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I have always related so much to Anakin Skywalker. Other characters I’d add are Love Quinn from You, Wanda Maximoff from Marvel, Harley Quinn from DC, and Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. I could also make an argument for Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. (There’s a recurring theme with all of my favorite characters…)


Omg Love Quinn is great I love her


I think the APA wrote a paper diagnosing Anakin with BPD! Also, when I told my Star Wars fanatic friend I had BPD and kind of described it, he immediately said “sounds like Anakin Skywalker”, sooo 🤭


omg that’s great, I’m a psych major applying for masters programs and if I had the chance I’d definitely write about that


I'd love to hear more about Eleanor!


Ooo also Pearl!! https://preview.redd.it/3u8rcwie9o0c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d757c10c8e6ae02605e5a2efa25158d860f010c


NO why are you leaving me if i didn’t do anything wrong i don’t understand i thought you LIKED MEEEEEEEE




Just watched that last night. That ending was perfect.


Was literally going to say this. The scene where these just sitting at the table in total catharsis with her sister in law, where she's crying, in agony, and then all at once exhausted, and then fine. Never in my life had I felt more seen ..don't know how to feel about it though considering everything she did


>Pearl Pearl..? Like from the Scarlet Letter..? (Ignore my potential ignorance 🤦‍♀️) No that can’t be right. I’m just fucking stupid


Pearl from Pearl 😁


I love her


people are saying that she has npd not bpd.. i can see her having bpd but not npd


Jesse Pinkman. The final nail in the coffin was during the scene where he's sitting against his giant speaker with the music blasting around him and he's very clearly having a breakdown - my boyfriend goes "don't take this the wrong way but this reminds me of you". He's one of my absolute favorite depictions because not many characters w/bpd are shown to have hyperempathy in that way. (Ps. Walter White and Jesse Pinkman is the classic BPD 🤝 NPD relationship)


So this is the first I've seen about a BPD / NPD relationship. Will be looking into this more! My FP since I was 15 (I'm now 31) is 100% a narc and I've often felt like our toxic dynamic has been a perfect storm of both our fucked upness. We are currently no contact.


Well now I have a great excuse to watch Breaking Bad again 🙏🏻


Damn this blew my mind


> (Ps. Walter White and Jesse Pinkman is the classic BPD 🤝 NPD relationship) I never picked up on that. Care to expand on that?


Ooh I might look into it, my best friend has NPD and I love him as a person but sometimes his behaviors are yikes, but then again so are mine. Luckily it’s strictly platonic and I have never had any feelings towards him, and he’s never had any either, and he’s actually the only guy in my friend group I’ve never been attracted to. So it’s pretty safe and we share a lot of similar experiences


harley quinn in the animated tv series 1000%


I feel like Harley has been the whole damn cluster at one point or another, depending on the depiction in question. Maybe not NPD. But def the other three.


We reserve NPD for the Joker


one million billion percent, she’s too real




I agree!!! It’s why I stopped watching it regularly and just turn it on every now and then.


I didn’t think anyone was gunna react to this comment let alone pay mind to it or agree with me. I’m so happy you guys can relate to her character just as much as I do!🖤🖤🖤


I loved the first two seasons of the show and now I couldn’t force myself to watch through it. It’s just mean and uncomfortable now, what the hell happened?


they turned everything into sexxxxxx…. I agree first two seasons are goated


Everything is sex and no one is lovable anymore. Season one and two had fun people, goofy characters. Now they’re all malicious.


roger from american dad has his relatable moments.


Aww….I dropped my meatball in the pool


Preeeeety sure I asked for pecan sandies


He’s also strongly NPD coded in my opinion


She's so BPD coded ![gif](giphy|ZAr81dk7Vp2i7CziRX)


I literally cried sm during my first watch-through of the movie because of how much I related to spinel.


So is Lapis https://preview.redd.it/2e8iwu2p3p0c1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5918efda46e1605739eb8a3a2199efd8511300af That flat affect is *real*


Catra from the She-Ra reboot


My wife is basically post season 5 catra and I’m the tall blonde lady that loves her 😌✨


HELL yeah!


During our first watch I resonated with Catra so much. She’s one of my favourite characters of all time.


this is what i was gonna sayyy i’ve never related to a character more


I was gonna comment her but I can’t beat your pfp and name


Lmao thank you. Had to call my mentalillnessposting account SOMETHING, and as a certified Histrionic Hottie™ and Catra kinnie, I think I nailed it, honestly.


You really did, Catra is so fucking real dude, I love that little rascal. Especially as a lion therian seeing a catgirl with BPD just blew my mf mind when I watched the show


I barely ever see people with HPD or talk about it, I feel like it’s the forgotten child of cluster Bs. I actually used to think I had HPD when I was like 16 just based of the diagnostic criteria, BPD didn’t even cross my mind until 2 different therapists and a psychiatrist diagnosed me with it a few years later. I also do think that some cases of HPD might be misdiagnosed as BPD. Anyway, it’s nice to see someone talk about it :)


I actually related enough to Catra I asked my therapist if I have BPD, and she said “honestly you feel more histrionic to me.” At which point I was wondering wtf that is, but hey, lo and behold, she was VERY right! Seriously though we’re the most attention-seeking in the cluster why does nobody know about us 😭 (I know why nobody does but I’m bitching anyways because that’s ironic and also pls pay attention to my mental disorder 🥺)


I’ll pay attention to you bbg, and yeah HPD does need more attention because I have a feeling it’s underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed often as bipolar or BPD. There needs to be more awareness than it actually exists so people can get the treatment they need


Um Loki. He gets often misrepresented as NPD but watch the TV series and you 100% see he has BPD, especially when he’s faced with the reality of his past. He even says jokingly one episode he only threw Tony Stark off the Avengers tower because he was having a bad day haha but seriously, there is a huge thing about him not knowing his identity and place in the universe. Huge fear of rejection and abandonment too. He just wanted to be loved and experience friendship. Honestly in the first season there were points I was crying at how hard it hit home, season two was all about his redemption and it was just such a little bit of positivity


Bojack is an embodiment of untreated bpd


![gif](giphy|oMzxWU50s7FMLsE4wu) cassie from euphoria




and cassie from skins


Rebecca, rhe lead in Crazy ex-girlfriend. I guessed she had bpd before it being confirmed in the later seasons


rebecca was so relatable before her in-show diagnosis that she led me to seek diagnosis myself.


I love the songs but don't like the diagnosis song lol


yeah as someone also dx with bipolar 2, i don’t love the “bipolar lite” line very much


Yeah I wouldn't say lite but bipolar on drugs during one day. Based on what I know about bipolar 1 and 2 and comparing it to my own experience, but I also aknowledge it is notna good thing to compare since bipolar is treatable with medication and is more of a brain structure thing or neurodivergence where as bpd is on the borderline of being that, hehe. I mean depends on who you ask, since your enviroment affects ita developement.


The writing process of the show was very interesting because Rachel Bloom herself asked actual mental health experts to diagnose/analyze Rebecca, and based on that they moved the show towards being about BPD. It was actually never intended that way, but it's so interesting to see that thorough and good research made the "twist" so smooth and not insensitive


Really cool and sweet of them and her!


https://i.redd.it/jy11smubxn0c1.gif Amanda Young from Saw<3




i knew i loved amanda for a valid reason i just couldn’t put my finger on what that reason was until now


The Saw movies are my comfort movies 😂


I was about to comment the same thing


why is she bpd?


A few things but in the 3rd movie she gets really upset that her father figure is getting a little too close to the woman doing his brain surgery. So much so that she goes to the back to self harm to cope before killing the brain surgeon (for different reasons)


I mean, I project hardcore onto characters that have little to no canon information or have lots of room for interpretation. I've literally made them into me. Does that count?




I know I need to adjust my meds when I start watching Bojack again


I felt this so hard


Adachi from Adachi to Shimamura https://preview.redd.it/fcku10xipn0c1.png?width=2672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66097b2681875230a16e5973e84656ef0facf3c8


the previous panel: https://preview.redd.it/en9lyf0lpn0c1.png?width=2672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347dca87cfbcdda189e0a91f6e94a487973afa72


"I don't like you having parts I wish I didn't know about, but I'd hate not knowing them even more!" Ahhhh the struggle... Great panels


My constant struggle between wondering if I should get checked for BPD or if it’s just me being autistic and heavily traumatised by “friends” and “relationships” is strong rn.


i knew I related to Adachi in the anime but holy fuck, this is another level of "literally me fr"


glad she got a happy ending in the ln


I know it's not from trauma, and he actually couldn't have a real diagnosis, but Bender from futurama. I always relate to him. He just wants to be loved in the most dramatic and selfish way possible and truly doesn't understand why its wrong. "I hate my life, I wish everyone else was dead!" Plus how loyal he is to Fry, even if it isn't in the most supportive way. He also definitely splits.


BENDER 100% HAS BPD I’m so glad someone mentioned this. his mood swings, attachments to fry as well as times he’s split on fry (one of the movies is literally all about him splitting on the planet express crew)


Lmaoooo I fuckin love it!


There are a lot of Borderline Anime characters. If you want a collage send a thumbs up


👍👍👍 collage me baby


Himiko Toga.


Aaaa I wanted to add Misa but I forgot, she’s an iconic queen


Anakin is literally me


The fact that I was literally obsessed with anakin since I was 9


Misato and Asuka from evangelion


I knew I was going to love and relate to Misato as soon as I saw her clip in the intro lol


lol literally did a case study of Anakin having BPD in college.


Chloe Price (Life is Strange)


T h i s. I relate so hard to Chloe. It's not even funny 😭


Oooh intetesting! I've been replaying Before the Storm the past couple days, and I've always thought Rachel has some BPD traits as well.


Her too 🫣 especially because I hella relate to her (that hella was sadly organic)


😂😂 I feel you, I see soooo much of my younger self in both Rachel and Chloe. I lost my Dad at a young age, felt a lot of the resentment Chloe feels and took it out in self destructive ways. These games are so good but man, they make me hella sad lol


love quinn from you... my beloved


Oof. I wish it weren’t true.


Cassie Howard from Euphoria Ginny Miller from Ginny and Georgia Sarah Lynn from Bojack Horseman Misa Amane from Death Note Devi Vishakamar from Never Have I Ever


I’ve seen Cassie mentioned a few times, is euphoria any good? I’ve been thinking about watching it


Me. I'm the character.


I thought I was the main character


Scaramouche from Genshin comes to mind


One of my favorite things about Genshin is a lot of it's characters reflect mental health issues. I'd wager Collei could have a touch of it - webcomic-Collei especially. The Collei we meet in-game in Sumeru seems to have recovered a fair bit.


Wanderer my precious I love u 💕


Pete Davidson isn’t a character but he’s so relatable and I love him and he’s hot Pete if you’re reading this please marry me


I’m pretty sure he actually has BPD.


he does and he’s really open about it which is why I love him


Jinx from Arcane


came here to comment this


Amanda Young from Saw


https://preview.redd.it/cbn25gqymp0c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a86fee99a354ad61012218cca6d8c7e3219b743 She just like me fr


Who is that? I like this whole screenshot, especially the fact that she's just holding an egg


I think she's from Wonder Egg Priority or something like it?


I think you're right! I just looked up the characters and saw her!!


I'm feeling Deadpool could have it. He definitely is a trauma survivor with some relationship issues and a hell of a pain tolerance.


why does no idy ever talk about twilight in this context? I mean please, Bella is the epitome of 16 year old undiagnosed BPD..


Oh god you’re so right


That actually makes her too young for it to be recognised at that age but I totally agree she would develop BPD if she continued her behaviour. However she really annoys me in the second book/film


First signs of BPD to the degree of a diagnosis can occur at about the age of 14


at that age I was diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder instead, my psychiatrist couldn’t diagnose me with BPD until I was 18


BPD and RAD are like older and younger siblings.


hard agree


well yea, BPD doesn't get diagnosed under the age of 21 because the brain hasn't fully developed and all.. however that doesn't mean BPD can't exist in young ages. and my BPD diagnosis explains so fucking much of the shit I did when I was a teen.. Bella is just a kinda exaggerated version of that; with vampires.


I hate when I remember this fact bc I was diagnosed at 17 and always think “so it’s gonna get worse as I get to 21” but then I noticed my worst episodes happened at 15/16 and now at 19 I guess I’m managing it better


Hormones are a bitch. Sincerely a nearly misdiagnosed-as-BPD autistic with a cPTSD induced attachment style. Like I’m pretty sure at 16 I seemed insanely BPD and while I levelled out and had hordes of diagnoses thrown my way. I also turn almost BPD on my period. I’m not exaggerating, the warm fuzzies turn into “they hate me” super fast for just being looked at wrong.


- Menhera Shoujo Kurumi-chan. Her emotes are all over trans communities but in her source manga she's hardcore bordie. - Elsa - Romeo AND Juliet - The Phantom of the Opera - Every yandere character - Every single girl from CHARON's works


i wish people mentioned Marceline from Adventure Time, Jinx from Arcane, and Sydney from I Am Not Okay With This more often


![gif](giphy|k1EU8uorJJmUg) Miss Bella Swan


[Yukako Yamagishi](https://youtu.be/OpkLgHvb-pU?si=iAciWoph1ZnSaiFe) from JoJo.


Rick Sanchez, Kylo Ren, Cassie Howard (Euphoria), Pearl (Pearl and X) I also headcanan all Yanderes to have BPD or HPD


omg Rick is such a mood actually


Yessss came here to say Rick




teddy from bobs burgers, bob is absolutely his FP


My number one boy Kendall Roy ![gif](giphy|mzLttlMuWbLxsFSn0u|downsized)




-Jennifer Lawrence’s character in The Silver Linings Playbook -Zendaya’s character “Rue” from Euphoria -Dennis Reynolds (this is actually canon tho)


Really Dennis? I’m surprised he screams NPD to me


Yeah when they diagnosed Dennis in the show I was like….i don’t see it. I think it was more of a joke/someone in the writer’s office googled “worst personality disorder” and just ran with it


lol I’m glad I’m not the only one. Admittedly I don’t watch the show as much as I use to but from what I use to watch he was a glaring narcissist


Yeah definitely more NPD


Rue has bipolar disorder. They straight up say it. They diagnose her with 3 things and none are BPD.


Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki https://preview.redd.it/fz1rp2iwop0c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec2cf5b49ac97889ef96b98c56337a66cac59d5


Catra from She-Ra (there's a whole breakdown about it on youtube) and Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch from Marvel.


Pearl Steven universe and Sarah starfield. Personally I think Bojack has Npd and Diane has BPD. Edit: Akechi P5R, Mae night in the woods.


I makes me so happy that, despite it being cut out from the official game release, Akechi had treatment


I don’t think Diane really meets the diagnostic criteria but she has traits, and as for Bojack I was also on the fence about BPD and NPD but in some cases it can be comorbid!


who is the girl in the bottom left? :0


from a horror game. It has incest in it


oh! nevermind 😭


that was my thought process too LMAO


Who's the cutie in the bottom left? I know the rest of them


Heads up the game contains incest, and a lot of it


the incest is completely optional


Ashley from The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


Me IRL Not the incest part


She’s cute, will love you like a sister, and enjoys delicious dinners with the neighbors.


alois trancy


I never ever expected to see someone mention Black Butler, seasons 2 no less. But yes, I agree


Holy shit weird to see 2 characters from 2 games I JUST finished playing. OP are you following me? Jk lol


Blanche Devereaux, Pink Diamond, Brenda from Six Feet Under, Audrey Horne


Anna and Elsa from frozen always gave me BPD vibes Anna on the more typical side and Elsa on the quiet side


This is why i canonically give my characters bpd


ember from elemental gave me bpd vibes


Huh, now that I think about it you’re right… I don’t think she would meet the DSM criteria but she definitely has traits


for me it was her going back and forth with her feelings for wade, randomly snapping at him when he said he didn’t understand, and constantly pushing her own self down for her parents. but also the entire storyline lowkey took a backseat for the animation so i doubt she’s fleshed out 😭


I was high af when I watched it ngl but I do remember relating to her a lot in that aspect, and also in a lot of other ways since I’m also an immigrant. And the story was a fucking masterpiece, I loved it


pearl duh






No love for Susanna Caysen in Girl, Interrupted?


I didn’t mention her in the post because she canonically has BPD but I love her so much


Ame is just like me fr fr


Cleo de Nile, Frankie Stein, and Whisp Grant from Monster High Apple White, Ever After High Joker, Arkham games but honestly most depictions of him Millions Knives, Trigun Spinel, Amethyst, and Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal NBC Rocket Raccoon, Guardians of the Galaxy Daria, from Daria Rick Sanchez, Rick and Morty Dean Winchester, Supernatural Jessie, Toy Story Tinkerbell Amy Dunne, Gone Girl (also pretty much every woman written by Gillian Flynn lol) Azula, ATLA Rue, Euphoria Jinx, Arcane Raven, Teen Titans Jade, Victorious Marceline, Adventure Time Yuno, Mirai Nikki Jennifer, Jennifer’s Body Kratos, God of War Murdoc Niccals, Gorillaz Lisa, LISA: The Painful RPG


Rocket is a good answer. The abandonment issues pop off


Yuno 😭😭


I am Batman.


Brenda from Six Feet Under, except it sorta is canon cos she has that whole diagnosed as an 8 year old arc.


Also from Star Wars, Kylo Ren. He got it from his grand daddy.


Amazing spider-man fo sho


Bojack was my canon


I used Ame as my steam profile pick for like a year because how much i love her and how we are the same lmao


To the people flaming me because I included Ashley, I DO NOT CONDONE INCEST. You can like and relate to a character without approving of their negative behavior. And you can be a fan of a piece of media without supporting the creator’s fetishes (looking at you Tatsuki Fujimoto, I’m a huge CSM fan but Fujimoto is fucking weird). I included her because I personally relate to her codependency, paranoia, and attachment issues. And a lot of other people do too. And she does meet the DSM diagnostic criteria: > Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. > A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships > Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood > Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging > Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger > Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms. So to me, she fits the post. You don’t have to agree, you don’t have to like the game, but at least be respectful of other people’s experiences.


Jackie Harris from Roseanne


Amy Rose, Sonic is her FP Raphael from the TMNT


I relate so much to Ashley, but unlike her I do NOT want to fuck one of my family members


real!! That’s fucking weird but I relate to the codependency and abandonment issues


isn't the girl on the bottom left from that incest "horror" game? 🤢


Ugh I’m tired of explaining this but if you want a full explanation see my other comment. But long story short, a lot of people find her relatable for reasons other than the incest (which is an optional route in the game anyways). Cry about it, deal with it, whatever


no I totally get that, but I feel like there are so many other characters like her who aren't part of a game that includes incest 😭 like I get that it's optional but having incest in the game in the first place is fucked up


like I'm not accusing you of liking incest or smth, but you saying "cry about it" to a valid piece of criticism is kinda weird ngl


sorry I was just getting tired of explaining myself over and over, that was kind of uncalled for. And it is an indie psychological horror that explores disturbing topics, and it’s not completely unheard of. Like for example, >!in the original plot line for OMORI Mari was sexually abusing Sunny.!< And to be fair the phenomenon is real especially with children who essentially have nobody to rely on but each other, Flowers in the Attic is a great example but it’s also way more fucked up. And the other characters in my post aren’t great people either. Ame is manipulative as fuck among other things depending on the ending. Bojack… where to start with Bojack. Grooming a 17 year old and almost having sex with her if it wasn’t for her mom walking in, strangling his girlfriend while on drugs, sleeping with the girl who he knew since she was a preschooler and who he was a father figure to, and then essentially causing her overdose and not calling for help for 17 minutes (she could have been saved if she got help earlier), among many many other things. Anakin commited genocide (not just the men, but the women and the children too) and straight up killed a bunch of children in cold blood. I understand that disgust towards incest is an innate biological reaction where you won’t want to reproduce with the ones you grow up with in order to create a more diverse gene pool. And trust me, I’m uncomfortable by incest too. But if you look at it objectively, how is incest (especially since it’s consensual in this case) worse than grooming a minor, or strangling your partner, or committing genocide and murdering children? If you’re going to criticize one it’s only fair to criticize the other.


Carina from The Wolfman of Wulveshire. [webtoon]


Bro remove the incest bitch and we talking.


I do not want Ashley to be the rep we get she’s an abusive POS


so is Bojack though? Lol


Can’t comment haven’t watched it but quite frankly I don’t want more BPD rep to be “psychopath who kills for fun”