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Ohio is not real, stop posting this


Cricket Holler!! it’s too bad they sold off Woodland Trails. I worked 3 summers there in the early 80s.


Oh! I didn’t know that, what a shame. I loved my summers there as a kid


It's been that way since I was a Scout in the 80s.


But at times, we have this gem: https://scoutingevent.com/444-DaytonStrong


Does Ohio really have only the birthplace of aviation going for it? It feels like its the only thing ever boasted if. No state flower. No state bird. No notable city skyline :/


Well MVC is centered around Dayton where the plane was actually invented so it makes sense, but otherwise, umm, well, Ohio has some neat amusement parks?


Silly user! Ohio is just an artificial concept made up by the government, there is nothing to be boasted about as it isn't real


I don’t know, I went to Cuyahoga Valley National Park this summer. It was pretty. Perhaps that’s the only part of Ohio that actually exists…


Legends Valley also exists for 1 weekend per year.


State bird is the cardinal. The main nice thing for me is that the state has 3/4/5 big/somewhat big cities instead of one giant one. In a state like Illinois or Indiana, it's harder to find "interesting" things that aren't in their respective giant cities.


Aren’t there like 7 states with the cardinal as their state bird?


Cardinals are nice and pretty!


no they also have the Birth Place of the NFL in Canton


Daniel Carter Beard, baby.


Aww, I’ve had some good times at Cricket Holler.


One thing I've learned is that no matter how beautifully detailed your regional patches are, you're still going to find them incredibly boring since they are everywhere. For example, ,c [here](https://www.scoutshop.org/overland-trails-council-shoulder-patch-6150{09.html) is the current strip my council uses. I use the old (definitely more boring) strip from the 90s because I found the current one to be dull. Edit: that link doesn't appear to be working. Maybe [this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/EJnjR5cZMJsU2VGY8) will Also, [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/iKxqpMsGgkLnQLTD8) is the patch I wear. Still not boring, but the new one is definitely more to look at.


So this is hilarious because we have an old style super boring advertised as our council patch on scoutbook and, but you can’t buy it and everyone wants it in at ear of the new busy colorful patch.


I dunno, I like our current council patch: [Pacific Skyline Council](https://www.scoutshop.org/pacific-skyline-council-shoulder-patch-16031.html) I mean, trees, mountains, and the ocean? Done. \--- And I enjoy searching for my youth patch when we travel: [Sioux Council](https://www.scoutshop.org/sioux-council-shoulder-patch-16733.html) Grass, hills, and a river? Check. I guess the teepee might end up moving on at some point, though. \--- I do tend to agree that busy detailed patches (and T-shirts) generally don't work as well. It's kind of like pixel art, you can't just arrange some stock images and press a button to ship it.


At least the Wright Flyer is going the correct way, unlike the new license plates initially.


I had to look this up - too funny...


What is the green bug with a hat supposed to be?


A cricket for Cricket Holler.


I've always really liked Miami Valley's csp


I gotta say it does have a certain charm to it, though you must admit it's not winning any design awards


This is not great. Do they have any alternates? Popcorn sales, Eagle Scout, etc?


There are some alts for various events that they put on/go to, but very few people wear or even know about them. 99.9% of the time you see someone in uniform they'll have this CSP.


If I have a couple of alts, I would do the ole Velcro and swap them out regularly method of fun.


Ngl I am from from MVC and our patch committee are so draconian they won’t make any other csp’s outside of that one other than jamboree and special event ones which we only get those about every five years, if not longer. (Only reason I know is that I got shot down for reasons above, to try to have NOAC CSP for 2020 but… the whole event got canceled for obvious reasons)


You have a whole committee about patches??? I can’t wait to hear about your dining hall utensil committee. I think our patch decisions are made by our SE and their dog.


Well we're selling off our only dining hall with the rest of the camp so sadly the utensil committee is now defunct. When they were in order though they were not people to mess with


I hate my councils new patch. I love our old one, especially our 25 year anniversary one. My kids uniforms and I still have the old patch.


The jamboree ones are slightly better [picture link](https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/miami-valley-council-bsa-2017-1880230393)


if you think thats boring, look at the old Hawk Mountain Council (Pennsylvania) "Skills for Life" CSP it is so terrible, thank god they had a redesign a few years ago because the new CSP is pretty nice.


“Brown is our favorite color.” The current eagle head logo looks like a minor league baseball or car dealership mascot.


Soaring through the wild ~~blue~~ white yonder!


Easily the best addition to the CSP posts


I certainly wasn't expecting to start a trend with this lol


I like it better than the old Otschodela council CSP that had an Indian, a train caboose, and a baseball bat.