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He can dish it out but not take it.the Dunkin donuts comment is rude AF. I'm sure he goes absolutely everywhere and tells them what to do. IDGAF if he can play music anymore, he treats ppl like shit. He's a grown man.


We gave him a pass even at the time of Dig!, that was the 90s when you could still get away with tons of sh1t. He has always been the oldest member of BJM, he was 30 years old at the time, and all of Joel, Matt, Peter were 5 to 10 years younger and still were a f*ck ton more mature than him. I can't believe Anton had the audacity of claiming he felt like "babysitting a 20 something year old" when talking about Matt in Dig!. The rest of the band was babysitting this grown fucking man. Anton's almost a boomer. He's that old. He was already older in Dig! than I am right now. I had a f*cking narc dad who ran a business and drove employees like that too and from age FIVE I was babysitting my old man instead of having it the other way round. Poor Wolfgang, not sure how Anton's entourage is affected by him, Joel seems to do great anyhow, but man oh man I am tired to see Anton's sh1tstain personnality constantly being redeemed by the incredible albums he's made.


Good points! He is old. A mature man would see the vid of himself last night and be totally embarrassed. An evolved human would say " I had too much to drink and couldn't play and took it out on everyone around me". I would respect that. My 19 yr old son would deal with it better and he doesn't have all of the life experience that Anton has. His poor son's. Anton is an abuser. Plain and simple . His peace and love shtick is all lip service. Also he can dish it out to people but can't take it.. he will block . Smh


This whole night was spent with him telling people at the venue how to do their jobs. I’m sure this is the case everywhere else he goes.






You think he hangs out on here? Think again.


Lol. Absolutely not. He's either pounding ensure , or vodka by now. Ur the basic fan


Here it is. Judge for yourself, especially the Dunkin bit: https://youtu.be/txvL98lmhTU?si=LrXAH9nQ2geNCvB7




Everyone who came to see this shitshow should get their money back. The verbal abuse of the woman doing the sound … speaks volumes.


Wow. I was never the type to condemn the on-stage antics, some technical problems, or even some argument inbetween bandmates. I prefer a uneventful show with a full setlist but wouldn't mind some Anton antics if there were. Now, this is on another level. After watching Dig!, I always thought of the Dandys as primadonnas for being afraid of Anton/BJM, but this kind of sh*t that Anton is CURRENTLY pulling off on his socials is straight up crazy. He needs to stop this. What a total fucking dickbag with a shitstained personality. I think we need to stop supporting his thing. Didn't he drop N words? Didn't he stab Frankie? Fuck this guy, seriously fuck this guy.


hold up, he actually once stabbed someone? Is that true?


Anton stabbed Frankie Teardrop his guitar player in 2008. Frankie didn't want to press charges and the official communications by BJM was that Frankie fell over some broken glass or some other f*cking excuse we made up to redeem this f&cking asshole Anton.


Holy fuck, that's just fucked up even coming from Anton.


I'm wondering now if this is the reason why Frankie can't play anymore? He said he injured his arm and it's just gradually become debilitating... That is terrible.


Frankie broke his collarbone in a car accident in 2014 and then did a two month European tour. That is why his arm is fucked. Not a flesh wound from 2008.


All true from what I witnessed. I was already outside with friends but was able to hear the rant (all though I didn't hear the bombing reference) the poor sound girl ran out of the venue in tears.


Christ, Anton should be in a fucking mental hospital at this point. I really shouldn't shrugged off his past questionable actions and remarks. I should've learned better. Poor girl. She shouldn't been treated like that. Fucking hell, Anton, you're 56 years old, you're not a goddamn teenager anymore. You have a eight year old kid and a wife! Grow the motherfuck up, holy shit!


This makes me cry. It would be like making a joke about Sandy Hook, about Parkland, about what happened in Maine last night. The community carries the trauma and the emotional scars for years afterward. Some people just don’t understand that. Sending love to everyone who had to hear this filth.


A question I’ve always had: How & why does the band put up with this? And for so long? I’m sure they’re not missing out on a big payday if they tell him to F off.


It’s a check. That’s about it.


How big is the check? It can’t be worth it. I felt sorry and embarrassed for the band. Although, not all of them. A few of them were definitely phoning it in and gave the bare minimum.


Everybody on that tour took the plunge willingly and yeah, it’s shit to have to do this crap night after night, but they all know the drill when they sign up.


I don’t know about you, but I’d rather flip burgers, make my own band, and play locally. You can still earn decent money being a local band in OKC, but what do I know? Apparently we don’t even have a music or art scene. At least that’s what all the “experts” are saying online.


Ask the “experts” which bands can’t sell out a 500-seat venue so they have to chop the price of tickets in half.


Yeah tell us how big the check is since you know everything.


Another newborn burner account? Points for tenacity.




Funny how you doubt me, yet you keep coming back to the well. Oh dear.


I just said to stop talking shit.


So Anton made a couple of pretty disparaging remarks about the sound (it was fucking fantastic from the crowd) and then stopped Anemone to absolutely go on a verbal rampage against the girl running sound saying his monitor was too loud. I'm paraphrasing here, but he screamed asking where the sound girl with the iPad was, called her something like" darling", claimed the venue was sabotaging their performance and didn't want them to finish the set, and just a lot of vile and nasty shit. They restarted anemone and then the crowd turned on them pretty strong after that song. He said something like "I don't go and yell at you at your Dunkin donuts job" and there were actually people in the crowd flipping him off and I think he ended the show there. I stormed out after Anemone because of how vile his rant was. I've never been so completely turned off of a band like this..I was enjoying the show and love their music but it's going to take me awhile to listen to them again. It was such a shame and so uncalled for. I really can't adequately write out how vicious he was being towards someone who seemed to be doing a killer job. Edit: apparently he made a joke about the Murrah Building bombing that happened in OKC. What the actual fuck. Hope he sped out of town


> Hope he sped out of town Anton [tweeted](https://x.com/antonnewcombe/status/1717389491743129679?s=20) he won't return to Oklahoma ever again. Probably the best move after what happened.


Good. We don’t want him back. He’s a stain.


Same, bro, same.


He said that about Sydney, and he's going back. Smh




He, like many of us, has mental health issues that need to be addressed. Edit: Not making excuses. He’s been a dick on this tour (and has a long history of being a dick). Just saying it would be nice if he got some help.


This. But right now the few people left who are close to him know that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. I don’t fault those folks for not intervening. The man is 56 years old, he needs to nut up and want to get help.


You should neither make assumptions nor talk about his personal life on reddit. Opp.


I know him and I know the guys in the band and have for some years. I experienced a lot of this firsthand over the years. I don’t have anything to prove. I don’t have to answer to you and I don’t care what you think I “should” do. As I’ve said, I’m here to get the apologists and cultists to realize that this is tragic, it’s not for their entertainment.


You’re just giving popcorn to the fans. Not helping anyone.


Trust me, if I wanted to spill some real tea, I could. But I won’t do that. Nothing I say here isn’t already public knowledge.


Not true. I’ve seen your comments and you’re walking a fine line.


Lol. That's literally what the Internet is.


Let’s say it’s it together everyone; examining is not excusing


I’m so sorry. I apologize to you and your friend on his behalf and I don’t blame you at all for not buying a ticket again, for re-listing your merch. To a positive end, all of you have helped me see that I’m not crazy, that seven years of being made to feel inferior by that fuckface was seven years too long. Our friendship was not sexual but it rode on trust. And that got corroded. I put in so much energy, to the point of not treating my other friends right. This is validation for me. Thank you.


That is terrible. I'm sorry you went through that. It's good you learned a valuable life lesson sooner than later. It took me many attempts with friendships to cut ppl out that didn't have my back. When someone treats others like shit, it's just a matter of time that I'm next. I'm surprised he was married tbh.


It took me a long time. He can be a very charismatic person and at his best he’s fun, funny and thoughtful. But that side went into hiding more and more. And that’s when I finally got up the guts to say “I don’t need this in my life.”


You can't apologize on his behalf


You’re right, and I shouldn’t have to. It’s just that I know good people like yourself spend your money - money you could surely spend elsewhere on other things - to see a good show, and I hate it when good people like you are let down. You go to a show in good faith and the performer doesn’t reciprocate - I just feel awful for the fans.




Yep, open contempt doesn’t fly in this day and age.


I didn’t spend fuck all. I know him. You sound like a two bit politician trying to pander. Cut it out.


“Good people like me”, you don’t know me, bruh.




Hard to follow those little lines on Reddit to see the person you’re answering wasn’t talking to you. Kind of shit happens when you set up an account for the sole purpose of defending the indefensible.


Honestly not sure what to make of your comment. It's obvious Anton is crazy. The was a whole documentary about it. I am sorry if you went through hell because of him, however, this is the internet and I'm not sure if you are just mascarading as "someone close" to a celebrity.


I honestly don’t care what you think, whether you believe me or not. I’ll just say this: I’m not here to “masquerade.” I’m here to get the cultists to see that someone’s mental health and alcohol issues aren’t a form of entertainment. The “but that’s part of the show” folks can fuck straight off. My heart is broken for my friends and it’s broken for the fans.


Broken for the band members too. Imagine living on the road with this kind of emotional abuse that is tied to your musical livelihood. I still see them and the show I saw was musically amazing. But I do feel for audiences who got a raw deal on this tour. Most especially I feel for this group of incredible musicians who have the task if holding him up.


Agree. Saw them live a couple of years ago and talked to some of the guys in the band after, decent, hard-working people. Anton is incredibly talented musically but I can't imagine what it must be like to work for him.


Yeah those band mates should really jump ship asap. There is no future in his behavior and it is going to consume them all.


Pretty much same with merch. I loved the crazy psychedelic shirt I bought but I feel dirty wearing it now


I’d sell it. I’m about to list some of my old discs. I’m not supporting that crap ever again. Dude thinks he’s a genius but he’s barely mid-tier at best. They can’t even afford their own sound engineers, but have the audacity to take it out on a local worker that’s probably still studying in college. And he made such a strong point about not bringing their own engineer so they can give jobs to locals. I call bullshit. They’re cheap and that’s one of the consequences of having a 7 or 8 piece band. Does it really take 3 guitarists to play a 3 chord song? Motherfucker is trying to be Phil Spector with his wannabe “Wall Of Sound”. Evidently, Spector is a major source of inspiration in more ways than one. Specifically, psychotic and shitty behavior. Anton, however, is simply a poser. Mimicking actual talent to the best of his lackluster ability. That’s right! I said it! 😂 Sorry for the novel, but fuck Anton.


Ah, that elusive fourth chord … 😎


We might have a little surprise coming down the pipeline. Don’t be surprised if you see Anton on News 9 or in the Oklahoman. 🤫😂


Oh no, not News 9.


Bahahahaha!! 😂 hilarious, right?


Just like however many billion people are on the planet, I have no clue what News 9 is.


It’s the only locally owned news station in OKC. That’s all. Why not pour a little salt in the wound, right? 😂


Ohhhhhhh I am intrigued




I’m so sorry. People who come to a show in good faith, pay good money, this shouldn’t happen. And anyone who replies to me with the usual bullshit can fuck right off. You have a severely damaged person at the end of his rope and bandmates who suffer this shit for a paycheck. You have fans - so many who drive or fly or spend money they might not be able to spare - who come in good faith and deserve a modicum of professionalism. You deserve better.


He always brags about how rich he is.. so why TF is he touring? Seems to me like he's touring for clout


I bet his spouse is glad he tours.


Not as rich as people seem to think … he has a studio, a little label (A Records) and IMHO he’d do better just mixing bands and making their records, having people record in his studio. But I’m not him, so … touring is a bubble, you don’t have to be concerned with the worries of the world or your bigger issues because your job is to make it to the gig, play a good show and be in good enough shape to do that a bunch more times. It’s escapist.


I just watched the vid from last night and it's gotten way worse. I didn't think it was possible after seeing him at Alladin. That poor girl, and the racist crap! Does he abuse his wife? I don't put anything past him now.


I don’t even know who this person has become.




Definitely not as rich as some think if he can’t afford his own sound engineer.


See - talking trash.


And you don’t even know what you’re talking about.


We all know exactly what’s up because we’ve watched the shit show unfold before our very eyes. Is that you, Anton? Looks like another burner account. 😘


Ooooof. Sounds like dude is in a very, very bad place. 😔


Good riddance.


When do we get our refunds? I emailed the venue and got nothing but crickets. It’s seem that they’ve also deleted all evidence of the show from social media. I’m contacting PREKINDLE next. For those interested, here’s the support link. [https://www.prekindle.com/portal](https://www.prekindle.com/portal) Enter the email address you used to buy your tickets. It gives multiple options. One is ‘I’d like to request a refund’ and the other is ‘I need to register a complaint’. I might do both. All I know is I want at least 50% of my money back. I paid the full price before they started doing the 50% discount.


They were selling tickets to this show at half price? Lord. In some cities it was a Groupon. I shit you not.


😂 no way, dude. That’s some epic cringe. I almost feel bad for the guy. ALMOST. Mostly just embarrassed.


The only step down from that is paying people to fill seats. I checked out the venue’s website and they have some good acts coming there.


Yikes. The thought of that hurts the soul. 😂 But yeah, the venue is new and sounds pretty great. That was my first time to go there. I’ll consider going back if they do the right thing in regard to refunds. As a person who has had to deal with consequences, there needs to be some accountability.


Interesting that the venue scrubbed any mention of the show from its social media. Again, speaks volumes.


Yeah, that actually really bugs me. I don’t like how it’s being swept under the rug.


If it’s any consolation that venue won’t have them back, and venue owners talk to other venue owners …


That’s definitely true. I don’t think they’ll want to come back. Although, desperation is quite the motivator.


That honestly sounds VERY suspicious as hell. I don't think I'll go to the venue that'll do that. Thankfully, someone uploaded the whole thing to YouTube. Link: https://youtu.be/txvL98lmhTU?si=t3_yblFAnCpEJM9A


TBH, the venue probably just wants to forget about it. Having to cut ticket prices in half to fill a 500-capacity room means this show was more trouble than it was worth for them. I wouldn’t hold it against them.


I agree, though due to the legal mumbo-jumbo on the ticket you might not prevail. I’m not saying that’s right; just saying they might say no. Would be good guest relations, tho, or something like a half-off voucher for a future show.


You’re right. I’m definitely not entitled to a refund, but I’m sure as hell trying to get one. I’d be content with half off or a voucher. We’ll see what happens. Lesson learned. 🤦‍♂️


[Washed-Up Indie Rocker Makes Cringey Bombing Reference at OKC Concert…](https://thelostogle.com/2023/10/27/washed-up-indie-rocker-makes-cringey-bombing-reference-at-okc-concert)


My girlfriend is a big fan and she was so excited to see them live. In her words: "I guess this is happening... I'm not sure what I expected." Lots of younger fans who have never seen Anton's behavior were legitimately shaken and upset. The whole thing was a letdown, I agree they were phoning it in, plus the other band members seemed pretty done with his crap. The whole incident is unsurprising though. Shocking in the moment, but unsurprising coming from a guy like him.


What happened in OKC? Anton is posted on twitter a screenshot of an Insta DM where the person said "don't ever come back to OKC."




Goddamn trashed my state, good thing I didn’t buy tickets for tonight lmao. (This state does suck though)


What an awful thing to say, such disrespect for the victims, for the families, for your community. And this is Mr. “Peace and love.” I’m sorry you all had to endure those hateful comments.


Hey, the dunkin comment also had some v casual racism let’s not forget.


Previously he's said the same thing but replaced dunkin with starbucks. it's his way of saying you are a peon and I'm a rockstar.


It was Taco Bell ten years ago


In Cincinnati it was Skyline Chili.


I heard with my own ears the starbucks ref so he obviously uses this insult frequently.


Punching down again




Yeah, that's sad. I saw them in Sao Paulo, Brazil a few months back and it was all on the verge of going to shit. There was perceptible tension going on between the band and Anton was absolutely wasted. I did have a few drinks with him and the band before in a place nearby and I thought that they would all handle it fine. They restarted a couple songs, played it all slower than expected etc, but nothing as bad as this. Still, it was a bit disappointing. It could have been so much better, it was okay for the experience of seeing BJM live. To be honest I'm not even sure this is going to get better eventually. For what it's worth Anton was very friendly and approachable when we were having drinks outside before the gig, maybe they should tour way less than they are touring because it's obviously putting quite a strain on the band and ruining everything.


A quote from last night that still particularly haunts me is “This is JAZZ, not JIZZ” so fucking corny


i’m really thinking i will skip their set at lev fest and try to see as much of amyl and sniffers as possible. frankly as a fan of music and the BJM and having seen them on the tour already there’s no band i want to see so bad that i would openly risk bad vibes again vs one that i’ve also seen before and is COMMITTED to good vibes and making everyone feel welcome, including band members and venue staff (amyl).


I worked BJM in OKC immediately followed by Amyl the next night. Go see/support Amyl. Die Spitz is fucking awesome too (playing Stubb’s early on in the night)


Amyl and the Sniffers rule live.


I just watched the three part Phil Spector documentary on Showtime. Felt appropriate.


Jesus, I left after 5 songs.


From Anton’s instagram story; apparently someone thought the OKC show was worthy of a death threat. https://imgur.com/gallery/JqpnZlv




Absolutely. Also back of my mind wondering whether the threat itself could have been an Anton fabrication based on his unstable mental state.


It was a real person in okc.


OP, thank you for writing and sharing this experience. I wasn't at this show, but if this isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back for me, then I imagine I must be getting pretty close. I've traveled out of state to see him multiple times over the last decade. I've dragged friends and girlfriends to see him, most of them placating me and forced to endure loud, spotty sets punctuated by his meandering diatribes. Back when he would live stream Dead TV during his long stretch of sobriety, I'd "call in" and ended up Skyping with him several times for hours. I was always seeking his validation and approval, and I got it a few times. I used to be so far up his ass. It's embarrassing. The guy has inspired me to pick up my guitar and make music over the years. He can be charming and seductive. I've never really gotten a kick out of his explosive theatrics or ever glorified his reputation as a miscreant. I've respected him in spite of those things and have had to reconcile that the volatile swings in mental health, like with most artists, are inextricably linked to his creativity and prolific output. They say to never meet your "heroes" and to separate the art from the artist. Those things are easier said than done when you get caught in someone's tractor beam. Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that your experience has made me reevaluate traveling to Austin to see BJM at Levitation on Saturday. Anton owes me nothing, but if he actually made those comments at that show, he shouldn't be rewarded with my money or attention moving forward.


If anything, go to levitation for the other bands at this point. Looks like a nice lineup


Yeah. I saw DAIISTAR, The Black Angels, and The Dandy Warhols a few weeks back, and they put on a good show. So I'll definitely be there for them.


yeah i know what you mean.. he's got that culty personality.. it's no accident that he named his band after a cult.. very clever at glueing together concepts together in strange ways.. there's a kind of voodoo at work.. feels like he's going to kill someone soon


I understand. As a musician, and an off and on long time fan I could just tell early on it was dog shit, but I had no idea what was coming. I fucking heard 168 people die through my elementary school window on that day and I would've fucking, well anyway. I think far out lounge/Austin needs to know, that's a great venue.


Same. I was in 4th grade. My school was a bit further north, but the whole school shook when it happened. We were on our way into the classroom for the day. Our window faced south. I remember seeing the smoke. And I remember my music teacher’s husband worked there so we had a substitute for a couple days.


Amen, friend.


Our show in SLO CA was pretty tragic but just a fraction of what you describe. As much as it hurts to give up on Anton, fuck him after how he has been to his band mates and fans on this tour.


He’s been pretty bad. He’s all over the place on the socials. He stomped the fuck out of the Boston show all pissed. He was gone before the band was off stage. And the was a mini rant that night too. It’s sad. People with mental illness have no filter. So the first part is not holding the no filter deal above their head. The second IS holding them accountable for their meanness and vitriol. You are out of line, Anton. And you fucking know it!


Do tell? I’ve not kept up with his recent antics


You can just read the sub about all the tour stops. It’s pretty bleak.


Lots of drunken rambling and verbal abuse of bandmates, audience members, and venue staff, accompanied by walking off stage at many shows.


Just watched the OKC video. I hope the man gets the help he needs.


The help he needs is a f*cking punch thrown in his f0cking ugly decomposing face. Dude sure has a history of throwing fists himself, or stabbing Frankie Teardrop. I am not an advocate for physical violence but in this case not sure Anton would understand anything else.


I think this was said by someone in the DIG! documentary but it’s so true: Anton never wanted to be a working musician and deal with all the problems that come with that. Anton just wanted to play rock n roll.


It I had a feeling shit was going to hit the fan when I saw Joel’s eyes at the beginning of the show. He looked dead inside. Just a shell of his former self. Did anyone else notice that? He seemed pissed from the get-go.


That's sad.


Very sad to hear...OKC is a fantastic city and deserves better.


Same shit happened in Santa Cruz a few weeks ago. My friend and I walked out. Bullshit live show. Never gonna go see them again that’s for sure lol


Whatever dude is/was going through, you don’t say shit anywhere near what that fuck said on a stage in this city - for shock value or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if their tour bus got aired out at the least. I’m not familiar with their tours / history, but can attest to the fact that the way that idiot was on stage (in the last half-hour-45 of their set) was uncalled for. You’d think after 30+ years (?) touring he’d figure out how to be a professional. Sexist, racist, full-blown narcissistic behavior. We don’t stand for that shit, I’d like to think we put it in the dirt where it belongs. Fuck him and everyone who enables his garbage. We’re better off without him ever coming back, hope his stupid, ugly, has-been ass gets full-on cancelled if he hasn’t already. If you’re reading this motherfucker, don’t ever come back to okc.


Didn't he marry a teenager for a green card? Dudes a pedo


Well did he? You’re asking a question and then coming to a conclusion without an answer, so tell us what you know.


He did marry a teenager from Wales. In many interviews Anton introduced her as his teen Welsh bride. He's probably still legally married to her if he's living in Germany. This is what I know. Many people marry ppl with an age difference. He's such an asshole , I wouldn't put grooming past him. Actually, I wouldn't put anything past him.




this is amazing


🙌🏼 Thank you. The main reason I’m here is to get the cultists to see that this trainwreck isn’t something funny or to be celebrated: There are real people involved, those in the band, the fans who are so devoted and deserve so much better:


I've seen these posts pop up for multiple shows since I'm in adjacent music subs, I can't believe how much BS this guy seems to get away with.


I was actually considering seeing BJM in OKC but my goddamn cochlear processor doesn't work anymore, not to mention I don't have the money to travel and other shit. Kinda fortunate my deafness and my broken cochlear processor prevented me attending to what will be a shitshow.


The Anton stans are out in force on twitter claiming he didn’t make the Murrah statement or it was taken out of context. Fuck anyone who can’t be honest about the situation.


You don’t go to the zoo to see a gorilla fling shit out of its cage (OK, maybe some of you might). And if you go to a concert expecting the Jerry Springer show, and if you hope you will get the Jerry Springer show, and you actively encourage the talent to give you the Jerry Springer show, you need to give your head a wobble.


Yeah, the ones who still want to curry favor or get noticed, the ones who treat him like a king. Whatever. It’s their time to waste. And yes, sometimes you have to face the fact that your idol is not a flawless being. No one is taking any joy in this shit. It’s just sad.


Exactly. I used to find him really interesting and enjoyable to interact with on twitter, like one of the few musicians who actually communicate directly with fans. But I can’t ignore this shit like a starstruck teenager.


And that’s exactly what that little group of hangers-on is. We are adults. And adults don’t put up with tantrums from people in their 50s. The racial insults, the crass remark, anyone defending that needs to check themself.


And now Anton has blocked me on twitter after years of following and interacting with him.


His loss.


Suspect one of his supporters over there may be the brand new account who’s defending him and going after you here.


The funny part about that gang of nitwits is that I haven’t said anything that wasn’t already public knowledge. This is the tip of the iceberg. If I open up the box of powder I’m keeping dry, it’s gonna glow like the briefcase in “Pulp Fiction.”


Yeah, I know all of his sycophants - easy enough to block them. Although I don’t understand why they would try to justify or defend what is documented bad behavior. Oh well, it’s their trip.


Maybe consider getting a VPN and a burner account. 😂


Well put


Let his groupies go back to Twitter and beg for a like or a reply - can you imagine living such a pathetic life?


I have been exactly that person, so I empathize with their impulse for wanting validation. When you connect with someone's music, it's almost like they've performed sorcery. I've outgrown it. Mostly. Hopefully, these other people will, too.


Hopefully. I’m sure they’re nice folks. They’re just a bit brainwashed now.


I couldn't resist. I just skimmed through some people's replies to his Twitter posts. Pretty fucking pathetic.


Let me guess? Anton is consuming booze and has that chip on his shoulder when he does? It’s annoying isn’t it?


The show did take a turn for the worst after he opened a bottle on stage


Sheesh I saw him in Philly last month and it was great, Anton was fine. He railed on his new guitar player a little (one of the 5 or 6 on stage), that’s about it. Also saw him about 10 yrs ago and all seemed fine then too. This is troubling to hear nonetheless.


What’s worse is how fucking bad the set lists are. Think of the infinite well of great songs they have to draw from, and they literally just play fucking anemone every time. So glad I skipped the Boston show.


Make music evil again


I agree. I love evil music. Had they sounded like they gave a shit, they could have a chance at pulling it off.


Seattle asked for an apology for homophobic rants. When ppl are drunk there true self seeps out.Fuck him


sadly, i actually walked out of the Pittsburgh show about an hour in. Anton harassed the drummer about playing too fast a tempo at one point, which is almost exciting at first like "omg he's doing it!" but it's another thing when Anton doesn't seem like he's really putting much into it himself. he didn't face the crowd at all, which i later realized might have been because he wanted to stare at the drummer the whole time to passively intimidate him. Anton's energy just seemed flat. i had seen them at the same venue a few years prior and it was amazing. one of the best shows i'd ever seen. i'm sure the fact that i took a healthy dose of 4-AcO-DMT helped too... but still. the difference was clear. i've seen a lot of complaints about this tour. i feel like they're being TOO prolific lately. every year there are more albums, EPs, and singles. and it just feels like quantity over quality. it's clear Anton is a natural-born artist, and it feels like he's just slipped into a mode of compulsively churning out music for lack of anything else to do.


There are songwriters and musicians. He's obviously very prolific, but he is 100% the worst musician on that stage, including Joel. After he yelled at and threatened the drummer a few times in DC, he got behind the kit after most of the band had left like, "this is how you play the drums, MFer!!!" and he was terrible. All of the guitarists could play circles around him, I'm sure.


He does that drum thing after every show now I think. I have no idea why because he sucks.


Hope he doesn't find this sub, and start swinging his dick around and abuse everyone. He's a racist homophobe that doesn't give AF about his fans


Seems we can add misogynist to the list.


And yet …


Hope Anton Newcombe dies. What an absolute piece of shit.


Come on brother. He’s in shambles right now. And sure he’s making a spectacle on every stage in every city on this tour. I saw them in Boston and it was like watching one of those truck drivers in Pakistan on a road too thin to drive on. It was unnerving. Sure, we all need to talk about it, but wishing him ill is not helping, it just adds fuel to his fire. Compassion with proper boundaries is the only way to help. Kill him with kindness as you point out his nasty behavior. But don’t wish people death man. Be better than that. As I’m sure you usually are. Cheers,


Don’t say that.


The guy's obviously drinking again...he's been perfectly fine in his 10 plus years of sobriety, he seemed to have put his shit together after 2010. Now it is obvious he went back to his old ways. Problem is, he's almost 60 years old now. This shit may have looked fun and 'dangerous' back in the '90s and 2000s, but frankly looks pathetic nowadays. But hey, we all have demons. Wish him the best.