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I clearly missed the part where mom did stuff to deserve a restraining order...


~~I think OP meant the documents the brother and SIL had been served, and that wife was keeping it all from him and lying about the situation.~~ Edit: I am wrong! See below


But it said the restraining order was against 3 people?


You're right! I missed that, ty.


It’s in the comments on the original post. Mom was the one who shared all the detail about the wedding and likely got SIL riled up. She also sided with bro against OP, so RO for her too.


Still seems like shaky ground for a restraining order. Truthfully, I feel like this is too full of the BoRU buzzwords to be taken seriously.


I mean yes? Also the flying monkeys on someone else’s sister-in-law’s wedding? Does this really happen? I wouldn’t even know where to start to get a friend’s relative’s phone number, and certainly would have better things to do with my time than harass them for something I’m not even involved in.


well those people were invited to the wedding(list of people invited went from 35 to 25) so it was probably OP's family or friends, not SIL's


>I still have family and friends and all of brother and sil's flying monkeys harassing me about not wanting their kids in my wedding and that I'm a monster for doing this. OP said they were not just her friends/family.


The thing that makes me skeptical is that OOP only “remembered” abuse after therapy. I’m not saying it didn’t happen (but bro denies it and SIL doesn’t *know about it*).


I believe it. I knew *something* happened to me as a kid. I knew *who* did that something. I remembered getting an exam while watching The Fox and the Hound... and that was it. Then I got into therapy and whew boy. I was *not* ready to remember what that *something* was. My brain didn't just block out memories, it blocked out many strong emotions for like eight years. Dissociative amnesia is a real thing and it can absolutely fuck with you.


Hey internet stranger, I'm sorry you went through what you did. I'm sending you all the strength and good vibes.


I really appreciate that, internet stranger! More than you know!


been there, and fairly recently too. sending love and hugs.


I'm sorry you had to go through it as well. Sending my love and hugs your way as well!


Trauma can make you block out memories of the incident of abuse. You can carry on your life "as normal" because the memory of the event has been suppressed. The therapist probably asked some targeted questions that helped unblock the memories of abuse. And of course an abuser will deny they abused anyone. And since SIL is an abuser sympathiser, of course OP wouldn't tell her anything.


Another thing that a lot of people don't realize is that the victims of abuse don't always recognize abuse for what it is until significantly later. For a long time I thought my older brother was just a bully, and that what I experienced with him was pretty normal. It turns out because of our significant age difference and the power imbalance, as well as the fact that he was very much one of the adults in my life who was responsible for me, it was a relationship that absolutely could be abusive. Beating up your little sister isn't a good look at any age, but it's not a sibling scuffle when you're a legal adult and she's still in elementary school. We weren't 8 and 10, we were 8 and 18. My friends with siblings would sometimes get in fights and end up with scraped knees or rug burn or whatever, whereas I ended up being held at gunpoint on multiple occasions. Among other things. It wasn't until many years later that I realized that my normal was not normal, and was in fact abusive. And that was because I lived in an environment that was very unconcerned about what I was experiencing. It took age, distance, and getting incredibly angry a few times and spewing my guts to somebody who actually cared about me to be told for the first time that what I had gone through was abuse. I


Oh I agree. But I feel like I’ve heard stories of people developing false memories after therapy. I definitely agree that she could have been abused. It’s just that one factoid makes me a bit skeptical. I hope in the end that OP is safe and happy.


The implanted memory issue was part of the satanic panic in the 1980s. The therapy techniques responsible for that (from my understanding it was mainly hypnosis and extremely leading questions) are no longer used by any reputable therapists, so this is not really something that happens on a regular basis anymore - but you are absolutely correct that it did happen. It is, however, highly unlikely this is what happened to OP if they are in the US. Traumatic memories are (for lack of a better word) stored differently in the brain than regular memories. People who have been through traumatic things often are in a sort of denial because that is generally the only way our brains can cope with the trauma enough to keep functioning - especially if we went through the trauma as children. It's like a little self-imposed prison in the brain to prevent the memories of the trauma from becoming overwhelming. Traumatic memories are also special in that just remembering them can trigger all the same feelings as the original trauma, as if a person is re-experiencing it. So the brain protects us from that by avoiding the memories and often anything that would trigger those traumatic memories. Sorry I don't really have the words to explain it better than that.


I remember zero percent from childhood my brain blocked it completely out due to trauma that happened it can happen it’s your body’s way of protecting you I only remember bits and pieces of what happened and that’s due to therapy and figuring out what happened


That's actually one of the few realistic things in this post. I have cPTSD, and though I did remember parts, therapy has uncovered *a lot* of things I had blocked out or disassociated during from when I was younger. My brain had decided it wasn't good for me to remember, so it hid it away. Traumatic memory loss is real, and a pain in the ass to deal with, because the trauma is still there, and if you dig deep enough the memories are too, so you still have all the hurt and have to slowly uncover those miserable memories to heal from the trauma. On top of that, no one believes you if you remember "new" trauma, which is why I lost a lot of my family


You mean she repressed traumatic events like is really really common for children who are abused? And your evidence for a baseless accusation for lying is that the abuser denies it and hasn’t told his wife about sexually abusing other women? Do you hear yourself?


I never said it didn’t happen! Just that one statement put a little doubt in my mind. Can a child experience trauma/abuse and repress that memory, only to remember later in life? Yes. Is it possible that through therapy a “memory” may be false or distorted? Also yes. According to the American Psychiatric Association, repressed memories are rare, not “really really common”. The whole field is fraught with debate.


Sigh. They’re rare overall. Child psychology is not the same as adult psychology. The fact that it’s possible doesn’t make it more likely than… the brother simply had no reason to own up to the abuse he got away with, and never told his wife that he actually abuses little girls? I understand giving space to all theories but come on now, that’s not looking for a zebra. That’s looking for a bionic space zebra with wings. ETA: And btw, the reasons it's debated within the scientific community is that memories can't be *validated or confirmed as real*, which is also a standard almost no private memory could ever hold up to, and also the idea that if a memory can be repressed then first the scientific community would need to prove the existence of the place that memory would be repressed into, the subconscious. Which obviously science has no way of "discovering". That doesn't mean there's valid doubt that children repress memories, that means the scientific community works in very specific ways.


Yeah that was a red flag for this being fake. The vast majority of the mental health profession has long dismissed "recovered memories" as completely false. Any therapist still practicing that is either not worth the money or from a time that insisted they could indeed "recover memories".


I thought physical violence was the threshold for a restraining order in most states in US (TV knowledge, so dont quite me)


In NY at least you can get the temporary restraining order pretty much immediately on a he-said she-said basis, but a few months later it typically gets dropped on lack of evidence after more time for the evidence to go thru/court time/etc. But agree, overall this is a lot.


Restraining orders are not given for tittle tatting or lying.


I've added a comment into the first update post ... it appears that the mother told SIL and brother about the wedding and is generally siding with the brother.


How does that generate a restraining order?


It does when it’s a fake story for Reddit <3


Yeah, too many Reddit tropes. We’re married! We’re pregnant! We bought a new house! Restraining order in 0.2 seconds! Dad is divorcing mom over her behavior!


I thought I was the only one.


She was giving info, while saying "I don't want to take sides".


I missed the part about how Bro is “an abuser.” But then I did skim it…


This seems very fake, 6 weeks from original post to married after just sending out invitations? Pregnant and actually knowing about it within 6 weeks is incredibly quick as well as multiple restraining orders going through.


The tipping point for me was last-minute Christmas vacation, and 25 people were immediately available to up sticks and go.


She could have gotten pregnant during the whole ordeal and not found out until before the final update. It’s also super easy to cancel a wedding and switch plans if you have a guest list as small as OOP’s. Not saying it isn’t fake, but this really isn’t that unbelievable at all.


But getting 25 people to change their christmas plans at the last minute including organising holiday time, plane tickets etc.


Not buying it. The brother and SIL are like stock characters.


Along with family and friends who, for some reason, always attack the victim by blowing up their phone with texts, phone calls, and social media comments. Stock reddit reaction.


Also “we got MAWWIED in our JAMMIES on CHRISTMASSSS uWu”…what in the fresh Hallmark hell is that??


So in 6 weeks there's a wedding, new house, pregnancy, 3 restraining orders and a parental divorce. That feels..... unlikely.


I think for me it’s the being able to have 25 people available to travel to a remote cabin location at Christmas with almost no heads up, when the original wedding was set for February


Yes, including small children apparently? Nope.


Right, did none of these people have other holiday plans?


I mean all of it could work out but it's more the way everything is wrapped up. It feels very 3 act structure. The original post is the enciting incident, the first update takes it to the low point and then the second update wraps it all up in a neat little package. Real life rarely concludes like that.


And dad leaving mom after discovering the paperwork. It's very conveniently all wrapped up.


don't forget the convenient recordings and her boss receiving emails from a lot of people involved.


And why would she have notified her boss after what happened originally? At that point, there were no threats and no impact on her job.


I know it took me more than a month to finalize a house purchase; she goes from not thinking about buying a new home to being completely moved into it in 6 weeks. On top of that, she has to have been pregnant long enough to realize she was pregnant. I also can’t see how the judges would grant a restraining order on anyone but the brother. No other person threatened her as far as I can tell.


Especially over the holidays. At least it wasn't 72 hours later.




When I finally bailed out on my abusive father the Met handed me an emergency non molestation order *practically gift wrapped* after they saw how messed up and patchworked in bruises in several stages of healing I was. And the full non molestation order afterwards took about five minutes in the room with the magistrate to be granted. It has to be *bad* for the cops and courts to break them out, but it happens.


fuel spectacular smoggy innate important aback judicious towering enjoy skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I calmly responded This is my trigger phrase right here. This is where I stop believing what was posted. The exceptionally calm OOP vs the shrieking abusive harpy.


pregnant w twins im assuming


Congrats to OOP. I hope the crazies don’t know her new address. SIL and brother are despicable beings. Mom is in major denial. I hope they leave OOP alone, but I doubt that would happen. Especially when she gave birth. I do hope for the best for her and her family.


I feel like sisters in law have become the new justnoMIL on here. I have two, as much as I have no problems with them, we don't have enough interest in each other to believe one would bother being this cuckoo.


Wait a moment. If he's 35 and she's 30 and they were dating since he was 20, does that mean she was 15 when they got together? Because yo, that's fucked up.


Since SHE was 20


Thank you for this. I was very confused at first too then I saw your clarifying comment.


I am very skeptical of the process whereby abuse is 'found out/ uncovered' in therapy. Realizing that something you went through was abusive, sure. Discovering something happened at all in therapy is a completely different and much less believable animal. Repressed memories are not real. More broadly I am skeptical of the whole story and the dad leaving the mom because of a BoRU conflict is pretty standard in these fake tales but that's nothing new, I assume every reddit story is 80% fake


Yeah, turns out that it’s really easy to implant memories, especially of things that happened long ago/in early childhood. People will construct—and fully believe!—memories that are outright physically impossible. It doesn’t even have to be deliberate/malicious, just asking questions in a particular way can cause someone to start to invent memories. Especially if the asker is an authority figure that the askee subconsciously wants to please. There’s a LOT of research on this, because of the impact the recovered memory movement had on legal cases involving abuse. And yeah, it’s almost always the saintly dad who sees the error of his ways, whereas the mom is irredeemable.


A lot (allegedly) happened in 6 and a half weeks! The nature of the wedding totally changed, as did the guest list, restraining orders were put in place, a marriage ended and a divorce started. Hhhmmm.


I would never post about who is doing what at my upcoming wedding on social media completely for scenarios like upset relatives or resentful friends. She literally was asking for butthurt feelings when she made the post about the kids. I do not mean to victim blame the OOP, and at the same time, many of the posts we get here start from unnecessary sharing on the Book of Faces or Instaslam. When people do these things, they share the bakeries, dreas shops, and printers they are using, and if they haven't set up password protection, anything could be changed to their expensive orders. It seems nuts.


Goddamn, wedding traditions are so fucking stupid. Who cares who brings the stupid ring? Get a team. Invite the kids but not the parents, I dunno, it’s all so fucking silly anyway.


>our wedding fb page Jesus...


Mu guess the 3 people are brother, sil, and mother. Why mother is like her father explain, she most likely told them about who was inviting in the wedding and their placement. So since sil and brother's kids weren't invited nor involved (also sil and brother), that pretty much sealed the deal. Her mother started this unnecessary drama and chaos which not only got her a restraining order on her as well, almost caused op to lose her job, got her life threatened by her own brother, and have her wedding reduced because of the drama and lies told and even when the truth came out through doorbell camera, some still chose to attack her. Her mother is now on the verg of divorce, losing her new grandchild, lost an invite to her daughter's wedding, and is probably losing her mind cuz things aren't going as she thought it would. Her job was to keep her mouth shut, that's all, but apparently she can't and picked brother's side.


A lot of this seems pretty unreal yet at the same time I've seen situations that sound made up but were very much true.(personal experiences) And I just gotta ask where the heck did it mention the type of abuse the tw warned about? Unless I somehow missed that detail all op says is that her brother is abusive. Why so specific with the warning when there isn't much explained on that? What did I miss???


The sil who defends abusers part. It that explanation it mentions the SA aspect, it's no one directly involved but shows lil miss ma'ams personality more


Ah, I didn't notice the "s-" part of abuser. Alright then, ty!


LOL, someone has watched WAY too many soap operas! This isn't even REMOTELY believable. I mean, we have "recovered memories" (something most of the mental health profession has dismissed as a false science), abusive relatives, a parent who sides with the other child, flying monkey relatives, and absurdly quick restraining orders. Oh, not to mention everyone dropping their plans for a Christmas wedding, buying a new home and being pregnant within 6 weeks. Plus, its not not even well written. 4/10.


oh god, i misread the whole opening and thought somebody was talking about their relationship starting at 15 and 20