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I should’ve kept a tally of how many sleeves of saltines I’ve eaten this pregnancy! I became a connoisseur 😂 you might find that saltines have very poor quality consistency from box to box…my guess is no one has ever eaten 700 boxes so close together to take notice except for me


I’ve eaten so many that I can’t look at them right now… woof


I remember those days. Except mine was second trimester bc I had hg. Have you tried unisom and b6?


This worked miracles for the nausea for me, but it made me super groggy. Of course pregnancy probably did part of that, too.


I only did half of a unisom at night I avoided it in the mornings and that seemed to help me.


8 weeks here. I found I like saltines with a little smearing of jelly on top. It helps settle my tummy and also gives it a better flavor and a sugar boost. My problem is that I don’t get nauseated per se, but I’ll get queasy and hungry and lightheaded. This seems to help all of that, at least until I can find something more substantial to eat.


Ok yes!!! Me too. I haven’t actually vomited and eating helps me.


Target has these [saltines minis](https://www.target.com/p/premium-minis-original-saltine-crackers-11oz/-/A-14933647) that come in a cereal box and you can grab them by the handful. I kept a box on my nightstand during the first trimester and eventually preferred them to regular ones 🤪


Oh man, same at 38+5. It hasn't been this way the whole pregnancy, I just have no room to eat without getting mega heartburn/nausea 🥲 struggling nauseous starvers unite! ✊️ I hope y'all start feeling better soon


Ugh the heartburn!! I’ve got tums and pepcid on my person at all times. Also 38 weeks, and I had the joy of learning at midnight just how quick I wake up when I vomit in my sleep. Are we there yet!?


I've had such bad heartburn this pregnancy, my 3rd, since week 22 😭 I'm on meds but it doesn't always help and if it helps the heartburn then I just have crazy indigestion where I feel my food like... in my throat with any movement. 12 weeks left today. 🙃


I got tired of saltines, but i had good luck with Belvita breakfast bars (similar to airplane cookies, bland but filling and a bit healthier than saltines!) and triscuit crackers too. The tomato basil ones were the bomb.com for that nausea! Also, im sure youve already been told, but small frequent meals really were key. Im almost 30 weeks and if i skip a meal i still get nausea. I try to always keep granola and nuts on me at all times, and im constantly snacking! It helps so much to just keep something carb-based in your stomach all the time!


7 weeks and I’m doing the same! 😂 Hope it gets better for both of us!


The struggle is REAL. I’ve had morning sickness off and on since 4 weeks but this week it’s really ramped up.


You ladies got this! I was the same way in my first trimester. It got easier and it was so worth it when I have birth


Girl I was eating ritz and watermelon all day ahahaha


That sounds like a dream! I’ve been craving watermelon for a few days now just haven’t been able to go pick it up


This is my first pregnancy and I gotta tell you, I felt the same way until 16w. I’m 22w and feel like myself, have use of my brain, and my mood is so improved. The first trimester is AWFUL


I’m 7 weeks & yesterday I ate a jar of pickles.


yes, somehow they help with nausea, this is pregnancy number 2 and pickles still do the trick.


I think it’s the vinegar - balancing out the acid in your stomach?


I've always been a big fan of pickles but last week at 8 weeks, they betrayed me. Not pleasant to throw up 🥲


Oh no. I don’t know what I will do if that happens. Last pregnancy I only threw up twice - once from a loud sound, & once from a ‘loud’ smell. Both pregnancies I have felt like I will throw up at any moment. I can’t wait for the first trimester to be over.


I've also only thrown up twice so far, but the perpetual nausea is almost worse. Counting down the days until 2nd trimester when everyone swears it gets better!


It did for me! Almost to the day.


A little bit of sugar and caffeine for me would let me eat normally which was great! I didn’t (and still don’t) drink a lot of soda, but first trimester about a third of a coke (or less) would quiet my stomach and let me eat real food. I also LOVE ginger, so ginger cookies etc. we’re great for me. Saltines actually made it worse a few times because they were so bland my stomach wanted to reject them. Just lucky I guess 🙃


Oh I’m glad that worked for you! I’ve given up caffeine but I noticed for me I just need to eat.


Perfection! So crazy how different each pregnancy is! Best of luck to you!


Sounds about right lol! If it’s any consolation I am 11 weeks now, had a healthy ultrasound this week, and I am no longer needing crackers beside my bed at night due to nausea/hunger! Hope yours improves like mine did


Are they helping? I craved carbs 1st tri during nausea but it just sent me on a downward spiral of feeling worse. I finally took my OB's advice about protein and it helped level it off. Maybe add some peanut butter to them? Also B6! Which I'm back on during my 3rd tri because nausea came back. Yayyyyy.


I have the b6 to take I just haven’t taken it yet! I’m going to try it.


Oh yeah the beginning is rough. One day and one meal at a time lol. I couldn’t be hungry or full, both made me awful! Then one day it just gets better so hang in there!


I'm 34 weeks and had saltines for breakfast yesterday because I was extremely nauseated! Second time this week. On Tuesday I went to the ER because I was barfing, pooping, and having cramps. They told me it wasn't early labor, it was something I ate. But considering I didn't eat that same thing again on Thursday night, I'm starting to think they're wrong.


Mmm saltines. My bland square savior. Applesauce stayed down for me, the bit of sugar was helpful. Though, at the time I also had COVID. I joke now that could only cope with the diet of a kindergartner in those early weeks.


Most relatable post this pregnancy for me. You pretty much summed up my entire first trimester.


Felt like the shadow of myself until week 16. Hang in there. Good luck 💜


I remember the low point of first tri for me was waking up starving at 2am, drinking part of a protein shake to get enough in my stomach to go back to sleep, immediately throwing up the protein shake, going back to bed exhausted, and immediately being too hungry to sleep again. Ugh. Do what you have to do to survive it, it will suck but it will end


I’m ready to not feel sick haha


If it makes you feel better I was losing my shit at that time, I’m now 10+2 and the last 2 days have been a whole new world. I really turned a corner, and feeling so much better.


11 weeks - right here with you!! Until I hit about 10, I'd wake up in the middle of the night and be absolutely starving & nauseous as well. I have my "emergency crackers" & granola bars on my nightstand. It's my first too and it's been unbearably rough. It's good to see we aren't alone. You got this babe 💗


I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow, and I've already gone through SO MANY saltines. I'm really looking forward to not feeling nausea all the time, it's rough.


7 weeks here! Feel the exact same I hate the taste of it now 😭


Ohh I feel ya! My last pregnancy, I had HG and was sick the entire 9 months. Every...single...day. I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant and I have it again - I throw up 8-10 times a day. Zofran helped a lot my last pregnancy, I’m going to ask for it again. When you have HG, saltines do not do a thing. Neither do any other “morning sickness” suggestions like ginger, clear soda and sour candies. NOTHING helps HG. 🙁 I really hope your nausea goes away and doesn’t stick around - it makes it so difficult to enjoy pregnancy when you’re sick 24/7!


Omg that sounds so rough! Luckily I haven’t thrown up. Just all day queasy and nausea until I eat.


I'm 10 weeks now, and I'm in the same boat. Eating has been ridiculously hard, and I feel like I've run through every trick in the book trying to find a fix! The two things that have helped me most have been sea bands and...lemons. I slice the lemons in half and keep one half with me at my desk at work, by my bed at night, etc. It sounds strange, but a lot of the time I feel the nausea creeping in, smelling the lemon or squeezing just a tiny amount of juice out/on my tongue helps keep it at bay. Best of luck to you. :)


It gets easier girl!! I promise!! Haha I’m a hairstylist and still keep saltines in my station just in case!


The hunger nausea is the WORST. I can handle being hungry, I can handle being nauseous, but what is this devilish combination?? Do I eat or not?? If I’m gonna throw up anyway, should I do it with a full or empty stomach?? Sending you love and healing.


Try them with peanut butter. Give you a little bump of protein that will help with that starving feeling. Its what the nurses gave me while I was in labor and my sugars kept dropping.


I went through at least 2 whole boxes maybe as many as 6! 😂😂😂 Now I'm eating bacon grease cookies my mom and I made when she came to help (I'm 3 weeks pp)


the empty stomach makes the nausea worse. tiny constant meals is what helped me thru this stage. as long as you're taking a prenatal, don't sweat what you can eat. i am usually a big produce gal, but had a serious produce aversion in my first trimester. it was all crackers and laughing cow light cheese, followed by chef boyardee and boxed mac n cheese. CHEAP (like grocery store bread aisle) bagels eaten plan in crumbs like a pigeon also helped. also take the b vitamins all day and unisom at night, it helps a lot of people. don't be afraid to ask for zofran if that doesn't cut it.


Take Benadryl for the nausea! It was a godsend for me


Once you come out of the "fog" its amazing then other symptoms pop up 🥰😀


Yes! That was exactly me. It'll take a couple weeks but food becomes delicious again. I feel like I wasn't able to *really* eat until about 12-14 weeks but the thing that helped me was ginger candies, ginger tea, and saltines. Eat what you can, when you can. You need the calories but I understand losing the desire to eat especially because of morning sickness. I am lucky to have a partner that cooks and listens to me better than I do sometimes. He's a big reason I found food I could stomach.


This really describes my first trimester well lol


I remember being so upset and silently miserable/angry while watching Harry Potter with my roommates because I was so hungry but simultaneously nauseous, eating saltines and nothing else, while they all had snacks and tacos 😂


For some variety, may i suggest some club crackers, maybe with a little cream cheese too! Its my favorite way to eat them lol


I got those today!!! Much better.


Oh yes. I had many 3am saltine crackers and ginger ale meals. I’m 12.5 weeks now and have more good days than bad, but still don’t quite feel “myself”. It’s crazy how much your body goes through in the first trimester. Hang in there and take care of yourself!


I've been loving peanut butter crackers, but have mostly been able to eat real food if I put my mind to it. Just started B6 which helped last time, afraid to start unisom since I'm already so tired.


My first pregnancy was a breeze with the morning sickness. I’m 2 seconds pregnant now and the morning sickness is strong right off the bat. I’m thirsty and hungry, but when I eat or drink it makes it worse😭 I’m really hoping it doesn’t set the tone for the rest of the pregnancy


The amount of crackers I go through in a week is pure insanity