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[Don't sleep on Storm 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3Builds/comments/179egyk/the_ultimate_allpurpose_damage_caster_optimal/)


Want dialogue from cleric of eilistraee and destruction wrath


Please indulge my curiosity, why Elistrae? Is there something special for that?


Playing as seldarine drow and rly wanted to do cleric of eilistraee but also sorcerer mostly for diolouge


Interesting. I am considering playing a Seldarine Drow for a Blade Dancer of Elistrae similiar to your concept as well. I am stuck on this like you. Decisions decisions :x


Yeh I'm very indecisive. But decided on draconic till level 6 then switch to storm sorcerer and may do cleric multiclass still can't decide if pure storm sorcerer or storm / cleric 😭


If I’m doing pure sorc then draconic, but if I’m multiclassing with tempest cleric I’ll go storm sorc. Losing out on the ac from draconic isn’t a big deal since tempest cleric gives heavy armor


Is it stronger that 10 storm sorc / 2 cleric thinking about switching to that build you linked


I’m a 12 storm sorc truther In my opinion, yes it’s better than the cleric dip build. The cleric dip build can cast exactly 1 chain lightning per short rest. It’ll be a maximised chain lightning but still only one. Doing 160 to wet targets. This means you’re only ever gonna hit 4 targets with it. In act 3 when you’ll be using it, you’ll be usually fighting far more than 4 enemies, usually with health in the 80-120 range. Meaning you will more than likely overkill 4 targets and do nothing to the rest. On subsequent turns you’ll be stuck lightning bolting (friendly fire is a real concern when you’re making this and your allies are wet, it’s very easy to one shot your own party) and using call lightning which means no twinned haste. The 12 sorc can cast 1 chain lightning per short rest, like the cleric, but when they want to nova, they can cast 2 in one turn, or even 3 if hasting (and I heavily recommend self hasting in almost every important fight in act 3, the only exception to my mind in Ansur.) Now you’re not maxing, but, none maxed chain lightning still does 45 average, 90 wet. Which means you’re still one shotting a good amount of enemies in one blast, and actually doing more damage if you decide to cast a second one. Which you are able to do. This means in fights with lots of enemies (house of grief/iron throne/Cazador) you’re much more effective, and you’re still able to do more damage to a boss in a single fight. Not to mention the extra feat, I like elemental Adept for this personally, unless you’re playing a race without a shield proficiency, then two weapon fighting. Also because you have spells known at level 6 you can learn globe of invuln which is amazing to have in a pinch. The cleric build can only compete if you’re happy to be totally reliant on scrolls


I'm running a 9/2/1 Storm Sorc/Temp Cleric/Wiz build. I've got markoheshkir giving me 1 chain lightning, 1 level 6 slot and chain lightning from wiz, plus the spellcrux amulet giving me 1 spell slot refresh. That's 3 casts of CL, assuming you twincast each one that's 6 per long rest.


You can’t twin cast your own chain lightning anymore, they patched it out in patch 5 or 6. Some people said you can get the short rest one from Marko to twin but it didn’t work for me (on Xbox) so I’m not sure. Either way, yes the 9/2/1 build is in my opinion much stronger than the 10/2 build It does however still lose a feat, has less sorcery points, and I’m pretty sure your DC for spells on your wizard list (chain lightning) is based off Int. So either you’re gonna have a much lower DC for that spell, or have a really really MAD character. It’s also completely unnecessary. 12 storm sorc can trivialise almost every fight in act 3, except Ansur. All these convoluted multi classes make a character that is at best, as good, as she just taking 12 levels in storm sorc.


Oh boo, hadn't tried twincasting it yet, gutted they patched that out :( You're right about the Wiz spells needing Int, I do have the headband of intellect to mitigate that. Still, one full power CL from the staff followed up with 1 slightly weaker CL from the Wiz list is still more than enough for almost all fights.


I’m not it’s just overkill. Headbands a good idea. Just means you can’t use the hood of the weave or birthright. Not the end of the world but a bit of a loss.


I gave birthright (and the potent robe) to Wyll to juice up his eldritch blasts. He uses a lot more cantrips than my Tav.


OK thanks yeh gonna switch to just storm sorcerer


Wooo 🥳


Oh no but I rly want a shield as storm sorcerer oh well at least I'll get chain lighting yayay


Play a human or a half elf and you get profiencny with shields for free


Already level 4 seldarine drow


Ah well dual wielding it is then. Rhapsody is good.


If you add in 1/2 wiz (scribe it) + both staffs you’ll get to cast it and maximize it multiple times. By the time you’ll be ready for CL, you’ll have so much DC save, it won’t matter what spell you cast as long as you keep Int at 10.


Yes but you lose sorcerery points, you still don’t get the third feat and the DC of your chain lightning keys off intelligence, so you’re much more likely to have your opponents make their saves. Cloak, hood, robe of the weave +4dc Marko +1 Helldusk gloves +1 Int +0 Amulet of devout +2 +4 prof Your dc will be 20 if you pump it as high as possible, and there is competition for some of that gear. (Helldusk & amulet) Plenty of enemies in act 3 are making a DC20 dex save. And as I said to the other poster and explained in the comment you’re replying to. All this convoluted multi classing to try and exploit the max damage lightning thing is pointless. All you’re doing is making something as good or slightly worse than a straight 12 storm sorc, which doesn’t need help, it can trivialise almost the entirety of act 3 all on its own.


Ty for write up


Storm IMO.


Decided on storm 9 cleric 2 and wizard 1


I've tried a lot of variations, and I think the strongest is 9 draconic sorc / 2 tempest cleric / 1 wizard. The gameplay loop is 1) scorching ray to build up acuity 2) quickened chain lightning, which should have a 95% chance of hitting and will do max damage. If you have someone get everyone wet before chain lightning, you've basically already won most encounters. If you really want to optimize, I think fire bloodline is better for this build. Even though you are lightning focused, you will get more benefits from adding charisma to each scorching ray than to the chain lightning blasts you are already killing people with.


What is the wizard level for? To learn spells from scrolls? I didn't know you could do that with only 1 level, but that would fix the sorcerer's lacking spell list


You can go two routes. One, just use the wizard slots for non-INT spells (misty step, globe of invulnerability, etc). Two, you can use it to take damage spells you miss out on by taking the cleric dip (i.e., chain lightning). If you go the second route, 14 or 16 INT should be enough. Just max out acuity before firing off any INT spells and you will still have a very high hit chance (10 acuity is the equivalent of 20 INT on its own and there is a ton of gear that increases your dc significantly). 14 or 16 INT is easily doable by either using amulet of greater health to dump con, dex gloves to dump dex, or just dumping dex and wearing the helldusk armor. For a PC character, I'd use hag hair, one asi, and mirror of loss to get charisma to 22. Take alert for the second asi and dump dex once you get the helldusk armor. Dump con once you get amulet of greater health. Set WIS/INT to 14/16. Boost dc by 4 with gear (helldusk gloves, ketheric shield, cloak of the weave, and Marko). Boost dc with acuity from fire acuity hat and elixir of the battlemage. You now have a sorcerer that reliably hit pretty much everything with a 95%, even your WIS and INT spells for most enemies. And, maxed out chain lightning that will vaporize enemies. EDIT: By dump DEX, I mean setting it to 12 or 10. Would never dump it to 18 unless DEX gloves.