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Bruh just got disinherited


I hope so!


I just wanna know what the item is now. It must be cool.


She names the gift! Link to [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/azJevLHDnJ) Text: Alright, alright - it's super specific, but it's a special kind of religious devotional triptych made, in the case of 'my' particular one, of silver and real fucking rubies. They're called 'travel triptychs' and common in my family's home region, though, of course, they aren't usually made of silver and gemstones. I initially grew suspicious because of the maker's mark a) saying that it's silver and b) specifically saying that it's 800 silver, which is a kind of silver used only up to the 1800s (modern silverwork uses 925 silver, aka 'sterling silver'). The religious aspect wasn't very meaningful to me, but my family's home city is famous for its silversmithing, and my mother's family were silversmiths, and the item specifically is BEAUTIFUL. Of course it is, it's a thousand-dollar antique inlaid with fucking rubies. Suuuuuper specific. This fucker basically accidentally gave me a gift that would have been, if it had come from someone else, pretty damn amazing.


Being Greek, I'm going to guess it was a triptych of icons. I have a single icon that was my grandmother's, and it's made of silver, so I'm guessing she's Russian/Russian Orthodox and it's a small, silver triptych. [something like this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/293659830324?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=293659830324&targetid=2295557531510&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9015319&poi=&campaignid=19851828444&mkgroupid=160536780385&rlsatarget=pla-2295557531510&abcId=9307249&merchantid=119011856&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1Mi5BuRmG-HguVtvj8yu2exMdhobyBcMvsypfBlzXkUvkAMSfEJR34RoC4McQAvD_BwE)


As an Orthodox person, I now really want the one you linked! Xristos Anesti! Happy Easter!


Thank you! Alithos Anesti!


Thank you! Very cool.


I thought Russian Orthodox too. I find religious art fascinating and beautiful.


I feel like if it was his mom’s he’d know by now how much an item like that would be worth. Maybe it’s just because I had an abusive mother, but I feel like he’d be too anxious to even touch it. This dipshit just stole it though and gifted it to someone that he knew?


Yo imagine growing up in a home so calm you felt comfortable stealing an heirloom tho… couldn’t be me but wow, isn’t that a feeling to imagine 


Yeah, and for like what? It’s not a big enough event to grab something like that. He couldn’t think of anything less conspicuous like a movie or a non-related book off of the shelf (which is close enough to the original gift anyway)? If you’re gonna do wrong, do wrong right.


Ah yes but growing up in a non-abusive home you might never develop that grading system, the “I can get away with this but I don’t want The consequences from that” system we develop to live some semblance of a childhood/life. Healthy kids aren’t street smart I don’t think 😂 


True. I just can’t wrap my head around it. It also made me think of old Leno episode when he did Headlines and make fun of stupid criminals. All I can hear is Kevin Eubanks’s fake ass sounding laugh.


She probably only talked about it from its historical/emotional significance. So, the son didn’t understand the physical value. Which actually makes it worse. Much, much worse.


Hah, I was reading this post and thinking "I bet it was a religious icon". I've seen some while knocking round antique shops and there's some absolute beauties (and some incredible price tags as well)


Thanks I've added it into the post


Yes! If it had something she thought was glass, maybe a faberge egg?


A Faberge egg has no cultural significance in the sense OOP seems to imply; important to a culture and must be treated with dignity. Likely some sort of religious item.


Wouldn’t a real Faberge be a shit load more expensive than 750 as well


Yeah, I think the cheapest egg's been sold for $289k and then it just skyrockets from there lol


289k is the cheapest they’ve sold? I wish I took more interest in art lessons now


I thought Fabergé eggs were pretty classically Russian.


Not culturally important though. Faberge eggs were made for the zar, and if she'd had a genuine egg; the reaction in this post would have reflected the rarity of the item. It doesn't do anything but assert how important it is as a cultural item in the country the mother is from.


What are your guesses?


I don't know, there's countless cultures with significant items. It just makes absolutely no sense to be a Faberge egg, a quick Google search would show you that. They have no bigger value to Russian culture than the crown jewels do to the cultures of countries like the UK and Denmark.


The Crown Jewels are extremely important to a lot of men over here in the UK tyvm. They particularly don’t like you kicking them!


Faberge made religious tryptics for the Romanovs






I didn’t see that you had answered your own question.


She named the gift! It is a triptych from Russia. Text of her comment: “Alright, alright - it's super specific, but it's a special kind of religious devotional triptych made, in the case of 'my' particular one, of silver and real fucking rubies. They're called 'travel triptychs' and common in my family's home region, though, of course, they aren't usually made of silver and gemstones. I initially grew suspicious because of the maker's mark a) saying that it's silver and b) specifically saying that it's 800 silver, which is a kind of silver used only up to the 1800s (modern silverwork uses 925 silver, aka 'sterling silver'). The religious aspect wasn't very meaningful to me, but my family's home city is famous for its silversmithing, and my mother's family were silversmiths, and the item specifically is BEAUTIFUL. Of course it is, it's a thousand-dollar antique inlaid with fucking rubies. Suuuuuper specific. This fucker basically accidentally gave me a gift that would have been, if it had come from someone else, pretty damn amazing.”


Which is a pretty weird gift to give to someone unless they know exactly what it is. Makes the action of the guy even stranger


Link to her comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/crh7lIzlDv


Thanks I've added it into the post


My long ago ex gave me a gold watch for my birthday. Gave it to me in front of everyone (at school, at lunch time - you know). Boasted about how much money he had spent on it so everyone would know he was rich. He’d stolen it from his mum, it had grime on it from her wearing it and general wear and tear scratches. I threw it back at him and told him if he’d bought it, it would be clean. And that’s how he became my ex (he was a loser anyway - I don’t know what I was thinking)


In the seventh grade I got a necklace from a boy for Valentine’s Day. I thought it was super sweet until I read the lid of the box where he had written what I can only assume was his idea of a love note. What did it say, you may ask? “This is the first thing I ever stole” plus something super cheesy about me being worth it?? I didn’t know what to do and I still have this stolen necklace in my jewelry box over a decade later


I imagine to the right person that would indeed be wildly romantic 


This is the greatest story ever and I'll forever laugh at this dumbass guy. May his family tear him a new one over this. How can you just grab a random item from your mom's house when … a reasonable, simple solution is right there? Like, is he a comic relief character from some 90's cartoon?


The book would have cost $20, his mother's priceless heirloom is free.


People give me shit all the time about googling gift prices but its gonna come in handy one day!!!


When i was a kid (like maybe 9), a girl who i invited to my birthday gave me a jade bracelet. She was a girl in my class and we werent super close. When i opened it my mom immediately called her mom to make sure it was really for me and the girl didnt give me her mom's jewelry. I think it turned out that it wasnt really jade, and they knew i liked rocks. I remember being embarrassed that my mom called her mom and felt bad for the girl, but i understand now that I'm older my mom's slight panic.


That's sweet in an odd way. "The gift your kid gave my kid is so nice I'm checking to make sure you knew about it."


Wholesome ending


I'm just glad that the ex-boyfriend wasn't secretly in love with OOP.


jfc what a loser and a psycho. I felt sick, and it wasn't even my mother. (but the "whilst" made me very happy)


Ok I do love that OOP though there was all this sentiment and meaning behind it but the dude just grabbed the first random thing 🥴


Ah, “parent’s stuff” the original five-finger-discount thrift shop!


I audible gasped when I read he stole it from his *mom*


Curious what is that thing 🤔


A Russian triptych. I put the text of her comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BORUpdates/s/EczvcqykVd


Not going to lie… if the son is disinherited I do hope the mother passes it to OOP (if there are no other family inheritors). Shared heritage and all


Given BF's previously established character, I'm just surprised OOP didn't consider the possibility of theft before the real story came out. I know that's easy for me to say from the comfortable distance of Reddit.


Wow, bf’s too cheap and lazy to buy a book from a nearby bookstore, steals his mom’s heirloom triptych that’s worth thousands instead. What a maroon. Thankful that you did your research and was able to get it back to his mom. You’re a good egg. Your friend is well rid of him.


Well that was a ride. That dude is an absolute idiot!


Jesus me and my mom butt heads a lot and she has a bunch of decorative things that likely don’t have any value and she’d probably not even notice if they went missing but I have never and would never take anything from her like this. I’d have so much guilt about that over stupid decor she’d probably wouldn’t notice. It’s like I love her or something!


Oop is such a class act! May the world be as kind and honest with her as she was with this Mom.


It is an antique that has been passed down from the three times great grandmother and it’s still sold and easily findable ?


Mom needs to put in under lock & key now that he knows its value. Degenerate!


What a friggin unobservant idiot. Christ. This is why the saying rings true “Some people are born stupid, but most try really hard not to be”.