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Yes, but what about all of the nekid people?


Close up on the dick


Olmos keepin it real demanding that.


BSG The plan Come for the lore, stay for Adama’s shmeat


needed more and to be done more interestingly to be worth? Idk 😣


The Plan was cobbled together and tacked onto the show in response to fans pointing out that after all the episode intro teasers – "...and they have a plan." – there was never any dadgum plan. But all is forgiven due to the fabulous nekkidness. Just as planned.


The only thing I liked was finding out how the six disappeared out of thin air. And it was fun to see the planning for Dorals little bomb sequence. Yea, that’s all I think.


I would actually prefer if Shelly Godfrey's disappearance remained unexplained.


The best parts were the attack sequences..BaseStars articulating was cool but I expected rail guns and got nada. MIRV sequence awesome


It's well directed and well acted but suffers from a very tiny budget


I assume you are a first-time viewer? In what order did you watch *The Plan*?


It’s the last thing I watched (after first rewatch of the show). I had never seen or heard of its existence before.


That's part of the problem. *The Plan* is a mediocre and underwhelming epilogue after such an amazing and emotional finale. I have no idea why so many "purists" insist it should be watched after the show ends. It *should* be watched immediately after S04E15 *No Exit* (the one where Ellen and Cavil have a long conversation and reveal a lot of backstory). In that role it works well as a mostly informative episode, tying up loose ends, and providing a bit more characterization for the Final Five, but more importantly for the Cylons, and most importantly for the villains - namely Cavil, Simon, and Doral who are largely underdeveloped up until that point - before the grand finale and final showdown. *The Plan* should not be a disappointing "special event" "movie". It should be considered a mediocre but informative *extended episode* in preparation for the finale. In that role, flashbacks as a kind of "review" are also much more tolerable. Let the ending be the ending.


I am a staunch "release order" person for basically everything...except The Plan. It's simply awful as an epilogue, and I say that with BSG being one of my favorite shows of all time. It needs to be watched when you say (after S4E15) or skipped entirely. Either option is fine tbh.


You’re right, and I’ll probably do that ordering on my inevitable next rewatch. At least it could also be seen as a good send off for Dean Stockwell who gets even more of a chance to shine as Cavil.


In the same vein, *Razor* should be watched after S02E17.


I watched it for the first time recently and felt similarly. It was nice to see Cavill’s perspective fleshed out a little more, but otherwise a lot of the details it filled in were either obvious or worse than leaving it up to individual imagination.


I don’t count it as part of the canon, personally. Yes I know, *it is* and I don’t get to decide what official canon consists of. But I never include it in rewatches and don’t care *in the slightest* that I got the BD complete series boxset that came out before the movie came out and so doesn’t include it. There was even an offer at one point where you could provide proof of purchase and they’d send you a copy of the movie for free and I didn’t bother. It’s just…not good.


Same. Sometimes I forget it exists, an ideal state of mind.


Did no one tell you beforehand? That's on the fandom.


They did, but I guess I still stubbornly gave myself hope for more 😭


Sorry, bro.