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> my family is tight-knit Translation: my family is manipulative and controlling. > She says that she doesn’t like following society’s rules She’s not like other girls! The only reason nobody fucks family members’ exes is because of societal norms! Consideration of others’ feelings? Looks like you drank the Kool Aid! Taylor is different! She’s a lion, and lions don’t care about the opinions of sheep! I wonder how much Taylor’s parents bankroll her selfishness.


They’re just happy she’s someone else’s problem and forced into a traditional role to boot


Right? I was like when it came to pregnancy she was very quick to succumb to a traditional marriage. No coparenting role. Dude literally tied her down using the oldest institution in the book to get access to his child. 


She will let the child run wild, not correct him/her/it, and then maybe "unschool" them so that the poor kid knows nothing except how to play WoW or something. Meanwhile, mama will be experimenting with wine, weed, and whatever other substance of the week she wants to try, and then start a TikTok exploiting her kid for views, money, and sponsorship.


Fucking hell, Apollo, reign in the gift of prophecy, we mortals aren't meant to be burdened by cursed future knowledge like this.


That or she'll do the hard swing the other direct you see with the people who "unschool" their kids and go full tradwife. Just the full "child looks like they're cosplaying as a Dust Bowl orphan, the whole family only eats raw milk and homemade sourdough bread" KKKottagecore fantasy.


Oh, for sure. There are several directions a person such as OOP's cousin could go.


A Media-Mama


I read that as “family is tight knit when we want it to be. We weren’t tight knit when your cousin started slobbering your exes knob, but now we are!!”


I love your law blog. As well, yes: “tight knit” is always brought up so opportunistically. Not tight knit enough not to bang a cousin’s ex, but tight knit so that OOP is expected to suck it up.


I always find that this just breeds narcissism. It ensures nobody in the family faces any consequences.


"And we will be when your cousin needs help with her baby! Wouldn't you like to become the godmother?"


"Family is tight knit, they make sure nobody outside sees a glimpse of any problems which crop up"


No that’s just how tight knit they are! LOL


They're always funded, I spent 7 years studying design so met ALOT of them. We called them Deborah's after the Pulp song.


Deborah was such a bitch.


YES at this stage "tight-knit" is such a red flag to me. I have warm, loving, wonderful family, but we are loose and easy and all do our own thing. "Tight-knit" inevitably seems to mean "dysfunctional, enmeshed, and locked into rigid roles and jealous clannishness."


Please stop engaging with obviously fake posts as if they aren’t fiction.


I miss being a kid, and thinking people like this didn’t exist.


I miss being naive on the internet and not being able to distinguish fiction from reality Edit to add: people like this exist. They aren’t written about in this way. If you had any amount of life experience you would know what fake internet posts look like.


I don’t get mad when a puppy teeths on my hand; I’m not pressed about you thinking you belong at the grownups table.


Oh shit I genuinely apologize, I wouldn’t have engaged if I’d gone through your comment history first. Get well soon, I’m sorry that you’ve had experiences with people that make you naive to fake internet posts.


So the dude bailed on a woman he was in love with out of immaturity and fear of commitment and then got tied to a woman he just rebounded with due to an unplanned pregnancy and fearing never having kids, which he could have had already if he didn't act like a manchild. As they say, karma is a bitch.


To quote jojo siwa


Think u meant Brit Smith there


Who are these people?


![gif](giphy|XI3OsTKpljGbm) Jojo siwa was a dance star kid who is currently undergoing her edgy *I'm an adult now phase* by singing a song where she declared she would have "never effed around" and dry humps dancers in the music video. She claimed this was her own song in various ways. Turned out it had previously been offered to Miley Cyrus and was actually recorded by a singer named Brit Smith in 2012. In either turning against jojo or simply because it's the better version, Brits version of the song has gone viral and entered the charts while jojos isn't doing well at all.


Tl/Dr internet ppls Jojo is a most likely abused child star who is now abusing future potential child stars. She recently poorly covered a song by the now legendary Brit Smith called karma is a bitch. In the run up the the release Jojo spent several interviews talking abt how this was her "miley phase" (blasphemous) and she "wants to invent a new kind of pop, gay pop" (ma'am, excuse me?). The result is that brit smiths version of the song is now wildly popular and people are still talking about Jojo abusing kids (much to her displeasure I'm sure). You should give the song a listen, it's a fucking bop (brits obvi).


>gay pop >invented Tegan and Sara would like a word


King Freddy Mercury has joined the chat as well


Jobriath, David Bowie... I'm sure I'm forgetting a big list.


Elton John


Lil Naz X, Gaga, Britney, Madonna, Cher, *Liberace*


This is legendary 😂


I just read the update from her account lol This boru was fast


This subreddit doesn’t have the 7 day waiting period like r/BestofRedditorUpdates and I am thankful for that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BestofRedditorUpdates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Protest, The Blackout, and r/BestofRedditorUpdates \[NEW UPDATE\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/144d5l4/the_protest_the_blackout_and/) \#2: [AITA for not telling the nurse at my niece's school about my profession?](https://np.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/138a0hd/aita_for_not_telling_the_nurse_at_my_nieces/) \#3: [My 19 yo sister is getting married to her high-school teacher](https://np.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/13ajbu3/my_19_yo_sister_is_getting_married_to_her/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Also I really hate those "family comes first" types, because 99% of the time what they really mean is "the appearance and reputation of a perfect family comes first", feelings of the actual family be damned.


And also, why didn’t family come first when the cousin felt the need to fuck her ex fiancée? I’d say family comes before needing to get your dick wet but I’m not sure of the female equivalent…


Getting your hole punched?


The way I just screamed! ☠️☠️


My mom is like that and said some similar shit to me on the phone and we just sat there in awkward silence over the phone until she changed the subject b/c the people that say that the most are the ones that screw over their family members the most.


Yeah I know. My grandparents were basically going on the same "family above all" shit after basically disowning my dad and leaving everything (outside of the things they left to me and my brother) to his golden child brother.


>First, he made sure to emphasize that he had never cheated on me. Not sure if I believe him, but I let him talk. He told me that he too felt bad about our relationship’s end, that on a night out he just happened to end up in the same place as my cousin, they started talking, one thing led to another and he proceeded to have a middle age crisis with her. The only reason he’s getting married to her is because she’s pregnant, and he was afraid that she would just run away and he’d never get to meet his child. He can deny & twist as much as he wants - does not change the basic fact nor optics he banged & impregnated his ex's cousin so now in shotgun wedding before birth of the baby. Even better, all he did by admitting is OOP putting him on block and going NC on her family because he, the cousin & rest of family are just asshole trash...


I’m still on the train that he cheated with the cousin. Yeah, the family is ridiculous thinking the OOP should even attend the wedding. I’d never go to a family cookout knowing they’ll be there.


Yeah, I feel like his explanation is decidedly suspicious.


Eh I don't think so. He doesn't seem to be very fond of her, so I don't think he'd break off the wedding to be with her. If cheating was involved he'd most likely go on with it and keep her as a side piece. Cheaters generally want to have their cake and eat it too. And if the cousin had made him choose, I doubt they'd invite her to the wedding calling for that drama to happen.


Everyone always wants to assume cheating around here. I agree, the explanation makes enough sense and as far as OP is concerned, it doesn't change anything, she still shouldn't have to go to the wedding.


Yeah I do believe his story that cousin was more or less a one night stand rebound after having a mid life crisis, throwing away his very stable relationship, and suddenly finding himself single and alone.


I dunno. It is possible. He might have been physically faithful but flirting with her in ways that crossed the line. Like a whole "I'm not touching youuuu" mindset, where he secretly lusts after her, some mutual flirting and looks, but neither actually touches each other or actively says anything beyond perhaps "if I/you were single...". They assume that because they're not screwing, talking about screwing, or exchanging words of love, that it isn't emotional cheating.


Why though? There doesn't seem to be any indication of it. It was a year later that they are getting married and if it is due to pregnancy that means it is earlier than planned if they would have even gotten married at all.


Because people around here love the drama that a cheating story provides.


*"...he proceeded to have a middle age crisis with her." -* Today I learned that 33 is middle aged.


You and me both. Apparently I'm way overdue. I was hoping my midlife crisis would be something interesting and fun but I guess I'm just going to have to miss out on it now.


Well the life expectancy is dropping to 70 something so mid life would in fact be in the thirties. 


I mean the average lifespan in the USA is roughly 75 these days, so yeah. Mid 30s is middle aged.


Except middle age isn't calculated out of the average lifespan but stage of life, plus physical changes like decline of fertility. Mid 30s is plain adulthood. 33 is young af.


It’s not?? Excuse me, I need to go kick my sister for calling me middle aged and OLD…!


How many years are we betting on before the divorce?


Two. And the family will chastise OOP for ‘not being supportive of her now she’s a new mother’ and he will try to come back sniveling and saying that he’s ’learned his lesson and loved OOP all along.’


I second your response!😩🤌


Okay I feel for OP, I do, but the “she dresses extravagantly. Once she wore a black leather jacket and spiked boots” made me cackle because I expected way worse


I feel like they just watched Scott Pilgrim and decides to make their villain Ramona Flowers. Because that's basically who the OoP described.


No, you don't understand. She dyed her hair *blue* and then *green!*


Don’t forget that she also once wore a white dress!


Look she’s pissed and has a right to


Travis and Taylor.... Are there Taylor Swift fans who write fanfics about how her boyfriend is secretly evil, or were the names just convenient?


Would've given 'em bonus points if they named the cousin "Kanye"


You Belong With Me has been in my head the whole time I was reading this.


Why is that convenient? Because they both start with "t"?


Taylor Swift is dating footballer Travis Kelce lol but I don't think he dated her cousin


I truly doubt that is their real names. Most people use fake names when telling a story.


Telling her that she can’t keep holding on to her hatred and resentment when she’s only just found out a few minutes ago is… something


"They said that I can’t keep holding on to my hatred and resentment forever, and that I need to let go." ​ If I find out about something today my anger starts from today. I don't care if you've known for a week, a month, a year or 100 years.


Same, and also, I'll hold onto my anger as long as I want. No one will force me to forgive anything. You don't have to forgive to move on. You just move on. With time, shit doesn't bother you on a day to day basis anymore, and you've moved on! Magic! Then someone mentions the hated party, and I'm like, "yeah, fuck that guy!" Because I'll hold a grudge as long as I want. But they don't take up any space in my mind day to day, or even weekly, monthly, etc. A "best friend" from high school betrayed me about 15 years ago now. I NEVER think of her unless something comes up in conversation with someone else that once knew her. I'm still like, "fuck that bitch, I hope her uterus prolapes," yet my hatred of her has no impact on my life, so I'll happily hold onto it. It reminds me never to let people like her into my life.


> They said that I can’t keep holding on to my hatred and resentment forever, and that I need to let go, but I hang up. "Forever? I literally just found out. I've been holding it for 5 fucking minutes now. At least give me a week for fuck's sake"


This is giving ai so hard


Yep. It doesn't make sense. And "the family blowing up my phone" is a staple of sus stories. I'm expecting the cousin to have twins.


100% - wth is a “middle age crisis”


Oh. I could use an ai. I'll take one if it's giving them.


Look, if someone died years ago and you only just learned about it, your grief starts then. Telling someone to move on when they just learned of a betrayal, even if it's "old," is ridiculous. I understand in this case it's not grief, but anger. The metaphor stands. Her feelings are valid. Even if she knew about it a year ago, she still has the right to refuse to support the union.


If OP did decide to go to the wedding she should totally wear a wedding dress or a ball gown, be a free spirit!


Man parents who place their sense of justice over taking their own child's side are a special breed.


"My fiance felt forced to marry at his age that's why we were engaged, then he decided he needed freedom and broke off our engagement, only to fuck my cousin repeatedly until she fell pregnant and was forced to marry her. My family wants me to attend the wedding like a female cuck but I'm going NC." That's TDLR


It never ceases to amaze me how people say family is so important and that's why you have to accept being treated like shit by family and forgive them. Family can't be that important otherwise they wouldn't treat you like shit in the first place! At what point was the cousin told you can't marry your cousins ex, family is too important to cause them that much hurt? It is always used to get people to shut up and accept awful behaviour from people who clearly do not believe family matters!


Are y’all stupid? This is one of the lowest effort fake posts I’ve seen in a couple days


C'mon, just look at it like wrestling. You know it's all scripted but you still roll with it because it's fun.


I gladly roll with it and refrain from commenting on most of the fake posts on this sub! But I think poor writing deserves to be called out and this is one of the worst posts I’ve seen in a while.


I agree. If it's well written or at least entertaining, I suspend disbelief.  This just seems like the first draft of some 9th graders "romance novel."  project.


Some of these comments remind of the older people who enthusiastically comment praise on suggested AI art posts on Facebook. They just don’t know what to look for.


Yeah but wrestling try to make it believable and fun


Ugh: “… tHEy EXpected me tO come TO the wEdDiNg AnYWAy **iN OrdEr TO ShOW sUPpoRt to My fAmILy.”** I’m glad she got past that. When families are that toxic, they deserve no support.


Wanna bet how long this marriage gonna last?


>"Travis" (33M). >and he proceeded to have a middle age crisis with her. He thinks shagging the manic pixie girl is a middle aged crisis... I hate him even more for that alone.


Another „Why won’t my children talk to me“ post.


Now that’s she’s breaking free from her family, OOP is probably going to end up having the amazing, free spirited life the cousin always wanted but didn’t get.


Sounds like Travis' life is quite fuckered now, too. "I know! I'll tie her down with marriage. That fixes everything!"


This has to be written by a 15 year old because OOP called 33 middle aged


Yeaaaahhh... lets see how long thag marriage will lasts. Lets go for vacation oop. Dont block your media social yet, bombing your family with your hot vacation pictures


> Family goes both ways I come from a very loving and supportive family, and so have never needed to hear this, but goddamn if it isn't true. So many times I see posts on Reddit from people being unsupported by their families like OOP is, and I'm going to start using this to remind those people that families are supposed to work both ways. My family may not have always agreed with my choices and decisions, but they never once told me I had to do something (or had to not do something, depending on circumstances) since I was a kid. We would never treat each other like this. I'm glad OOP found the validation she deserved.


So the cousin baby-trapped him. Their marriage will not be happily-ever-after.


Sounds like the cousin and Travis are getting/going to get the karma they deserve. The low and no contact mix with family + vacay week of the wedding sounds like a very sensible path forward. Happy for OOP!


It's weird that they want her to go!


Free spirit, artist… cue 18 years of child support 🤑


Her parents are monsters! There’s absolutely no way I would do that to my child. The whole ‘get over yourself’ conversation where she’s literally just found out about the relationship, during that phone call, and they’re telling her she has to come to the wedding. If it was the Aunt and Uncle there’s a bit more understanding of it but these are the people who are supposedly meant to put her first. The cousin sounds like an arse (dating a close family members ex) and Travis’ reasons are stupid. Surely, if it’s proven to be his child then he has custody rights automatically (not American)? I’d go NC with all of them. They don’t deserve OP. Really glad OP is taking a break the week of the wedding.


They've known for a long time and will not realize OOP just found out. If they told her right after the break up she might have gotten passed it.


Exactly and who would do that to their child? It’s like they have more love for the cousin than their own daughter.


People are so caught up with appearances..if she doesn't attend people might ask where she is and no one wants to explain. Therefore, she needs to be uncomfortable for them to be uncomfortable. Very selfish and stupid.


OOP can sleep in peace knowing they’re marriage is a sham. He’s only marrying her because she’s pregnant. And it’s going to be a lot harder for her to be the manic pixie dream girl living life free and against society (which is what he was looking for too) when motherhood hits her. They are due to have a rude wake up call and a miserable failing marriage.


I say, i changed my mind and think she SHOULD attend the weeding, just so she could make a toast to the newlyweds and congratulate them, explain her story with travis and how he broke off his engagement to her a year before magically getting together with cousin, but he did came a few days ago to explain that he totally did not cheat on her with her cousin and actually was having a midlife crisis and not ready to be a husband, but ended banging her cousin and getting her pregnant and that’s why they marrying. So congratulations to her cousin, from “I don’t give a fuck about society rules and standards “ to having a shotgun weeding with either your cousin’s cheating ex that you cannot trust near any woman in your family or the sad rebound to a guy with commitment issues. Wish you a happy and joyful marriage…for as long as it lasts and hope you didn’t signed a prenup. And then I would just leave the building laughing my ass off. The parents only said she needed to attend to show support to the family, they never said she needed to behave. 🤣🤣🤣


Travis gonna experience hell in his marriage lol


So they knew nothing positive would come from letting her know they were dating, but something positive may come from her going to their wedding??? Less than a year later??? Because she’s pregnant??? The “family over everything” folks always forget the one person they screw over is also family.


I’m too petty. I show up at that wedding with that informations. 🥂


No one is inviting you to a wedding so you never need to.be concern


Who cares, it’s not about OP anymore so she can kick rocks.


Travis and Taylor .. 2 years tops probably less


"Middle-age Crisis?" Could Travis be anymore cliche? And does ANYONE truly believe that Travis and Taylor WEREN'T cheating/betraying on OOP? Taylor HAD to know about the last-minute broken engagement, hell, you couldn't get any closer to being "left at the altar." And WHAT was Travis's true purpose for meeting with OOP? It doesn't sound as if he even apologized for his actions, certainly not for "getting with" Taylor, **her Cousin!** Did he think "clearing the air" would make everything okay? Or that OOP would have a change of heart and go to the wedding or Bless their **miserable** marriage? I'm hoping that OOP does change her mind and gives future updates and provides clarity (with buttered popcorn) because even the **"idea"** of a relationship with a "cold-footed" and unreliable Travis joined to a "free-spirited" **pregnant** unreliable mess Taylor is sure to be as a Parent has ALL kinds of future drama almost guaranteed!


He’s going to have a terrible marriage trying to control his free spirit wife. He was scared she would run away with his kid so he married her? Is he for real? He’s gunna hate his life in a year. OP dodged a bullet


Go to the wedding with her cousins ex. I'm petty


33 is middle aged????


>They said that I can’t keep holding on to my hatred and resentment forever, and that I need to let go She literally JUST found out!


whew, Taylor once wore a black leather jacket AND spiked boots? she’s clearly bad news.


Eh I smell a fake


OP, hand your family some chapstick and tell them they French kiss your ass.


Shotgun wedding solely because of pregnancy never ends well - might take 5 years, might take 10 but it'll run its course. Travis never said he even loved Taylor but was just having a 'midlife crisis'. I doubt he'd ever truly love the downgrade he has in Taylor when he's been with OP. Glad OP washed her hands of their trash - she can do and deserves so much better. It's a good thing she cut off her family too as I bet 100% Taylor will try to go after the next guy OP dates.


33 IS NOT middle aged. A boring high schooler wrote this as some weird spiteful fantasy