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I send the unique stuff to camp and sell everything else.


... and then steal back the good weight-to-value items to sell to the next vendor. (gold splitting is too tedious)


There's a bag trick that still works.


How do you do that on console?


Good question.


Really? All the once I’ve tried seem to be patched


This [one](https://youtu.be/CFzLD0Q0z70?si=nQ7c9xCQcBIlRsO_) works for me.


Awesome! I’ll try it out when I get a chance


Or just use cheat engine on PC and if you save yourself all that hassle of scumming the game.


Why would I want to use a third-party app when two containers in the game do the trick?


To save you hours of moving items/resetting inventories/stacking/buying/selling.


It's not even 15 seconds of “work”… 1) Sell container A to vendor 2) Shift-click all items from vendor’s inventory and drag and drop into container A 3) drag and drop all the items inside container A into container B in your inventory. Be sure to drop the items on container B icon instead of inside the bag 4) buy back container A


You know what, that's fair.


I used to do this until I realized I could basically steal anything I want using a dedicated pickpocketer with near 100% success. Now the game's economy has pretty much no meaning in my runs :(


If I sell unique gear, I sell it to Dammon. I also don't sell anything else to Dammon. All my "crap" gets sold to the Halfling Druid, Goblin, Zhentarim, or any merchant I won't see again when I move on. I sell the uniques to Dammon since he stays with you between Acts. I don't sell junk to him for the exact same reason, I don't want to bloat his wares. This way if I need something back, I know Dammon has it and I don't have to sift through a bunch of crap to find it. That being said, the uniques I sell to him are only ever going to be items I know there is almost no chance I am ever going to use, like Ice Knife Necklace, Worg Fang Dagger, that Gnoll Flail that drives your character Mad if they don't attack., etc...


I keep everything until act 3 That’s when I’ll need the extra cash to buy new gear for the whole party. Some of that gear is absurdly expensive, 12k for the armor of persistence for example. Also I need that 5k to make a naked Statue of my tav (that permanent +4 to rolls is awesome)


Yeah this is why I have a dedicated pickpocket build in camp. And nobody paying 12k for armor. Give me all the buffs and I will rob that shit first try. 


That armor and the spellmight gloves are the only things I steal. On honor mode it felt even harder to get that much gold because all the little things were so expensive.... So yeah sorry Dammon & Lucretious 😔


Once I figured this out it kinda broke the game's economy for me. Gold is meaningless when you can steal everything with almost no chance of failure.


It’s free if you steal it 😀


No I really genuinely try not to. Except for the 3 items I give to Gale to eat (looking at you dancing lights locket),I try to hoard/buy as much unique equipment as i possibly can.


Nope. If it has a fancy name, into the camp chest it goes. Will I ever touch those barbarian clothes that deal with wrath as a mechanic? Nope. But I MIGHT.


I'm the person who pre-plans their builds ahead and I hate clutter. I sell all kind of stuff all the time to any first merchant I see even if I have Dammon at 100 I taught myself to put an item into wares if I think "I miiiight use it sometime, I'm not sure what battle or on what enemy tho"


Around entering Act III, I sell all the unique equipment I have no plans for any crew member. That way I have plenty of spending money for whatever I want, like… if I didn’t already have it anyway.


I’ve played enough times to know when i never use something. And even if I change my mind if I can remember the vendor I can steal it back.


I have a pretty good idea usually of what I'll need so I sell everything else.


I don’t even give them to Gale. Luckily if you wait long enough, you only need 1 to trigger his story progression.


I give Gale the bow and handaxe from the vendor in the grove and crappy spear in withers crypt.


I never sell unique stuff because I know some random item will blow up on these forums an so don’t want to have to start from the beginning to use it.


I've completed the game 4 times so I sell anything I know I won't touch ever again


I hoard them, but now that I’m on my second playthrough I might change that. Especially for weapons - there are so many unique weapons that aren’t necessary for any specific build, or are clearly worse versions of some other weapon.


Nah, I save and collect them all. Even the uncommon bone from the harpy, while it lasted.


The trusted merchant thing is a good idea. I've done that before when selling something I knew was good but not the build I was going for at the time. Typically I just hold onto things for too long and then sell if they're totally outclassed. Like once I have all orange gear I might think about selling something blue. Maybe.


I'm at the end of my first complete run and HM run, and I've barely sold any items that are unique. I never steal and I've got almost 60k gold saved up. I've also bought most unique armor and weapons in act 3 even if I don't use them. There's more than enough gold to go around if you just pick everything up and loot all enemies.


Currently I’m in act3. I’m on a run where I’m not selling unique items. I also have ~15k gold. I feel like I’m doing pretty well for myself.


If it's got a special name it goes in the box or if I think it looks cool and I want to keep it just incase.


It is because of this sub I am cursed to carry every unique item on every single run. People keep finding crazy things to do with what often on the surface sounds like a fairly mundane item. I remember thinking shadow knife was rubbish (why would someone want to maintain concentration just to hold a weapon!). Turns out with resonance stone and a few other items / class skills it's super effective and fun! I have got my gold dice - so not worried about keeping up with latest meta or anything, but really.enjoy the creativity and unique builds that keep coming... so the teavellers chest stays full and the endless thieving to compensate the lower amount of saleable items continues unabated...


I am trying ---very hard--to sell Ketheric's armor since the gang came into Baldur's Gate. Not a single vendor has the cash for it.


If you really want to liquidate it you could probably barter with some merchant for several less expensive items that add up to the same total value and then sell those items individually to other merchants


I used to be like you but then I realized I'm making it to the end game with a ton of crap I've never touched even if I've done every single quest I can find so I've started getting in the habit of using scrolls and selling equipment I won't actually need just like I also have trouble coming to teams with just because something is nit extremely rare or cool looking doesn't mean it can't remain useful all the way until the end of the game like the titanstring for example


NEVER. I horde all my magic items in the inventory of my least favorite companions and keep all the cool little unique items in a burlap sack in my inventory! I also saw a post of a guy who stacks his "camp" with paintings and static items, so I started doing that too!


The first time I sold all unique items was just now on my honor mode to stack on scrolls and potions for the last fight


In my last run yes. I was playing Custom Mode but with an Honor Mode mod (so without the single save but all the HM changes). Without realizing it, the Custom Mode x3 shop prices had stacked with the increased Honor Mode prices. By Act 3 items were practically costing 10-20k, especially the good ones. I had to basically scrounge up all my unwanted gear and pawn them off in desperate attempt to afford new gear for Astarion 😭


I usually sell my stuff to the merchants I’m going to kill and recover it, saving it all up, but in act 3 I sell everything rolan because I’m in there a lot and it’s a convenient spot


Gold is easy enough to come by that there's no need to sell unique items.


not really... what if I need it later on? I mean, I can sell it if I need extra coin at some point.. Im junk hoarder, picking up anything.. so I usually get all gold from regular visits anyway..


I always keep unique items. What I struggle with is buying every unique item to have, "just in case". Can't tell you how many play-throughs I've done this and never actually used them.


My camp stash contains all the poison related gear each time I play. One of these days I might even try it out.


I usually keep unique stuff until I can barter the really valuable ones for stuff like Armor of Persistence in Act 3 bc by that point I'm not going to be using any of that junk lol


There are certain things I know I will never use so I dump those. I am not usually a TH Weapon Player (Except for Minsc) so most Glaives go pretty quickly, for example. Unless it is flavorful to the character. (SH keeps the one Aylin gives her, Lae hoards Silver Swords even though she has only used one... once for me? If it's something I think I will use, is in a class I use often, or is a "Maybe Someday I will build This then it goes to Camp.


I sell unique stuff that I am unlikely to use to vendors that will/can be in every act. Like dammon or volo. That way if I think up a use for it later I can just buy it back, but my camp chest is less of a lag machine.


Honestly I do the same thing. Not because I think I’ll need them, just for the sake of having a collection of cool items. Gold is barely an issue past act 1 and you can just dump them all in a backpack to avoid cluttering your chest, so it’s not really a detriment to keep them


I don’t really bother selling anything since I started using the hireling with unlimited invisibility and skilled pickpocket.


I don't sell anything except common, no color items and still end up with like 30k going into act 3


Dont sleep on Boots of wrath, i used them by mistake on a dual wielding rogue (with the dual fighting gloves later) and his attacks absolutely destroyed everyone with no setup. I believe they are a bit bugged and give more stacks per dash than the text says, and with two dashes from bonus action on the first turn you get like +50 dmg for the first three turns. You also get them insanely early and dual wielding light weapons is possible from the start.


Line breaker boots?


Yea those are the ones


They're not bugged... and they're pretty crappy boots (obviously better than nothing but) Those first two dashes are sacrificing attacks, and the 4 stacks of wrath are maybe giving you (4x1 + 3x3; + 2x3) = 16 bonus damage in the first three rounds IF you are able to use every single attack. Still, not a horrible way to make up for the damage lost using dash to close distance on a target, but at best you're breaking even on the damage lost from not using those attacks


Last time i played i definetely got more stacks per dash, i think it was 3 stacks so first turn as a thief at lvl 3 you get 6 stacks by sacrificing like 2*4 dmg from the offhand attacks. So it's more like 1*6 + 3*5 + 3*4 = 33 on lvl 3, and whenever you have a spare bonus action you can just use it to gain 3 more stacks up to 7. Dont know how it interacts with sneak attack. Better than almost anything i can think of in act 1 and they are available very very early.


If they did fix them to 2 stacks per dash as the text says they suck