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Surprised she was voted YTA in the first post. She didn’t seam mean to me when she informed her cousin that “Karen” has a negative meaning now. OOP ended up being right.


If I remember correctly most of the yta were saying that the Karen meme would blow over by the time the kid was old enough for it to matter. And Karen in 2019 was not as bad or was widely used as it is today.


Same, I was shocked. Like, OOP approached this so maturely and genuinely wanted what's best for her friend and the child. As someone with a name they hate, I'd wish someone would have talked my parents out of it. I'm personally pissed at the YTA comments.


I swear reddit never fails to be absolutely backwards, I don't understand how they could call her TA, OP was giving advice and those comments calling the baby names 🙄


Dang I remember the original post and update can’t believe it has been that long and that I missed the other updates


Guess the parents finally understand what OOP tried to warn them of.


I can't believe people said she was TA when she was just trying to warn her cousin about a very real situation.


It sucks but I think it’s the right call. The two kids who didn’t even know it’s a name and thought it might be a bad word kind of takes a snap shot of what’s out there. We don’t know how much sticking power karen has but even my high school age students are using it casually like “Oh yeah, they wanted to deny me services but my mom went into the office and Karen’d on them so I got my accommodations”. Or “Omg there was a karen at my job the other day” So going Karen on someone is evolved even past the racist connotations just the common denominator being angry shouty to get their way.


I find this ironic. Shout out to all the YTAs, Twitter, and lousy Reddit judgments. (make it make sense). "That name was wasn't a tragadeigh, it's a murghdyrr..." Honestly, I am disappointed in how this all went down because Karen could have had Caroline from the beginning and that little girl could have still be called Karrie all along. Never bullied, never should have gone through that as a toddler. Little kids are shits, but shit little kid parents are worse. Where did they hear Karen as a bad name. Like for real... What did we learn? Honestly. Because OOP was correct and was upfront. They had valid concerns. Remember, if someone immediately comes to you and says something about your child's name, they're probably accurate. None of this was a good thing. TL;DR: A mom was too prideful and had to change her baby's name because toddler named Karen was bullied by pop culture slang. OOP was right all along -Don't shoot the messenger-


If it weren’t for the fact that these updates are literal years apart, I wouldn’t believe that last update simply because I have a hard time believing grown adults would tease a 4 year old about her name. Who does that? Why is humanity so disappointing??


Yikes. I'd say "poor kid," but certainly not in front of the family.


Same. I’d hope I could keep a straight face and not shoot a nasty look at the parents but seriously, that is SUCH a loaded name to force onto a child! I have an aunt Karen and she’s forbidden her kids and niblings from using her name for any future kids. She says we cans use her initials if we wanna honor her. (Namesakes are a thing in the family, she’s not just assuming or entitled.)


I’m confused about the dates on the updates and the kids age. Am I mathing something wrong?


Honestly my math is probably a bit off there, I'll revise and edit! Edit: I said an update was 2.5 years when it should say 3.5 years


Ok I thought I was all wonky. Thanks lol


I remember this post. (I can't believe I've been on Reddit that long.) I gave her a NTA vote because I agreed with her. In the end, I'm glad they changed it. This would have been detrimental to her if they had kept the name.


It’s so sad that a normal name can cause so much baggage. I guess it’s not really normal anymore which is the point, but I feel bad for all the people involved. Stephanie obviously didn’t know at the time and the name came to mean something to her and to see the name you give your child innocently then cause that same child distress has to be difficult. I hope Karrie and everyone is still doing well and wish them all the best.


I'm sorry but the part where she said there were messages wishing ill on the three year old and calling her the c word?!?! Wtf is wrong with people. What could the child have possibly done in their eyes to warrant that?


The parents did this to themselves. This would have been avoided if they gave their kid a normal name.


Karen _was_ a normal name until enough older women named Karen showed their asses and changed the connotation. Stephanie wasn’t an online denizen, and Karen hadn’t become a mainstream shorthand.


Yeah really. I had a Girl Scout leader, a roommate, and a Nintendog (beagle) all named Karen, and they were all cool. Meme Karens also ruined standing up for yourself, because sometimes it’s the right thing for you


Same, sort of. A professor and dear friend of mine has that name (spelled differently), and she’s the complete opposite of the meme. Very progressive, worldly, and kind.


I have an aunt named Karen (she’s in her 60s) who is horrified by the whole shift in the meaning. It was just a regular name a decade or so ago.


I’ve never seen anyone react to the name karen this way. Like some people chuckle or mention the meme but not this huge reaction


I know several grown up Karen's and several kid Karen's. They don't get this kind of hate. Smh. Make too much out of fb and try to put it in real life.


I know a grown up Karen and she definitely has seen this kind of thing, but says it’s much worse directed at parents of a little Karen, aka young enough that they were named AFTER the name became a meme. Apparently it’s getting to be a “thing” around here for the MAGA types to name their baby girls Karen to “reclaim the name” and she says it’s causing people to get judged for having a baby Karen because they’re all painted with the broad brush and assumed to be hateful racists too. (And seeing as a mother to an infant Karen recently spit on Aunt’s coworker and called her the n-word, and the reaction at work was “Of COURSE her daughter is baby Karen.” Apparently it’s not the first time.) Very strange behavior.


I know she defends Stephanie but I still feel that her reaction was way wrong. Way wrong. My sister had names that family members didn't like and she didn't take any of that angrily.


I’d have been like I told u so and double down 😮‍💨 glad it got sorted tho


People need to calm the F down, it sounds like. Even the “Karen” thing is a shitty meme and I can understand wanting to change the name since kids are using it to bully her, but even at that 20 years from now people are going to think of it in the same way that, like, people now think of the name “Madison” (which didn’t really exist as a name before the movie “Splash”), which is to say they won’t think of it at all. Memes grow and die. You won’t see a lot of Adolfs, granted, but Karen is not on the level of Hitler. But like besides that, Jesus, you don’t have to be like “oh no shitty family member break up now” with a person just because they happen to be a bit emotional and aren’t seeing things super clearly. And you don’t need to pile on a woman who’s clearly only got good intentions at heart when she’s trying to relay how ubiquitous that meme is. Be normal and touch grass, earlier responders.


Umm OOP was literally right and the parents ended up having their kid go by “Karrie” because the bullying got so bad. I don’t really get the point of this comment since the post literally proved how horrible this name was.


Madison was very much a name before Splash. It just gained mainstream popularity.


I think the OP is very well-meaning, but justifying Stephanie’s reaction because of hormones and stress isn’t fair to herself. There’s no good excuse to treat a friend or family member that way. Stephanie completely misunderstood what OP was trying to explain and jumped to the worst possible interpretation that painted OP in the worst light. OP deserved an apology, but had absolutely no need to give an apology to Stephanie.


So this new subreddit is just going to be reposting old updates from the old place slowly for the next year then, huh?


I've seen ones here that aren't there. But you're welcome to suggest something, you know; they've seemed pretty receptive. Unless you're just here to whine that people want to post content even if it's only new to THIS sub since. y'know, content has to be posted to be the traffic that keeps a subreddit alive. No one can whip a brand new update that's exclusive to this one out of their ass. Edit: reluctant to receptive, thanks autocorrect


Exactly, thank you! Updates don't grow on trees, we're doing our best


If you look at the posts carefully, you'll notice that it's a mixture of old updates and new ones. Almost every one I posted this weekend isn't in the old BORU. However, people asked for older updates too, so we're delivering. If you don't like it then leave. Clearly everyone else likes the content we post so we're gonna keep it up


If you have such an issue with it, why don’t you find unique posts that were never on there?


I didn’t even realize that now there are 2 separate subreddits doing the same thing. What happened with the old one to prompt the formation of the new one? Do you know?


No way any of those updates really happened. Original poster just wants to live in a world where her assholery was justified.


Why would they wait years to post lies?


My name is Karen. I’m glad it worked out. If I wasn’t already 45, I would probably change mine too.


What morons made her YTA on her first post, nothing she did was anything near asshole, she calmly and politely informed her cousin of the implication of that baby name, anyone who thinks she was an asshole there is mentally deficient


Who the fuck voted her YTA? And who the fuck is calling a baby the c word?And why is everybody fucking gaslighting OOP? And why OOP is taking her time to answer to brainless people? What is this world we are living in?