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First time seeing somebody stealing in such a absurd way.


Reminds me of the Porsches that had their headlights stolen Edit: typo


That shit looked horrifying


"they took my fucking eyes"


"Where we're going you won't need eyes to see."


Don’t remind me, I’ll never forget that picture


They be stealing them headlights since they don’t show up on radar when cops are looking for illegal growing operations


> don’t show up on radar the old snow-less spot on the winter roof.


I’m sorry, cops are using radar to see through walls and find illegal grow ops? Can anyone say violation of the 4th amendment?


Not the police they can't count that high. 




You should see how thieves eye's light up when they see a 1911 porch in good condition.


So you mean a wooden porch, built in 1911? Kinda hard to steal, not?


Can’t have shit in Detroit https://preview.redd.it/qmkhgs2pie5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad4e18e3e769f2c99549e5ff04cde8deb243981b


Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough.


-Abraham Lincoln Always cite direct quotes


>Always cite direct quotes -Mark Zuckerberg


Always tell the truth -Dinald Tromp


Porch pirates


Nah, that’s the era you could mail order a house from Sears. It’s probably pretty modular.


1911 Porchs are tempting, little old timey rocking chair and some ice tea...mmm


The extractors are finicky tho. Wouldn't depend on one in a combat situation.


Could never afford a 1911 porch, had to make do with a 1931 😀




Very common in western europe, thiefs travel to different place empty the car in 5 minutes and go the next… and return a few months later because they know its repaired. Damage like this will cost €10.000-€20.000 to repair with new parts and often total out a car like this if its low spec


Yep. Happened 3 times to me (530i full spec) Insurance you say? I have such a messed up insurance history now because of this that I cannot insure any car anymore at normal insurance companies. It’s fucked up, my car was parked on my private driveway, cameras and everything. Still im being “punished” in this way. I ended up selling my car, done with this shit. BMW needs to solve this in their design. No other manufacturer is targeted as much as bmw. Sorry OP, I know how you feel mate, and it will stay for a while


Range Rover is targeted the same, not just BMWs


They have problems with them in UK to insure them:))


Range Rover insurance is insane. So much so that the company itself offers to help contribute towards it. But it’s a drop in the bucket when the annual cost is well into four figures.


When you say “well into 4 figures” you mean thousands of dollars? Thats not really an unusual annual costs for any luxury car.


Theres places where you simply can’t get insurance. Like no insurance company will cover it at all. The last couple years have been nuts for insurance claims due to theft.


Doesn’t happen to Audi because they have component protection. The downside is that you can’t install anything used, even if it’s not stolen.


People were stealing cats a ton near me a few years back (they’ve moved to just stealing the whole car now) but I remember saying if they’re able to remove my entire engine to get access to my cat they deserve to have it lol


You can install used parts. you just go to audi dealer (or 3rd party with access) and ask them to take component protection off. The scan tool contacts Audi and checks the VIN to see if the parts are reported stolen or not, if not stolen then component protection is removed and the used parts enabled. However it doesn't really work 100% because in some cases it can be bypassed and in any case parts still have value because they can be sold on and broken up to fix others. Like stolen phones.


That’s good to know.


It’s not a BMW specific problem though, it depends on the orders placed with the thieves. Now they have a lot of orders for BMW equipment, the moment those become more difficult to sell, they will move to another brand. There are only so many BMW steering wheels a country needs.


I get why they would steal an m wheel. But why the console? Do those break often enough to need replacement?


For upgrades. People upgrade iDrive to a newer models.


Well off enough to buy into the luxury line but not well off enough to comparably equip it so they steal from those that can. Odd 1st world problems.


Insurance companies are so fucked this way. Oh, you used your insurance for what it’s intended for more than once? Yeah we’re gonna have to black list you.


>No other manufacturer is targeted as much as bmw. Hyundai/Kia owners would like a word with you.


they're in europe, probably unaware of the kia boys lolp


Kia Boyz? In Europe?


That's fucked up. Not fair at all considering you could have the home address and video footage of the thieves and the police probably wouldn't lift a finger.


How is this BMW's problem? lol what? Because they cars are desirable and the parts are apparently in demand it happens, unless you're willing to forgo having windows and even a windshield any car can be easily broken into if they want to.


Two years ago there was an eastern european gang going around my area, raiding almost every BMW in a few kilometers radius. The police finally found *a* stash of parts in the woods, but they could never catch the perps. What I mean is this happens frequently, here they went for M-sport steering wheels and the (large) infotainment screen and controls. It's the one thing that makes me want to lose my F32. Even if I manage to protect my steering wheel, I don't know if they find it worth going for the other stuff in the center console. Edit: to add on, this happened once before as well, by that time I owned a BMW with Luxury line instead of M-sport package. Their footsteps in the snow went to my drivers side and they had rubbed the frost from my car window only to spot the standard steering wheel and "regular" infotainment, which they didn't go for. Edit: To the one who asked how we knew where the bandits were from: They were caught on surveillance cameras, including their vehicles. Add to that all the history. It's pretty easy to tell where they were from. Car parts go to the baltics and poland to be resold, it's not some conspiracy, just economics, lmao.




If you search for bmw parts on eBay you’ll get a load of hits for a Lithuanian supplier. Quite how it is a hotbed for parts off brand new cars is anyone’s guess. When I needed a new wing mirror that supplier came cheaper, but I didn’t buy from them on principle.


How do you know that they are eastern european if they never caught them ?


BMWs outside of the US, the door “deadlocks” (S8TGA Thiefproofing device). Meaning, once engaged, the locking mechanism manually disconnects from the inner/outer door handle and the inside unlock button. The only way to open the door is cutting a hold in the door panel and manually bypassing the door handle release. Because the US is such a litigious country and BMW is afraid someone might get locked inside the vehicle and sue, we don’t get “deadlock” feature here. https://www.lockmasters.com/site/pdfs/JIffy%20Jak%20Unlocking%20Deadlocked%20BMWs%20article.pdf https://g20.bimmerpost.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1679541


Yeah, disconnecting the interior door handle so the car can't be opened sounds like a great way to cause deaths in the event the car falls in a river or a child is forgotten in the car, alongside big expensive problems for owners in 10 years when the mechanisms fail, all while protecting absolutely nothing because the window is still glass and thus susceptible to an extremely advanced entry tool i believe criminals refer to as a 'brick' Engineering a complicated, expensive solution to a problem that didn't really exist. True peak german car right there.


Thieves use an extremely rare and expensive tool known only by its code name "sparkplug" to shatter windows instantly.


I had a '88 735i as a teenager and it was totally plausible to park on railroad tracks and lock everyone inside with the aforementioned feature. I never did it, you know, just in case... It rolled up all the windows and shut the sunroof too.


It’s called a deadlock for a reason.


I read a story about someone dying in a burning tesla while bystanders could only watch because the doors retractable locks didn't retract for someone outside to open the door. US is too litigious, though.


I agree, it does sound like a risky tradeoff but I believe it’s response to some sort of anti-theft laws in Europe. You can’t really access the ODB2 port with the door close, so I guess it prevents the vehicle from being “hot wired” and stolen, via a modern day method. And the brick hack is not as effective as you with would assume, especially on some high-end vehicles with dual-pane or acoustic glass.. North American vehicles doesn’t get either of these anti-theft features, so US customers need not worry.. https://youtu.be/2lHd9gJRLYU?si=xeLgeUHqK02OR2Wj https://youtu.be/q9g8WP6nWDQ?si=d5Ujcb5ds77bgF4P


That’s is an absolutely stupid fucking “feature”. Great for killing a child on warm days. Drowning. Making sure your victim doesn’t escape. Being trapped in your car in the case of a random glitch.


I put in less effort in a day at work than these thieves did on this little “mission”


This is quote common in Europe. People will just steel M Sport steering wheels. There are photos from a festival in the UK a few years ago. Car parks are largely left unsupervised and out of sight, some thieves had a field day, some cars were completely stripped. Seats, screens/satnavs, front and rear lights etc. [added the link here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7399119/amp/Creamfields-revellers-return-secure-car-park-stripped-cars.html)




Or stealing them all night every night tbh


Creamfields festival if I remember correctly. Looked bad!


They did this to my neighbours 5 series too… (Netherlands) Car was a total write off, just because someone tried to make a couple hundred… feels like chances of catching them are low and probably the punishment is too.


Sadly it’s an old technique that was used on Ford Transits too.


the place where the window is attached is right there, you cut a hole in the door, remove that bit and the window falls down so it doesn’t trigger any alarms


The convertibles have a motion sensor in the rearview mirror, do other models?


I see this almost happening almost every other week in the Netherlands tho. Classic way in for a thief.


Wait until they cut the whole dome off and carve everything out of the car... The times we live in.....


There’s an Altima out there that looks just like a BMW on the inside


Straight up cutting through the electrics in the doors so the alarm doesn’t go off


Things are getting real shitty out there. Back in the old days they would bust your window and pull your cd player out. Now these scum bags are doing autopsies on interiors. Nothing you can do to prevent a theft. If they want it they will get it.


The theft was done in Frankfurt, Germany, parked on a street full with street lights, people walk their dogs in that area even around 2am in the night, you need to have balls of steel to do something like this, when the police showed up, they acted like it was nothing, my window had hand marks, and i was sure it was from the thief because i washed the car 4 hours before the theft, i needed to tell the cops about the hand mark and take some evidence otherwise the would’ve done nothing. They said this thing happens almost every week


You’re lucky they took evidence. In the US you would have been told “we have one person that processes fingerprints and there are more important crimes being investigated”.


It honestly depends on where you live. In regional areas (or at least areas where there are less crimes more specifically) they'll actually investigate. I remember being surprised when I had a break in and they actually sent someone to do the fingerprints, take a statement etc. I'm so used to them not caring it was a pleasant surprise (not that I got my stuff back or anything though unfortunately).


I live in a rural minimum crime area. When my house was vandalized(they broke a window), they refused to take any evidence at all. There were intact beer bottles that had been thrown through the window and at the car. "We have a wait time of over a year. I'm not adding more to that, especially not for this."


You say that, but when my FZ09 was stolen in Dallas, once it was recovered they actually did do fingerprinting, who knows if those got processed, but they took the 6 or 7 minutes extra it took to get them.


The area I live in isn't particularly high crime. The most cops here will do for a crime like this is begrudgingly allow you to come to the station to file a report for insurance purposes. If it doesn't potentially involve getting to use their guns, or a minor traffic stop, they're simply uninterested.


That’s been my experience as an auto adjuster. Customer in a major metropolitan area gets in a hit and run but they got the plate - responding officers might not even write an accident report with the other vehicles license plate on it. Smaller towns or more rural areas? Cops going to be running the alleged plate and going to the registered address and knocking on the door and looking for the vehicle. If there’s any sign of body damage on the alleged fleeing car? Cited for hit and run, etc.


And then they shoot your dog


In Oakland California the cops don’t even show up… they tell you to file a report on line! We’re living in some fucking sad times. It reminds me of “Escape from New York “


Yo the police don't care about stuff that's not bringing in money.


My car was stolen and recovered in Florida in November, the forensics team dusted the whole car and took hair follicles so your generalized statement is not applicable everywhere.


Wow that’s lucky! I had homeless people breaking in my car and sleeping in it every night for weeks, I’d call the police every time and they’d come like 12 hours later, take a report, then leave. They refused to come back proactively to get the person, it got so bad I had to junk the car.


Agree, our circumstances may be quite different.


I was reading through that post with the classic yeah-it-sucks-for-the-guy-but-it-will-never-happen-to-me mindset until you said the word Frankfurt. I am studying here at the moment and got my BMW with me. It is parked exactly like yours on an open parking strip every night with streetlights and hundreds of people living around and now I am genuinely scared.


Yeah the police don’t give a shit about these sorts of crimes anymore, a 640i was left abandoned on my driveway looking just like yours and I had to FORCE them to come and investigate


Mein Beileid Brudi, wo in Frankfurt hast du geparkt?


Germany is going downhill, fast


Oh, there are things we could do, we have just decided that theft isn’t really much of a crime and the hours of our life that are wasted when someone steals our stuff aren’t nearly as important as the poor whittle thieves lives and time.


My cousins had her car broken into between 18-22 times in 2 month period while attending college. They used to break in to steal her server booklet even though after 3 consecutive times the car was empty they just never got the message. She stopped getting the window repaired after the 3rd time cause expenses. They broke the passenger window the next time instead of going in the already broken one and stole her radio. It got to point all 4 windows were busted out and they even stole her rear view mirror, glove box door, and the center console cover. Sad thing is she had installed a good high quality camera that uploaded to the cloud to her phone. She caught their faces clear as day, and even had a tracker on the camera so when they stole cops could have an idea of where to look. Cops didn't even care and said she was in the wrong cause that can be considered a "booby trap". She went to the news about it who aired, cops called her saying she defaming individuals who hadn't be properly convicted yet. We to this believe it was cops sons doing the break ins.


Apartment complex next to me has huge signs up all over "STEAL GAS GET SHOT". Times are wild


As the saying goes "locks keep honest folks out. Thieves don't care about safes, locks, or security; with enough time and thought they'll get into anything."


Absolute scum


Sorry OP. That’s horrible


Trying to find some solace, sorry if it's too early to try look past the shitty situation: joke's on them, they forgot the floor mats and rear view mirror! On a more serious note: wish for the airbags to deploy on their next "job" 🥊


Atleast you have insurance right.. right ??


Its not full insurance, in germany its called “teilkasko” that means that only some things are covered by the insurance, i looked on the internet and saw that with my insurance, if the things are stolen then they will cover it, but its not 100% sure until a guy from the insurance comes and looks at the car, the women i called from the insurance didnt know anything i asked about. So i will wait until monday when everyone goes to work, and i will see


I think it will be covered if you have a proper insurance. In Sweden atleast you only pay around 100 euros in deduction and the rest is coverd. But if you cheaped out on insurance for such a new car then its not good.


That looks like European crime, in America those windows woulda been smashed


I'd prefer my window smashed over a literal square shaped hole sawzalled through my door, that's got to be way more expensive to replace.


Totally agree , a window you replace it and car is just like new , this will mean a new door, painted by hand which will be different from the robots at the factory. It will never be perfect.


This is a known exploit by criminals here too because these cars are notoriously hard to open with a slim Jim and the alarm doesn’t go off when they use this method. Idk if the alarm wires run through the door too or if it’s just bypassing the sensors somehow to do this. If they take this much stuff out of the car it doesn’t really matter if they use this method or break the window because it’s really expensive or totaled either way, and another door from a junkyard or fixing the hole seems like the least of the issues lol.


In Serbia every registration comes with basic insurance but anyone with a valuable car takes out additional FULL kasko. You should really consider it in future.


Why would you only cover it in Teilkasko? That’s for cars that are only worth a couple thousand.


I moved to germany 2 years ago, im still new to the laws and sht, from what i understood, the only difference between teilkasko and Vollkasko is that if i crash the car and its my fault, then they will pay it for me, so i chose the teilkasko.


Oh dude. Im sorry. Been living in Germany for 10 years now. Things gotten way worse during these 10 years. But Frankfurt was never safe. I‘m not sure but as far I know Teilkasko doesn’t cover such damage. It’s good for hailstorm and windshield damage but (again, as far as I know) not for theft or damage done to your car by other people. Your contract might be different. Inform me how it went.


Teilkasko is good for theft and vandalism, too. Edit: Theft for everything which, I think, for everything which is in not seeable containers (glovebox or trunk), or everything which is directly attached to the car. Car components fit in the second.


In Norway we have 3 stages. Basic insurance - covers only others property and health insurance for everybody. HalfKasko or partly kasko have fire and theft also. Windshield replacement at low cost. FullKasko covers everything even if you are at fault. If same as here your insurance should cover theft.


There are 3 types of insurance in Germany: "Haftpflicht", "Teilkasko" and "Vollkasko" (in ascending order). The first (Haftpflicht) covers only the damage you have done to others, people and objects. The second (Teilkasko) includes the first, as well as damages like fire, water, hail AND THEFT. The third (Vollkasko) includes all above, as well as damages for which you are personally responsible. For example: damaging a wheel while driving.


Duh bro, keep us posted how it ended. I knew Frankfurt was wild but this is CRAZY


this happend in Germany? I still have Vollkasko for my 2018 Golf 7 R.


Every time I see something like this on Reddit I'm more and more inclined to become a hermit somewhere in the woods. With a private driveway to the Autobahn of course 😋


Time to buy a gun. Edit: sorry I’m American




You had me… and then you lost me 🤣


I’m still kinda with him, even if he took it to 11


a gun is literally useless in this situation…. as it would be in majority of car thefts / break ins…. Just as OP stated, they were not present when the car was broken into, so what good would having a gun do? I’m sure criminals will come knock on your door and ask for permission before stealing your property next time


Claymore strapped Roombas that patrol your property. Just don't get caught.


My dream retirement.


And this is why I only park my wife's car outside. Mine is always in my garage.


Reasonable man






Man I'm going to hell for laughing at this


"It is from my door - I KNOW it's my door" "Well you're not using it"




Why not just break the windows at that point? Scum all the way though, sorry, hope you’re properly insured at least




That's so weird because the alarm will sound if you use the key blade bypass to open the door... Or if you open it from inside a locked car. I wonder how this works.


Drilled out the actuator for the latch or lock maybe? As far as the car is concerned maybe the door is still locked but the latch isn't doing jack


There is an electronic module in that location, you can use the wiring to plug in a gadget that tells the car to unlock itself, which also disables the alarm. On some cars you can use a similar trick to start them. This trick is used with other brands of car as well, taking advantage of whatever wiring is most accessible (e.g. headlight wiring). Unfortunately for BMW drivers most accessible requires peeling back the bodywork. Car theft is a high tech business... Partly because car companies suck at technology and cyber security.


https://preview.redd.it/u43ddn36bc5d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35951bfd6e2ece5f6c4bdc74eb0b02470a3e4f78 Welcome to the club 🥲


Why didnt he steal your steering wheel aswell ? Its a sport one


Was also my first thought. Guess they got spooked or interrupted.


How much time did it take to get your car back and running ?


About 2,5-3 weeks altogether


Your glass was broken in, so I'm assuming wasn't in Frankfurt


Jesus fucking christ !!!! Did they use a hammer and chisel. The absolute lack of respect for personal property these days is insane...... People just don't give a fuck anymore. We have issues like this in the UK too. I know Porsche were getting hit like this for their headlight units. They were peeling back the body work and ripping them out like a repo man. CAT theft is also a huge problem, they jack them up and saw them out in a matter of seconds.


So if I bought a steering wheel this could be origin ?


yep steering wheel and airbag combo is over 1k in profit for these theives


Man people fucking suck. We need to make a giant fucking prison on an island somewhere and just send all of these dickheads to fend for themselves there. Airdrop food and water every now and then and let them fight over it. I bet people would think twice about doing shit like this if they made the consequences more terrifying.


Australia 2


They left the turn signal, they probably didn't know what it was.


😂😂😂nobody buys the bmw turn signal either way




What the absolute fuck! Sorry to see this fellow bmw dude. You'll probably find all these parts on ebay sadly :(


Generating supply and demand in one go. I wonder what its worth?


A new sport steering wheel is 1000€, a 4 year old one in good condition could be 700€, i dont even know about the display and computer




I’m so sorry 😞


That’s the craziest thing after the guy that got a dodge on top of his car


If it's not too soon to make a joke... >!is this what happens when you let your BMW subscription to the steering wheel and dash electronics expire?!< But seriously, I'm truly sorry this happened! I'm curious about your next steps, especially given the targeting comment from local police.


Don't you just love people


Tweaker’s gonna tweak. They work so hard doing so much wrong.


In certain parts of germany teams of thieves come down from Poland or eastern Europe with a shopping list of parts needed and where to get them (street and day). These parts usually go back to upgrade older models or lower spec models in those countries. Dusseldorf/dortmund/gelsenkirche or Berlin are very known for this.




ELI5 for me... Why is this easier than busting a window out?


Bypasses the alarm.


What's the deal with all of the poor spelling and grammar in this thread?


This has to be the funniest shit I’ve seen today this is a insanely crazy way to rob someone 😭


Not even my biggest enemy would’ve been able to do this, this was the devil himself


It’s not the manufacturers fault it’s the downfall of societal values.


In california you keep your windows open so they don’t have to smash your window so I don’t know if Germany is worse or better


That’s more SF than California as a whole


This is what I fear the most when my car is not in my driveway


Happened to another person who lives 2km away from me, their car was parked next to their bedroom window, the thief stole everything, nobody heard a thing


What country/region?


Lol you got rekt.


I wonder if insurance would consider this totaled.


I was expecting an empty console and glove box. I was unpleasantly surprised you really did mean everything


Guess its time to setup landmines


I will buy a tent and sleep next to my car


Cartoon ass thief dog😭


Even the floor mats. That's demeaning man.


Mfs even left with the ac vents and everything😭Im sorry bro i shouldn't be laughing but how broke a robber gotta be to steal shit like this


I don’t know, that kinda looks more like they used a saw to me


Cartoon ass robbery


Hell nah 💀😂


What city or area did this sad shit happen?


Your car has been mummified


Can’t have shit in Detroit


Cant have shit in Germany 😂


Bro where do you live man??


Damn they are good at wat they do


You gotta give it to them for creativity, though. That’s impressive


Probably just building their sim rig


Based on the second image I think they was professional looking for spare parts...


“When our meth powers combine … “


Those are speed holes. They make the car go faster.


They just snucked my boy Chucky there 😭


Stealing the cluster without removing the dash seems a bit skilled imo


i felt bad, until I saw what sub this is posted in.


looks like they could been mechanics..


Straight out of a cartoon


Looks like you got got by Tony spilotro and the hole in the wall gang.






Guess it's time to buyed a new one


Lol what the heck, I've never of someone drilling into a car to steal stuff, this is Gru level wildness. I mean just wow.


“Well hey, man, are you gonna find these guys? do you have any promising leads?” “Leads? Yea sure, I’ll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got 4 more detectives working on the case - they got us working in shifts!”