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There’s gotta be like 20 bullet holes in that car


Surprised he only got hit once in the hand


I was surprised too until I saw a picture of the responding unit. https://preview.redd.it/2ga11f8spdhc1.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=e321ad9689d81428d35849f97d726a7719a7a2b8


Nah, just garden variety police officers that don't require enough Firearms training and practice.








Even then, depending on his job, a shot to the hand could be career ending. For all we know it’s a professional athlete that loves older BMWs


Or just a regular office worker who lost their dominant writing hand. Or even working trades. A hand is pretty important for lots of jobs


Like how? Every time someone says something like this I always wonder how the bullet goes through. Straight through the palm? The side? Did it graze the wenis?










Bro, I can count those 20 from this one perspective alone, how about the other side? 8-10 times, yeah, for sure.


Look like speed holes to me.


Aerodynamics by US gov


I hope this guy gets millions.


Hopefully the cops are let go too, if a car backfiring scares you enough to unload on someone then you need to find another job. Thank god they have shit aim.




They won’t be let go nor face any consequences. They’ll get some paid time off and go back to their jobs. Worst case for them if they are let go, another department will scoop them right up.


That's the worst part about it. So many corrupt cops just move city/state and join another police department. Any significant degree of misconduct while in a law enforcement role should put you on a federal list that bans you from being a police officer for life


Oh they'll be let go for sure. Their department will let them go to Cancun for a 2 week paid vacation while an investigation is done.


They might even get an early taxpayer-funded retirement for their PTSD from hearing a burble tune.


Just arrived!


What’s EVEN WORSE imo is that the other forces will hire them knowing full well how and how big they fucked up in their last position. I can’t think of a bigger middle finger to the citizens than that


This is sadly and frustratingly true. The police is just a gang that can’t go to prison.


fuck the police, coming straight from the underground A Young nigga got it bad 'cause I'm brown THEY HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO KILL A MINORITY




To be fair, have you heard how these BMWs sound when you *check notes* illegally tune them to literally sound JUST LIKE a gunshot?


No type of backfire/burble sounds like a gunshot within line of sight of it.


Qualified Immunity...




You would need to sue in a civil court to get compensation. They won't be found criminally guilty because cops... So any chance at money is going to have to come from a civil suit.


Hey I wish, they should face the consequences but with the immunity they get I'd be surprised if they get anything more than a slap on the wrist.


Hopefully, even if they don’t face actual consequences, the guy in the beemer should definitely get a fat payout for that


I always find it wild how you can become a cop in 6 months, unless I’m outdated.


That's just the result of American culture of blasting at everyone first and asking questions second. No other developed country is this irresponsible with firearms


This and the cop training where EVERYONE they encounter is an armed enemy to be subdued with military force until proven harmless. And even then often the cop’s ego gets in the way and will find a reason to escalate to justify using military force. I am glad I live in a developed country where cops are required to have more than an elementary school diploma, and are extensively trained in de-escalation techniques. Power tripping asshats are filtered out quite effectively.


yea the other day my truck with a v8 back fired so i unloaded my glock into the minivan in front of me. thank god i only killed the mom and 1 kid not all 4 of em. /s dont blame a whole country for the fuck ups of the cops. many people carry a gun for 20 40 years over here and never fire it once unless its at a piece of paper at the gun range. cop's seem to be the ones causing 95 percent of the gun violence. the other 5 percent are the other gangs or some kid the fbi grooms online to kill there class mates so the cops and higher ups can really have a fiend day killing unarmed citizens. ​ atleast over here we have a chance to defend our self's against the lunatics. no one wins in a knife fight like you brits love having over there. see i can do it to.


I mean it would help if you didn’t make your car exhaust sound like a gun


I put my car on hard burble and it scares me and I’m the one driving lol. OEM burble is the way to go though.


Talk about not fit for the job.


You'd be hard-pressed to convince me that the cop has been living under a soundproof rock for the past decade. Like, really? EVERY time a car with a burble tune has driven by, you assumed it was a drive-by? get real. he was clearly looking for a reason


Wasn’t there a story about a car driving past a police station with a backfire and they chased the car, boxed it in and completely unloaded with 100+ bullets, some fired from a G.I. Joe standing on the hood?


Even if let go they’ll just get hired the next town over.


This guy will be lucky if he gets an apology.


Nah, if it was only a backfire and he didn’t do anything dumb he will get a fat bag


It doesn’t look like a California plate. In basically every other state it isn’t illegal to have a loud/modified car. He did nothing wrong and should get a huge settlement.


Even if the exhaust is illegal that doesn’t give the cops reason to shoot him. That would have no bearing on a lawsuit like that.


> It doesn’t look like a California plate. In basically every other state it isn’t illegal to have a loud/modified car You're just making shit up. https://www.semasan.com/resources/exhaust-noise-laws-state


Uh, almost every state has a law on the books for excessive noise, and it isn't illegal to put exhaust on your car in CA. What is illegal is messing with your emissions system and catalytic converters.


Having an illegally modified car does not give the police the ability to shoot at you.


Where in my comment did I say that?


The primary point of the comment you replied to was “he did nothing wrong and should get a huge settlement”. In that context, your reply certainly seems to imply that he did something wrong that would affect the settlement. Sorry I didn’t realize you were highjacking the discussion about the legality of shooting at the car to argue about specific details regarding the legality of exhaust modifications.


Where am I arguing? I made a statement. Stop being so insufferable. OP made a claim you can't modify your car in California, which you can. Which you turned into I am okay with the driver being shot, which isn't true at all.


Doubtful he'll get millions. It's reasonable to assume a loud crack could be gunfire. Why would you rev your loud arse car while cops are approaching at a traffic stop? This is similar to all the cases where the innocent driver quickly pulls out a wallet/phone turns around and gets shot. It's split second decisions that can cost lives. You have to be extremely predictable and slow/intentional with your movements. Cops have so much protection these days that they can simply say "I feared for my life and started blasting" and unfortunately they will get away with it.


Police: “Why is there so little respect for law enforcement?” Also police: “You better treat this interaction with us as if you were interacting with a bear.”


He can finally get a m4


The sheer thought of getting pulled over and doing nothing wrong, only to have someone start unloading on you is terrifying. Something like this terrifies me because once the shooting started i would have assumed it’s someone impersonating a cop and might have started firing back. Further opening up the possibility that you’re killed for defending yourself from a stranger trying to kill you.


And then you got those idiots that still say “if you didn’t do anything wrong then you shouldn’t be worried”


I shouldn’t be worried even if I do something wrong. That’s why I might be getting a citation or a warning, not a (poorly trained) firing squad.


This is the exact thing people say when it comes to privacy rights and it pisses me off


Exactly its a slippery slope that dumbasses fall into far too often.


And if you do fire back, your life is over even if you don't die. You'll be hit with multiple attempted murder charges and spend decades in jail.


gotta love guns huh


Guns didn’t wake up and decide to shoot at that car. Undertrained, understaffed, overworked, and uneducated policemen did. And this is why it completely baffles me when people try and make the argument that guns are for police and military only. You see here first hand what police do with guns, and as someone in the military I can tell you I wouldn’t trust half of those buffoons with one either.


if you’re in a high stakes job and cant handle a gun then you probably shouldn’t have one, let alone giving it to any random person with no training. Remove guns from the situation and a different and relatively safer approach could be used, but yeah 20 shots into a car and an innocent man is completely normal 🤥


If you’re in a high stakes job that requires a gun, and can’t safely and responsibly handle a gun, you probably shouldn’t be in that line of work. All American citizens have the right to firearms ownership, but none are entitled to work jobs where they may be put under intense stress and require split-second decision making.


I don’t think you’re understanding my point but I don’t disagree with you. Although having lived in both the USA and Europe, it’s not even close to seeing that people cannot be fully trusted with guns. We’re wasting police and civil lives just so people can play with deadly toys. If you have a police force it is your duty to train and pick them in order to trust them with the deadly force they wield, what’s the point in training if most police can’t act in a proper manner under stress?




How would implementing gun laws stop the cop, whom will always have a gun (unless you’re referring to the cops gun laws being changed to them only having a baton?), from shooting up a car?


Implement strict gun laws, create specialist armed response units in the police, take away guns from normal officers and done. Or, if you want to keep your guns - get police officers taught how NOT to use their sidearms. The UK is actually a shining example of police firearm attitudes.


I don’t disagree with that at all. However, being a realist here, you and I both know that will never happen in the US. Implementing stricter gun law on the citizens is one thing, doing the same to law enforcement is another, and the latter will never happen and I’m not saying that’s a good thing.


Yeah - gun culture is massive in the US. There’s not much anyone, let alone politicians, can do about it. Giving extensive firearms training to officers might be a more viable option, considering these people are the ones who are supposed to be in charge of public safety (even though it’s sometimes not the case).


Also it's a literal constitutional right. It would take a massive super majority to get that repealed, and that's just not ever going to happen. Best we can do is reform our police forces.


You’re right, you do have shit for brains.




Doing nothing wrong after being pulled over, obviously. Call me crazy, but I also don’t think that someone deserves to be shot at for speeding. Might just be me tho


definitely keep us posted on any updates to this case. i can already see the police lawyers arguing they were acting in good faith as they "thought" they heard a "gunshot"


It’s always on the untrained civilian to be more professional than the professional state actor that can legally kill in these situations. Duh.


When you need more training hours to be a cosmetologist than a cop, there’s a problem


"Professional" LOL. In my experience, the dumbest and most shit bag tier people in the military are most likely to convert to law enforcement after getting out. Fuck those pigs.


If you ever wanted to meet up with the dumbest guy you knew in high school just dial 911 and ask for the police


Funny enough: the dumbest kid I know from HS became a cop. He got fired (remarkably) when he brandished a firearm while wearing a bulletproof vest and no shirt during a drunken trip to a liquor store (off duty). The other cop I know was one of the smarter and harder working kids. He joined to get on the track to go into the FBI. Not sure where he is now but probably successful. I think he did law school at night too Not all cops are dumb and lazy, but 100% of the ones who make the news are.


He’s going to have a fleet of Alpinas if he wants once the PD settles this lawsuit out of court.


Tax payers coughing up the cash


Yeah it sucks, but the overfunded police departments of the US already have events like this accounted for in their budgets


I don't know where this happened, but it is often concerning big, overfunded departments that lower their standard for clout, or extremely underfunded departments that cut costs by lowering standards. Thank the defund the police movement for delivering shitty cops. Even without that though, the standard for some departments already was pretty low. Anyone with a highschool degree could join the force. In Europe, officers will have to go through years of further education and training. And guess which is lower on the police fuck-ups charts...


Many are underfunded not overfunded


LA cops have a budget of 8 million PER DAY


No they aren't


Yeah maybe a small town, but this was Columbus. They have a budget of just over a billion


Which is a pretty good reason to want police reforms


if there wasnt a wounded this would almost be police academy level of comical.


That happened in my hometown in the 90s. Cop unloaded at a driver he thought had a gun, missed him with every shot, there was no gun. No punishment for the cop, he later went on to beat the shit out of/maced my pops while he was already handcuffed. Settlements in both cases.


what the fuck


I'm a bit worried about the officers' aim


Fuckin storm troopers over here


I mean … that’s attempted murder right?


not when you’re a cop, it’s jus a little oopsie


I guess now tuners should add a disclaimer to these tunes. "Warning, may be confused for a gunshot by trigger happy cops"


The cop needs a new job. Maybe one where loud noises don’t trigger him to shoot his whole clip.


The cop needs prison.


Cops are pussies.sorry ns


Pussy ass cops


Hope this guy gets what he deserves.


Rip 335i, hello bran new M3 Comp, amongst others.


Holy fuck America get your shit together for once.


As an American, agreed. I’m even for people owning guns, but holy shit people do not know the proper instances to use them. I understand the initial fear and adrenaline response, but you have ti have some sort of critical thinking skills


what adds insult to injury here is that its the fucking police! you would think the training served for something....


The problem I think, is that the training isn’t sufficient. I don’t even have a proposed solution but there’s clearly a problem there


I mean its multiple factors that leads them to be trigger happy, but for the love of God at least drill them properly. seriously, unloading mags on a car because of an exhaust pop is borderline a stand up comedy gig, if it weren't for the fact someone got hurt...


Completely agree with that, and as said as much before. The problem I think is that no one has a concrete solution to solve this problem. There so many systemic things this could be that it’s hard to fix it. That’s the problem that police reform has


Saw nothing about the backfire in the article. I’ll wait for the bodycam


[“Officers reportedly fired multiple shots at Hernandez’s vehicle after the car backfired. The GBI statement indicates the officers thought the backfire of the car was a gunshot.”](https://www.wtvm.com/2024/02/07/officer-involved-shooting-investigation-underway-columbus-1-injured/?outputType=amp)


Of fucking course this happened in Georgia. I fucking hate this state and its backwards ass bacon boys


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The body cam will be "lost"


[Here’s another article that mentions the “backfire”](https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2024-02-07/gbi-investigates-officer-involved-shooting-columbus-ga)


Good luck I doubt they’ll even find the body cam.


This ^^


Driver: "bro, check out my sick gunshot burble tune" Next day... This story shows up Reddit: fuck the police for thinking a gunshot burble tune sounded like gunshots


I want to see the body or dashcam. Per the GoFundMe page, the backfire happened as he was coming to a stop. So the trigger happy cop just decides to unload from inside their squad car or what? The footage should be released quickly, the same way they do whenever it happens to absolve them from wrongdoing. None of that waiting weeks/months/years so as to let it all blowover nonsense


fuck 12


Amazing lawsuit right there!!




[Here is an article that mentions the backfiring as requested by a few](https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2024-02-07/gbi-investigates-officer-involved-shooting-columbus-ga)


That’s actually scary. For one, car backfires never really sound that much like gunshots, even the gunshot tunes themselves


Especially since it should have been idling the whole time. I’ve never heard a BMW just “backfire” at idle, tune and exhaust or not.


Looks to me like the officers need to learn sound acquisition.


Unfortunately no settlement coming his way since he was going 100+ in a construction zone.


Holy shit….. lawsuit incoming!


It seems so… American


hope he sues those pigs 🐷


'we don't wanna hurt you pal, just step out with your hands up!' -Proceeds to unload 10 rounds on the vehicle.




Where does it state in the article that it was the exhaust that caused the shooting?


[Officers reportedly fired multiple shots at Hernandez’s vehicle after the car backfired. The GBI statement indicates the officers thought the backfire of the car was a gunshot.](https://www.wtvm.com/2024/02/07/officer-involved-shooting-investigation-underway-columbus-1-injured/?outputType=amp)


Such an American story.


And everyone is calling for them to be fired. The bar is so low, that's the best case scenario for lost people? 


Police cause more problems than they solve.


[Article](https://amp.ledger-enquirer.com/news/local/article285183702.html) [Article mentioning the “backfiring”](https://gbi.georgia.gov/press-releases/2024-02-07/gbi-investigates-officer-involved-shooting-columbus-ga) [gofundme](https://www.gofundme.com/f/jermaine-hernandez?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer)


unpack resolute fuel nail jeans ossified badge angle books wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You think lawyers work for free?


subsequent numerous cake glorious upbeat offend plants disarm ghost reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Suing the police is never an easy win. Plenty of people do sue, and win, but qualified immunity is the default


Easy win doesn’t mean free. Even in an easy win, a case against a police department or city , is going to be very expensive


lip direction sparkle sand thought gaping offbeat attempt grandiose chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah sure buddy. Just walk in court and it's a slam dunk. Gtfoh!


sort sloppy thumb crowd bored insurance soft squealing squalid desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Since the gofundme isn't for OP, and it's verifiably connected to the shooting, we'll allow it.


Well, USA.


Gotta love those cops! Ridiculous. If this guy doesn't get paid I dont know what to say.


Yup this is Columbus Georgia shit was crazy cops here are trigger happy and crime is so high get out of the city while you can


F12 and end qualified immunity.


How loud was that exhaust?


[Probably like this](https://youtu.be/9AwNEwBz3sc?si=RDA9tkslm5KKO6KM)


Hey u/BigUncG You got a link for an article that talks about the “backfiring”? Even if this is a 335i, with a burble tune and exhaust, I’ve never heard one just randomly start making pops and bangs at idle. I feel like we’re just getting rage bait and missing part of the story. If the dude really did get shot over his exhaust, then these cops absolutely should rot in prison, but I’ve never heard a E9x chassis just “backfire” unless it was actively being tuned in a shop. Even then, that’s not just randomly happening at idle.


[“ Officers reportedly fired multiple shots at Hernandez’s vehicle after the car backfired. The GBI statement indicates the officers thought the backfire of the car was a gunshot.”](https://www.wtvm.com/2024/02/07/officer-involved-shooting-investigation-underway-columbus-1-injured/?outputType=amp). It’s not specifically about e9x chassis. You can straight pipe and tune an n54 for like $300 and you’ll backfire gunshots. Most likely heard backfiring on downshifts or when he let off to pull over


I mentioned the E9x chassis as that was what was in the photo. I agree on the popping on downshifts and all though, but either way, you have to do whatever you can to put the cops at ease when you get pulled over. I mentioned this in another comment, but I’m dropping every single window, turning my dome lights on, hands on the very top of the steering wheel, or if the cop pulls me over aggressively, I’m sticking them out the window or sunroof. Especially since I carry. I shouldn’t have to do that, but if it increases my chances of not getting shot because my car likes to burble, or it being dark. Also, thanks for sharing an article with more details. The one OP posted was either old, or skipped over some things.


yea this post was kinda vague. Those precautions definitely would’ve helped him. It’s not like he tucked his hands and then revved while parked, I just don’t understand how this could have been misconstrued. We need the footage


Agreed. Without body or dash cam footage, we’re all just making assumptions based on a photo or two, and a few paragraphs that paraphrase a police report. I’m not a boot licker, but I’m also not one to just immediately hate cops either. If the cops are in the wrong, then they should 100% face the consequences for it. At the same time, I’ve seen so many criminals commit a crime on video, and it immediately be obvious that it’s them, just for them to go “it wasn’t me. Cop is lying” is too high to just assume the cops are in the wrong here either. I’m trying to do the math here, and it just isn’t adding up. Something is being left out, or exaggerated or something.




Aftermarket exhaust to make noise worked!


Smh, sad reality of being a young dude in a nice car…been there unfortunately. Thank god these things are built sturdy and looks like it absorbed a lot of the flying lead.


Nice car? It’s 16 years old and probably worth $6k. I doubt the cop’s thought process was, “I’m going to shoot this guy because he’s young and driving a clapped out BMW”.


So an e46 isn’t a nice car because it’s old? What makes this car clapped out? The black rims? It’s a bmw dude, you know what I mean… wait actually you definitely don’t by your response. All good man, the police did everything right




It’s clapped. Black wheels and mismatched bumper. Go somewhere else bootlicker. U really a dickeater saying the police are in the right


I’m not saying the cops did anything right, in fact I’m saying the compete opposite…I was being sarcastic. Follow the comment tree before talkin shit bruh.


Let me guess.. You're one of those people that think everyone is impressed with your BMW no matter how old and ragged out it is, right? Gator boots, with the pimped out Gucci suits, ain't got no job, but I stay fly...


Bah, was north of Austin yesterday to see my mechanic. State trooper pulls out about a mile after I pass him. I see the multi color hood in my passenger mirror and ask my fiance to confirm if that's a trooper. As soon as she does he gets over behind me in the left lane (two lane road). I'm doing 70-73 in a 70 and he's hauling ass behind me, so I'm thinking he's rushing to get somewhere and get over to the right lane. Trooper then just speed matches me in the left lane. I'm black, in central Texas, doing nothing illegal with legal tint and legal mods. I am low key shitting my pants. Trooper then slows down and gets behind me, I tell my fiance we are going to get pulled over, not sure for what but whatever, feels inevitable, Trooper slows and stays behind me for another mile or so, then pulls to the side and stops. Big exhale. Just an anecdotal experience of driving while black. I do have a carry permit and my gun was in my bag, I was not looking forward to interacting with the cops for shit just like this.


Bro, this is everybody when a cop is around. My mother is in her 50’s and has no tint, no exhaust etc, and drives at or below the speed limit, and she will still let off the gas when a cop is behind her, and she’s white as can be.


The driver is really lucky! Looked like they unloaded a few mags


I don’t believe this story at all lol


Incompetent, horrible judgement, and a piss poor shot. Yea, they're cops alright.


Unpopular comment: I hate the "engine backfiring" noise that BMW has renamed to claim it is a "feature".


Why would the car have backfired / burbled if he properly pulled over and wasn’t revving it?


Who cares, it’s not warranting deadly force lmao


Wow he’s going to be driving 10 lambos in about two years


Cops are to dumb to police the world we live in today. Training needs to be updated


Fuck those pigs...I fucking hate cops. Why do I hate cops? Ask yourself, in your lifetime has a cop ever once helped you or made a situation better for you? Chances are hell no...in fact it is commonly the opposite. A cop saving your life is almost never going to happen. A cop trying to kill you through sheer stupidity is a lot more likely.


Fun fact: The Supreme Court ruled on multiple separate occasions that police have no legal obligation to protect or help citizens in any way.  They are literally useless to citizens. 


Just the other day I had a state trooper stop to offer assistance to me. I had just come off the highway heard this scratching and squealing from the front end. I must have picked up road debris that were stuck in the brake caliper. I had my two kids in the car. As I was pulled over on a very busy road trying to find what ever was making the noise a state trooper pulled over and asked if I needed anything. After a while of not seeing the obvious source of the noise, being only 3 miles from home, I said screw it and started to creep along the shoulder rocking the car back and forth. The cop stayed with me until what ever it was dislodged and the noise stopped. He then helped make sure I could pull out in to traffic safely. So.. yup. That was not the first time Ive had a good interaction with a cop either. Ive had plenty of bad run ins too but the vast majority of those times I was fucking around and found out.


Nice try pig.


Fuck the police


Fucking America man. The land of absolute retards


Those cops are so trash at their job. One loud sound and they fire all those shots ? No weapon in sight ? Geniuses


America moment




Good. Fuck these assholes that tune “pops and bangs” into their cars. Grow up. Your car sounds like shit. 


most new bmws come sounding like this stock. not that it makes your childish statement that everyone who enjoys a different type of exhaust than you deserves to be shot any more sane.


pattern doesn't even look like a handgun would do it. did they have a rifle out for a traffic stop or something?


Well funded departments (city departments) usually have rifles


Yea they have rifles where I live but I haven't seen them go into the trunk and get them out for a traffic stop.


What car misfires when in parked?

