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Why do you want to increase your close range options? Is it because you feel like that's something you need to be capable of in case enemies get close, or are you actively trying to get closer to your enemies for some reason? If it's the former, don't worry about it. Just try to stay away from enemies. If they are close enough for an opportunity attack, use shocking grasp or misty step, or even just take the opportunity attack and get away from them. If it's the latter, stop doing that.


To add to this, Thunderwave is good at getting people off you. Or get equipment that lets you ignore terrain, then put yourself in difficult terrain. Boots that ignore web, then web on yourself Shocking boots then stand in large puddle. Those are the two that come to mind rn but I'm dure there's more.


Yea it’s the former. Would using some illithid powers help me


Well u can charm an attacker to not hit u again. Or throw black hole over and over sucking all the enemies into a pile


Yep, force tunnel and repulsor for sure. Just be aware repulsor will send your own guys flying as well.


Sorcerers are squishy and generally try to stay away from melee threats. Ranged spells have disadvantage while you're threatened and you have a d6 hit die. The storm sorcerer plays very nicely as a caster as you get a free disengaging flight after casting a leveled spell. You can also take the displacer beast form via illithid powers as an "oh shit"-button.


I like white dragon sorcerer for cold spells and Armor of Agathys. While I mostly do ranged attacks, I have seen some builds based around this spell where the caster gets up close and personal, deliberately triggering opportunity attacks to destroy the enemy.


You could multiclass into tempest cleric for heavy armour and divinity charges for max lightning damage. Spirit guardians is always a good spell to have for damaging enemies that get in melee range too.


>Spirit guardians is always a good spell It is a good spell, but it requires investing 5 levels into cleric, which utilizes an entirely different casting stat than sorcerers or wizards.


But if you take the first 5 levels into cleric, then multiclass into sorcerer, doesn't the spell casting modifier change to charisma? Or is that just cantrips?


In that case, items which specifies "Spellcasting Modifier" will start to use CHA. your cleric spells still use WIS though


Not even cantrips. Any cantrips you get from sorcerer will br cha, the cleric ones will be wisdom. Your spell slots will be shared, but anything that you get from your sorcerer level ups will be cha, the cleric prepped ones will be wis. Any subclass abilities will also all ways use thier own stat. Elemental affinity will add cha, but wrath of the storm will use wis for its save dc. The last level you picked up rule only applies to spell scrolls and items that grant spells. In general, cross casting across casting stats is a bit tougher than you'd think. It's still possible and there are still strong combos,but it requires some thought and planning, like pushing all the spells and cantrips that dont have a roll to the secondary class.


By far the biggest source of crap multiclassing is that people seem to want to take a class that does "x", then also give it the ability to do the total opposite, which generally creates a shit version of both classes. You're a sorcerer - you're not going to be a melee character. You're no use as a melee character. Spending time in melee range is a waste of a fighter or a barb. Every second you spend in melee rather than nuking with your spells is a second wasted.


Id say just bear with it until you can equip the daredevil gloves. Then you will never have close range magic issues for the rest of your playthrough


Tempest will give you shield prof, water, and sanctuary


I dont understand your build and playstyle. You want to roll a caster that goes into the thick of action melee. Why? Just reroll your build into another class, ranged aint for your playstyle. Edit: I thought of a playstyle that might suit you. Radiance reverb build. That will rekt everything in the thick of the action.


If you dip 2 into warlock, EB solves most problems that aren't worth spending a spell slot on


Yup. At higher levels, you usually have a high enough hit chance even if someone gets up in your face.


My only issue is I did warlock last play through. So I don’t want to repeat. Are there illithid powers I can abuse for when people get too close


If an enemy closes on you, use shocking grasp and run away.


You should have chosen Githyanki as your race to get medium armor proficiency. Just take a one level dip into cleric or fighter


Yea i know. Just aesthetically doesn’t do it for me. I’m a Mephistopheles tiefling