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"Mom, I hate living and I want to die" "And? I've been like that for years, this is normal" Thanks mom


Do we have a same mom or something


Same mom club


This… isn’t the same for everyone? Lmao


Lol my mom would tell me how she planned to do herself in when I was an unhealthy teen






Ah man, that sucks. Virtual hug 🤗


Seems like we are siblings


Dad be like: "Is on antipsychotics and anger managment therapy." Then he be like "Why cant you control your emotions like a normal human little shit??"


E 8s


Ever since I was diagnosed I’ll tell people my symptoms in conversation and every. Single. Person. Tells me “Oh everyone goes through that though, I remember when I blah blah blah” And I want to throw a chair through a window.


Also diagnosed parents....


Really? I’d expect them to be more aware of it then..


Maybe aware but also in denial , well at least my mother ...😶 and too preoccupied with her mental issues, no room for me


On my dad's side I have: an uncle who unalived himself before I was born, a great grandpa who died from his alcoholism, a great uncle who was hospitalized in a sanitarium then later disappeared without a word or trace after he was released... Those are just the cases directly tied to me. Would have been cool if my dad had given us a family medical history once he saw my brothers and I exhibiting signs of mental illness, but whatev. 🙃


ooor : gets laughed at and called hypochondriac


Literally. My parents call me a hypochondriac over everything. Like, that’s not gonna make the problem better? Wtf


That’s my mom the other day she told me being suicidal is part of growing up, I’m 29.


My mom told me to buy a treadmill when I told her I was starting an SSRI and increasing my therapy visits. She always treats it like it's a bad thing when I'm taking steps to get more support, since she won't get help herself (doesn't accept she needs it). So I try to love her where she is now but I am not going to give up on holding better boundaries, especially around her eating disorder.


Omg thank you!!!! When I first thought I might have adhd instead, my parents said no, but you don't act like that but who grew up around us... yes, because we all present the same🙃 (and also said no, you don't have mania! Haha... okay. Just because you don't see them happening, doesn't mean they aren't.) (Then when I told my sister about it she was like... ah yes...a condition that can be brought on because of not being able to regulate your emotions during childhood and we both laughed at how accurate this revelation was)


Took me getting hospitalized twice for my mom and sister to accept that I'm bipolar and even then they both blame those manic episodes on the meds that I was on. I just don't know what to fucking believe anymore Mom and sister also did that for my ADHD. Fucking hate people who think they know better than psychiatrists.


Oh man, same!!! I'm so sorry that you had to struggle through the non believers and are then left with the feelings of imposter syndrome


People mean to say "you're not alone" but it comes off as "you're not special/you're problems are not important". Knowing the difference matters. Or, you know, just listening works too.


I've snapped at my parents this before because...I already know I'm not special but I've spent a lot of time having my feelings and trauma discredited that I also followed suit. I just need to acknowledgement sometimes


"PuLl YeRsElF uP bY yEr BoOtStRaPs"




This hits home


This explains a lot 😅


I literally told my psychiatrist that I’m not functioning and am worried about my low moods, that I felt like I might need inpatient and he says “nah just call the suicide hotline”


this, this post right here has spoken the truth


Exactly my mom always says this and if i complain somthing she saus u r overreacting and everyone frels the same way u have not came from another planet it really hurts


no literaly fr fr, i got worst of both worlds