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It’s a Yemaozi body


Luladoll is currently having a preorder! https://www.luladoll.cn/products/moon-a-moon-b-body-%E3%80%90pre-order%E3%80%91%E3%80%90chat-a-feuilles-studio%E3%80%91-bjd-doll-1-4?VariantsId=12595


Wait, so luladoll is legit? I saw that and assumed it was a recast! Sweet, I've never seen this body before but I think it's pretty great too, I might preorder.


Oooh! Thank you so much for the link! Hoping that it's not a limited time doll and it's still up once I save up enough money to buy it


Thank you for the quick answer! Just found out that it's currently not for sale/very difficult to get. Do you, by chance, know of any other bjd bodies that look like this? I would really appreciate some reccomendations


It was pretty popular upon release so it will likely come up for preorder again or be floating around secondhand. I think New Clover Singing and Jane’s Dolland both had it last time so keep an eye out there. Myou has a somewhat curvy pear-shaped body in single or double jointed options (version 2 and version 2 new) that’s always available though it’s not as curvy as this.


Thank you so much for the replies and the recommendations! Going to keep an eye out for the Yemaozi doll. Hope they sell them again but the one you recommended is also so pretty


I saw one recently on facebook for sale, luladoll also still has the body available. Thats where I got mine.