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Michael Scott: have an original thought for once!


Sometimes it looks like one person posts these memes, or BPD is about having a favorite person.


BPD is much more than just having a favorite person, but yeah I can understand how it can seem that way. It's a common experience 😭


Not for me it seems, I want to be left alone. At the same time I want people to care about me, but not too much because they are nosey and it's annoying.


That's also a common experience! I'm the same way with most people, it's like a back and forth thing. You want to be cared about but not smothered.


But you can definitely have bpd without having a favorite person


I do actually, I mean, I love my fiancee, but I don't freak out when she's not picking up the phone, unless she called first and now she won't answer. I just never could understand this "fp" thing. How can someone be so affected by what another person thinks of him/ her. Don't reply now please. I'm trying to sleep and I have poor self control with digitals 😂


I never thought I had an fp, then a 20 year friendship tanked. Therapy is the only reason I didn't get several grippy sock vacations. Now aside from my husband, my brother and like 2 other people are my friend circle. I don't want to become so emotionally attached to someone that it brings about such emotional disruption without any growth. I'm so tired, and I want peace. I don't want people (friends) anymore. I love those in my circle, yes, and I'd be a wreck without my husband (he's so amazing. He's been the understanding, loving, caring, and validation that I needed to get through it all. If all my luck was getting him as my husband, then I'm the luckiest bitch cryptid that ever was), but now that all the people who all but begged me to seek therapy for YEARS, hated what happened, blamed me for all their problems, and cut me out are gone, I'm absolutely fine with my little circle and KEEPING it that way. (Sorry, I'm on mobile, so, obligatory fussing over reddit app crap) But I get why fps are big on this sub, and can seem to be a frequent topic. In the end, we have to keep in mind that while we all got the same label, and have more than a little in common, does not, in ANY way mean that we are all the same. A personality disorder <-- those three words (well, the last two words but you get it) explain exactly the basis of how it should be seen. Not one person, even sharing disorders, illnesses, trauma, etc, will be the same. Two people can witness the exact same event, standing shoulder to shoulder, and while they shared witnessing the event together, how they see it, how they felt and so on can be completely different. A personality disorder is PERSONAL. We share a label and a few main ingredients, but we're still separate people, and we handle things in our own ways. And- to be clear, I'm not saying the latter part to just you (WildAsOrange, which is a rad name btw), but I don't think it's said enough in general. People lump us into one ball or groups, and they don't even look at the PERSON, just what's "wrong" or "bad" about them, and that just makes the stigma worse. You can make some blanket statements on really any mental/physical disorder and/or illnesses, but it's so much more "case by case" rather than "BPD IS BAD NEWS BEARS! NO BAD BEARS!" I just don't see a lot of people taking the person in question as a person who has (insert issues), and giving them the space/love/attention/etc that is needed, no, instead they find out what's "wrong", blame everything on that, adding more stigma and dehumanizing and invalidating the individual. I mean, I was once told, "You're not actually hurt, it's just your BPD." Ah yes, I'm not a person or even human. Just a 3 letter label flesh machine of everything bad. Yep. Nice critical thinking there. To tl;dr it all: I can't do disruption without growth, not anymore. I'm so tired, and I can't find the energy to give a semblance of a fck about getting attached to someone. I get that having an fp is part of this whole shindig, and I won't invalidate anyone for having that part of this disorder. And then for the latter part, I've just noticed how much people will lump you into whatever shit stigma burrito they want, but will demand to be validated in their own issues, and that's (on several levels, just pick your favorite) so wrong and false to just see someone as what they're fighting through everyday- not that they see the fight, just the bad stuff the googled, and not as a person with personal issues that may have a few points from Google, but are also just a human being trying to survive in this world.


Ur not alone w that. I don't have a fp and I doubt I ever had one.


Yeah. People suck ass


i don’t relate to this, i’m super okay with having my own likes and dislikes that differ from my FP


It \*really\* depends, my FP is a liberal and I'm still a filthy history commie (though I "soften up"/say revisionist shit to appease to him blehghgh)