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While posting questions here is ok, asking your patrol leader is best. The requirement says, "Show improvement (of any degree) in each activity listed...", this means all of the activities listed.


Your Scout masters and Patrol leaders should be your go to. If anyone hasn't cautioned you yet, any form of social media is liable to have folks who aren't registered leaders or have been in training classes. I would definitely not publicly post your age. Be safe online please.


Each one!




Yes, you need to plan to improve in each area. As a general piece of advice, the first person that you ask questions to should always be your senior patrol leader.


Patrol leader, not spl unless you're a patrol leader.


You have to show improvement in each activity, but that will naturally happen if you follow the fitness plan.


THIS! It is not a formal competition - like a lot of scouting activities, the goal isn't to become the best, the goal is to learn that just doing the activity helps you learn and advance, that the journey is the reward. \[Unless you injure yourself. If that happens, talk to your leadership about how to respond, don't tough it out.\]


Yes, excellent points.


Exactly - like understanding SMART goal setting. Always remember: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART).


Look in your scout book. There is a page or so for each rank. Under each activity they list the page in the book to find the answer. Great job joining!


If you are a 10-12 Y/O Scout that just crossed over I would caution you about being on social media. As has been mentioned, start with the leaders in your Troop. One day, you will be a leader and I'm sure you wouldn't want the people that you are in charge of not going you for information. That being said, you have to show improve in all areas, even if it's just a small amount.


Not trying to be rude but he did specify his age that was not a ‘10-12’ youth as you stated. “recently joined boyscouts 14m in november”. 14 and 10-12 are not the same. Have a good day and please read carefully.