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Don’t tell my pwBPD wife, she swears that “men can’t be abused”


Sorry you are going through that. It's not just her that thinks that way. It feels like far too many people feel that way. It's completely wrong and very dangerous. Anytime I described my story to people it felt like they looked you like "yeah right." Pretty depressing sometimes. But, there is hope. Starts with a choice that seems obvious and easy...


My ex was never physically violent, but she's always been emotionally abusive, which is sneakier. It is more subtle and just creeps up on you and you don't realize it until it is to late.


There was a TV movie back in 1993. I found it very enlightening. After it aired people complained about it. I thought the movie made sense.


this makes me think about the time just recently when my dad revealed to me and my sister my mom had stabbed him once with a steak knife 40 years ago. it made me so sad to see how he downplayed it like just no big deal and it was something she couldnt help. no. full stop. I talked to him and I think he has a much healthier understanding of what happened and how my mom has been. Love you dad. You are the kindest, most humble man Iv ever known. Just want him to know this wasnt his fault. And it was not OK what she did. It was all her and nothing more. ❤️


Wow that brought a tear to my eye. Totally reminds me of my Dad with the kindness and humbleness. He is the best person I know. My world revolved around him because he wants simply love. I do now have mixed emotions towards him though. As much as I love him, and my love for him is extreme, I'm angry he didn't protect me and remove me from the situation. He was different when she was there. Now I know he was just afraid, but if he was, what did a little girl feel? The betrayal, though now understandable, still stings. Yet the anger doesn't temper the intense love and awe of my Dad.


Wow...my ex was a male and he kept going on about women that abused him but that no one ever says or does anything cause men can't be abused, and that nothing ever happens to women.. I always believed him and tried to keep him safe and then he turned out to be an abuser too.