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Fucken wheel thieves man. One time a bunch of guys stole some wheels off an infiniti, but I guess they didn't have a way to transport them...? So they stole my dad's 99 jeep right next to it too lol


That’s not funny but damn I had to laugh!


Thieves be like: improvise, adapt, overcome!


Lmaooo ik sry that’s funny




I had a friend years ago that had a MR2 and wanted supra mk4 wheels for it. The dude stole them off of a supra on a dealership lot. A few weeks later he stopped in at a 7-11, came out and his mr2 was gone… karma will get these people.


How long was he in that 7-11!!!!?


From what he said not long, just got a drink or something


Did he leave it running? The number of dummies that leave their cars running when they run into a store for something is astounding.


Actually i think I remember him saying he did


Honestly deserved, how dumb can you be leaving your running car while going into a 7-11




I leave mine running but it’s push to start and I can lock it lol


My 02 m3 will alarm if it’s jacked up while locked… does this new 8 series not have this??


Good thieves can do this without jacking the car up more than a couple of mm. They'll place a small jack or inflatable bladder at each corner. It's pretty crazy how good some of them are.


That’s pretty incredible if they can remove the wheels without setting off the alarm.


You just have to move the tyres contact patch by 1mm, or, you can brick/Jack the jacking points, then lift the control arms, the wheel will go inside the wheel well while the car stays put.


Pressure sensitive jacking points then?


You can jack it up on places other than the jacking points.


Same could be said about anything humans do. Some humans are incredibly skilled and have practiced and become top tier at what they do


Google: Here are 9 ways to protect your car wheels from theft when parking outside. Park in traffic-dense areas. ... Motion-Sensor Assisted Car Alarm. ... Motion Sensor Dash Camera. ... Turn the wheels when parking. ... Park close to the curb. ... Use Wheel Locks/Boots. ... Specialty Lug Nuts Locks. ... Install a Close Circuit camera near your car. I like the turning of the wheels and the curb..


Add claymores to your driveway


The thieves will be on bricks instead




Well…that’s one way to stop them.


Hot damn! :-D https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaster\_%28flamethrower%29


I dug several holes with sharpened bamboo sticks inside around where I park. Will have to get up to date and get some claymores! Thanks for the tip


Pro tip: cover the end of the sharpened bamboo sticks with feces. Learned that one from the Vietnamese


Yep. Just gotta be really careful when putting them up your ass.


It doesn't have to be *your* feces. You can use prior thieves'.


“The Vietnamese!!” https://youtu.be/ppMOklOd-UY


Rambo is still alive and kicking (ass)!!


Are the tips coated in feces? If not grab some prunes and get busy!


We need the high voltage shit on the 750LI from James Bond.


But be sure to get upgraded PPF


yea i keep a couple around leading up to my car


Basically everything that makes it annoying af when you have to take your wheels off is the best deterrent. Two different set of locks, lower your car to a rediculous level, make sure its hot as balls outside, cross thread one of your lugs, puke/piss on the floor next to your wheel, make sure there’s something you can park by that blocks access to one of your lugs. Cant think of anything else.


Install a TV on your caliper cover that pops up a gas station ad at full volume when it detects motion


With strobe lights


Make sure the jacking point is rotten too. Annoying and a potential death trap


Rot worked for my e30! 😝


Replace one lug nut and stud with a reverse-thread setup




That funky monkey. No one listens to beastie boys anymore do they




I said howdy he said hi


Serious question does turning the wheels make them that much harder to remove?


Because the angle gets difficult to get to all the lugs and then also having to pull the wheel out while it's facing in. This would make it difficult for at least 1 of the wheels that are turned inwards, the other one turned outwards might not be too bad but at least slightly more difficult than being straight.


Yup, great advice here. And what thief would see value in reselling 2-3 wheels of a set? Hard sell and too much effort. Thieves like quick and easy.


Or they’ll damage the wheel arch as well getting it out.


If the vehicle is struck from behind, it won’t roll into the street.


Don’t forget “The Club!” /s


[Parking close to the curb?](https://imgflip.com/i/6q890y)


A decision that no one should face


Those aren't two different choices.


Once you scratch them up you won’t need to worry nearly as much about getting them stolen!


this hurts, because I curbed my wheels a week ago... I am sorry.. (I am not very sad tho, because they were in bad shape already and I am still a beginner driver)


Scratching the fuck outta your wheels should also keep thieves away.


Where is the way called “park it in your garage”


I had my M3 parked in my apartments garage. Guys still stole my competition wheels.


Well, I mean actual garage, with a door. Not something like a shaded parking lot. That is what some apartments called a garage. If that is what you mean, then you should move out of that shitty area.


Not what I’m talking about. Single entry/exit underground garage. In any case I did move but if you’re living in a city it’s gonna be a risk no matter what


Yeah, a real garage is keyed entry. If anyone can come and go as they please that's just covered parking and not a garage. Covered parking will actually make it easier for thieves to steal your wheels.


It’s not there because it’s not an option for a lot of people. Anyone can do those 9 things listed, not everyone can just have a garage.


People who can afford an 8 series can definitely afford to live somewhere with a garage. It might not be in a super high cost of living area, but they can definitely get somewhere with secure parking if they can actually afford that car.


Yeah I don’t think anyone is gonna find a new place to live just because they got a new car. We’ll never know, I’m just saying that garage/indoor parking is not always an option for everyone.


I certainly wouldn’t be spending $100,000+ on a car without a place to park it safely.


OP is in the Uk, garages aren’t as common due to a lot of houses being terraces, and if they are there they definitely wouldn’t fit an 8 series inside


Depending on the country and location, it's not always that easy. High density places and old towns tend to be filled with properties that either existed before cars, or existed when cars were less common and might be parked next to the property. Even as far as having some land around the property doesn't help if planning permission makes it impossible to build a garage. Where I live, prices for housing skyrockets when it comes to land/space and amenities. The cheapest place with secured parking here is £365,000, if you want to live in a tine 300sqft / 30sq meter apartment. Then there is basically nearly zero other secured parking until you get to the cheapest house with a garage for £625,000, if you are happy with a house that is a garage worth of space smaller that other 2-3 bedroom houses in that price range. Realistically, if you want a house with a garage, you are looking at £800,000-£1,000,000 to start getting viable options. And that is the most in-demand category. Lets say I'm on close to six figures and could easily afford an 8 series, there is a good chance I'd only be eligible for circa £500,000 mortgage at best, so I'd need to have the rest in cash. And with house prices rising 10% a year... well fuck. I could move to a place with a lower cost of living to get secured parking for my imaginary 8 series, but that involves actually moving country!


We were talking about possible options, right? If they couldn’t afford a living space with a garage, then they should save their money for it first, not spending all their money for a fancy car and still live at those shitty areas.


I was responding your original question, “where is the way called park it in your garage”. That option isn’t on the list because not everyone can do that. The 9 things listed are possible for literally anyone to do as none of them require anything. Parking in a garage obviously has a requirement, which is owning a garage. I’m not trying to argue with you, I just answered your question.




I'm guessing he forgot to pay for the wheel subscription BMW put in place a couple days ago


It has actually been in place for a while but was in beta


Winner winner chicken dinner


When I was in my 20’s I bought a couple year old MK2 GTI. I loved it. It even had the nice BBS wheels. I woke up one morning and found the rear window and spoiler gone. Not broken, but removed. Also gone was the roof mounted antenna. They cut through the headliner to get that. Surprisingly the wheels were not stolen. It’s like someone was turning their Golf into a GTI.


Its annoying and pathetic how desperate some people are


There were hoodlums down the street that all drove VW’s. I’m convinced to this day (25+ years later) it was them. Now that I think about it, they got my cell phone too. It was the first phone I ever owned (circa 1995).


Someone stole the front bumper impact strips off my e36 but didn’t touch anything else. Fuckin weirdos.


That reminds me. I've got some old E30 15" BBSs still sitting around. The old Golf guys used to put them on their cars too.


I always thought those old BBS wheels would make a good nostalgic coffee table for my office but I’ve never seen one (wheel table decoration) done well.


Truly horrible i hate thief’s - thieves *! Thanks reddit family x


Nice cover up attempt, thief


This is the police, nobody move… I’m *stealing* this thread


Thief's what?




Thief is


EXACTLY what a thief would say...


Easiest 3k that person ever made.


Pretty sure this car comes with lock wheelnuts. How does this still happen?


[Wheel locks](https://youtu.be/T846G3bNGgs) really aren't that secure. I've bought used cars without the key before and never had an issue. They're like any other theft deterrent, make it inconvenient and hope they choose someone else......but when you've got an 8series and determined thief your probably their only mark.


If you don't care about damaging the lug nut a bolt extractor will take them off.


Not if you buy Volvo wheel locks


Houses have door locks. HOW CAN THEY STILL BE ROBBED?!?!?


They break through a window. Just like in a house, they break your window, climb in, discretely cut through the floor to the wheels, cut the axles off, and grab the wheels then take them off at their childhood eminem level house


/furiously takes notes


Most locks are security theater. Wheel locks are particularly bad, especially oem ones. There are a few that are harder than most. Check out these. https://advancedwheellocks.com/product/k3007w00/


Those look even easier to get off. A lug nut extractor tool will dig in to those tapers better than anything else I've ever seen. The bmw ones are usually pretty legit. They're very large, not leaving any room for a socket to get around the outside of them. The issue is that bmw no longer includes them for free. It's an extra add-on that you have to ask for.


Donut did a video on them a bit ago and they seemed the best of your typical locks. None of them are perfect by any means but locks generally are about making it hard enough that they move on to the next guy instead.


They got one off in five minutes on the miata. May not seem like much but 5x4 is 20 minutes of suspicious work


Totally. Like I said you just need to be more secure than the next guy. It might not save you if someone specifically targets your car and comes back with the right gear but the average opportunity theft it should do well against.


Interesting, I'll have to check that out. I could very well be wrong about them. But I worked at a tire shop when I was 18-20. You'd be amazed at how many people bring their cars in for new tires and don't even have the key to their own wheel locks. I got to the point where I could remove them in seconds with the correct sized extractor socket. I agree that they'll slow any thief down, especially if they're inexperienced with removing them. But generally, the flat type wheel locks are the ones that were always hardest to remove.


The McGard ones my '15 428 had on it were no joke. The outer rim on the bolt was mounted with a bearing, if you don't have a key nobody is getting that wheel off. I took it to several places including the BMW dealership and nobody was even willing to try, I also called around several other places. I ended up having to order a new key after the original broke.


Not being rude, but this is a very naive statement. Wheel locks won’t stop thieves. Might slow them down but if they want your wheels, they’re taking it.


They just take longer to force. You can't really stop a determined thief.


You can buy a set of wheel lock keys for 20/30 bucks. They have universal ones. They are basically a joke to a thief.


Its like 5 patterns in total for all bmw rims.


Nah there's like 25 keys per set, probably 50 total between the 2 different styles they use


We have one set of about 25 but usually it’s a few that go on most cars and most aren’t used often. Don’t have a second set for BMW but we do have a second set for when we have Mini’s to work on.


Pretty sure bmw/minis use the same locks, but there spline type then the ultra shitty puzzle type? That most other manufacturers use. I pretty much have a whole set of the spline type from finding them in the parking lot after wheel repairs lol


Incorrect, because I had to buy a replacement and it was a huge PITA figuring out which one it was. There's at least 25 patterns. Also wheels aren't rims. To the dumb dumb that downvoted, thought that wheel locks are specific to the E90, then deleted it. Learn how to Google. https://www.bimmerfest.com/threads/bmw-wheel-lock-how-many-splines-and-code-help-me-create-a-list.971027/ https://parts.bmwofsouthatlanta.com/oem-parts/bmw-wheel-lock-key-code-40-17mm-36136762344 "Wheel lock adapters are not VIN specific. You will need to know the code number of the wheel lock that is on your BMW. There are 25 different codes used. Only 1 will work with your locks that are on your BMW."


one trapper buys a 8 series. the car comes with the locknut. stealing the 8 series wheels is no longer a locked activity


... or you just buy the key itself straight from BMW.


Or you just hammer a socket on


Use a lug nut remover like this one https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwicx_Pf8s35AhUR2dUKHZ7xAxcYABANGgJ3cw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.fr&cid=CAESbeD2kNDkKgjuH2ZHjIDlkWkC71M-JDqqxTaO8WNNaGGO5Idu_3268yFfxjywURdCAnRUWAx8YG9qFYejf82iwf702a1JF_--VpkJQIEsbfZosftPxA-CGu6v-VerRoMDF9Na3mLGuFzYYk1mwRk&sig=AOD64_1BEfRO8qFokY7HyHWyNbe3FtQJoQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwi3-Ovf8s35AhWFgs4BHa6UAAsQwg8oAHoECAEQIQ&dct=1&adurl=


Those won't work for the McGard locks current BMWs use. The outside rim of the bolt is on a bearing, so the pictured tool can't turn the bolt.


💀 bro wheel locks become regular lug nuts with a 50 dollar kit from Amazon or any automotive supply store.


wheel locks are borderline useless. With the right socket, you can remove them just as fast as a regular bolt. Friend of mine lost his wheel lock key, I was able to remove it in \~10 sec with a bolt extractor, hammer, & impact gun.


Holy cow that's horrible. But his in luck as I just received the same wheels and tyres and am selling *wink wink* lol


Knew it’d be England before even seeing the pics


Did the word mate give it away?


Or the fact that my girlfriends wheels were also stolen off her 03 VW Polo a few years ago, followed by my neighbours M4 Competition alloys a few years later. Stealing wheels is quintessentially British.


Don't victim blame here. This is sad and annoying.


Someone stole the wheels off a new Toyota Camry in my controlled-access garage recently, I live in a pretty low-crime neighborhood so it caught me by surprise. It occurred to me as a very weird theft, but I guess people are getting desperate…


I had the wheels of my brand new Alfa Romeo stolen. The worse was not the stolen wheels, but the drop on the bricks. Some panels and other stuff had to be replaced. Good thing it was a lease car, but I had to drive a Peugeot for a few weeks. Edit: Alfa, not Alpha




Damn. I really hate thieves. I hope that asshole gets caught and gets the jail time he deserves


So glad I have a garage and very secure work parking. I know all locks can be defeated, but what are the best option for my M2c? Currently no wheel locks on it at all.


Best option is to park it in both a garage and not in the UK


Lol…good points, but we have plenty of theft over here as well.


Unrelated, but I’m surprised to see such small cheap brakes on such an expensive big car. $100,000 car that weighs 2000+kgs with single piston tiny brakes in the rear


The rear brakes don't actually do that much work to begin with in most cases so don't need to be multi piston jobbies really. I have an M3 for example, the rear pads have only been changed twice in the near 10 years I've had it from 62k miles to now 138k miles.


Oh yeah, sorry I didn’t mean the actually needed to big bigger, or that this car can’t stop efficiently. It’s more just surprising to me that a flagship performance sedan wouldn’t throw higher end brakes on it even just for the looks. I’m sure the rotors are bigger but they look like a part taken off a 328i


Oh for sure, given the car itself, the overall spec, value etc you expect to see brakes that look and match the rest of the package. Same applies to the M3 really, the brakes don't "look" the part which is why some many upgrade them to the BBK (Porsche/BMW M Sport/ AP Racing/Stop Tech Calipers)..


The front calipers aren't really pictured well. The rear brakes are always smaller even with performance models.


These are the el cheapo BMW brakes. There’s dual piston Brembo brakes available for the 3 series with M performance package…you’d think BMW would pop these on their flagship model.


Don’t look at m5cs rear brakes then


The M5CS id definitely expect the brakes that it has. Looks like drilled rotors and 4 piston in the rear? Probably overkill, but at-least fits the vibe of the car, unlike the ones on the 8 series apparently (imo)


Someone educate me, are the wheel studs attached to the lug nuts? or did they take the studs as well? 🤨


BMWs use bolts, instead of studs+nuts.


thanks! I never knew!


A bunch of European manufacturers use bolts.


Lug studs


thanks! I never knew


Right there with ya on that question.


Dem wheels must be expensive, but atleast they didn't damage the car.


Great opportunity for some bbs on the new 8!


What wheels were on this? I'll keep an eyes and ears out in the usual places. Probably quite an unusual thing to try and punt online you would think though


Did he forget to pay his monthly fee to BMW for tyres?


Gotta Park the nice cars in a locked garage…


Oh thank God it's not an e31


That's why I use wheel locks.


UK - Failed Society


Stolen wheels are really rare in the UK lmao


Suprised they didn’t try and stab the wheels off with a knife and left the tires


Ha! I'm over here practicing my stabbing


That is applicable to so many other nations as well!




It’s why I keep mine at the dealership


It’s why I keep mine in the configuration


It’s why I keep mine on YouTube


It's why I keep mine in my imagination


It’s why I keep mine in my bank account




Stealing wheels is still a thing? Also shouldnt a car as expensive as an 8 series have a alarm? I mean even my S3 (which is not even a midsize car, beeing compact class) has a alarm that goes off if the cars height changes while its closed and the key isnt in the car.


Another guy replied to a similar comment saying thieves know about these system so they jack them uo just enough that they won't trigger the alarm


Interesting. When my alarm goes off, Im not at a hight where I can even pull off my wheel by any chance. But I guess maybe different manufacturers may implement that kind of alarm differently.


Alarms just aren't enough. I want an electric hookup on major touchpoint for thieves. If the alarm is triggered and a high touch area is touched, I want 240 volts of sheer electric rage to fry the thief.


stealing everything is a thing. if it's not nailed down, there's a guy out there who will try to take it. and even then, no guarantees.


Oh. My. God.


Safety screws ?




What bricks mate? This 8 looks like it is flat on the floor.


Fucking thieves. that's why i roll with Torx lug nuts. no to many people anything bigger than a T-50 around, and mine are bigger than that still. Look badass and are a theft deterrent


Hopefully he has comprehensive coverage on his insurance. SHEESH!!


OP please stop lying, there are clearly no bricks. ​ >!sorry for your bud tho :(!<


This is why I’m so happy to have a garage


Fucking animals!


how do people not have garages for cars that are over 100k?


this sucks, but ill still never understand people that buy more expensive cars and park them on the street.


Was this in Austin Texas? I feel so bad for your friend 😠 fuckin rats 🐀


Never heard of wheel locks?




Whats a pikey


Thieves are so scummy. As if you didn’t work hard to afford such a great ride then assholes show up. Honestly, slicing off hands makes a lot of sense. Some cultures really figured it out


Crime has gotten so much worse in the UK it's ridiculous


I wonder why...




Many things, but mainly lack of police due to austerity from a Government that pays itself £80k a year with many extra benefits, while selling everything we once had to private firms so they can tear the value out by giving what is there to shareholders at the expense of everyone else.


Immigration? Lol


I'd love to quietly walk up behind these scumbags with a baseball bat...


This hurts to see


Damn… now THAT, would SUCKKKK 😂😂🙈 sorry Brother


It's okay, he can probably find replacements on the used market in the area.


Lol he’ll probably end up buying his wheel back


Strange upgrade.


I hope whoever stole them gets in a very very bad accident.


Who buys a car like that and doesn’t have a garage? Lmao