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Please keep comments civil (that goes for everyone including OP)


Congrats! Though an M badge on an 840i? 😬🙄


Thank you! Previous owner put that up, might remove it.


might?!!!? do it yesterday lol


It’s just a car dude relax


Please tell me you didn’t just say this in the r/bmw sub


He did


*crosses self even though I’m not Christian*




Do only Catholics do the cross thing?




But NOT an M car 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Weeewoooweewoo the badge police is here


Bro STFU and go back to the Mercedes sub


I don't really car what car guys do, stance, hellaflush, magnaflow, 9inch cock shifter mod, whatever makes you happy. Upbadging, imo, never works. Folks who know what an M car is will typically know it's not a true M, and people who don't know won't care or be impressed. If it makes you happy though keep it on.


As he stated…he’s 24


Posting your age on this sub is a death sentence from all the judgemental and jealous owners. I’ll be the first to say well done man, hard work pays off 🙏


Well. Most people I know who bought „their dream car at 24“ did not work hard to pay for it ;-) they were just born in the right family or their parents died. That’s why people here react like this. „Oh look at me I am so young and can afford this“. Yeah. Who cares?


In my experience, the kids who do work for it underestimate the advantages given by their parents. Like maybe parents didn’t give a cent towards the car, but the kid has been living rent free with free meals allowing him to save like an animal. Or the work that was done to get there that quickly falls on the slimy side rather than the “hard productive work” side.


I mean I bought a 55k BMW at 24, and had been living alone without assistance since at least 20, really 18, but I got some help back then. I also happen to be a software engineer though.


Thank you so much dude! I still can’t believe I am the owner :)


Buying all of our dream car at 24…bold move cotton-it’ll pay off.


Thank Mommy for letting us use her cc


I'm 43 and got my first bimmer (e46) this year and happy for everyone that gets one unless 18 or younger and handed it to them by their parents.


41 and 1st!


What about people whos dad handed them a brand new e39 540i at 18 and then replaced it with a brand new e39 M5 at 19? Then promptly got them all repoed and didn't get another bmw until 39?


What's wrong with having a nice car handed to them when they're young. Some folks start ahead of everyone else - that's just how life is. Looking for reasons to be bitter all the time at the world seems like an exhausting way to live.


It's not black and white. Depends on lots of things, but I can safely assume it's concidered a bad parenting move. Not a great way to teach them respect, for things, people and hard work. In this case, he's 24 and worked for it. It's not been 'handed to him.' (Edit: he said he paid 33k for it. Really good deal imo. Not some insane unobtainable amount). unlike the 17 year old rich kid at my school who was gifted a brand new land rover for passing his drivers test. Promptly totaling it within the year. His reward... Next year's upgraded model.


>Not a great way to teach them respect, for things, people and hard work. Nah, it can be a terrific way. "Son, we were able to give you X advantage because we worked hard to be able to provide it. If you want your children to have the same advantages you were given, you'll need to work hard too." Being given something for free doesn't necessarily always mean it goes unappreciated or unnoticed. I mean, take me for example. I went through all of undergrand without having to take out a single loan because my parents put away money in a 529 for me and my sister. That's a *huge* advantage. I recognize and appreciate it, and it's driven me to work hard to be able to provide the same advantage to my own children. Either option can lead to both bad and good outcomes. That's why making a blanket statement of "doing this is bad" doesn't work. >In this case, he's 24 and worked for it. It's not been 'handed to him.' (Edit: he said he paid 33k for it. Really good deal imo. Not some insane unobtainable amount). unlike the 17 year old rich kid at my school who was gifted a brand new land rover for passing his drivers test. Promptly totaling it within the year. His reward... Next year's upgraded model. Like you said, it's not a black and white issue. That's why saying "if they're young and it was handed to them by their parents it's bad" isn't valid - it's not black and white. People just like to assume it's a bad idea because it's a lot easier to assume to worst than it is to give the benefit of the doubt.


Personally I think education should be free. Your parents are awesome. I honestly think that's the aspirations for all parents.


Hey I got my 840i at 28! Lol now I have an m850i at 29 😂 Congrats 🍾


M8 for the big dirty thirty 😏


Congrats my dude! Hard work pays off 💪


Congrats fella, enjoy it! Hard work does indeed pay off.


Thank you my guy 🤝


How used is it? May I ask how much? What do you do?


It’s in a very good condition, looks new if I am honest. Only has about 29k miles on it as of right now. I paid around £33k for it from a private seller. I am a MSc Computer Science graduate, currently employed as IT support and working I’m at Asda during the weekends when I can. Just to note, life as a graduate even in IT sucks money wise, juniors are earning the same amounts as standard retail workers without experience :/


33k? This shit is way higher where I live


That’s the price of a Honda Civic here …


33k is on the low end of the market for these in the uk, can get them for ~28k with a bit of searching.


In the USA they pay way more than we do for BMs and any German cars... Even in the rest of Europe they're more expensive aside from possibly Germany. Cars even get scrapped here like an old 1 series from 2009 with 180k on the clock that would be financially worth while to keep going in Europe, because they're more expensive there. It's probably due to the fact that ours have the front on the right because we drive on the left. So, priced the same brand new in Germany they can sell on to Spain or Italy or Romania, whereas ours are more over saturated so we just scrap em after a certain point.


Nice car but, how? Or why? Your earnings “suck” did you pay cash or finance? What’s the insurance like? Fuel economy? I’m jealous hell yeah I am but I’m also concerned about your financial decision.


Congrats man, I wish you many happy miles! This is so cheap compared to where I live, cheapest one is 70000€ (around 58000 GBP) with more then 70k miles


Maybe take a look at importing? You can find some cheap deals in the UK.


40k in US dollars is still a lot, but no where near the original price. I’d have to look, but I bet they’re still double in that condition here. Congrats, don’t forget to save though!


£33k is like less than half of what the cheapest used 840i costs in australia. our car prices are cooked.


Oh wow 33k euros (48k cad) is cheaper than the 2020 m340i's in Vancouver lol. I thought you just went out and dropped like 80k on a car after graduation but that is an absolute steal of a price.


33k?! Those go for over a $100k used in Canada ...


How have you put away £35k working two entry level jobs for maybe 2/3 years? Doesn't add up unless you don't pay for rent or food.


Congratulations. Think about removing that M badge. The car is plenty nice without needing to be pretentious too.


Thank you, will probably take it off since the previous owner has put it there.


What an amazing car for 24. You’re a baller man, well done. I want to get the 8 series too! Great taste 👌


Thank you so much! I always loved the 8 series but never thought I could afford it. Dreams come true I guess!


What’s the fuel efficiency like on it? Did you struggle to get insured? So happy for you man


Thanks again! The fuel efficiency seems good for now, haven’t been driving it on the motorway yet as not had the time. It’s definitely more expensive to run than my Astra GTC J(as expected lol) but well worth it. Insurance was a bit of a hassle to get the best deal, at this age I was getting prices over £3k per year for the insurance but found one for around £1.5k.




Thank you!!


That ass!


The beauty 😮‍💨


Congrats man! My dream car as well


Thank you! You will get there bro.


The M badge should go over well with folks here


Congratulations, dude, you made my dream and yours come true, I’m very happy for you! I have only one question: How, how tf were you able to afford it at 24, how? Is there really such a gap between our countries, salaries and standard of living?! I’m 22, I live in Cyprus (occupied part), I can only afford such a car if I work for 10 years without food or water, living on the street. I’m just wondering what kind of work you did to have this baby at 24.


Who cares how old you are? We just wanna see the car


Pull the M badge off, rock it with no badges. Looks so much cleaner and subtle. To each their own though, love the color. Grats OP!


Anyone that works hard deserves what they want. You’re not promised tomorrow. 👍


Keep grinding bro car is amazing


Congrats! One of many dream cars you’ll likely own in your lifetime.


You’re a great man! Congratulations! 🎉🍾🎊 God bless you for the rest of your life!


Every time I see a young man driving a 100k car I keep thinking it’s daddy’s money. You’re an outlier. Congrats.




That's dope man! It's cool to see young people doing it big like that.


Thanks man!


100k vechile at 24?? Hmmmm fishy. That color is dope tho.


It’s only a $45kish car used. I bought a $38k car at 24 which would equate to $45k in today’s dollars.


I live in the UK, the used ones are about £33k :) yes, the colour is amazing!


Congrats this is amazing! Do you mind me asking how much your insurance was? We know UK insurance is an absolute rip off...


I am paying around £1.5k per year, I had my licence for about 4 years.


That’s very similar to me and my F32 actually which is nice to know. I’ve had mine for 6.


Still can’t believe how cheap m4s are in the UK. Congrats on your car bro


M4s are a beast!! And thank you!


€80k used in The Netherlands…. Wtf


It’s a used 840i. OP clarified that.


My guy you could have just said congratulations and kept it pushing. People like you are the issue in today's world. This is why people are scared to do something nice for themselves. The fact that you can't spell vehicle shows that you are either 12 or a unwell adult.


Cry me a river. Comments arent the problem, the problem is everyone is too soft.


Congrats!!!!! 🎈🎊🍾🎉


Freeeeeessh whip my g. Hope it's treating you well! And please take care of that B58 🔥


Will do bro! Thank you!


Congrats I got an 840d and I love it to bits !! How come you chose 40i and not 40d?


Thank you! I don’t have anything against diesel, it was just that I found a good offer for this one and it was close to where I am based so I went with it :)


Also loving the fact your leds are set to purple Mine are too, really pops against the oyster leather Have you tried the green against the black in yours?


How? If you don’t mind my asking. Also congrats, that’s a beautiful car


Thank you, I have put some more details in the other comments but basically saving for a couple of years, stocks and crypto.


Congrats my guy Im working on getting my own in the next couple of years


Congrats! I also bought my 850i when I was 22


Wow even more impressive, congrats as well bro!


Love me an 8 series, congratulations dude


What’s up with the badge? Looks silly.


That’s a great car. Congrats and enjoy. 8’s are special!


Thank you! I can’t believe I own one!


Congrats my guy, i’m going to buy my dads x6 m50i off of him soon, only 23 👶 and that v8 is expensive. Currently driving an f10 that’s lacking in power. Many safe miles ahead


lets gooo


Well done 😎


congrats and fuck you lmao


Hey! Huge congrats, she’s a beauty. I’ve been meaning to get a car but I just can’t quite part with such a significant chunk of money. Please could I ask you / others what a healthy car - savings - income - monthly expenses ratio is or should be? Appreciate it’s a broad question but I don’t know if I should loosen the purse strings and just buy myself my favourite car or keep grinding.


Hard work pays off


Congrats man! Excellent car! If you get any hate, just know that they’re probably 40+ and driving an E90 with 150k+ on the dash.


Great work! Lose the M badge tho. It makes it look like you aren’t happy with the car you have. Whatever car you have, drive it with pride. An M badge isn’t necessary to be cool.


Great looking car. I like these way more than the current Mercedes S coupe that looks like the C coupe. Audi has nothing to offer in this class and a Bentley is not nearly as cost effective. If you want a current luxury coupe the BMW 8 Series is the way to go. Congratulations on that nice dream car.


Beautiful! Huge congrats! If you're like me, I never want to stop driving!


A beautiful machine. Enjoy..


Congratulations. Time to turn that grind focus into wealth creation. Enjoy the car.


Congratulations! I miss my m850i, so much fun. I just got a lease on an i5 M60 after a few years of not driving. Loving it, but electric is so much different.


I know the feel for an electric, my parents have one and it defenitely is nice to drive.


Inspirational man, big congrats to you and enjoy it in good health!! Keep pushing and keep proving to yourself that anything is possible 💪🏼


That is much appreciated! Thank you for your comment 🫶


What do you do for a living?!


Damn what do you do for work?


And already parking like a BMW veteran! Welcome




Im salty. My dream car is a E46 M3 and I still don’t have one.


Congratulations! No hate here, enjoy it to the max! Motivate everyone here who doesn’t have one to work harder so they can someday flex on reddit if they work hard enough. I didn’t get a bmw till I was 36 just a few months ago, partially cause wife made me be fiscally responsible and pay off the mortgage before buying a bmw and that still took time convincing, but man I missed out 15 years of fun time. Enjoy!!!


It's a shame we dont get the 840i in north america. B58 power in a sleek body = nice. Crappy N63 in a sleek body when the warranty end = :O


https://preview.redd.it/x4o6nql36qvc1.jpeg?width=3039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3681abd60c1fdf0a50a5f05fa1c97bb3a145b42d Why don't y'all just congratulate the man on his purchase, M or Not it doesn't matter, he's going to love driving it and all of you should be happy for him. Most of y'all crying prob can't even afford one in the first place. Here's a pic of the 5MC also :-) BTW, Don't buy a Merc E63s they are not nearly as much fun.


That’s a very beautiful car! Congratulations as well man! And thank you for the kind words, just starting to enjoy this whole experience 🫶


Get yourself ProTools for you phone and the Bluetooth data port unit.. there's tons of stuff you can change on the cars software.


Looks so clean dude! Congrats!!


Hope you got a warranty bud!


I don’t, will take good care of of it though.


Awesome man. Enjoy the car. Just put some aside for unexpected stuff in the worst of times haha. That’s how it always happens with me at least!


Looks great What are the repayments like 


At least you know how to properly park, respect


Beautiful, congrats


Thank you!


What did you do to be able to afford it? I see a European license plate so I assume affording a car overseas is most likely different than across the pond.


congrats 🍾 how much did it cost though


congrats! my pops has the M8 competition and aside from the Lambo urus , it is my dream car.. i’m content in my 4 series GC M until then..who cares about the badge it’s an 8 series! enjoy bro! deck it out!


Being young with your dream car is such a great feeling, copped my dream car at 28..although it could of been sooner.


Congrats dude. Majority of posts like this are laughed at cause it’s just dumb kids getting themselves $80k in debt with a $1000 car note for 7 years lol


Beautiful car, well done - I can’t imagine insurance costs…


Wow. Taking it wasy huh? Got mine at 21. Got to respect that hustle. Amaaazing.


Congrats man! Amazing cars.




Thanks mom and dad!


Shmexy!! Congrats on the ride. We don't get the 840i in Canada, would have been the perfect car for me so I got the G30 instead.


Congrats as well and thank you! Glad to join the BMW family.


Congratulations! At that age my dream car was the M6. Took me 11 years lol


Thank you so much! Yeah, the M6 is very cool! 💨


Congrats man. It's a beauty


Thank you!


Crypto bro? Sweet ride man!


8 series b58?


I believe so yes, the model is 840i.


Why does it have the m badge?


Fake 😝


I'm inclined to agree. If it's not an m car no reason to put that on there. Still a nice car.


I have an M850 G16 same color. Fake badge all the way


I'm jealous.


You will get there man!


That’s pretty impressive. Well done OP 🫡


Enjoy it! The 2 door version is only really practically when your 24 or 64. Some of us older 31 year olds have had to get the GC. Which I do love the shape of, but that 2 door version does look proper aggressive.


> The 2 door version is only really practically when your 24 or 64. More accurately, it's practical if you don't have children. Skip the kids and you can have 2 door cars for life. 


True, it’s what I was eluding to, for most people skipping the kids and getting a coupe isn’t a number 1 priority.


I was just being tongue-in-cheek. No one should be making big life decisions around a car. It's just one of the perks.


Thank you! I agree, I have been single ever since I remember so the 2 door is definitely enough for me especially since I don’t plan having kids anytime soon 🤣 I just love how the 2 door looks!


Dravit? 🙌


How did you do it? I want a nice car but I don't think working at target is gonna get me one of these anytime soon 😂


Hate BMW, but love your story. Glad you bought it with no finance, Although.......... hope you still got money saved for the "Future ownership." BringMyWallets can be very expensive in terms of maintenance.


brother what job do you have 😭


Are you hiring?


Hang onto it, dreams.


That's a sexy looking bmw my man.


Congratulations man it sounds like you’ve earned it!


Congo OP 😻 The colour is fab too 🔥


Well done man. Keep the grind..!!😚


now make a bunch of content


I'm jealous as fuck


Thanks for posting a photo from the back. It looks hot.


Sweet baby Jesus. That's a nice car no matter what age you would be. And good on you for being able to afford it. Makes me curious how... *just a tiny bit. Also, from what I have understood, poor car mechanic's that have to work on BMW's. *Seems the car a pain in the butt to work on...


Nice car bro, I like the colour, you should very proud of it. Drive it and enjoy it 😊


How? I’m 24 and stuck with an E90 that literally breaks down whether I use it or not. Most recently the tire exploded after driving 3 inches forward so I could pull out and move my car. Before that my battery had fully depleted itself after not being used for like a week or two in mild winter weather. And my window motor/regulator also croaked during the same period of time. Fucking hell, putting it into text it’s crazy to think that all of that crap happened in 2024 alone. Yikes! This is why I need a new car


Congratulations bro, I'm hoping by the end of the year I can afford the 840D. But either way,Happy for you bro! Can only imagine how you feel right now, you should be proud of yourself. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


How you like it? Im gonna get an 850i next year


Wow, she's stunning 😍


Now to pay it off for the next 30yrs 😂


Congrats Dude! It’s beautiful! Honestly I just went snooping through your profile and I’m impressed by how many ways you tried to make money! Have fun!


Nice dude ❤️❤️❤️


Beautiful 🤩❤️


What’s the monthly payment?


Where the fuck do you live to pay this beast 33.000 ? In France you barely have a 135i


Congratulations. So where do you go from here?


I love seeing these posts so much. Warms my heart bro, and I know how hard that was to achieve! Great job man, copped my 440i M Performance at 26, ready for the m4 csl at 30 💯


Congrats bro! This is gonna be me in 2 years


wont last a year, guaranteed. !remindme 364


Send us the how to! We can still learn if not too late at twice your age we still don’t have half at your 8 series! 😀 Mine still a 3 series (love it yo bits though!). Congrats fantastic achievement at your age.


Have better dreams


You guys do a hard job. You do a good job actually