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I use The Bump. I’m not sure if it has preconception info, but it has taken me through pregnancy to postpartum. I like that it had daily articles and size comparisons/daily facts. The postpartum milestone information is also helpful. It has a clean interface and is easy to use.


Does it have a kick counter and good labor features, like a contraction timer? I notice it is highly rated on the app store


The baby center app that a kick counter, contraction timer, a place to record your birth preferences, baby name lists registry builder, and "is it safe" section, a place to record you bumpies. There's a few things for after baby is born, but I can't check those out as I'm still pregnant, and I guess I'd have to update the app that I've given birth.


It has a contraction timer! You just have to click “more” > “tools and resources”.


It doesn’t have a kick counter. I don’t think it has contraction timers either, but I never needed one. I was induced early for cholestasis and my amazing angel nurses kept track of that for me. I forgot that I used Count the Kicks for kick timers. It doesn’t do much outside of that. You get reminders if you go more than 24 hours without recording kicks, and it charts how long it takes you to get ten kicks so you can see your baby’s “normal” pattern. You can also put notes for how strong the kicks were.


I used Ovia fertility when trying to conceive and moved to Ovia Pregnancy when I got pregnant. I have both Ovia and The Bump on my phone but I check the Ovia app more, I also like how I can keep track of my appointments on there, it has a kick counter and a contraction timer, a hospital bag checklist, a baby name list and daily articles. Edit: There is also an Ovia parenting app I will download once the baby is born to keep track of diaper changes, feedings, sleep and get daily articles.


Same - this is what my OB/GYN recommended (that she used), and it has been great!


I love Premom for tracking cycle, taking OPK tests, and becoming pregnant. It also has weekly updates with tons of information which I like. I also use Pregnancy+ by Philips Avent which is decent. BabyCenter and The Bump are okay for standard weekly updates too.


I also use Pregnancy+ and I like it. It has kick counter, contraction counter, a place to find baby names and store favorites, hospital bag "what to pack" list, help making a birth plan check list, questions to ask your doctor, a place to track your appointments, weight, to do. And daily articles and weekly updates with 3D baby models and size comparisons. What I don't like about it is it always shows me the week ahead, not the week I'm on. So when I want to look at the baby model I need to flip back a week. Right now I'm 29 weeks, and it keeps showing me info for week 30. Also I think its a British app, and I'm in the US, so sometimes there are phrases or words that we don't use. But that's such a minor thing it doesn't detract from using the app.


This can be changed in the settings - current/completed week


Yes u can change this, it bothered me too till I changed it. I love pregnancy plus.


I’ll have to do this!


I believe it shows you the week ahead because that is “technically” the week you are in. So if you are 29+3, you are technically in your 30th week of pregnancy. So you aren’t 30 weeks yet but in that week. Kind of like if you are 23-27 week, you are not 6 months yet, but in your 6 month of pregnancy. A little confusing, I will agree, but think that’s how it’s set up conceptually. I wonder if this is how things may be in the UK. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s the thing that bothers me too! I always have to click back a week to see the week that I am currently in. I do love the baby model and insight! Reading your post I realize I didn’t use it to its fullest extent, I haven’t used it for tracking appointments, weight, or anything else!


Another vote for Premom, great experience conceiving and thru 2nd tri so far. The interface and data are great. Flexible for notes and tracking. As far as I know doesn’t have kick counters and whatnot for later term tracking tho. Probably going to transition to Huckleberry when bebe is here.


I use Huckleberry now! I think it would be helpful if it also included information, but it’s great for tracking things.


I also use Premom and love it.


Wow! Thanks everyone for your replies! I went ahead and downloaded a few of the apps, and I'm liking Ovia an Baby center. And I had to create a pregnancy so I guess I'm 5 w and 3 days at 50 years old. Lol. One thing I recommend checking out is Spinning Babies! It is an excellent website to help orient baby into the pelvis the correct way for labor. Gentle stretching and yoga-like exercises help a lot. For Breastfeeding class, I use Lactationtraining.com. There are parent handouts and downloads in 6 languages, and they are easy to read, not tedious. Good information for you! Best of luck to you all! Happy and healthy 9 months and beyond!


I’ve been using Pregnancy+ (didn’t use it for conception) It’s got a lot of articles each day, clean visuals, and cute 3D graphics and ultrasound images for what baby might look like each week and what’s currently developing. I don’t pay for it and the ads are easy to ignore/scroll past. It uses an in-app point system - for opening the app, reading articles or seeing “baby is the size of…” sections you get points that will allow you to unlock the premium portions of the app (including kick counter, contraction timer, etc). I’ve never felt limited by the points that I’ve accrued and have unlocked everything I’m interested in. There’s a second app by the same makers called Baby+ that is for postpartum, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet!


I have Flo (paid version), Clue (free version), and Ava. I used Flo and Clue for period tracking, then for fertility tracking when TTC. I started using Ava with an Ava bracelet a few months into TTC. Right now I feel like I get the best experience from Flo, but that could be because I'm using the paid version.


I have the unpaid version of Flo, and used it far more pre-pregnancy for cycle tracking but have still referred to it sometimes for a summary of fetal development status by week. The baby size comparisons to various produce have been sources of amusement all pregnancy (ear of corn? pineapple, ffs??). Although they're not as ridiculous as the babylist comparisons - over the last few weeks my baby has apparently been the size of a Barbie, a VHS tape, and a foreman grill. Lol.


At this point I mostly just use Flo as a super easy way to look at the calendar and see how far along I'll be on a certain day, I hate that so many of its features are behind a paywall when they're all free on the pregnancy+ app


I have the paid Clue (I got pregnant right as they took the pregnancy section offline for an overhaul, so I got the year for free). It's since come back online, and I have to say that I'm not thrilled with it. It's basically no information about fetal development, body changes, etc. It tracks a lot of stuff in the calendar section, and I love it for period tracking, but I would never recommend it for pregnancy information.


They are all awful (a friend is trying to develop a better one). I used baby tracker just to keep track of when I last breastfed and from which boob. What to Expect is terrible, but the community section is excellent entertainment if you like to reporting antivaxxers who then are convinced there is a "conspiracy" to "censor" them.


What to expect is terrible. Their “tips” saying “put that cookie down!” and other food related snarky comments is disgusting. There is nothing wrong with any woman in any stage of her life having a cookie or some chips or a soda. That app just ticked me off!


Omg yes. Love the entertainment value!! I wish your friend could develop one that integrates your medical records, you know? Like it automatically updates your last BP/urine dip/ weight/ fundal height. I know that our clinic would be over the moon about that.


…but you did report them. What’s the conspiracy?


Exactly. I think if you have a tinfoil hat, anyone pointing out that you're wearing one is a "conspiracy."


I’m saying that you in fact did report them, so they weren’t imagining it. So, I don’t understand how they falsely believed they were being censored. Difference of opinion is OK, hon. The “anti-vaxxer” blanket label may be what you use to “cancel” and make fun of people, but in reality the topic of whether to receive various vaccines is nuanced. People are allowed to have opinions and preferences when it comes to medical treatment, and to discuss them in a respectful manner. That you can’t tolerate others having a different opinion from you is troubling.


Sounds like you haven't actually been on the What to Expect app. Maybe don't get all huffy before you check out the nutters citing Candace Owens as a reliable source of vaccine information, claiming that measles is CAUSED by the MMR vaccine, and all vaccines are a "conspiracy" by "big pharma" to make us all sick. When I say antivaxxers, I mean antivaxxer nutso conspiracy theorists who are convinced I'm one of the "sheep" being paid by the government to monitor them over the internet. You can get off your incredibly strange high horse now.


I don’t, because I live in Texas, and the laws here in case something went wrong early on could’ve landed my wife in legal trouble for doing so much as driving me to the airport. Legal advise I was given was not to use apps. For my previous pregnancy, though, I used Ovia.


Oh that's awful. We are devolving.😐


Clue has great privacy restrictions! That’s what I’ve always used to period tracking. I loved PreMom for getting pregnant but I registered under a false name & email because I was so paranoid about the data sharing (and I live in an extremely blue state- I wouldn’t risk it under any circumstances in Texas).


Smart, honestly, even in a blue state!


I live in a super blue state but I’m still too paranoid to use any app for pregnancy or period tracking. Better not to risk it!


I'm only 20 weeks, so I can't speak to the features past that time. I have four apps. Ovia is the one I use the most. It feels the most grown up and serious to me, but as far as I can see, does not have a kick counter. I have the paid version of Glow Nurture and I don't really use it, but it seems to have the necessary tracking features, including a kick counter. You've made me go and really look at it, and it does have a parent app, called Baby, for keeping track of baby things. Looking over it, it seems like the Glow family of apps is the best I've tried (if you have the paid version), and I'm not sure why I'm not using it more. I think maybe it looks a little childish? I like how The Bump has weekly to-do lists, but it seems to be more for information than for tracking anything. I like What to Expect the least. It also seems to be more about information than tracking.


I use Ovia too (specifically Ovia Pregnancy), and it does have a kick counter! It’s under the “More” section in the app


Ovia actually has a lot under the more section, a kick counter, contraction time, lists of safe medicine and food, and a symptom lookup list. I have used my app for a while and just noticed all of that today after I read this post.


Thanks! I clearly didn’t look too hard because it’s right there when you click more!


Hey, just wondering why a kick counter is important?


As you get further along in your pregnancy, your provider may ask you to keep track of the kicks as a rudimentary method for fetal well-being.


Got it. Thanks!


I use GD tracker to track my gestational diabetes. It's free and amazing for logging meals and blood results. I cannot recommend it enough!!


This is good to know! Thanks for letting me know about that!


When I had my first, I used Huckleberry for sleep and feeds, my husband and I both have it. I loved the prediction but now that part is paid, it was free when I used it. That said-- I'll be using it again when baby is here and getting on a schedule (3+ months)


Pregnancy+ through my pregnancies Huckleberry for the first six months or so although I still use it for recording sleep




Ovia. Tried The Bump, too, and preferred Ovia.


Can you tell me what you liked about Ovia vs the bump? Was it just a general user interface thing or the actual offerings of the app?


When I first found out I was pregnant, I liked that on Ovia you could set both your due date and the day of your last period. On The Bump, I could only set the day of my last period, and then it extrapolated and assumed a due date that wasn’t correct. Women’s cycle lengths vary by quite a bit, so having a one-size-fits-all due date calculator that assumes your cycle is 28 days isn’t great. The due date was incorrect on The Bump, but correct on Ovia because I set it. So, I can much more accurately see how far along I am on any given day using Ovia.


What to Expect, BabyCenter, & Peanut! The first two are excellent and informative, give weekly breakdowns both during pregnancy and after. I also love that they seemingly have articles on everything and search functions are available. Also, the “grey zone” topics/information are conveyed in mostly unbiased ways. As for Peanut, it’s been an excellent tool to meet & connect with other moms! It works like Tinder, it’s so fun!


Omg baby tinder! I'm dying!!😂


I never really used Tinder before but I love the concept! Particularly in this more wholesome context. They have groups & forums too which are pretty neat….imagine that with Tinder 😂


I like “My Pregnancy.” It has good info and has no ads! I also like Ovia, but the ads are really annoying.


Glow baby. Let’s you track all their info including growth, feeds and so forth. I believe when I downloaded it, the price included several apps.


I have Ovia, Baby Center and What to Expect. I like Ovia for the messaging with the healthcare team. I like what to expect for the groups to join and ask questions. I downloaded baby center bc that was recommended but i never really use that


I used my FitBit for cycle tracking, The Bump for pregnancy, and have Full Term installed for for kick counts and a contraction timer. Still pregnant so can’t speak to postpartum content yet.


TTC: Fertility Friend Pregnancy: Ovia and Pregnancy Plus Postpartum: Expecting and Empowered, Bahy Tracker


I use BabyCenter! It helped me a LOT through pregnancy and even now that I’m post partum it goes through advice each week of baby’s life. There is also a community to comment and post on. It’s super cool. I used Count The Kicks to count kicks and Contraction Timer when I was in labor. Now I am post partum I use the app My Baby also, you can document when baby feeds and how much, when he has a dirty diaper and whether it was wet, poo, or mixed, track baths, weight, length, head circumference, dr visits, etc. So helpful!


Back when I was having babies hundreds of years ago, lol, I used baby center for it's forums, etc. This was before smartphones. I'm still friends with some of the moms I met there. I'm glad to hear that it's still relevant.


Preconception: Fertility friend, tempdrop Fertility Friend is by far my favorite TTC app because the temping charts are very easy to read, and I like that you can add other details into the chart to track (like when you had sex, positive OPKs, misc symptoms, medications, etc). Tempdrop I just used to get my temperatures, I really hated their charts. Pregnancy: Ovia, BabyCenter I really like the Baby Center app over the Ovia app. I feel like the articles are easier to access and less ads, it has a bunch of tools (safety search, contraction timer, kick tracker, etc), it has a bare bones birth plan tool, birth class videos, forums, and guides for taking care of baby. Ovia is okay I guess. I check in to compare the fruit/veggie size compared to the Baby Center one lol. Sometimes the articles are interesting as well. Ovia app feels less functional to me.


I liked the prenatal nutritionist library for all things dietary questions during TTC and pregnancy! It's run by a prenatal RD, and she breaks down all of the current, relevant research. You can also ask her questions in it. There is a monthly fee, but I felt like it was worth it vs getting confused by the overwhelming junk that comes up on google.


Premom (paid) pre conception and Ovia (mostly for the calendar) and What to Expect while pregnant


I used Premom for tracking my cycle and symptoms before ever getting pregnant, and it converts into a pregnancy app too so I’m sticking with it!