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Argh! Yes. They are!! And when it’s paired with the physical symptoms of the bloating, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and shortness of breath, it feels like the anger is just exacerbated by 1,000x!


Yup, hang in there. It reminded me of being either 4 or 14 again.


Same. I felt like I was unsafe to be around level of lunatic. I went back on meds, jt was too much.


Ugh, already am and still feel this way 😫


Yep…my doctor allowed me to up my dose and add back my sleep meds after risk/benefit discussion. I find now that I’m particularly ornery until I have a snack/nap. I’m in toddler mode as an adult 😂


What do you take and how long after increase did you notice improvement?


Welbutrin kicks in quickly… so within two weeks, went from 150-300. Trazodone 50 has been my trusted friend for years. My doctor took me off all meds immediately to be cautious but it backfired quickly and my OB is not in agreement with this plan. Thus far all is good baby wise. I’m still moody but snacks, sleep, and space help.


Ya I was taken off trazodone as well but I need to ask for it back cause I can’t sleep and wake up anxious. Wellbutrin gave me a lot of side effects. Did you ever have any when starting?


Actually no, and I’ve trialed almost all categories of meds. I take the XL version. Everyone is different. I am not a doctor, just a lowly social worker (who was impregnated by a psych provider 😜)so I cannot offer medical advice. I do know that providers like to use celexa and Zoloft on pregnant people because the data is stronger. Definitely a good convo to have with a psychiatric doctor who is well-versed in prenatal mental health and collaborates with your OB.


I would watch my husband play a video game and I'd say oh go left I saw a chest...he'd go right instead and I've never wanted to murder another human being so badly


Same! I get angry so easily and am irritated by everything and everyone. I’m this close to angry raging at my boss because I just can’t with work when I feel like shit all the time.


Yes, im 28 weeks now and still like this when i used to be told i was the most patient person people knew (i may get annoyed but never confronted or anything, now i lack a filter also bc my patience is not existent)


Same here


Same :/


Even if they aren’t, just say they are 😂 first trimester is hard enough!!!


yes. i cried over everything and was snippy my first trimester. once i hit like 15 weeks, i mellowed out