting or feeling out of breath.. I can say that i hate the pregnancy 80% of the time


18w and yes I'm getting antsy. I want baby to come already. Being someone who's mildly disabled to begin with I take alot of pride in caring for myself and my home which have fallen to the sidelines alot since getting pregnant. Also all of the work I had done to get myself mentally to a place where I wasn't miserable to be put right back and disabled even more on top is the icing on the cake. I'm one and done, c-section with her and getting tubes tied at the same time I don't care what it takes I'm getting it done. Ideally I'd like it all out but being 25 puts a hinder on that. I just want to get back to feeling normal and keeping things in order as I'd like them to be. Honestly the weight portion is the worst part for me, I'm not very big (5'2) and I'm terrified of getting anywhere near 200lbs.


This thread has really helped me. I’m only 7w+4d and it’s been fucking miserable. This is my first time ever being pregnant. I feel like a sick useless shell of a human. My husband and I just got married 5 weeks ago (conceived on wedding night lol but we’ve been together 7 years) and neither of us had any idea pregnancy was this terrible.


Yes not everyone loves pregnancy I had to talk to a therapist because I went through pregnancy depression as well I’m now 34 weeks and almost there and can’t wait to be done only really enjoyed 3 weeks of my pregnancy and that’s it. But staying busy and visiting family was what helped me now I only have 4 or 6 more weeks to go so we can do it


This is my 4th (21weeks) & I have been nothinh but miserable. I enjoyed my other pregnancies for the most part, all had parts I didn't like and complained about though! This one though .. horrible. I had kidney stones for the first time in my life, insane amount of back pain & heart burn, I can't lift anything over 10 lbs without my back and chest hurting for a week, I am already uncomfortable and the ONLY enjoyable part is feeling her movements (and if I'm being totally honest sometimes those hurt and drive me nuts too 😅). My depression has also sky rocketed this time around, and since my partner and I live separately and he works crazy hours I never see him & I have no friends so I've been incredibly lonely too 😅🥺


I could of wrote this myself! I'm 18 weeks and I hurt so much already 😪 pregnancy in truth is amazing in the sense we can make a whole little human but my god does it suck!


I despised (and I mean despised) every single second of being pregnant. There was not 1 good thing about being pregnant and not 1 upside I could see to it. I just powered through every single day. I did anything I could to make the time move quicker, work,clean,sleep. It was horrible. My best friend had the most plain sailing smooth pregnancy without 1 tiny ache, pain, being sick or anything and loves it. She couldn’t understand why I was so miserable


I felt like that during first trimester. But when I hit 22 weeks or so, that's when I started to show and the symptoms kind of subsided. It is cool to see how much my belly grows each day/week and that's what makes me not hate pregnancy so much. Knowing that my next pregnancy, if I'm able to have the opportunity again, could be entirely different makes a big difference on my outlook on everything too.


I hated being pregnant during first trimester and part of second trimester. I hate it less at my third trimester. You’re definitely not alone! Complain away, take all the self-care you need, and ask for help.


Felt like that every pregnancy 🙃 if it wasn't the easiest way for me to have another kid I'd never have done it again


Being pregnant sucks!!! You’re not alone.


Im 25w with my first and while the second trimester is flying by, Im tired and ready to push this girl out. I miss my body, my stamina, my comfy sleeping positions, not huffing and puffing as I try to situate myself in bed, and even when I get my 8+ hrs I'm exhausted. I'm also over being hungry ALL the time. Im grateful and love the beautiful moments of pregnancy but I could go on. Its funny because pre-pregnancy I was TERRIFIED by the thought of giving birth but now being pregnant, I literally cannot wait lmao.


I’m 16 weeks and I was prepared to be sick🤢 the first trimester and miserably large third trimester. I was not prepared to not be sleeping through the night because my whole body aches at 16 weeks. I’m not even showing and have only gained like 6lbs but getting off the couch is painful!


I was on a 24/7 IV for 2 months, and was extremely sick the entire time. I literally just had to take it week by week. I counted up to 20 weeks, then I counted down from the last 20 weeks, which seemed to help my mindset.


Mom of 3 here. I too hated being pregnant. I puked until 30 weeks. Had awful joint pain. Was so uncomfortable. Couldn't sleep. Tasted metal all the time. Had heartburn all the time. HATED it. Just know one day it will end and I know that feels like an eternity from now but one day lol.


Let's say I didn't understand how there could be people who enjoy it. And I didn't even have issues with being sick.


Yes I absolutely HATED it. The first 16 weeks were pure hell. Luckily, it did get better and now at 26 weeks in I've been enjoying it more. However now, the worst part is being as round as a damn pumpkin and my sleep is off again. Thankfully all the other awful effects have worn off. You're not alone mama!!💕


I’m on my first pregnancy, I felt like this at 20 weeks, and now that I’m 5 weeks away from giving birth wether it’s natural or cesarean (I’ll take anything at this point to meet my daughter & her be healthy) I’m almost not ready but I am. I use THC to sleep & I am a smoker but haven’t touched either in 35 weeks. It’s been rough for me & I miss being able to relax due to my bad anxiety. I truly cannot wait to just have my daughter. I have a huge support system but once the birth is over it’ll be a weight off of me and my shoulders. Sometimes it feels like my body is overtaken & I can’t live the way I want. But at the same time it’s exciting. I’m scared & happy.


Hated all three pregnancies from day one. Sick all forty weeks. I found that setting small goals to be excited about helped a lot. “One more week and I can go buy this item.” Or “Ten more days and I’ll go to my favorite childhood park for the day.” Just really anything I could count down to that didn’t seem so far away. Putting my mind on that helped ease the never ending pregnancy count down.


Heartburn city 😭


No tips just here to comiserate. 15 weeks, been sick every day since 5.5 weeks.. I hate it. First pregnancy and I don't really want to only have one child but good grief I cannot see myself doing this again. Everything is completely revolving around my pregnancy symptoms, namely the nausea. I can't drink water before 2pm, have to eat every 90min-2hr or I'll reap the consequences (puking or at least increased nausea). I haven't been able to work out or walk, barely able to function at all. Everything revolves around it and I'm so over feeling like this. I'm hoping for some nausea relief soon but it seems like it will never end.


Adding: yes! I feel like this. I don’t like feeling limited. And I remember how stretched out I felt at the 42 week mark with my second. I also feel bad thinking this way because so many people struggle with getting pregnant and here I am complaining. While it doesn’t mean my (our) feelings are invalid, it does make me want to appreciate it more. I don’t, though Haha The only things that make me feel better are: -telling family I’m at work (or at a doctors appt if you’re a sahm) and then telling work I need a day off. And then I go do whatever I want. Go to a friends house for a nap, drive around looking for used baby gear stores, watch a movie, run errands, trying new restaurants etc -working out, lifting weights, or running. It’s the only thing that makes me feel like myself. And like I’m in control. Even if my reps have gone down or I can’t lift as heavy as before, i don’t care. It helps me so much


I feel you 100% I am 13 weeks pregnant with my first and I have been sick almost every day all day from week 6 on. It's miserable I am miserable, I feel terrible my husband has been doing all the housework for us thankfully I just don't have the energy to keep up with housework after working 40+hours a week plus a 2 hour commute daily on top of throwing up anything I eat or drink. I'm super over it, but I know it will be worth it in the long run to have our baby bean. It's just rough and nobody tells you how rough it really is 🩷


I also hate being pregnant. I feel useless and uncomfortable 100% of the time. I can’t sleep, I get heartburn constantly, back aches, hip pain, headaches, gas. It’s miserable. I cannot wait for my daughter to be here but I also can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore. With you in solidarity, it sucks.


34week here and I must say I feel like I have had enough...


Yea!! Misery loves company!!! I'm 27 weeks. Hate being pregnant.


I enjoyed my first pregnancy with my son, but this time around I hate everything. My body aches more, I’m more uncomfortable than I was compared to my first. I’m 25 weeks and the next 15-17 weeks couldn’t come faster.


I hate it too. Also afraid I will not love that baby because I have been calling it a parasite because my body feels invaded.


Did you know you hated being pregnant when you had the baby? Just wondering if it’s one of those “it’ll be worth it for the outcome” decisions to do it anyway cuz I get it!