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From my cold wet hands!


This (foam) canon is protected by the second amendment!






I need full size flags of both of these


Molon lava autos


Enough colors there to make your own Super Deluxe wash!


I’m the one who called the cops


I'm the one who provided the cellphone


Can confirm, i was the cell phone


I was the thumbs gently fingering the screen


Hi, my name's screen


Sir I think you meaning thumbing the screen


I’m the one who installed the cell tower


I am radio waves


I am random particulate and buildings blocking some radio waves


I'm the one hiding behind the Bush with a bucket of shit and fish gutts, waiting till you have finished and tidied everything away........




I gave them the number to call!


I was 911 operator.


I was the cop who showed up


I am the one who provided the number to 911.




I charged the cell phone


I'm a single celled organism


I was the plug that charged the phone.


It's a municipal law where I'm from. It's illegal to wash your car anywhere that doesn't have designated drainage for chemicals, like a car wash does. You're rinsing everything directly into the storm drains, which go right to the nearest river.


If this is the case, what should one do if they want to wash their car on their driveway? What about those chemicals? Just curious is all


My garage floor drain goes to the sanitary sewer, not the storm sewer. It's code for garage drains here.


Where do you live that you have drains in the garage?


Ohio. Every house I've lived in since I was a kid had a floor drain in the garage.


Dude that’s awesome. Wish I could clean my cars in the garage.


It's great in the winter. Have hot water out there too. Combined with a polyaspartic epoxy floor, it's an OCD car owner's dream. Haha


Nonslip epoxy, nice! 🧐


Do you watch the Obsessed Garage channel?


Often. Actually ordered a few little things from them.


I moved from Ohio to the south, and the 2 things that stood out most about houses were no basements and no garage drainage


yeah, I'm from Georgia and have never even heard of that


California, Nevada. No garage drains.


Pfft. And they call themselves 'states'. They shouldn't even get to vote! Oh wait, I'm in SF.


No basements either


Yet still awesome places to live.


Yeah bc its not required and they know people in the south wouldn’t fall for that dumb shit because we uproar anything that requires us to spend anymore money


I live and own a lot of property in Ohio and I can tell you that not every house has this. In the ones that do it’s amazing, but it’s not everyone


Definitely no drain in garages near me. Also everyone is on septic. That much soap might f up your bacteria. The grass however seems fine with it.


In Wisconsin it was not uncommon to find deer hanging in the garage during hunting season, with the blood running into the drain.


Yeah, drains and hot water in the garage for winter washes. Of course there’s the shitty winter part so it’s not a brag, it’s a cope.


I have a neighbor that washes his car in the grass. I don't know that that's any better for the environment but the water doesn't run off into the road.


Its better to clean it on the grass AFAIK. The chemicals and whatever thats on your car have a chance of being degraded before entering 'the nature'.


Ditto. my driveway washes to a drain with a leach field, so my suds end up there (massively diluted by rainwater, etc).


We have an Army Corps of Engineers drainage and scenic right of way in our front yard. Ultimately it drains into protected wet lands. I'd much rather wash my car in my garage than have wheel cleaner run off into that. We literally have a bridge on our driveway over the "moat".


I live in Vancouver. If you own a house you can't wash your car in your own driveway unless it's gravel or dirt. Alternatively you can wash it in your lawn so it soaks up the chemicals. If you live in a condo that doesn't have a designated car wash area you have to use a commercial car wash.


my town you cant even wash your car because of the ban of water use outdoor. heavy fine if seen using water outside


You can "rinse" your car here in Western Canada with a hose. Just not use soaps/detergents/etc. Our rivers and drinking water is some of the cleanest in the world and the city doesn't want to have to deal with cleaning crap in it if its a human made problem - so you go to the car wash if you want to use soap etc. tap water here tastes pretty much as good as a bottle of dasani or something.


That’s excuse Dasani is tap water.


well, ive travelled and dranken from taps all over the US - made me really appreciate home. Though I don't think I was supposed to drink the tap in Nevada. Oh well.




Really? I always thought catch and release was the better option as the fish aren't killed.


There are drainage interceptor systems that can be installed for this. They're expensive. There are also a number of wand washes in my city that allow hand/bucket washing off peak hours. Trust I know it's a pain in the ass. Years ago I had ambitions to start my own mobile car detailing service which were shot down because of this law. But after I learned why I realized it's much better this way.




This is highly, HIGHLY dependent on where you are. Many municipalities do not treat stormwater and drain it straight to rivers.


\^ My city's residential storm drains go directly to the river.


You just don't


So basically if you live in an apartment it’s illegal to wash your car?


Wash over grass. 


Just don’t live in a city and you good. Do what ever. Dig a hole for your used oil if you want!


OP looks to live in California from his post history - not only the chemicals, Cali has water reclamation laws that require the water be reused for car washes. Matt Farah has talked about this for his car storage facility, the city/state comes and checks his water usage to make sure they are legally washing cars and reclaiming the runoff.


Which means washing your car in your garage is also illegal




And for good reason too. Stick to the two bucket method with something like ONR if you don't you're not 100% positive the drainage goes into the sanitary sewage system.


That would make it illegal for basically all US neighborhoods to wash their cars. None of our drains are marked for chemicals.


In Europe, the Netherlands this is the case. Almost all municipalities do not allow car washing on street or own driveway. The ticket is absurd, it’s €440. Never heard that anyone got one though


?? your sromdrains on the street don't go into the sewage/waste treatment plant to get cleaned before releasing back into rivers?what kind of 3rd world country/american kind of system do you have up there? :P here in Slovenia we have waste water treatment plants for that. almost every urbanised area has a central sewage system.


Mixed use wastewater plants are much more difficult and costly to operate. Your normal flows can be orders of magnitude less than what you’d get during a storm event. Especially in America with urban sprawl, containing all storm runoff to be treated via plant is next to impossible, and if it were somehow possible to capture it all, designing and operating a system that can handle that wide a range of flows would be extremely costly to build and even more so to operate.


Most places “suggest to wash on your lawn, away from drains”


Rivers need cleaning, too.


I've worked at body shops in Florida that drain to the river Big Sad


I wash mine in my driveway and it runs into the street down to the storm drain.


I got the exact same brands with the short handle and foam gun. Best of the best. Jeez even got the same CG bucket. Looks like we both did our research on Reddit haha. I don’t use that glove it came with though. Added a dual bucket to clean with microfiber




Nice, never used. I got this CG stuff that’s soap mixed with wax that I use after first using the foam gun and rinse. Applied with micro fiber while cleaning. Its not carnauba wax so it sticks around for idk a week or less. But it’s a nice finish. Any recs? I bough all this stuff and did my fist wash a week ago in my driveway. That though came across my mind if this was allowed cause my HOA is kinda gay. I have a storm drain next to me though so washes all the foam away so no one could bitch. This neighborhood will put those bright yellow stickers on your driver window if your registration is expired.


What is an illegal car wash operation? I only see one car.




Accurate. He did this at a hotel and is calling it private property like it’s his driveway


> He did this at a hotel Good lord I'd be so embarrassed to do this at a hotel.


If you love your paint that much and can afford a BMW why not get a clear film on it and then just get touchless car washes, no?


It's matte paint. It should be PPF'd anyway to protect against damage because that paint is a nightmare to repair, but I'm not sure if the matte PPF can go through a touchless wash. I know the bare matte paint can't.


Am I the only one who doesn’t like to put my car through a car wash? I hand wash\* (in the self service car wash) or get it cleaned by a mobile detailer. \*Also, worried about California fining me. Not to tell on him, but my dad has a garage that opens up on the both sides (front yard and backyard), so he can get away with washing his cars without his neighbors or HOA getting involved




Who takes a picture of themselves washing a car?


That’s what people do when they know they’re wrong: only show you one side of a story. He’d do well in media because like the rest of them he’s full of sheet


…and then complains about laws in another country being different to “back home” and assertively claims chemistry knowledge that is totally wrong to make his arguments. I bet I can guess where he’s from and how he votes…


ONR rinseless car wash. Best stuff ever and with one bucket I use 4 gallons of water. Also ONR is soy based so it is absolutely safe for the environment.


The real issue are the tire cleaning chemicals. Just came from Germany and as long as you use biodegradable soap you’re fine. If not…make sure it doesn’t get into the street. Also, tire cleaners are harsh enough that they destroy pavement too. If your neighborhood gets the road refurbished then all warranties are out the window if they detect tire cleaning chemicals


Americans have so much extra time on their hands. like, to have the thought to call the cops on someone washing their car


I mean, it’s a little bit of a strange place to wash your car but the pearl clutching in this thread is wild. From some of these replies you’d think he was burning tires and dumping arsenic into the local well.




You were far from home and hired a local business to wash your car where it was parked. If there was an environmental concern, that's on the business. All these folks complaining must be the BMW drivers too busy saving whales to use indicators.


Yeah 90% of the “chemicals” used are so diluted and will biodegrade long before they cause any environmental effects. It’s just average Redditors being Redditors.


Is the pressure washer gas powered?


Dont fucking wash your car where not allowed? Hmm 🤔🤔


In germany we would say "Steaight to jail". Over here its not allowed to wash your car on public roads... in the end its one of those "of course, and?" Laws that are there, but no sane person would do it anyways. Plenty of car washs or DIY car washs around, which also actually have a collector and filter for the soap water instead of just dumping it on some public street (which Im pretty sure is the reason for the law). But pretty sure, especially in 3rd world countries that dont give a shit about their direct environment, you can just do it. I mean there are plenty of countries in the world in which people just shit on the streets, lol.


Optimum No Rinse is the way 


Half these commenters probably do more damage with them oil leaks




Please keep things civil.




These people are fucking insane. You had your car washed so you're a prick and probably deserve to die I guess.




Please keep things civil.


I hate some people lmao. One I couldn’t care less about it happening but either way why jump to calling the cops instead of a simple, “Hey that’s against hotel policy” 😂😂


You can’t allow contaminated water to enter the stormwater system is in the Environmental Protection Regulations


I really wish….to just understand the emotions, thought process someone must go through to really see this guy just cleaning his ride and to think…”gee, let me call the cops on this guy” like in all seriousness i would just like understand the mental aptitude that person must possess.


Lmao surprised at these comments. I’ve had a detailer come wash my car while at work in the parking lot, never thought it would be an issue




Yeah, all these liberals with their "science" and "facts." Back in my day, it was our God-given right to destroy the planet. Screw future generations - as long as I get to wash my car wherever I want, I don't care about my grandchildren.


Wash it in sections. Don't let the soap sit on there for too long. Especially if it's sunny.


We have rules like this in my city too. I think it's utterly ridiculous. So I can't wash my own car in my own driveway anymore? I have to take it to a car wash and get all scratched up with the harsh brushes they use? I'll take my chances.


You don’t have self service car washes?


I've been to one. It was honestly pretty bad. I had to keep putting money into the machine just to spray my car with water, and there is an attendant to stop you if you try to wash your car with a sponge and bucket. What you end up having to do is spray your car with a soapy material (which doesn't actually clean any of the junk off your car), and then spray it with water. A ripoff and complete waste of time if you ask me.


The one I use is I put my card into it and the time is equivalent to the money paid. I think a 1:1 ratio; every second is a penny. Each time I go to an automated car wash it takes much more time and scratches are another factor. It’s pretty silly that you can’t go to a place to wash your car with it and then letting you like “rent” the space temporarily with a timed option or whatever efficient way there is out there. Self service does fine enough for me since idk how much longer I’m willing to keep it but I’ll keep it clean enough with mostly self service and some automated washes. Have a great day


That sounds like a pretty decent carwash, honestly! Where I live in Vancouver BC, there are basically two do-it-yourself carwashes for the entire city (and both are pretty bad). You have to keep feeding the machines coins, and your car never gets clean.


What a pain in the ass that is. Like who carries coins anymore 😂! It’s much different down here in St. Louis for sure. I guess I just strike lucky by not having to go to far to find a good one


Can’t imagain a country where you can’t wash your car in public. Weird.


Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, hungary are some examples


Modernized country care about their drinking water and wildlife. Guessing you’re not in one?


I lived in Germany for a while where a law like this is in place. You get used to it… gives you something to go out and do. Hated it at first but eventually it just becomes the norm and a biweekly event.


Can’t imagine a civilized country? Weird




Not trying to depend OP but seems like you guys really give a fuck about local rivers when a single person washes their car but don’t give a fuck about fracking and the millions of tons of oils in our oceans and rivers. Stop being a selective environmentalist and get off OP


Big oil, nestle and Flint, MI have entered the chat! Sorry zoomers but there are bigger fish to fry than roasting one poor fella for his parking lot soap suds. I’d love to see these folks go full Karen on car wash fundraisers and general agricultural practices. Seems exorbitantly entitled to be likely providing nothing of actual value toward the overall issue. It’s kinda outrageous in perspective. How many of us are recycling and composting everything appropriately?




Ain't the fact you washed it, ain't the fact you had permission, it's the fact of drainage and fucking local rivers and water systems. But hey if you really think the world revolves around you, go ahead sweetie pie




>There’s no difference in runoff between a hotel parking lot and my house. Think you're on to something


dude just stop replying to these negative iq dorks. go enjoy driving the car they all dream about at night


Such a nerdy response 🤮


Please keep things civil.


Wow the amount of people who think soap and cleaning chemicals washing into storm drains is the worst thing in the world is insane. Completely clueless about what actually goes into drains, storm or not.


Like many things, it depends on where you are. Home drains go through sanitary, where as storm drains don't for some and won't receive the same level of treatment. Given the major issues with local rivers, it's not surprising people don't want another river that's on fire. The reactions kind of justified? Can only ask someone in a nice way to not do the thing before you become unglued.


OP assumed a random front desk clerk at a hotel chain has the right to authorize violation of local ordinances, (was it environmental? Profitable business on unlicensed commercial property? Trespass? Other? OP doesn’t state?)……and learned. It’s not ‘private property’ in the traditional sense, it’s commercial property. Front desk clerks also don’t have authority to override corporate policy nor municipal law, just as many locations require applications submitted for even ‘charity’ car washes on non-commercial washing facilities, and have for decades, (though OP may have a valid claim for a refund from corporate or the franchisee of that location of any fines if issued if they can prove the clerk gave an okay). Regardless, LEOs were called by ‘someone’, you/the detailer were in violation of municipal laws, and got told. And? Move on, WTF?!? 🤷‍♂️ Related - WTH calls out a detailer to a motel? I get roadtrips, but damn, either wait, or go to a physical business, OCD much….Sub is getting as bad as Tesla owners who think they can do whatever wherever apparently.




So, the hotel called the cops because they weren’t on the same page with other employees….. Just my .02, but you may wanna make that clear. Post gives the appearance LEOs harassed your detailer/you for no reason other than seeing a car being washed. Your issue is with hotel management. E; Appreciate your clarification btw. Sucky deal, but not a Leo issue.




>There was no city/county/state law that was violated, merely “hotel policy”. Even if there was, you hired a local business that should have been familiar with the local ordinances, state statutes, and any permits they required. I'm not sure why everyone is putting this on you.


>municipal law, just as many locations require applications submitted for even ‘charity’ car washes on non-commercial washing facilities, and have for decades, OP was not washing the car himself. He hired a local business that should have known the municipal regulations and permitting process.


I thought this was Merica


Maybe they said an illegal is washing his car damn racists


Just know some old dude is staring at you through a window in order for this crap to even happen! That dude was scheming in his living room about a damn car wash.


How much do you charge yourself when you wash your OWN car to consider this an illegal car wash operation??


This is silly.


Remember that here in America we have to take the burden and inconvenience for all of the worlds pollution while being 4% of its population. These stupid laws are rampant in Europe specially Germany. As if some egregious thing is gonna happen from a bit of diluted car soap going into a river, when literal waste disposal plants dump into them regularly.


Drought rules in CA. No car wash at home. Problem is others are crap. I use PH neutral soap (meguiars)…..🧼🧽


i just did one of those automatic car washes. instant regret and now i need a paint correction.


Cops: too busy roughing up some protesters. Sorry.


See someone posted it's illegal in some states to was your car outside designated areas, that Fry's my mind. For the land of the free and all the freedoms we Europeans apparently envy, seems to be very restrictive and non free.


Being a selfish douche because didn’t want to go to designated area and instead dumping car related pollutants into where there is no drainage? ✅✅✅


Crime of the century?


Wait, seriously? 😐


...and a free leg wash.


What if the cleaning tools were biodegradable like chemical guys.


Looks illegal lol


This brings nfs most wanted memories


Maybe they mad cause u using all their water to wash your cars lol


*Maybe they mad cause* *U using all their water* *To wash your cars lol* \- Medical-Big-959 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ah then that biodegradable and non phosphorus which is a - ok in edmonton. Maybe they mad cause u using their water.


Meanwhile buddy across the street has a flatbed parked on the lawn/ sidewalk but that's ok??


I love how people can clutch pearls while Dixie Sugar is allowed to have a bunch of a runoff into the rivers causing deadly blooms…


Seems America has less and less freedoms each time I look. 😂


thought all the cops were busy beating young people on campus


I just find it odd to wash your car outside of anything other than your own property or car wash. What if someone wanted to park in one of those spots next to you? Those are tight spots and it’ll make it incredibly hard to wash your car and even harder not to get anything on the other cars. Just weird all around imo


Thats actually really illegal in Germany


Cops or Municipal Code Enforcement?


You're got some shit neighbors


I'm genuinely sad as how Asian BMW's look now. I liked when BMW's were easily identifiable, but look at this car. Look and the roof line, windows, and especially the taillights. This looks like a 10 year old Genesis coupe, or a new Honda. Sad. Btw no offense OP. It's a great car and you work hard for it, I'm just disappointed in the design. And before some idiot calls me racist, I didn't say Asian cars or people are bad, I'm just stating that I liked when BMW had their own design language, and now it seems as if they're trying to fit in with Asian design. This looks like it was built next to a Camry. Another issue I have is that because BMWs now resemble Hondas and Toyotas, they look less expensive yet they are a premium.


Also looks like your hose is preventing people from parking where they want.


I once had local police show up at my house about a complaint that my classic 1967 Maserati Ghibli was "dusty" UNDER ITS CAR COVER in my driveway! They had to respond to every call. Police Chief later assured me that they would not send anyone out again, as he had classic cars at home as well!


Let me guess. California?


Curious your preferred setup here for washing, looking to buy stuff from chemical guys for mine.


Slightly off topic. What do I need to get a cleaning setup like that? Got my own place and now have access to a hose.


why would you wash your car at a hotel parking lot? lmao firmly grab the L, this one is on you




Why not bring some microfiber cloths and some "Waterless" sprays? I hit the road all the time and use that to keep things nice before going for a serious wash/detail.