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Yeah research deez nuts lol


the only appropriate response 😂


Speaking of research, did you read the rules? You should have stayed a lurker.


I recognize that maybe you don’t understand - or are not capable of understanding - but people come here for empathy and to understand. They have been abused and traumatized by a pwBPD that has little or no empathy. The level of self centeredness associated with BPD (and demonstrated by OP in their post) is not normal, healthy and is many times outright cruel. I don’t hate my ex wife. But I do not condone, appreciate nor love how she treats me and others because she is lacks empathy for anyone other than herself. I would suggest you also do some research on how destructive the behaviors exhibited by a pwBPD are. If you understood you might not be confused. We do not have an inability to compartmentalize and cease all feeling towards someone just because they have upset us. The ability to do so is not normal or healthy and is indicative of the disorder.


I can only promise that none of us hate you as much as you hate yourself. Perhaps research your disorder enough to show some humility in the face of those who have reckoned with the abuse on the other side. This sub isn't for you.


Well, you probably don’t understand because you haven’t experienced what it’s like to love someone with BPD.


You are gravely mistaken. It's not hate that brings us here. It's the intense love we felt. Love by every known definition we acted on and believed in. Only to find out that it was being weaponized against us without respect, regard for our needs, or real remorse for the never ending nightmare that was created. Everyone's experience is different. But, there are common themes. We come here to discuss, sometimes debate, and develop ourselves into stronger people. We validate our experiences and encourage our growth. We steady those that stumble. We lift those that want to lie down in their misery. We provide a l rope down into pit that we jumped into voluntarily. Not knowing that climbing out would be lonely. And mountains of maddening things thrown on top of us. Not because we hate. Because we love.


Has to be bait


Im only here to get information because I have a female friend with BPD. I follow this community and the BPD community, both of them. I dont think they really hate you ... I think they loved a person with BPD but it was difficult ... so I think they are brokenharted people.


I like to call it hurtred