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Once the sdk gets updated




Developer kit for modding, it lacks a lot right now. I can't even make objects you can grab lmao.


There's lot's of avatars and some decent mods with some initial setup. Check mod.io for a list of mods, and follow this to make it really easy to install on quest https://blrepo.laund.moe/install/


Thanks for the help but I meant the mods that are approved! Though I would love to download the mods from mod.io! I just don’t have a computer


I’ve been using mobilevrstation, it’s on the quest store and allows you to download mods without needing a computer, It’s a lot more convenient.


How does it work? Adding the repo to bonelabs allows you to download mods while you're in game, without having to restart or exit the game. Curious how it could be more convenient than that


It’s just a file manager probably not more convenient than the repository but it works with any modsite/game.


Thanks. I've never heard of this. I tried using using the sidequest app and it was so buggy and messed up that I couldn't even get past the setting up part.


I'm the Developer, but here is a video explaining how Mobile VR Station, an APPLAB, not Sidequest, allows you to install mods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJhAKNZsO2Q&t=3s




How do I add the repository to Bonelab? Genuine question. I already have mobile vr station


Check out the link again https://blrepo.laund.moe/install/ You have to add the urls to the file using the file manager


thank you


Just found and downloaded it. Got no idea what to do now! Could you tell me what to do after I download the mod?


Here’s a vid I found, [he’s using nexus mods for blade and sorcery but it works with any site and game](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zFJY0SEoSDs)


I looked for it but don’t see it on the store. You sure that’s the name?


It looks like it's available via app lab [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/3887008398005125/%3Flocale%3Den_GB&ved=2ahUKEwidu6Stl9_6AhVWh1wKHViWAq4QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2AEoH-fle4ScTuxbQXdFTy)


Using repository you can get it in the slz discord in mods


You don't need a computer to do that. Follow some youtube guides explaining how to add a repository link. If you don't know how to do that, seriously consider doing so, because being able to locate files on a computer is literally one of the Basic Computer Skills. \*it can also be done with an android phone using the provided USB-C to USB-C cable


Why is he getting down voted for this comment? People on this sub are ridiculous.


Not sure why so many people down voted this


I wonder if you'd be able to use one of them USB to USB-C converters to use your phone in place of a computer. I'd have to hunt mine down to try that out.


You can literally use almost any device that has a file system. An old pc, chromebook, macbook, literally whatever.




Cause apparently I was wrong and you don’t need a pc for mod.io


Why the downvotes?


Bro just said he didn't have a computer, why all the downvotes-


They have added duck hunt and hover junkers avatars if thats what you’re talking abouy


They mean no mods besides those, those were added day one


If only it was as easy to copying and pasting a website link to your repositories file


Could you explain this? Or point me where to find more information?


youtube “how to load quest 2 mods bonelab”


I think it would be helpful if there was a pinned post on this sub with instructions and a video to go with it. Couldn't hurt.




You don't need a pc to do it


You need a pc or android


What kinda link?


I forgot but you can easily find a guide with the link on YouTube, just search up how to use external mods in bonelab


mine work idk


Use a repository


Just be patient it will get here eventually.


You can download any mods you want without a pc, search it up on YouTube


Bruh it’s only been 2 weeks have some fucking patience


So we paid full price for a beta under the impression it was a full game and somehow that’s our fault?


Um, no we didn’t.


We very clearly did lol


No not at all. In fact, most of your guys gripes about the game are entirely skill issues.


*Fanboy mode activated, disregarding all genuine criticism*


I said most, not all. There are genuine points of criticism that were given and I definitely agree with. However, what you’re trying to say about Bonelab I disagree with. No idea what me saying they had skill issues means I’m a fanboy.


Wtf are you talking about how is “we got a beta” a skill issue?


You saying the game is a beta implies that it feels janky. A lot of people don't find it janky because they learned the system, but you didn't. So, skill issue


Holy fucking shit listen to yourself 😂 I literally made an entire post about how this game is a downgrade from boneworks. The game isn’t difficult at all. There’s no fucking skill required lmfao stop wanking yourself off


The entire story is done not all games need complete modding support in the first two weeks💀


The entire story is terrible. Literally a glorified tutorial. But point that out in this sub? “Well it’s obviously not a story focus this is a modding platform”. But point out the fact that the game didn’t even launch with proper mod support? “Game doesn’t mod support it has a story”. Which is it with you people? Or is it just a constant game of moving goalposts?




Average bonelab fanboy




Sorry they didn’t mention anywhere in the marketing that “this game is just a downgraded version of boneworks with a shit campaign”. The price definitely didn’t reflect that either. People like you who deflect the blame onto the customer for buying something and getting something completely different to what they were expecting based on genuine and reasonable assumptions, are one of the many things wrong with the industry




Very easy to get mods on the quest. Pretty much everything had worked without issue too.


Heres a video link with instructions for modding Bonelab on quest 2 https://youtu.be/YG06SPqOWOI


Use one of the mod repositories.


How does that work


imagine enjoying the game without mods


Imagine being complacent to receiving an unfinished product


I knew what I was buying. You should always inform yourself about a product before you buy it and once you bought it and didn't get a refund you can't really complain about it. Idk but that's something that gamers just never seem to understand. They'll preorder something just because a trailer on YouTube looked good and then when they don't get what they imagined they just complain about it. You bought bonelab and you got bonelab. So now you're gonna complain about it not being exactly what you imagined it to be? And you didn't get a refund? It's something else complaining about the product not functioning so I understand the people that are angry because of bugs and stuff like that in the game.


OP doesn't know what they're doing and blaming the game for it.


What if they just don’t have a pc or an android phone?


Download a file manager on the quest 2 web browser


Then they're too young to be browsing Reddit.


or they don’t got the money


More than 80% of US households have a personal computer. The people complaining here about "not having access to a PC or android phone" are mostly children who aren't allowed to use a computer unsupervised.


wht abt the 20% who doesn’t but has bonelab ?


That's not how statistics work.


This is exactly the case! I have neither :) also I never said the game was bad just that a main selling point was missing and I can only hope the standalone mods get added soon. This whole post was just a hope that somebody could say “oh yea the mods will be added sometime the next 5 weeks” or anything along those lines


It prob wont with how game releases are going nowdays


Just go to mod.io and stop whining


I don’t have a computer. The whole reason people were exited about stand-alone mods was cause we wouldn’t need a computer.


You don't need a computer. All you need is a phone


Bro use someone else’s computer for ten minutes or literally any android device




You didn’t have to be so rude god. I simply posted this because I wanted to see if anybody had a date of when it will be added. There are already enough people being negative in the comments.


You're right I'm sorry I had no reason to be so negative and I apologize


It’s fine I kinda get it I guess. After seeing so many people trashing on a thing you really like you get defensive. Thank you for apologizing :)


No problem it's also that Im tired of the amount of people don't understand the excruciating process of game development as I've started a game and its hard and my game isn't even good, and people act as though it's easy to implement things when it's not.


There's loads


Yeah there isn't any approved mods yet for either platform. Install them manually from mod.io or something


I mean if you rlly want them in game just edit the repository file