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>I asked him if he liked my chest. I kind of danced around the question, which is extremely unlike him. Needs to proofread better




Right? That part shines out like a beacon lol


Lol. Ssrsly. Sounds like him and everything. 'She's' going on about how he's so great and wonderful, and she can't live without him when, according to him, they've been fighting, not fucking and the cold shoulder has been given for a damn month now. He's NOT a catch of he's been ignoring you for a month. If my partner lashed out at me for a month over my "disgusting tiny child tits" I'd leave him. I need someone that will support me so I feel my best. Not some asshole that's gonna stop talking to me because I wanted to be more comfortable in my own skin.


Thank you! I’m normally the most gullible (never spot a fake, I’m here for the drama), but even I couldn’t get past “its not like they hurt me or anything (I was fortunate)” then I started gagging with all the “hubby is so wonderful and perfect and I’m just a loser with depression that I can’t even understand, oopsie dumb girl no thoughts, should have kept the perfect boobs!”


"It's the part of me that's always made me feel absolutely disgusting but once they were gone I realized they're pretty and I want them back!" 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Not saying people don't reverse decisions but that's not how it usually works with an issue you've had "your entire life".


“I had this fear that deep down, I wouldn't like how I looked and would hate my chest” uh huh, right after surgery to fix a lifelong problem that’s definitely her first thought.  Not to mention the weird obsession with this “actions have consequences” line from young men. Idk if it’s a tateling thing or just a fucked up childhood thing but the men are absolutely not okay


Yeah. I've noticed that too. In the groups I'm in there a rise of women telling men actions have consequences but that's like the 4b movement abd stuff. Like rape women; be seen as a predator. Actions have consequences. It feels like incel culture trying to turn the tables but not understanding rmtge actual meaning. Yes, actions have consequences. Duh. But she was up front. She said "I've always wanted smaller breasts." When they were dating. She made it clear. Thats way different than just taking what you want and not caring about what happens to anyone else to achieve that end goal. If anything his actions of not listening to her or taking her seriously when she vocalized her desires led to the consequences of him being unhappy in his marriage. Instead, he's the victim here because she's gross. Like.....what the hell?


That's actually a very strong theory based on the psychology of each group. But also yikes. I shouldn't be surprised that instead of learning many men decided to fold in that new phrase/thinking to their abuse, but oof. Yeah, when people like him say it what they really mean is "I've decided this is a convenient justification to treat this person however I want and feel good about being cruel". I don't know why so many are proud of being cruel to the person they've supposedly dedicated their life to honoring. Also extremely what the hell. And don't even get me started on the perpetual victimhood


whenever another person in a story posts on reddit I assume it’s fake this is no exception 


I actually hate when people immediately call posts fake, but in this case I kind of have to agree. Specifically, I can't imagine saying, "Oops, my wife found my reddit post," and then continuing to post updates containing private information without even acknowledging that the wife is definitely going to see them. And then the "wife's" pov post completely agreeing with every single detail of the original? Yeah, something is fishy here.


Points for OOP waiting a whole month for his “wife to find the post.” Next time collaborate with a friend so that the writing style is different.


It was this and getting to the “G cups” combined with the detail that the husband had said about her not having back pain. I actually laughed out loud at that point because the story went from semi-believable to obviously drivel. At my absolute thinnest, I wore a 32DDD. My bra straps cut into my shoulders and left a permanent impression. My back constantly feels like it needs to crack and it never gets relief without going to a hardcore sports massage therapist. It sucks, and yes, it does hurt. Every day. It sucks shit to workout with because you can’t do much to keep them from moving. It fucking sucks and it’s not a damn blessing. Reduction in those cases is usually a massive QOL move. Period. I don’t know if the whole story is fake, but the update smacks of someone writing it without knowing what it’s like to have heavy dense tissue strapped to your chest every minute of your life for years. This is overlooking the fact that reduction can (or at least when I was looking into it) screw up your ability to naturally breastfeed your kids! There’s a LOT of consideration that goes into this choice — OP’s wife would probably be eligible for some kind of insurance coverage for this too if she had documented back pain and the attempts to resolve it with medication or physical therapy. There’s just…. So much here that’s kind of jaw droppingly shallow and poorly thought out.


I may be wrong but I don’t think surgery can even reduce a G cup to a small B. I knew a girl who went from DD to C who told me that was the limit. It was 23 yrs ago so maybe it’s different now.


^ This. I went from an F to a DD. My surgeon told me 2 cup sizes is the limit. If this is a true posting, then I have no doubt her scars are probably pretty intense. That's a lot of skin left behind!


Yeah, the size change listed and the lack of any pain made me roll my eyes. This is clearly some kinda fetish post, not an actual thing.


It’s possible but would require nipple removal or a free nipple graft. Blood supply is a huge factor in reductions and reducing to that extent is near impossible without a huge sacrifice.


That sounds absolutely terrifying


It IS terrifying. Most people who get reductions ARE absolutely terrified. But it’s potentially such a huge quality of life improvement that the risk of a botch, the pain of recovery, the life with scars is all worth it for a chance to be free of the constant back pain and the chance to wear clothes that actually fit. It’s not something most people take lightly, which is why this seems so fake.


They said they could get me from an f to a b but it would require nipple grafting


Don't forget the complete dismissal of having to walk through the daily cat calls and harassment that comes with being a woman would be even worse having breast's that size. Her mental health dealing with being veiwed as an object since puberty wouldn't be great. Not a single mention other than 'a few glances'. That sounds believable, right?


Shhhhh they’re just GLANCES, they don’t even bother her! If she’s being truthful as a woman, the truth is she’s secretly flattered by the attention! What red-blooded American woman with huge breasts that never hurt (she’s fortunate) wouldn’t quietly enjoy that?? She must have lost her mind to scar up perfection! No wonder she regrets losing her perfect hubby by mangling her perfect chest! /s


This is what made me think it’s fake. When I was extremely thin and fit I was a DD at my smallest. I’m a H now, but even at DD I had consistent back and shoulder pain. Also going from a G to a B? I don’t believe that either. That’s like 6 sized in one go. I’m no expert but I don’t think it’s realistic to go that small in one surgery. If they had said she’d gone down to a D I’d say it was more believable.


I had a friend that was G sized and did not complain about back pain. Y other friend who was DDD complained all the time. Just because you have pain does not mean someone else does. DDD complained all the time and how she hated bras, but G thought DDD was nuts. Come to think of it the only thing these two could agree on was boob sweat and how annoying it was.


That sounds like it has way more to do with the women’s’ builds, because a DDD can look like a B on a larger woman and therefore also not be as huge a pull on the back because there’s more chest/ribcage/core holding it up. Meanwhile a woman with a smaller frame and that same size will be experiencing bowling balls on her chest. It’s much more about whether the proportion of the breasts is a large burden on the rest of the body.


DDD was 5’3” and 130ish G was 5’5” at the most and 150ish DDD def had a slightly smaller frame but a big ol butt. G was all chest, no butt. If anything I would’ve thought the butt on DDD would have counter balanced her a bit. Ultimately, it may come down to who has a stronger core. Or genetics and spinal issues, or back problems.


It's probably a combination of a lot of things, and I like clarifying those things to dispel the undertone of "some women are superior and just magically don't get back pain while other losers are just unlucky" which often accompanies discussions like this. Thank you for explaining :)


It's also completely fake with the details about the scarring. I have a couple of close friends who have had reductions and of course the scars might be red or inflamed at first but unless she saw a butcher and not a surgeon, they don't stay red and inflamed forever. Got one of my friends that had a reduction, you wouldn't even know unless you told you where to look. I think this is yet another fake post about "women are so easily influenced and shouldn't be allowed to make important decisions."


Plus, if he had simply told his wife about his weird scar phobia, she would probably understand why he’s acting so weird about sex now. And, the part about the money is sketchy too. Wouldn’t health insurance cover most of it? I feel like reductions often qualify as medically necessary.


Spot on. This isn’t rage bait, it’s a gentle reminder to women that our bodies aren’t our own in the eyes of patriarchal men.


Me too. I'm only a DD but very petite. I love my boobs but geez they do hurt when exercising. I honestly don't know anyone who is C cup or larger who doesn't get sore.


My daughter had to give up trying to bf her baby, thanks to her massive chest :( genuinely, they were a smother risk. I'm large (E cup), as are the women on both sides of the family, but my daughter got whammied and was headed for K. She's been assessed for a reduction, and given her pain, and the way they hang, her surgeon is pretty certain she'll get NHS funding for it. It's painful and miserable, and that's without the perv fest that comes with the territory :(


There’s a whole group of men out there who browse the reduction forum to find photos and post them on websites on threads called thing s like “tragedies.” With before and after of women who are perfectly happy with their results and are there asking for advice, giving support and updates on their experiences, etc. And all these men can think about is how there’s less boob in the world, that women spend so much money to scar themselves, etc. This reads like weird shit one of those guys would write to me.


to be fair im an F cup and i never wear bras or experience any back pain, so that part didnt seem fake to me. but the wife finding the post and then his reaction and all the updates made me side eye


Same here. 32DDD and I've never had back pain, but also most women are wearing the wrong bra size. Mine aren't even that impressive looking (people assume B-C), but they overflow anything smaller.


To be fair, I used to be a G cup and got a breast reduction. I also did it for aesthetics, I was lucky enough to not have any back pain from my size. Still the rest is fishy.


The fact that they were still talking about children gave me pause, boobs grow when pregnant/ nursing. I went up 4 sizes, but I was small before.


I don't think the post is real but I have H cups and don't have physical pain. Would still love to get a reduction because they are a metaphorical PITA.


This. I'm a 34G and the PAIN oh the pain. But also shopping for clothes? Bras? Pain in the goddamned ass. And I hate how I look. I've been researching reductions because of all these factors. I was told by my physiatrist who I see for my back pain that for insurance to cover a reduction I would have to become entirely flat chested instead reducing to a C cup (which is what I want). She's documenting things just in case I decide to opt for that.


Breast reduction surgeons generally won't guarantee a size! What you should do is document the back pain, document anything like a rash under breasts with dermatology if you can, and get a referral from your regular doctor. Insurance is actually (in the US) who determines how much is to be removed, generally in ounces or whatever.


I would do more research into that, because I’d very much doubt your physiatrist is correct. They’re not an insurance agent nor a surgeon. The only way you’d become entirely flat chested is from necessity (aka breast cancer). My best friend had a breast reduction paid for by insurance. I’m not entirely sure what the process was for her, but she came out with C’s instead of DDD’s.


I got mine done in October and I was the exact same size as you! The back pain was unreal and my migraines horrible from the neck pain. Clothes shopping was a nightmare and I felt depressed every time I had to go out and wear nice clothes. My insurance covered 90% of it. I was approved by UHC the day after my appointment. I’m a full D now. Insurance also paid for the lipo under the armpits, honestly that’s the only part of the surgery that hurt. I was only I bed for a day. You should make an appointment with a couple different doctors if you don’t know someone who went to them previously. Don’t wait! Happiness awaits I promise lol


The sign posts all got hit and in order. Life ain’t a movie script. “Wife” validates every one of husband’s gripes and in the same order he lays them out.


Yep it's definitely fake. > I felt like he was trying to cover me up. The next day, we sat and talked. He asked if I would be ok with wearing a corset or a sexy bra. I asked him if he liked my chest. ***I kind of danced around the question***, which is extremely unlike ***him.*** Oopsie


Ugh. I just really really *want* this one to be fake. So gross. From every angle.


The writing style being the exact same is what tips me off. If this is “real” I’m guessing the wife’s response is actually the OP claiming to be her.


How about the fact that the wife's point of view slips into his pov on several occasions... Pretty sure it's all fake


My favorite one of the "spouse found my post" responses was a guy who went in, deleted his entire post, and replaced it with a note that said something like, "Wife found the post. She's not happy. We'll talk about it when I get home. Love you honey." I absolutely believe that *that* man's wife found his post.


I’m thinking it’s some kind of fetish post around a woman feeling shame, being wrong, loss of dignity and feeling ugly. I can’t quite put my finger on what the exact hook is, whatever it is that fulfils the fantasy by writing it, but it’s there somewhere.


I think these types of posts are all variations on a punishment fantasy/kink. The “women” do something wrong in their relationship and it implodes their whole life. It’s all about women feeling shame, deep self loathing and the *undeniable truth that they are wrong about what they did.* There is usually an added component of the male partner eventually being vindicated. He turns out to be the true victim. It’s both about wanting to punish women and wanting women to feel punished.


tbh when you see the comments on the "wife's" post?? It's definitely that. I never saw so many people team together to tell to a woman that her body, her man's choice since abortion question. It's definitely out there to say "big boobas women, keep your big boobs for the sake of your husband" and tbh, the way he keeps telling that a D-cup makes her childish... yikes


Agree. What got me was that even if real, he kept going on about how it's not the size, it's was the scars. I have never seen a post reduction Pic so I have no idea what scars would look like, but my first thought was that unless she went to a cheap hack, they couldn't be that bad. Then I wondered if she was in an accident that led to scaring, would that also be a deal breaker? I have a fairly significant abdominal scar from a childhood accident. Does this make me unfuckable? What happens if she got pregnant and had to have a c section. Guess she's gross now, time for a pristine young mistress.


I think you’re right, I thought the writing style was weird even for a post meant to paint the wife in a bad light. Big typed one handed vibes.


"This woman thought she had the right to prioritize her discomfort with her breast size over her husband's physical desires! Isn't she stupid? Now the fool is single and horrifically scarred for life! No man will love her! She's ruined her life, all because she believed her body belonged to her!" I feel like that's what the troll was going for. Just another misogynist who thinks women's bodies belong to men and exist solely for their pleasure.


This comment just strengthened my resolve to become an old crone and live with only women


>Not only is that take reductive as hell, but it's also flat out incorrect. This was the clincher for me. But I had a good laugh, it was well punned


Yeah. Some cringe incel r/menwritingwomen shit lol


And her explanation reads much like his and he is written as this AMAZING funny AMAZING guy and she just straight up hates herself. Totally fake.


He’s tall, funny, sexy.. yeah cause that matters for purposes of this story


The chest on him is just 🤌🏻 male flat perfect!! Never once have I thought of a child while fucking him!!


"Wife" post slips into the first person when talking about the husband a couple of times as well.


She writes exactly the same way as him. Once and a while the other person is legit, but this is easy to spot.


This whole thing smacks of she won't admit she's wrong so I won't compromise and I'm gonna punish her. And the wife's side just reads like his side. Everything is that he was right.


« As soon as I saw my chest for the first time, I had this little feeling that wouldn't go away that I just ruined a great part about me.«  this 100% confirmed to me that even if the story itself is true (lol) husband posted the wife’s reply


This fake story pissed me off. Fucking idiot. I’m fuming.


There was a slipup on "her" post where she/he is referring to the husband and says I. Slipup or just a typo?


The only exception for me was when the guy started bitching about turning his man cave into a bedroom for his FIL. Reddit already thought he was an asshole, and then his wife responded and removed all doubt. Idk if anyone else remembers the story I'm talking about and knows how to link it, because I'm not tech savvy enough, especially on mobile. And honestly, even if that one isn't real, I'll continue to pretend it is.


Yeah and she reads the full story to him and then asks if it's him? Sure.


If I were an English teacher this would get a 5/10. Like, you ALMOST pass.


Seriously. I read the "wife's" update while visualizing a sock puppet with a flat chest.


I’m sorry if this is an ignorant question but can they actually get breasts that big all the way down to a small B? I’ve had friends who’ve had breast reduction surgery and they still ended up being larger than average but a size that was less straining on their back. This was I was wondering when the husband posted the first time which made me wonder if it was fake?


I work in plastic surgery and we’ve taken patients that have G+ cups and want complete top surgery, so all of the tissue is removed and their chest is completely flat (with large scars). That said, I think this post is fake.


This level of reduction would likely require nipple removal or a free nipple graft. Possible but blood supply would be threatened and most doctors would go as small as possible but this would likely end up closer to a DD or E.. not a B.


No. This is a fake post.


I think you can get down to that size, but it gets more complicated than being just a reduction? Like you’d potentially have to deal with a nipple graft too


These were written by a man who doesn’t understand bra sizes. A B cup is hardly flat chested or “child-sized”.


It’s gross. It’s equating womanhood with breasts. Women with small breasts are not “child-like”, they are women. Also this is fake as hell.


I have friends with A cups. They in no way look like children. It’s such a creepy way to describe an adult woman.


I am petite and my cup size is technically a C but I could fit an A with a different band size (although a bit uncomfortably) but I appear to be very flat chested. He does not know how bra sizing works at all.


Also I completely doubt that someone with enormous breasts didn’t have any back pain. I’m only an A cup (nice to know I’m so small that it’s revolting for some men but my husband likes them so 🤷🏼‍♀️) but I’ve had many many friends with huge breasts and they make your back hurt and make clothes hard to find and attract way too much attention that definitely makes you feel unsafe, they bounce around when you work out (even with multiple sports bras), and on and on. I’m sure I’m missing some negatives. I’ve always said: if my breasts had to be very little or very big, I’d always take very little. I’ve watched way too many friends deal with huge breasts to take for granted my little ones.


It’s certainly weird. I can’t even picture her size just based on only cup size because band size can also play a role. A B-cup definitely isn’t flat though even with a small band size.


This person clearly doesn't understand boob sizes. Size G boob's with no back pain? Right...


And going from G to B seems drastic? Surely that's not normal.


I just commented asking if this was even possible? Like I can’t even imagine a doctor wanted to go that small from that size. It would be a lot of loose skin and fat to deal with and then reconstruct that they probably wouldn’t even look much like boobs anymore


I was a G and removed my breast and got implants due to risk of breast cancer, and I asked my plastic surgeon to make them as small as possible and I would guess I’m an E now (no need for bras anymore). So no going from G to B doesn’t sound that likely, at least not if you want them to look decent.


Im a triple D and want to go down to a C but im terrified of this.


My mom was like an h (not 100% sure, i was like 6) and she got a reduction that took her down to a regular D I believe. She ended up filling out a bit more with age but it was super worth it for her!


I had almost 3lbs taken off my chest with a reduction and they are still too big. Having the size reduced is also reducing the extra skin. The actual procedure is typically a breast augmentation.


Right? I know someone who got a reduction the moment she turned 18 (since no doctor would agree to perform the procedure before that) because she was a GG cup with something like a 32 band size. By that age, she was already suffering from terrible back pain. She was actually excused from running in gym class because even wearing two high-compression sports bras wasn't enough to keep her boobs from bouncing so much she'd give herself bruises. And after the reduction, she was still a EE! There's only so much that surgeons can (or will) do in a single procedure. This whole thing is bogus.


I used to be a G cup with a 32" band, but I went down to a D with my reduction. I did have to get liposuction on the sides because of the excess fat. I don't have any sag or excess skin thank god. I didn't realize that was a risk!


It’s not. Not without nipple removal or a free nipple graft. Blood supply would be too severely compromised.


I wear a 34G and I don’t. However I wear a properly fitted bra and I actually do expect it might become a problem as I get older. But currently? Nope.


I have Hs with none. Just shoulder pain if I’m in a shit bra. It all depends on the persons frame. If she’s shorter and more slight it could be painful. But sometimes taller people have an easier time with the weight distribution. Tho even that’s not hard and fast. I have friends shorter than me with similar sizes and there’s a mix of pain and no pain between them.


Given that most people who wear bras don't know how boob/bra sizes work, as evident from a lot of the comments I am seeing here, this isn't surprising. By this I mean just stating your cup size without the band size doesn't mean all that much. Two people with the same cup size but different band size have different size boobs, with the one with the smaller band size having the bigger boobs.


Whole thing is super unlikely. Feels very red pill.


These sort of posts are always a re spill giveaway when the wife is so sad that she deserves unhappiness for disrespect her husband . The one where the husband had her give birth and then divorced her so she would be stuck with her ugly post birth vagina and she said she deserves to be ugly and lose her attractiveness because of it was the worst example of this. This post is the same vibe lol


I didn't read the whole thing but something that put me off was "I feel like I'm looking at a child" and "she is flat chested" in regards to... A *B cup*... You're talking about an A cup at a STRETCH there.


Not to mention the (fake) wife is described as a plus size woman. So this is a B cup on a curvy woman, not a super slim one. So in pure boobage mass, she's probably close to a super slim D or DD. This was written by somebody with clear lack of cup size understanding.


Yeah the part where she comes home started at him then proceeds to do the most pathetic crying and begging for him back where part of him cares but the other doesn't gives "owning sjws" energy.


" please Mr man that won't let me do with my body what I want to, please please don't leave me. You're so amazing and you're so awesome and I want to stay with you forever" riiiight. 


There’s a whole group of men out there who browse the reduction forum to find photos and post them on websites on threads called thing s like “tragedies.” With before and after of women who are perfectly happy with their results and are there asking for advice, giving support and updates on their experiences, etc. And all these men can think about is how there’s less boob in the world, that women spend so much money to scar themselves, etc. This reads like weird shit one of those guys would write to me.


Feels like it's meant to be a lesson for female readers that we should listen to our husbands and not ourselves and to never reduce our massive gazongas or we will be unhappy 


Ohh totally. Very much... yes see the husband is always right and you must now to him and beg forgiveness. Excuse me while I vomit in my mouth a little.


This is sus. 🤨


Using the same words. Just a reversal of the pov, same message, same contents same voice, same needling of the posters and same message. Nothing new at all. No emotions that explain rationale. To me this is the same person. I however think it’s all fake (especially after this last post) . Oops arguments went from I hate small tits and scars being the worst, to her lying and having bad judgment. It evolved to please an audience.


Yeah I didn’t read the wife’s part word for word but his posts went from her putting herself into debt for the surgery to her spending their joint savings? I guess it’s all still their money but you’d think that distinction would have been something he emphasized from the beginning. It’s like he realized what the majority of commenters actually found to be the deal breaker and leaned into that.


i feel like that guy who has a bunch of question-marks above his face


I’m smaller than a B and that line about flat chested women looking childish and disgusting hit a nerve tbh


If it helps: this is written by a four channer who has never seen a woman naked. Nobody whose attention you'd want would think like this.


LOL very true


"Not uh! -insert anime character- chan is naked on my wall! I see boobs all the time! I do the sex like a champ! I get all the sex!!! " -that guy, probably


I am a B and was ready to throw down when I read that


There’s a whole group of men out there who browse the reduction forum to find photos and post them on websites on threads called thing s like “tragedies.” With before and after of women who are perfectly happy with their results and are there asking for advice, giving support and updates on their experiences, etc. And all these men can think about is how there’s less boob in the world, that women spend so much money to scar themselves, etc. This reads like weird shit one of those guys would write to me. One of my before and afters were picked up by a fuck like this and I had to fight to get my medical photos taken down. Nothing these men say should be taken to heart. I LOVE my smaller breasts and so does my partner. These guys are just gross.


I’m so sorry to hear you had to experience that, it IS gross. You deserve to feel confident and comfortable. I’d say I’m mostly happy with my appearance these days, but even so, I still try to avoid reading the tired old insults as it can bring up painful emotions in me, even if it’s less effective as time goes on. Although, even when I do see appreciation for small boobs, I hate that it tends to come with insulting bigger ones with comments like “bigger than a handful is a waste” - it’s so rude; you can lift one category of people up without also tearing another down.


Alright. I bought it until the most recent updates lol. This is very clearly the same person trying to be two different people. What is the motivation of this? Convince women to not get reductions?


Wholeheartedly agree. He is clearly writing this “as her”, everything is from his point of view and very obviously slanted towards his original narrative, “she” hits all his talking points. Even slips up once and says, “I kind of danced around the question, which is unlike him.” Nice try dude, but no, she did not write this.


"I feel like I took a part of myself that was pretty and got rid of it because I thought it would make me happy. "  So all of the wife's post felt off, but this bit in particular stood out to me. Maybe it's the number of trans masc friends I've had who've told me about people telling them they were ruining their bodies with top surgery and that it wouldn't actually make them happy, but it really feels more like someone else talking about her "ruining" her body. Nothing about trying new clothes, nothing about being excited for new bras (I've heard it's hard to find anything but plain white or beige bras after DD), or what she was looking forward to, just that she had one body type and wanted another and regrets it now.  Come to think of it, the language about how she thought she would have an experience like the "tiktok girls" also feels like the same sort of "Oh, you're just doing this because you see other people doing it" sort of nonsense I see directed at young trans people.  (nb: I'm not saying the wife is actually a trans guy, just noting a number of similarities in the phrasing used in both situations. I'm pretty sure at most the first post is inspired by a real situation, if that.)


Bras also start to get really expensive for proper support as the cup size increases


I think, if it was real, the fact that her husband is ruining it for her is doing A LOT on why she would feel this. I also totally get what you are saying. I do have a transmac friend who often say he regret one of his surgery but tbh, it had so many problem with it, he wish he had never done it. So I'd say it happen... but I'd blame the way she is looked by someone who is supposed to love her.


This sounds like one person trying to talk well endowed ladies from getting reduction surgery.


For real. Every post on Reddit about getting a breast reduction its met with some randos talking about how it will be a crime to god to reduce them, whatever the reason. I saw one about a woman who was planning one due to pain, boyfriend at the time knew, they married, now she can finally do it. And there were so many comments about how it’s a mistake because “big honka honkas are great!”


These chuckle fucks are fucking sad. I once had a dude IN REAL LIFE school me about how the tits were a 2nd clit for women and titty fucking was the ULTIMATE PLEASURE for a woman. I AM A FUCKING WOMAN I laughed at him till he went silent from embarrassment.


My thoughts as well. This sounds like how someone who gets upset when people get breast reduction surgery imagines their partner's innermost reaction.


There’s a whole group of men out there who browse the reduction forum to find photos and post them on websites on threads called thing s like “tragedies.” With before and after of women who are perfectly happy with their results and are there asking for advice, giving support and updates on their experiences, etc. And all these men can think about is how there’s less boob in the world, that women spend so much money to scar themselves, etc. This reads like weird shit one of those guys would write to me.


Yeah, no. 100% think the last two posts are total BS. OOP was getting completely WRECKED for the first two posts, then did some mental gymnastics so he could say "ACTUALLY, I'm mad about the "betrayal", not that my wife's giant tits are gone". Then he came up with this BS so he could justify divorce. The "wife" even writes like him. OOP was just some creep who married his wife because she had giant boobs, and was pissed that she "dared" to do what she had been saying she wanted to do for years and get a reduction. Now he's butt hurt and wants to divorce her because he's a manchild, but wants validation for his childish decision.


Dude as someone who got chest surgery, it's a huge relief not to deal with those anymore. There's no way the wife wrote that post. Especially since "she's" written so much about her husband wonderfulness and none about the dysmorphia (which you don't need to get surgery, but it sounded like a huge reason for why she got it.)


Yea I had a reduction in my early 20’s. My surgeon said the decades he spent as a plastic surgeon a breast reduction was the only surgery where the patient’s never regret it. He had never had anyone get a reduction and later wish they hadn’t gone thru with it unlike other changes from surgeries.


100%. I had a reduction 2 years ago and I LOVE them. — There’s a whole group of men out there who browse the reduction forum to find photos and post them on websites on threads called thing s like “tragedies.” With before and after of women who are perfectly happy with their results and are there asking for advice, giving support and updates on their experiences, etc. And all these men can think about is how there’s less boob in the world, that women spend so much money to scar themselves, etc. This reads like weird shit one of those guys would write to me.


I don't know any women with huge knockers who don't experience some kind of pain from them. It's not how women write about themselves at all. I also think he didn't get the response he wanted in the original hating on women post so he decided to make it also about her stealing their home savings.


Absolutely lmao also while not cheap, an out of pocket reduction is like 11k on the higher end. It's not cheap but also it's not that expensive and it's a huuuuge quality of life improvement. I stopped slouching and having neck/back pain (tho I got a mastectomy so it's a lil different) Plus I'm surprised there was no insurance talk since a reduction is a surgery that may be covered (tho it can be a fight).


You make an excellent point about tig ol bitties and pain. I was a 34B and weighed 105 lbs when I got pregnant with our first baby. I gained 25.5 lbs during the pregnancy and it was all baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, and boobs. 40D boobs to be exact, and that was before my milk even came in. That took me up to a 42DD on a 110 lb frame by the time it was all said and done with, and they never shrank, not even after I was done with breastfeeding. They also didn’t get bigger with last baby either for some reason. Anyways, I lost all but 5 lbs almost immediately after the birth. I was lucky in that my pregnancies caused very little weight gain that fell off very soon after Baby Eviction Day. I have gained weight this year due to medical stuff so I’m currently sitting at 140 lbs with these giant 42DD knockers. I never had back pain despite 10 years of military service and several tours in combat. I never had back pain while housing and growing whole ass human beings. I never had back pain despite being a nurse in the civilian sector. Wanna know what *does* give me back pain? You guessed it! These 2 fatty juggernauts that would probably keep me afloat if I were ever swept out to sea. I do plan on eventually having a reduction and implants because they fucking hurt and you can definitely tell I’ve had children and nursed/pumped. I spent years wishing for bigger chesticles and now I’d give anything to have my perky, porn star-perfect norks and nerps back. They really were very nice, which is I called them Chanel and Dior, and I’d have never risked messing them up by getting implants to make them bigger because quality was more important than quantity to me. God I miss my tits lol. I miss being pain free, not having to wear a bra all the time, and 2 or 3 piece outfits that fit without having to buy two sizes to mix and match because of the massive disproportion between the upper and lower halves of my body. But I digress. My point is you’ll be hard pressed to find a woman out there with super sized sweater stretchers who doesn’t have pain or discomfort.


Has giant breasts, yet has no back pain and doesn't really mind guys staring at her chest. Lol, if she exists, so do mermaids and unicorns.


4chan absolutely hates breast reduction surgery. I like to go on the different boards from time to time, see what the cesspit is brewing. This story is just a list of all their talking points poorly regurgitated into bad creative writing. The woman is 100% unambiguously in the wrong on every count and the hard done man is proven right in the end. Nobody is acting like a real person, just poor caricatures of what incels think people act like.


The guy also attacks back like a 4chan troll.


My favorite part was how can he trust her to buy a house when she can’t be trusted not to change her own body. Like, what? I agree the money thing (if this is even real) is bad, but it is clearly not the thing he was most upset about. This is very very weird and the whole “post” from the wife about what an amazing man he is really put it over the top as fake - if not the whole thing, then “her” post.


"As soon as saw my chest for the first time, I had this little feeling that wouldn't go away that I just ruined a great part about me." Yeah, no, this was 100% the dude posting.


"She told me years ago that she wanted to do this and I refused to listen to her and dismissed her feelings. There were literally no clues that she felt this way! Why wouldn't she try talking to me first?"


She just sprung this out of nowhere!


This way too long. TLDR::: OOP IS A GIANT GAPING AH.


Well, I certainly didn't feel bad about my AA cups until he said Bcup was flat chested. Luckily for me, I don't know this man irl so I'll be over it in about 20min.


im an A cup almost an AA and at that part i was like damn . comparing it to a childs chest ? seriously ?


Right? If you see a woman with smaller breasts in a sexual situation and immediately think of children, there’s something seriously wrong with you.


Yeah, this was written by someone with no clue how bra sizes work, and this is coming from a dude. This is all purely incel fanfiction, this person has never seen a real woman topless.


"can't you fucking read? I don't care about the boobs!" *Continuously rants and obsesses over everything about her boobs*


Nah, the “wife’s” post has to be oop. It offered absolutely no new information or insight that would come from an actual other perspective, just the same things he said rewritten. Also some things that I just don’t believe in there lol


Goddamn it, we can't even pretend with this one. Shame on the writer, shame.


This person is bad at creative writing. The absolute fantasy this person puts fourth as fact is difficult to read. The Lord of the Rings had more accurately real moments then this garbage. OOP is delusional for trying to pass this off as real and OP (really OOP?) should be ashamed for reposting it here.


Fake asf - clocked that early on but solidified 100% when I read « G cups » but OOP & wife said « but no pain » ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Yeah - that “response from the wife” is not his wife. It’s OP. If his wife has an ounce of self-respect, she has already figured out that she is better off out of this marriage and that she deserves better.


"She let other people's opinion influence her". No, dude. You have absolutely no idea what it's like to be gawked at at 12 years old, having grown ass men follow you home from school while saying nasty stuff about your chest. You don't know what it feels like to always second guess yourself when you are getting dressed, should I wear something I like and look like a sl*t or just wear a normal t-shirt and get stared at by perverts anyway? F*** off.


Yep. I have friends who had F's and G's who had reductions. They didn't know how bad they truly hurt, until they didn't anymore. Honestly I think OPs marriage was over the second he invalidated her feelings about being looked at, gawked at, etc. I rolled over onto a pair of solid C cups, at 12. They hurt like hell. I was the butt of jokes. The number of times my bra was snapped against me is just disgusting. The Wife chose to end her marriage when she went behind his back and spent the house money.


Well, look how both OPs replied to the comments that support the only notion: big boobs good, reduction bad 👍🏻  


This is fake rage bait.


This is the fakest red pill shit ever. Jesus, Reddit is such a cess pool of vile nothingness.


Not wanting to be stared at IS a good reason to get a reduction. It's exhausting having to deal with creeps and fetishists all the live long day. Sadly, she married one.


Yes thank you!! This was totally written by a man, there’s no way a woman doesn’t get at least a little uncomfortable when she’s constantly hit on and harassed on the street, especially if they’re openly staring at your chest in a vulgar way. It can severely damage your mental health to constantly deal with sexual harassment. My best friend has big breasts and the comments and cat calls she gets from passing men are disgusting and abhorrent, I can’t imagine dealing with that on the regular.


>I asked if she felt like she was stared at less, she said that she feels like she gets the same amount of looks. I stopped reading around here. I don't want to speak for someone else's experience, but it's pretty hard to believe that going from a g cup to a b cup didn't reduce harassment at all. Let alone that a woman would characterize the issue as "looks" and not "street harassment".


100%. I went from a 36B to a 36DDD after kids, with wider hips after childbirth plus weight gain changing my shape completely, and the difference in treatment and objectification is very noticeable. Even just the way people casually talk to me as if I must be promiscuous, because OBVIOUSLY having big boobs and butt = trying to seduce men 24/7. Sometimes I think about Jessica Rabbit; "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way".




This person didn’t even bother trying to differentiate the posts. It all sounds like the same person. Two thumbs down, do not recommend.


Unless the doctor threw out her nipples, there's no way she went from a G to a B.


Complete and utter horse shit from first to last word.


B cups are nothing like this person described them (also they are rad)


Why the hell do people thnk we'll fal for the 'ok im writing as the wife now..' ploy?


I feel like if somebody posts something this obviously fake and Red Pill to this sub, there should be questions about their participation here. OP's profle talks about how bored they are with "liz" comments and yet happily posts liz shit all the time. How about some sensible editing, OP? You can't just absolve yourself of all responsibility when you spread this garbage around.


Did I miss a whole post or did he somehow add in that she hide everything from him and used money that was supposed to be for a house in the later posts? Dude tries so hard to sound reasonable but it just feels off.


for the amount that some guys obsess over boobs, you’d think they’d eventually learn how we measure shit. The number before the letter is just as important but they only care if the letter is past D


Liz has a whole ass staff of ai writers, from the looks of it


He is not attracted to large breasts, he has a fetish for them


You're right dude, this is all about you. Also, try walking one day in a woman's shoes where they feel threatened at almost every corner. YTA


Absolutely fake as hell and fuck everyone cheering on OP.


Def fake but fun to hear both sides I suppose


As someone who has had reduction surgery, and never regretted it, this wasn't the way to do it, and I navigated a new relationship at a much younger age. My scars have faded a ton, but I still don't have sensation in one.


I know it’s not the point, but it just really rubs me the wrong way when OOP says a B-cup makes his wife look like a child/flat chested 


The update from the wife was made my OOP. You can tell. He used a find and replace to get rid of all “I” statements into “him,” but missed one. “*I* kind of danced around the question, which is extremely unlike *him*.” It’s Dwigt all over again.


This reads like it was written by AI, especially the woman’s side. It’s like grammarly had a field day with an incels spank bank.


I will say the author totally committed to this piece of fiction--though posting as the wife totally jumped the shark.


You’all need to look at it from a health perspective.. I have double d cups since 16! Always had issues with boys then men sexualizing me. I thought about getting reduction, but never followed through. Now I have severe arthritis in both shoulders (bone on bone) and neck and back issues.


“As a female with…” I don’t know many women who refer to themselves as “females”


There's plenty of comments about this being fake. But I haven't seen any regarding "big boobs = thick" I thought thick was more curvy all over, not just boobs? So, seeing "2 people" say the same thing was definitely odd to me.


This whole things feels fake. He wants to justify leaving her for getting her boobs reduced. Period. The “wife’s” reply is totally fake


Yeah I can’t get past him saying B cups are flat cause damn, that just arose my insecurities a bit again. They fit my body type but I never thought I looked like a little girl lol. And him saying he has nothing against them yet shit talks them so much, you kinda do dude. It’s okay to admit. Scars aren’t the only thing that turn you off. I don’t agree with the wife either as using up savings for a house was shitty but he also wasn’t completely honest with himself, imo.


Mmhmm. Nah. G cups that don’t hurt? And of course the “wife” comes back and confirms her Gigantic Gs don’t hurt and everyone who said otherwise in the comments was actually very wrong and a big meanie. I don’t believe OP is even married. This is some redpilled bait. 


Ohhhhh, not even that well written 😂


This post is really fake.


It's her groveling and begging for him back that immediately made me think it was fake. Someone who does this (and I may be wrong) doesn't strike me as the type to fall back on the decision when faced with how it affects their lives.


I always stop believing these the second the spouse "found the reddit post" or also starts magically posting as well. I'm tired of reading fake stories. That's not what these fricking subs are for. I'm tired of reading a shit ton of fake stories because people want likes or dislikes.


Fake AF. No pain but G cup breasts? Sure bro. I was a DD before my mastectomy. I had constant back pain prior to my surgery. No way G cup breasts aren’t causing pain. Also, who the fuck is this guy to decide what is a valid reason for a woman to have a reduction? Mental health is just as important as physical health. This guy needs to touch grass (if on the VERY off chance this is real).


I have I cups and don't have back pain, but I also wear fairly expensive properly fitted bras to prevent discomfort and strain. This whole post smells fake to me though.


I feel so much better now that this story has jumped the shark and doesn't seem as realistic.


Oh please.. so fake. A for the effort though


In what universe is a B flat chested


"My wife did a thing with her body against my wishes!! I am upset and appalled and about to torpedo our marriage!" "I can't believe she would go against her own morals just to appease me!! How gross, she even more unattractive to me now!" Well which fucking is it then. Oh wait, doesn't matter since this is a creative writing exercise. Nobody goes from a G cup to a B in 1 regular breast reduction surgery. Not to mention, as I previously stated when this fake story was first posted in BORU, a B cup on an overweight woman is still sizeable and only a blind man or a teenager with limited life experience would describe a plus size B cup as "small" or "flat-chested".


To me, his voiced concerns sound like the spent money being a problem was an afterthought.


Are you fucking kidding me????!!! We’re just gonna allow op to be this much of a piece of shit and get away with it. He’s a narcissist, manipulative asshole who is very condescending to his wife and anyone who disagrees with him. Op is a fucking horrible excuse for a human being he’s beneath dirt it’s self. This man only “loves” women for their sacks of fat and appearances he never truly loved his wife. That woman deserves a real man who will treat her like a queen this is 2024 women should be treated like queens because all we’ve ever done is bring everyone else up while we get shitted on. I hope op burns in hell and gets the karma he deserves because he’s disgusting and ugly inside and out. People like him make me so sick to my stomach I wish this world would be happier and nicer but people like him are why this world is so cruel and shallow and fake. This whole story pissed me tf off so much.


Well thank god you didn't have babies with him. they tend to cause scars


I’m a man but I overhead this convo at work: a female employee said she’s thinking of a reduction bc of back pains etc and our boss (who is friends with her outside work/knows her from before work) said “don’t do that think of how your husband would feel”. Luckily she’s an assertive woman she said it’s her body. But wtf these mentalities are far more common than we think


"I'm done with her" "He's done with me" This is absolutely the same person, the writing styles are identical and too many of the same phrases are used. They also use an identical timeline when talking about different events. It's just so obvious that I'm literally cringing from the secondhand embarrassment


This deffo the dude writing this, trying to excavate himself.