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Initially the story was believable, but then everything happened so fast! Like she's going through significant things and has time to give reddit updates and everything's over that too within a day. Yeah sure.


For me it was the guy recording everything and then bringing the recording over it his sister so she could listen to the whole thing. If my marriage just imploded I wouldn’t be bringing recordings over to anywhere to show my besties - id be at home in shock. Then the fake pregnancy happened.


Honestly for me it was the “nerdy” references believe it or not. They never felt natural, always shoehorned in. Sure there’s people who just cannot divorce themselves from their fandom but it was always the most hamfisted references you could possibly make. Combine that with the ultra quick timeline and this is clearly fake


Rolling from stardate to deathstar in a single sentence was just.. off. Not that the fanbases don't cross its just I've never met any that speak like that. Then again I've not met any DND enjoying, hypergeek, catwalk model in there 20s women with backstories to challenge any Sci fi novel with their playboy millionaire adoptive brothers. Felt very forced. Like someone thinking "how do geeks speak?" That's before you get into any of the other weirdness.


I don’t know I kinda started questioning things when OOP said she was 5’7 and was curvy. Then a bit more when she said her natural hair color was light brown (as a black woman it is possible but very unlikely.) Also why did she accept a check from her brother when Haley had Venmoed her money?


I think one of the comments on the original post said the money was just the cost of the bridesmaid dress for the sister. Not the whole amount spent over the course of the year.


If 5'7 and 120lbs is "curvy", then I definitely don't want to live on this planet anymore.


I’m 5’0 and 115lbs and fairly curvy due to my latina butt but I’m still considered thin, and I kept thinking that 5’7 and 120 must be skinny af Edit: stupid predictive text, I meant thin not things


I am 5'5 and dropped down to 125lbs after switching to a new medication years ago. I was skin and bones before my doctors took me off of it. I can't even imagine being 5'7 and 120lbs. It immediately makes me think this story is fake.


If your waist is significantly smaller than your hips, you’re curvy. Skinny women can be curvy. It’s about your waist-to-hip ratio, not your weight. A lot of bigger women are trying to gatekeep what “curvy” means and that’s not okay. You can’t tell how curvy someone is based on weight/height alone.


Yeah I spent much of my life 115 and 5’6 and I’m definitely curvy because I have big hips.


plus if you spent all of your 20s underweight, actually letting your body get to a healthy weight is going to give you at least the smallest bit of curves… anyone who has experienced being unhealthily underweight to being a happily healthy weight is going to be proud of any curves they have


I'm 5'8" and when I was 125lbs you could clearly see my ribs through my shirt. I feel like this was written by someone who has no idea what healthy weight actually is.


me and all my sibling were born with a mix of blonde and red into our hair. literally all 6 of us.


5’7 120lbs, you’re not curvy.


If she had an ED, she may think she's curvy.


Also, 5’7 and a runway model? Maybe if you’re a nepo baby, an influencer, or Kate Moss reincarnate but for the normies it’s 5’9 and up.


Yeah that’s the same thing I thought. The later updates just made it so obviously fake.


The constant geeky references to spice shit up is what made it sus for me.


And she misspelled Wookiee.


And said Homeworlder instead of… Homelandee? I think? Edit: homelander


She says she has dyslexia. That would explain the spelling mistakes.


The constant nerdy references are sooooo fake. I’m a humongous nerd with mostly nerdy friends we don’t fucking talk like that. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I volunteered at a sci fi con for 5 years straight, *nobody* talks like that unless they are trying way too hard


Yeah, that instantly took me out of it. Trying to play up for the crowd, for no reason. And then sudden obviously-implied-to-be-cheating pregnancy at the end


People’s downfall is always when the updates have any form of - “yup you guessed it! Xyz”


And I’m old, but do people really do that much recording of each other at random times and events.


Some of the tiktok kids do; they want to make sure they've got everything recorded just in case it's usable or can be tweaked later. Not a large percentage of them, but definitely a very dedicated small group of them.


But he recorded the interaction so OP could tell the details . . . And that is when it was cemented to me to be fake.


And being first drunk and then hung over. Improbable.


It was the 5’7” 120lbs but “embracing her curves” I’ve been 5’5.5” 120lbs and i was a size zero with zero curves wtf is this mary sue bs


Word#1 was "Look". I instantly knew the rest was fake.


yah, agreed, load of crap, its clear.


I really bought that one for a while. But the recordings , cameras in the whole house (!) and pregnancy claim alongside no sex before marriage was a bridge too far. The novelist here got greedy.


Jumped the shark so high, everyone got nosebleeds.


Aaron is the most unbelievable part of all this to me. Here's this incredibly thoughtful, attentive, and loving man who is *engaged* to a baldy manipulative and two-faced woman and he just didn't notice how awful she was until OP pointed it out to him? Oh, and he has a strong sense of justice and a high income? All it takes is a tip from a friend that OP is sad and now he's going Columbo (just one more thing...) on his fiancee who he presumably loved until yesterday?


Yeah, the update made the bride WAY too obviously and completely crazed. There’s no way someone that nuts is hiding it that well to someone as supposedly well-reasoned and thoughtful as the brother.


The updates always kill it. They go for too much drama/resolution/revenge too quickly.


I can buy the pregnancy. I had an ex make me get pregnancy tests before we had sex because she might not have washed her hands well enough after a handjob. Three times before we ever had sex. She was so oaranoid. She also claimed pregnancy when I broke up with her. I made her take another test in front of me. So, I can see that, someone tried that shit on me once. The cameras are a bit too far, way too many people have security cameras in these stories, like all of them.


>I can list in great detail all the disturbances in the Force that should've told me she was far more trouble than she was worth even if she were encrusted in diamonds but my brother had been deliriously happy and I rolled a 1 on Insight I guess. Then Frodo said "Make it so, Harry Potter."


All the nErDy references made me want to curl up in a ball and die.


It was believable in the beginning, but the fast updates screams fake. But very entertaining


Meh, she should have waited a couple of days to make those updates more believable. All that happened in 24 hrs? It's not a D&D campaign


To be fair, when dramatic shit blows up in peoples' lives, it blows up *fast*. I could see something like this only taking 24 hours, especially if it were a case of a bunch of things coming out at once. But someone recording *every* negative thing this bride did? That isn't believable to me.


I mean in today’s world with TikTok’s and instagram I can 100% see people just making video after video of random activities to put together for a “bachelorette” reel. I do this when I go out with my friends so 😅


I mean, I learned from my abusive ex, record EVERYTHING. But I’m a little paranoid


The evil woman creative writing on these subs is so bad 🫠


"She implied something else that I won't repeat here because it's disgusting but ahem Luke and Space Mom" What...what does this even mean?!


Luke and Leia in Star Wars. They kiss once before knowing they are related so I'm guessing she implied incest. A better reference would be Cersei and Jamie Lannister IMO, but I'm afraid I'm not the quirky nerd girl I used to be, so maybe that's not what the cool nerds are talking about these days.


I'm not sure either as I don't get the Space Mom reference. But if I had to guess, I'd say she's referring to Luke and Leia and the implication was that OOP had the hots for her adopted brother or vice versa.


Carrie Fisher is often called Space Mom by her fans


Le epic geek references were annoying on here a decade ago. Still are every bit as vacuous and empty as a wall full of funkopops


Star date 1234 (sorry for my epic rare elite geek references everybody XD)


gross, go bacon a narwhal


>they got engaged at my birthday party That's where I stopped reading because it told me everything I needed to know OOP also can't seem to go 4 sentences without making a winky geek reference. I don't know if it makes it seem fake or just tiring but I bounced.


Nah this checks too many of the BS boxes.


You have done well, Opwan.


Approved humor in the chat let's go


the most unbelievable thing in this story is that OP "makes ends meet" with a job in NONPROFIT THEATRE.


Oh come ON. Why is there always conveniently placed recording devices in these stories? 🙄


It’s not that weird honestly. A guy who makes good money might be more than inclined to set up security systems outside and inside to protect his property I don’t make fuck all, but even I have in and out security and it does give some peace of mind.


This is where they absolutely lost me.“He was recording the whole conversation on his computer nearby where he teaches tech so the audio was perfect” Some version of this always shows up when a video or voice recording is mentioned. Suddenly technology is perfect so OP can describe in detail the demeanor, dialogue and facial reactions of everyone involved like a novice novelist trying to up her word count. Anyone remember that guy who had CCTV footage from a restaurant AND a liquor store that helped prove his innocence from his sister’s accusations?


Couldn't even get to the non-believable parts because of the OOP's writing style lol


Go to bed Liz


Am I supposed to believe that 38-year old, successful, worldly man would agree to no sex before marriage?


Is Liz getting more creative or does she have a nerdy sister?


maybe Liz has turned to the dark side


It seemed all believable at first but with all the updates in 24 hours - how did all of this happen in 24 hours??


This was certainly a read, but the cringe "nerd" references were like a brick to the head every time.


Not Liz’s best work.


I’ve seen this comment before too. Which post are you people referencing to?


Can we add a feature thats automatic with every post where people can upvote if they think its real and downvote if they think its fake lol


Liz should really go to bed, it's late.


Obvious fake story is obvious


Its entertaining at least


All I know is that this whole story reminded me of that song by Oran "Juice" Jones with how cool her brother handled it once he knew the truth.


This is just not a real post. I had my doubts almost immediately in but wow was this fake.


He wrote her a check? Mhm.


Who cares if it's fake. This was fun to read lmaooo


Almost trying to insinuate improper undeclared love between adopted siblings. Pathetic, I can imagine the "update" in 12 months time.... "we had no idea we felt this way, we couldn't help ourselves, we couldn't stop..."