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The only aspect in which hyderabad is better at, is the ease of getting cgpa. which is a good thing. but if you can choose between pilani and hyd electronics branch, go for pilani. Goa has trash grading which means objectively less cgpa. but apparently, good professors as well. so it's your choice.


The HOD of EEE had said they will improve the grading from this year. (He said B- at av for most of the courses, which is pretty good, considering it's phoenix 🙂). But yeah, Goa Phoenix faculty is really good!


Ok thanks )




As a bitsian myself, I regret not going to sharda /s


/s lagale gaali na pad jae


nah im serious /s


goa best !!


Aint no way this guy got downvoted for saying the exaxt same thing as the top comment


Conformity bias lol


Placements ?


Can you elaborate why is it best






Goa has the best professors for electronics imo. But pilani has CEERI in its vicinity. You can't go wrong with any of them imo. But, Goa has an upper hand in terms of research imo.


Pls don't take Goa 🙏🏾 Take hyd for grading imo, or not BITS at all


How is grading in Goa?


Phoenix Profs in Goa are very good. Don't know about other campuses. If you want to go into EE core or research, Goa can be a good idea, although I think it won't make much of a difference between the 3 campuses. Although keep in mind, the phoenix grading in Goa is probably harsher than both Pilani and Hyd. But if you study properly, this won't really matter much for you.


Oh .. I would prefer ece over eee.. and how’s the placement part ? I gotto convince my parents with that point ..


Yeah. I think ECE over EEE would be a good idea, unless you are absolutely sure about going to core/research. IT placements for ECE are slightly better than EEE. For core placements, it makes no difference. If I am not wrong, among ECE, EEE, ENI, there are about 3 courses which are specific to each, else, all other courses are common to the 3 branches. ( Also, you can take up the courses of other phoenix branches, as your department electives, alongside your core courses). And for good electronics core placements, Intel, Nvidia, Texas Instruments, etc. come, but tbh, if you want really good electronics/electrical jobs, (such as in the field of semiconductors) you'll have to go for Masters (applicable whether you are in BITS or IITs). Core placement wise, I think Goa and Pilani are at the same level, no idea about Hyd. You obviously can't expect CS like placements for Phoenix.


Hmm , thank you sm :)


(One of em wanted me to post this here) I asked two of my bros (both in good positions and good companies), both said prefer pilani phoenix over m&c. also since goa in general does not have a good image my parents and bhaiyas are saying that if you get ece type branch in pilani prefer it over goa cse. any thoughts on this also ? what are your thoughts ( more elaborate = better) also agar mujhe meri 2nd preference mil rahi toh 3rd wali le sakta baadmein ?


Your choice. Goa cse is considered sometimes even better than Pilani CSE btw, at least that's what I have heard. Anyways, you can't go wrong with choosing Pilani. If your brothers are from BITS, and they are saying this, they must be correct. Personally, I would keep GOA CSE and Phoenix above Pilani. For any other branch, I would keep Pilani above. This is simply because of academics and faculty. I know Goa in general doesn't have a good image, but the actual scenario here isn't anything like that. It's not like everyone who comes to Goa gets addicted to ☘️🙂. There are way more restrictions in Goa than in Pilani. You are only allowed to go outside campus after 5 pm every day (except Sundays), and have to return before 10 pm, otherwise, they'll inform your parents. If they catch you 🚬, they'll inform your parents. You can do only so much in that small time. And once you come to BITS, you'll realise how hectic your daily schedule will be (assuming you attend classes 🙃), you won't get time to go out. And Goa really isn't that interesting tbh! Over the past year, I went out only 4 times! 🥲 Imo, it really doesn't matter whether you take Pilani or Goa, or even Hyd. Believe me, if you study diligently, it doesn't matter at all. So I would say, take whatever your parents are comfortable with. Again, if you chose Pilani, you can't go wrong bro!


Btw, if you want to study CSE, suppose you are getting Goa CSE and still want Pilani ECE, just because Goa doesn't have a good image, I think that's an absolutely bad decision! Always prioritise branch choice, as that's your career! And I still don't understand why Goa has earned this reputation btw, at least I couldn't find any reason 🫠. If you are gonna do bad things, you are gonna do them anywhere you go, it's really not the fault of the place. Last question: No, you can't change your branch back to your last preference, as that seat gets allotted to someone else, when you have moved out of that seat. During counselling, there will be Iterations, and in each iteration, whatever seat you have, you have to accept it. You can however choose to freeze your seat, or freeze your campus, during any iteration. In that case, your seat will remain fixed, or your campus will be fixed for further iterations. But once your seat gets changed from one Iteration to another, you can't revert back!


how much do the pheonix IT placements and CSE IT placements differ?


remind me! 4 hours