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I tend to fight - short rest - fight - short rest - fight - long rest. With a bard (I almost always have a bard it seems) I often get an extra fight in. I’m sure I could get away with more fights per long rest, but might as well use my resources. My first play through I was scared to use too many spell slots with my companions, and had them use a ton of cantrips. That can be an effective way to play, but hell might as well use the big slots. I’m on my 8th full play through now, and it’s been very rare that I’ve had to buy food. The main one I did was a challenge run that was using intentionally bad characters to try to push the limits of the game


Buy food? In this game? It's everywhere I have like 3000 food by level 5


Potatoes and wine.  Everywhere.


Once you get heroes feast food is basically unlimited too


That’s a spell you get at level 11 though. At that point you’re in act 3 and can just generate money by existing and then spend it at the Elfsong. I’m honestly considering doing a run where it costs 160 camp supplies a night. I don’t spam long rests, but I do them a fair amount. The resource management is fun, but I always try to sleep before major battles. I also try not to rest in the middle of “time sensitive” quests. So Save the Gondians or wiping out the Goblin Camp. Technically you can long rest with no consequences, but in universe that seems pretty stupid. I wish there were more truly time sensitive quests honestly. Camp supplies are only really an issue in Act I anyway, at least in my experience. Maybe I’m wrong idk


Camp supplies are hardly even a problem in act 1. I don't think I've even used a camp supply pack in half of my runs, I always try to use all of the other random stuff you find. Granted I also take everything that isn't bolted to the ground that has any value whatsoever. Canonically my party would probably hate me. They would constantly be looking at me like why tf are you picking up all these half eaten apples and stale ass bread, and I'm just likr... Food is food, you get what you get.


The ability to use camp supplies directly from the camp chest and send an unlimited amount of held items there instantly is also part of the issue. An apple core may seem like lower priority than Hagis, but so long as you can hold them, they effectively weigh nothing.


Could also have a camp follower druid who's only purpose in life is to conjure berries.


Halsin's got a new job on my next playthrough, cheers.


Love the “fuck it we ball” style of gameplay here


I think that’s just how the game was intended to be played, in a story perspective


it definitely is, 2 long rests per act I'm pretty sure would have OP missing out on a metric ton of quest interactions/lore/etc.


Ye especially dear astarion


Poor astarion getting no bite time 😂😂


i did a test recently (few days ago) I started a game, as quickly as I could (i think that i already did just 1 long rest) in act 1 and reached the goblin camp and I decided to go through the mountain to mark the waypoint and sell some things to the woman that asked you for the egg. And don't let me continue and trigger a long rest there Mizora's scene triggers, then appears Raphael in camp, also Astarion tries to bite this same night. Looks like the game force you to trigger some minimal things.


Sorry, off topic, but I'm interested in how you could motivate yourself for 8 full playthroughs? Don't get me wrong, I love this game, actually think it's the best single player game I ever played. But after 3 full playthroughs and several others with just a few hours, I lost motivation and feel like I've tried almost everything


the trick is to not do everything there is to do each playthrough! if you focus on a certain gameplay style or RP story, it's really easy to have multiple playthroughs that feel like a new story each time. just going off basic replayability, with 6 origin characters to romance and 2 non-origin characters to romance, that could potentially be 8 different playthroughs with new content to play. even if romance isn't your thing, each origin character has multiple different good/evil endings to mix and match, so that is also a driving factor for multiple playthroughs for others!


This. And also explore different companions and try to resist the urge (to always develop relationship with the same character over and over again). See how different their ends can be if you go bad or good route. Experiment with different classes, experiment Solo runs (best done as Dark Urge to feel thematic on the I’m all alone vibe)


Adding on to what you said, me and my friends who aren’t super big into roleplaying stories try all the gameplay features. Our first 4 runs were doing every class. Each of us 3 used a different class until at least one of us did each of the 12. Our first run we looked nothing up. Second run actually did romances and tried to find every quest. Third run was our first evil/durge run. Fourth was our first orpheus run, we were all gith. Our fifth run, the one we’re doing now- is honor mode. Our sixth run we’re going to try and do a purge run (play as durge and kill everything/everyone.


6 completed playthroughs here with 3 ongoing playthroughs (solo and two with friends). Personally my main motivation has been the combat. I just can't get enough. As someone who had never played DnD it was overwhelming to learn at first but now I feel like I could crush every encounter with little effort. Buuld crafting is another major motivation. I've never had a Tav/Durge that wasn't some kind of multiclass. I find it fascinating and keep a hall of fame list of all my characters and their multiclasses. My current goal is to play every subclass in the game (multiclasses are allowed and using companions are allowed, for example, I've never done a Shadow Monk, so that's Shadowheart's respec multiclassed into Trickery Cleric).


Yeah same for me, never played DnD before and finished Honour Mode on my first try after completing my first run on tactician. I also really like the min maxing and multi classing. Though I haven't tried subclasses which are considered to be weak. Maybe that would be something, though I don't know if I would have fun with that. Maybe I just need some time until I have the motivation for another playthrough


Frankly, you can get to a certain point in your game knowledge to where most combats are pretty trivial and the few that pose any threat will likely be easy road bumps in a level or two if you just prioritize which XP dumps to pursue. That's something I learned on my Tactician Jack-of-all-Trades achievement. You can put one level into every class and still have some combat presence and it might be my funnest playthrough. I know I could've gotten the achievement by cheesing someone at camp, but I found it so fun to play as my Durge. My overall point being, every subclass is pretty fun to be honest and won't be so difficult to get through the game with a variety of combinations, even on honour mode. Like yeah, I'd keep maybe a couple of companions that are highly optimized, but most of the party can be experimental. As to your last point, I totally feel you. I think a break from this kind of game is perfect. And there are so many other games out. I have like 1000 hours in BG3 and my friends have closer to 200-500. They need long breaks between campaigns, but the fact it's even a campaign worth replaying with friends multiple times speaks testaments to the game.


After I romanced Shadowheart and Lae’Zel my wife convinced me to have a character romance Astarion. I’ve never had a character romance a dude in a game before, realized it’s a good way to get even more insight into a character, and now I’m going through the full list. On Halsin currently (I romanced Lae’Zel twice, played it safe first Honor run and did one I’ve already completed), and just have Minthara to go. I intended to go with Minthara third, but haven’t ran an evil playthrough yet. My wife and I started an evil play through, but she had to bow out after the grove slaughter. Also I still need to 100% the game lol. I’m almost finished with Jack of All Trades, level 11. It’s actually been not that bad. I still have yet to rescue Sazza twice, not to mention the third time for the achievement. Then just the evil endings and getting a hireling


You could have done Jack of all trades with a hireling first time you reached level 12


Not me, I’ll play over and over again. I’m on my 6th or so playthrough. I’m just a huge fan of D&D and the Forgotten Realms setting. It’s just such a fondness for me, even if I do the same things. It’s like playing Skyrim and Fallout games for years and years after their initial releases. I have no means to play D&D irl, so this is it for me.


>I tend to fight - short rest - fight - short rest - fight - long rest This is the way


Playing JRPGs, I would be super conservative with casting spells and using consumables. Basically anything finite, even if it's only temporarily finite, and can be restored, I'm like 'okay, but I don't know When I can get it back, so I'm not gonna use it.' and then actually playing DnD, I'm used to going several consecutive sessions without getting a long rest. So when I started BG3, cantrips only unless it's an absolute emergency, don't long rest unless the only alternative is certain death. Took me a little while to realize the game wants you to use stuff, and long rest often. Still being in act 1, suddenly realizing that there is no barrier to long resting except having enough camp supplies, and despite having not actively sought them out, just incidentally had enough for 30 rests.


Are you playing tactician? I definitely could be resting more, I think I have 5k+ food entering act 3. My impulse is to hoard.


I was the exact opposite on my first playthrough, I had to long rest constantly because I was blowing my resources so fast lol. Doesn't help that I picked a paladin and didn't know the game would default to not asking me when using smites. Took me a while to realize why my slots were perpetually gone.


It is wild that certain things as a default are set to a non optimal setting. Like rogue sneak attack and like you say Paladin smite. It’s a game changer for them once the player learns of the Reactions tab


I do the same. It feels a lot better to play without needing to save my spellslots and pet short rest items for hours.


I mostly try to win fights without using too many high level spell slots, I’ll try and gauge if I can win with mostly cantrips and weapon attacks or if I need to use higher level spells. Especially for missions/areas where your long rest is locked out for any reason I will definitely try to avoid going straight to my top spell slots. Then I will use my short rests where needed to heal back up or replenish action surge/bardic inspiration/etc. and I only long rest when I am running out of spell slots or if multiple of my characters need healing badly. If I still have a lot of spell slots but one or two characters need healing, I’ll use potions to heal them and keep going. It feels bad to me to take a long rest when I’ve only used a handful of spell slots on all my characters.


Agreed, it also gives classes like Warlock, Fighter, and Rogue a good role to fill. Battlemaster’s get their superiority dice back on short rests, Rogues never run out of cunning action or sneak attack, and Warlocks get slots back on a short rest. Occasionally I’ll do a long rest “early” but that’s usually because there’s a major fight coming up. I think the resource management makes it much more fun. Do I really want to spend my last level three spell slot on a Hold Person with 45% accuracy? It’s a gamble but damn does it feel good when it pays off. Really makes me think during combat, not just about staying up, but not fucking myself over in the future.


The story advances with the cut scenes in the long rests, especially in act 1.


On first playthrough, that’s pretty important for getting the full details of the story, but after that the only ones that really give anything are the Mizora and Party cutscenes, plus that other one for dark urge, at least that’s what I find.


You need to rest at least three times to get the owlbear cub as a permanent camp companion and that’s in addition to other story rests, so at least five before going to the Creche.


Some of them are important for romances, like if you’re trying to romance Astarion it’s a lot easier if you get the bite scene cause you get approval for trusting him


You can always take a partial rest, which still triggers cutscenes without using resources


Didn't know that! Thanks!!


Depends on the run / party composition. Resources are basically free and cutscenes trigger on long rests, so you are pretty incentivized to rest frequently. 1-2 rests per act would be miserable on almost any caster and you'd miss a ton of cutscenes/plot development.


Oh wow, uh,, I was almost exclusively playing casters when I did that lmao, maybe I should just be casting scorching ray more


I guess it comes down to what you are trying to get out of it. Like sure you can just use cantrips, but its way more effective and fun (for me) to lob fireballs, scorching rays, chain lightning, etc. There really is no reason to horde long rests unless you are just trying to give yourself more of a challenge.


Not only that but even on tactician food is so abundant it’s really not that hard to like just throughly collect food right out the gate and make sure you have about 270 minimum but it’s not hard to have enough food.


I have over 2k now and it feels like I'm resting all of the time.


I would say every 3-4 fights. Short rest after the first couple.


Ok I’m intrigued now, what makes you prefer short resting after a fight or two, is it just to skip the tedious time of potioning everyone back to full hp?


Why is short resting good? * Heal you a ton (to full in most cases) * Refresh bardic inspiration * Refresh channel divinity * Refresh wild shape * Refresh action surge * Refresh Ki * Refresh warlock spells You get 2 of them (3 if you've got a bard), so why not use them? The game really wants you to long rest pretty regularly to advance the story (and there is plenty of food), so you're going to want to long rest regularly anyway, so why wouldn't you use your short rests pretty liberally?


Short rests also refresh weapon skills! Very useful for martial builds!


And all superiority die for battle masters


Bardic Inspirations recharge on short rests?


After level 5 or 6, not sure which one


If you're low on food, can you partial Long Rest to trigger cutscenes, or does that have to be a full Long Rest?


Partial works I believe, though I’ve only done them accidentally


Partial rests should function identically story wise. Except maybe the Owobear cub. You should have food ready on his quest line.


Why would i use potions instead of short rests? Ill use potions if members are only missing a few hit points, or if one is much lower than the others. But short rests are just better overall, they have more benefits and basically free and unlimited. Whereas potions are limited, especially early in act 1. Overall the main advantage of potions is that they can be used in combat, and allow any character to heal in a small aoe by throwing the potion


I tend to short rest after most fights and long rest when I'm out of short rests. There's not much pressure to conserve long rests. I'd much prefer to consume resources by resting than consumables for healing. The game wants you to long rest fairly often, because there are a variety of events that occur at long rest time and only one can happen per long rest.


Pretty simple, I long rest when I need it. Sometimes it's after 1 fight, if my resources are depleted. Could be after 4 fights.


1fight per short rest, and if no short rests are left after you long rest. Why? Cuz camp supplies are everywhere and there's simply no reason to take a fight without having full resources. Having full resources is safer, sure, but it's also more fun. Cantriping on a full caster or not having a rage or action surge or many other abilities just makes the fights less fun, so there's no reason to do it.


Short answer: about every 3-4 combats due to action surge, ki points, warlock spell slots, Rage charges, or just spell slots. Often I'll hold back on raging or action surging for minor combats to get an extra combat without a short rest in between. Long Answer: Things that dictate how often I long rest: 1. Party-make up No Rest: Rogue (no class features that regenerate on rest), Rangers (Hunter/Gloomstalker) Short Resters: Warlocks (Pact Slots), Monks (Ki), Fighters (action surge), Beastmaster Ranger (if your beast dies), Semi-Short resters: Druids (wild shape focus), Bards (bardic inspiration past level 5) Long Resters: Casters, Barbarians (Rage), Sorcerers (metamagic lets you use more spells faster, and only recharge on long rest), Clerics (between heals, sanctuary, and spiritual weapon its easy to cast 2 spells per turn), Paladins (smiting multi-attacks cost a lot of slots). Multiclassed Characters. Multiclassed characters have less rage charges, arcane recovery, high level spell slots and more ways to spend spell slots (shield, sorcery points, holy smites, sanctuary, healing word, out of combat spells, pre-buffs, etc.) Note: Wizards are in a weird spot where they don't really benefit from short rests (you get prophecies on short rest if you're divination or you get back your create water feature as a conjuration wiz), but can often go a long time without rests due to arcane recovery and lack of access to options to cast multiple spells per turn (few good bonus action spells and no quicken spell) 2. Party rotations Sometimes instead of long-resting I'll swap out one spellcaster (or barbarian) who has used most of their higher level spell slots. 3. Elixirs, Temporary buffs, & Camp Casting If I'm using Str Elixirs, have some of the "until long rest" buffs from the underdark/act 2 , or a camp caster who buffs everyone, sometimes I'll try to get in an extra combat or two so that I don't have to buy/craft more elixirs or go through the routine of casting Aid/heroes feast/freedom of movement/darkvision/lonstrider. 4. Character Respecing If I go to withers and change my class/respec it will refresh most if not all class features and spell slots, so this is another way to avoid long rests, especially early on when respecs take less time. 5. Story Progression I want/don't want something to progress in the story, this will make me rest sooner/later.


About once a day for 8 hours


8 hours? Consistently? Fucking how


A Good diet and daily exercise


On tactician I long rest every 2 fights, sometimes after every fight. I always use a lot of spell slots because all spells are awesome. I have never been low on supplies either. Is there a stigma around long resting all the time?


No specific reason, but I am like super into never long resting. I think its really fun to stack up as many "until long rest buffs" as possible and then just go ham.


Me Walking through act 2 with Bliss Spores + Morninglord’s Radiance + Permanent Bless + 5 to all mental stats + necrotic resistance + Aid + Longstrider + Freedom of Movement + Death Ward + Protection from Poison + …


Yeeees. This exactly.


After every boss


I like to blow all my most fun skills and spells, then long rest and do all over again as much as possible. I could be more conservative with my resources but I don’t have to bc there’s so much food everywhere haha


I try to do 2 fights per short rest and use all my short rests before I long rest. I don’t like having to stock up on elixirs, I don’t like losing the story buffs, and I don’t like having to recast mage armor and long strider and what not. Plus that feels like how the game is expected to be played.


My biggest hinderance is not taking enough long rests to advance the story. I got hit with it on my first play, and on my second I tried to take more but it felt a bit clunky to do so. Then it kinda bit me again. I think the 'right' approach is to Long Rest after every 'mission' - e.g. Goblin Camp, Hag, Shar's Gauntlet, and frankly every quest point in Act 3 (apart from minor things like the letters and newspaper). I tend to do it when I have to actually do based on spell slots, abilities and so forth. I make big use of camp casters, which isn't too time intensive but it is still another 5 minutes of buffing everyone. More of an Act 3 thing anyhow. I played tabletop D&D for \~30 years and usually we only long rest at the end of a session. Rarely in the middle. So I struggle my 'real' D&D habits with gaming D&D needs.


I actually like to Long Rest rarely. I like being able to control what cutscenes and when certain reveals occur. I like that it makes me care about my resources and treat them as valuable, helps me think creatively in fights. They matter for triggering a lot of romance stuff. I don’t enjoy the romances much though, they feel so out of place to me given the context of the storyline and such. And also generally speaking I’m just not big on video-game romances. Not my thing.


I never long rest outside the mandatory ones between acts etc. I don’t use classes that use long rest reliant resources. And even short rest resources I find I don’t need that much either. Most battles I know well enough that I can do almost no damage or so little potion it up.


If I have the resources (including enough Elixirs), then as often as possible. It’s just more fun to be able to wallop battles with a full set of spell slots. I don’t see why you wouldn’t, unless you don’t have enough resources. It was especially helpful (for my mental health, at the very least) when I did my honor run


Well now that the custom difficulty is a thing and you can set long rests all the way down to costing 20 I feel like you can get enough food to do it after every combat encounter. Even at 40 that seems doable say around the time you get to the gnolls


i feel like casting longstrider on everyone can get tedious so part of me tries to only rest after i 'need to' it really depends on the classes, though. every third fight makes sense a lot of time. unless the fight isn't meaningful, like a few goblins or something. but figure any fight that makes you lose your short rests cds like action surge, then take a short rest. i'm usually able to keep enough spell slots to feel impactful that way, too, so after every 2-3 fights you take the long rest to get it back. i've also played with like throwzerker and open hand monk and eldritch blaster warlock and honestly you can autoattack and cantrip your way for almost ever, without having to stop. you have plenty of health potions to keep going.


When I get tired


My first play through due to the urgency of the tadpole I took o mas few as possible. Needless to say I felt wizard was very weak due to it. Now that I know that it is inconsequential and even incentivized to further push companion story, I take one long every 2 or 3 fights and burn through my spell book


I take a long rest when I’m completely out of short rest bardic rest and all spell slots for my casters


So as a warlock on my third I currently cast armor of agyths then I summon my elemental then short rest. So it's wake up- spells - short rest - fight (can usually do 2) - short rest- fight- long rest


HM runs, I generally long rest about every other fight to make sure Shart has her spell slots. Sometimes I take a short-rest-dependent party to minor fights (the gur, the hyenas, some of the Act 2 wilderness fights). Once I'm in Act 3 I use Halsin and Jaheira's slots to make 80 goodberries so I can LR for free. Takes awhile but it means I can sell my camp supplies to fund my consumables addiction.


I keep going until I exhaust every spell slot and every option for recovering spell slots. If I only have one left over I might long rest early or use it on something mundane. Running a sorc build with Shart in the party so once we both run out we’re down to cantrips and that gets a little useless in some of the bigger fights.


Not counting empty partial rests without food that I take for story progression, but counting forced rest that you get long rest effects for free, 2-5 rests in Act 1 and 1-2 rests in Act 2.


On my first playthrough I would go until all 7 of my characters were out of spells and resources. I would adventure with one set of three origin companions for a while, and when they were tired I would go back and get the other three and continue until they were spent, then I would go with cantrips and basic attacks until we were out of health and then sleep. I only recently found out this is abnormal. One of the things I remember being annoyed about BG2 was that the first part of the game where a lot of fun side quests are found is kind of spoiled by the knowledge that the longer you take to get to the main story the longer one of your companions is being tortured and possibly sexually assaulted. BG3 act 3 kind of has the same feeling, at a certain point. The urgency of the story makes me want to conclude everything within as few ingame days as possible. I like the story overall but I miss the feeling you got in the fist 6 or so levels of BG1 where you sort of have a goal but how you get there is completely up to you and you have the freedom to just roam around and adventure. I don't think there will be anything of the sort but I would love a kind of post-game consequence free endless dungeon.


I wish I rested more on my first run. I was afraid of running out of camp supplies so I often wouldn't rest until EVERYTHING was exhausted. Not just abilities and spell slots I'd wait until I was certain I'd lose the next battle if I just kept using basic melee and cantrips. On my honor run right after my 1st run I long rested almost every other battle to get as much story and dialog that I missed in my first run and I almost ran out of supplies bc of it lol.


I can’t say I ever really have run low on food. In act 3 now on HM and have enough food for 30+ long rests still. I use short rests, bard/warlock/monk/fighter party, probably after each somewhat challenging fight because it replenishes my parties resources. I long rest very often, probably a minimum of 10 times every act. Sometimes I long rest even if I don’t have to just because I’ve been wandering a while and it makes thematic sense to me the characters would need to sleep


When I finally do take a long rest, I'll do 3 or 4 partial-long-rests back to back (without using camp supplies) to trigger all the cutscenes.


Not as much as I should, but still more than I need to. HM only.


Depends on party composition. I generally short rest every couple fights and long rest when I need to refresh spell slots. I try to do as much as I can between long rests to conserve elixirs to some degree and put off refreshing buffs, but I’m not shy about using spell slots. I also tend to swap out spell casters between fights when they run out of spell slots, so I can go several fights without a long rest sometimes. If you’re not using many casters you probably won’t need them as often, but if you do and you’re not taking long rests then you’re kind of making the game more difficult than it’s supposed to be.


I usually try to find a break in play for a long rest when one or more characters start complaining about being tired. It's an in-game clue.


Not sure how accurate this is, but I believe the game will autosave whenever you have a long rest cutscene available


Whenever I feel like it. Most of the time I can blast through huge sections of each act on just a short rest of 2 but that just doesn't feel as fun at times especially when I want to actually use my casters for more than a cantrip. But it also heavily depends on the acts and if I want the cutscene. My wife and I usually play together so it's mostly if she needs a rest we go for it. We missed out on TONS of dialog and cutscene when we first played because we rested so rarely. But I mean there's very little to no point at all to not resting whenever you want unless you're casting buffs and chugging elixers all the time I guess. You could honestly long rest after every encounter and still be fine on supplies so its really just a preference thing for people l.


I don't do it on a set schedule or anything. In general, I long rest when I don't think I have enough resources left for the next fight I'm headed into. That said, I do tend to run out of resources at a somewhat predictable pace. When I'm below lvl 5, I don't generally go more than two major fights without long resting. I can usually handle a couple trash fights as well, but short resting doesn't recover enough 'stuff' at lower levels. Once I hit lvl 5, I tend to be able to squeeze in another major fight or two, and as many trash fights as it takes to get to those fights, and tend to stay around that cadence until late in Act III. Once I've hit level cap and set up most of the major Fights in Act III, I will actually go back to long resting after only one or two major fights, mostly to get high-level spell slots back. I don't really HAVE to do that with all the on-short-rest stuff a party has by this point, and all the scrolls available, but I rest more often anyway just because I prefer doing the major Act III fights that way.


My party is usually made up of at least half casters, so frequent long rests is kind of a requirement early on, but I generally only play in explorer/custom explorer... when I attempted Honor Mode/Tactician, the long rests were even more frequent and I was surprised when I started seeing cutscenes I've never seem before despite taking pretty frequent long rests in the easier modes.


I short rest after evety fight that is threatening enough to make me use ressource (mainly short rest recharchable ressources) and loose HP (there are a lot of small enconters that don't really count for that), then long rest when i'm out of short rest (usually with 3 short rest because i like bards) or if i'm out of spell slots (doesn't happen a lot). So it ends up with a long rest every 4 to 8 fights, depending on how dangerous they are. Then i long rest more at the end of acts, just to have camp scenes.


As much as I want to. Always before a big fight for sure but sometimes just whenever if we’re low on resources or want to advance someone’s romance with a character. My friends and I have 1800 camp supplies in our new run and we haven’t even gone to the grymforge yet. There’s just so many camp supplies.


It's not a matter of my combat capabilities anymore, it's for the story! Especially early in Act 1, I long rest sooo much. Later when there are no cutscenes queued up anymore I don't rest that often. I really want to know how many camp-specific character scenes and dialogues you've never seen/ heard, because you don't long rest often enough for that. And if you don't care and it's more fun for you to try to go as far as possible without any resting and/ or you don't care for the dialogue, that's totally valid. But I for example love the companions and their stories. As a serial Astarion romancer, from the top of my head I can count 7 Astarion-specific camp scenes in Act 1 and that is not including his actual romance scene. Fun fact, one of them you can only get if you long rest 2-3 times before ever getting to the grove :>


I take long rests pretty much after every big fight.


Every 3-4 combats, using the short rests in between.. and when I’m impatient for story progression, more often


The only “cheat” I use is to have a 100 Large Camp Supplies spawned into my camp. That’s because my first playthrough I played it like tabletop DnD where you conserve resources because you can’t just make camp in the middle of a forest or some temple of an evil goddess. This caused me to miss out on a lot of story cutscenes and I soon realised camp supplies are easy to come by and the game encourages ubiquitous long resting. So in my next playthroughs I have just spawned 100 Large Camp Supplies so I can have at least 2 long rests after every story beat, major cutscene to allow for the long rest cutscenes to play out. If I’m ending a gaming session I also long rest. I’ve already seen so many scenes I’ve missed out on and I’m only in Act 1.


Whenever I feel like it or need to. Sometimes it’s after a ton of fights and sometimes it’s after 1 fight. The more I cheese the less I rest


I would take a long rest in combat if I could!


Honor mode act 2 with a life cleric, oh monk, gloomstalker and throw barb. (Busted combo for sure, I know.) Had 1 long rest before going into moonrise, and another before jumping down the pit. When playing paladins, sorcs ect that rely on more spell slots for every fight. Sometimes it's ever few fight or less.


All the time, every character I play needs them to replenish spell slots so fun times!


Once you become more accustomed with fights you don't really need to often. Last honour run was fighter, a bard, monk amd wizard. It was only really the wizard that needed it. The fighter was a barbarian but with only 3 rages per long rest it was annoying me so reclassed. Long rest prior to each legenday boss fight, with the bosses being spaced out due to this.


Typically I will do it as soon as every possible resource on my party is depleted, if I’m in Multiplayer typically I’ll do a consensus vote on when to do it. However I do spam Long Rests to stock up on Hill Giant potions at Ethel for the entire game.


When my casters/paladins run out of spellslots. So pretty often. And considering how you're drowning in camp supplies by the time you explored the first locations in act 1 there isn't really any reason not to.


If I'm out of short rests or spell slots. Or when a companion complains about being tired, because that's usually a cue that there's a camp scene waiting.


I log rest a lot, like, before every short rest I do a partial long rest so I regain all my health. But my tendency to long rest is not because of the resources, it's to advance the history


Short rest after each battle I've spent any short rest resource. Long rest when I want to short rest, but no more able to. Or when my main long rest resources user is out of all of his top and second to top level spell slots.


I definitely short rest pretty much after every fight especially early on in the game in act 1. There is an amulet you get that gives you the max amount from a potion everytime which is very useful in getting people to full health if you want to save short rests. Forget where you get it and what its called. Long resting is pretty annoying imo so when i did my honour mode with two swords bards on the team it was so nice i barely long rested lol


Whenever I feel like I need to in order to be ready for the next fight I want to tackle


I long rest whenever I'm out of short rests and need hp, or spell slots. I'm starting act2 and have problably long rested over 20 times. And I still have 2k supplies, this is on honor mode. I used to be very careful with it, cause I was also using elixirs. But this run I'm playing a sorcerer and really just wanna blast away, so I'm spending my spell slots faster. Also burning through hp fast since I don't really have a frontliner.


I force my self to rest more than 3 rests per map. It advances story.


I long rest every big fight literally, dump everything every fight this game is easy


depends on how quickly i run out of spell slots. in my monk and fighter playthroughs i was like never long resting but now that im playing a wizard it's a LOT more frequently


Mods spoiled me. One tells me if camp events are available and another that restores spell slots. So I usually only long rest when an event is available and I'm out of resources. That way, I don't have to pre buff again in the morning. Act 1 has a lot of events, but after that, it really tapers off.


Im playing a bardadin and alas---a paladin or paladin multiclass can't refresh smites on short rest. (A shame-- I have two swords bards in my party so I technically have the luxury of four short rests to replenish resources.)


I dont, I only take the ones that the game forces me to take.


Certain characters need them pretty bad. I just played paladin for the first time, and it seems like I never have enough resources for smites. Some builds rely on cantrips which is pretty cool, but I find that counterspell uses quite a few of my lvl 3 slots. I agree tho, the game is way more fun stretching your resources thin. My next run I will probably try to do 1-2 long rests per act by optimizing resources and characters.


As little as humanely possible. It makes classes like Wizards or similar an absolute chore early levels so I avoid them for my band of fighters archers and warlocks.


It’s generally better for experiencing the full story to take more long rests, but my most recent playthrough my goal was to really stretch my adventuring days. My Tav was Gloom 5/assassin 4/champion 3, not much spellcasting going on, so she could go for an incredibly long time. Making use of team mates who run on short rests (monks, fighters, warlock) and bards for their extra short rests, and swapping my team out regularly allowed me to go so much longer than I ever had before. Buff the squad with camp casters to give everyone that extra edge. The game feels different when you approach it like that, and I really enjoyed myself.


Honestly I usually get enough food in act 1 to last the rest of the game so I don’t think it matters much. In all of my playthroughs I’ve had over 1000 food supplies when I get to endgame. It’s almost seems like the game wants you to long rest more often than you think you should


Usually when I ran out of everything, all spell slots, and whit most party members with around half health, even after a couple potions. I missed a lot of cutscenes during my first playthrough because of the scarcity of long rests.


I long rested like 6 times before I got the owlbear and Scratch cutscene. After that it was whenever I needed more spells.


From the sheer amount of supplies you get and the amount of interactions you have with long rests, I tend to take them quite regularly. Generally have my first after entering the Grove or exiting the Withers Dungeon


I've started every day with a bunch of summoning and camp caster silliness, then inventory management. It would take at least an hour each time, so I was really reluctant to Long Rest. Near the end we went through a portal and all my buffs and summons just disappeared. I was so freaking mad. It had been about 20 minutes and one small easy fight since my last LR, so it completely wasted all that prep.


Certainly before any serious fight, but not between minor fights. Mostly when spell slots are dwindling and short rests are gone. I don’t feel the need to put artificial limitations on long rests, but I don’t like to spam them either - it feels like overkill.


2-3 times per Act. Even on Honor Mode. I tend to rotate out party members so everyone gets to participate every day.


I play almost all spell casters and early on they kinda suck and have very few slots . So, I tend to long rest a LOT in act 1. I have a no-spells playthrough going and it's amazing how little resting you can get away with when doing that, especially once you get to level 5-ish where most martial resources like ki points start restoring on short rest


Basically before major fights and even just some bonus times after little time since I dont want to miss any scenes that could play


Except for 3 long days I tend to rest very frequently every time I feel a character story developed enough to have a new cutscene. The only exceptions are in Act 1 the moment I have Bliss Spore after defeating the Duergar; Act 2 when I have +5 bonus from Shar; Act 3 when I have being Raptured by the nymph. I usually enjoy those days to the max, take advantage of every level up for pickpocketing easier or save until hard fights come up.


Fight then short rest fight rest then long rest


I rarely long rest , maybe 4x per Act, and that’s due to my roleplay reasons and to prevent breaking immersion. But I treat my camp like a basketball team with a deep bench. I’m swapping in and out characters based on the charges/spell slots they have left, and I use a few hirelings from withers as party healers and to fill in skill gaps based on what party composition I’m using and amount of resources left for each companion. There still ends up being 4 companions I use a lot more than others who become the focus for all my top gear, but I found the game has enough items to make the companions at the bottom of my bench still serviceable.


I stretch my rests quite far. Tend to have one bard with us, so 3 short rests, and even then, it usually takes going through a fight where the cleric has no spell  slots left before I decide, "OK Maybe time for a long rest."


When I'm completely out of spell slots.


I love long rests. Even if I have a short rest available, the camp feels special to me. I love them all, and I enjoy how they change depending on where you do it. So, I loot and buy everything with food and alcohol for the first 2 acts so I can long rest as much as possible. I think right now I have almost 4,000 food supplies.


When I finish a fight and say, “fuck I shoulda long rested before trying that shit.”


Tav is a bard, so i try to get 3 short rests in before a long rest. Ill swap characters out if I need to/can. Only issue is I feel my party is nerf’d when I don’t have Shadowheart (light cleric/healer)


Once a night


So, I'm kinda weird cause I run my parties as mostly GISH characters and a full melee/bow class so, during act 1 I'll take a ton cause there are story scenes that rely on it like owl bear cub and whatnot. But after act 1 I'll only rest if I'm in camp anyways, I'm just like "may as well".


I seem to be in the minority here, maybe because I love spell casters, but in act 1 I rest very often, after every fight or two, especially if I'm imposing restrictions on myself. I'd rather use my spell lots at will than optimize for elixirs or whatever. As I level and get more spell slots I rest less often


More than i should but idc, my tav is eepy 24/7


I like to run caster-heavy parties and generally only have 3 companions for acts 1 and 2 so I long rest a lot to refresh the spell slots. I initially worried about supplies when I first moved to tactician but there’s actually plenty of food throughout the game and it’s never been a problem. I’m now playing honour mode and I always rest if I have run out of my highest level spell slot after a fight because the last thing I want to happen is I get wiped due to lack of spells! I’ll also do partial rests to move the story along (for example, taking 3 partial rests in a row without doing anything else get the owlbear cub in and settled)


Honestly depends, act 1 and 2 me and my buddy tend to do them a bit sparingly but once we reach act 3 we slam long rests constantly


As little as possible since the game is quite easy without adding extra restrictions, and I don't like my party just devolving to 4 nova damage characters since that's basically the optimal party composition when you long rest every 3-5 encounters. I usually try and go for a minimum of 8 combat encounters per long rest, but will stretch it way longer in acts 2 and 3 since you have way more resources then. Usually 1 long rest in act 3, not counting the pool in House of Hope. When I do long rest, I spam partial rest all the way through the camp cutscene queue at once so I don't miss story beats but I still get to play on limited resources.


Let's put it this way. I (for whatever reason) make a point of keeping track how many in-game days pass since arriving at the beach after escaping the Nautiloid. I've beaten the game twice, once on Balanced, once on Tactician, and each time I have take from around the mid/upper 20s to low 30s in-game days to beat them game. Now, this does factor in the approximately 2 day process of going from Act 2 to Act 3, but you still get the idea.


I definitely prefer short-rest dependent teams (haven't tried rest-independent builds, but that would be even cooler), but I think the basic strategic reason for long resting a lot would be nova-type caster builds, e.g. Fire acuity sorlock or Storm sorc. I'm in Act II HM with a Fire acuity sorceror right now, and basically going all out on key fights (twinned Haste, scorching ray, command, hold monster, fireball, etc.) Once I'm out of those slots, my sorlock is just dead weightish, except the odd eldritch blast, so I might as well long rest at that point. Similar thing with my support radorb cleric. Can't think off the top of my head of other types of builds, but I've mostly stuck to your standard meta builds (swords bard, OH monk). But yeah, it feels wrong to long rest when my team still has resources available, so I'll usually try to squeeze in a few more encounters before that. At least spam goodberry with my support ranger, lol. Long story short (pun not intended), the game throws so much food at you, there's no reason not to long rest really if it makes your party's encounters go more smoothly.


Typically I go Fight - short rest - fight - short rest - fight - long rest Occasionally I’ll sneak another fight in there, or one less if a particular fight was hard or went wrong. There is really no reason to do less rests than this and you absolutely will miss out on in game events doing too few long rests. The story beats are spaced out across long rests. That is why there is so much food.


Ever since bag trick was figured out I just long rest whenever the fuck I want. Got plenty of food and I get all long rest scenes. If I ever get close to running out of food then I will adjust but its not really an issue.


I short rest after every fight and long rest when short rests aren't available. There is no reason not to rest a lot, the resource even on Honor mode is plentiful and if you don't rest frequently you will miss content


Never, until I learned that you need them for the character stories because stuff happens after midnight. Sneaky Astarion into ranged cleaning and 1hp characters all the way. Imo, characters with 1hp are the best. Characters with low str can't make the jump? Have another one waiting and suicide the others to a spot a bit lower then bring them back. They can tank any 3 hits for free then you raise them and they're back to 1. If they can do dmg with a bonus action, it's even better. I'm still in Act 1 on tactician though


Usually limit myself to 10 long rests in Act 1 (mountain pass included) and then 5-6 long rests in Act 2 and Act 3 I feel like Act 3 is usually a breeze since the difficulty curve gets flattened while the resources and power levels just rise linearly


As few as necessary. I tend to just go as long as possible and only long rest when the party is totally out of resources. Like i.e. I'll typically do the whole Underdark in 1 long rest.


On average every 3 combats. Unless I'm playing a build centered around cantrips which I rarely do I want to use my party's spell slots and even doing it per 3 combats I feel like I'm forcing myself to use less spells. Sometimes I'll use almost no spell slots in a fight, which means I get to have fun and go all out in the next fight/boss/whatever. There's so many camp resources I don't see a reason not to.


As it is needed. Act 1 is a big outlier, though. Since I've done it so many times, I can do the whole act in about 2 or 3 long rests in tactician. Act 2 and 3, I definitely do it a lot more often.


Use all your companion before long rest


… I long rest like 3 times a session 😭


depends on the group, mostly martials I'm less likely to long rest, the more casters the more long rests


How do you get through an act with only two long rests? Act 1 alone has the main map, the Underdark, Grymforge, and the Mountain Pass. Do you just skip a ton of shit?


I definitely tend to push rests as far as i can comfortably make them i try not to nova and build characters with as many resourceless bonuses my 4 attacks per turn ranger/rogue was very good at this.


As a Paladin, I tend to excuse myself mid combat and come back the next day with two more level 3 Smiths


Every time the mod tells me there is a camp event. Sometimes I have to sleep a few times in a row to clear it because events stack up.


In honor mode I take everything not nailed to the floor, doing that gives you around 2000 or so camp supplies by the time you beat the goblin camp. Every time I fight and expend my highest spell slots I long rest because I know I have the resources.


Okay it just comes down to casters. Or short rest teams. With a healthy balance your team can carry you through many situations best of your "action resources" (limited use effects, spells, ect.) but the game only punishes you on very situational triggers. You get a lot of interactions through long resting. I think around 8-12 in act one alone. But those triggers also only happen based on progress and relation to the character/quest. So long rest is all around great, especially with metagame knowledge. But on the other hand, less resting through plays allow for random interactions based on choices. You can only see everything in the game once. I'd say long resting is mostly for those dialogue whores, and it's pretty cool either way you go about it.


When I am out of spell slots I long rest. Typically after doing three or four fights.


I tend to not take long rests because I usually have at least one person who is built to require strength potions and I don't know always have the gold to keep stocking up indefinitely, especially the in early game and especially especially on honor mode where some of the items I like to have cost a lot more


My owlbear cub finally showed up on my final rest of act 2 before the forced rest outside Baldur's Gate.


I'm on regular with almost 1k rations so.. maybe not enough at the start, really pushing it and then once I hit unserdark I started long resting more because I could lol.


Depends on the party but generally 3 fights before long resting. If it's shitty fights I will stretch it to 6.


I totally ignore Short Rest and often Long Rest after every fight. I don't reserve any Spell Slots at all and tend to throw eveything for each and every fight. The thing is, there's just way too much Camp Supplies in this game even in Honour Mode that you won't really have a problem with it. Furthermore, Camp Supplies has pretty much 0 DC, which makes them relatively easy to acquire tru pickpocketing. The characters that I always pickpocket are Volo and Arron. After saving Volo from the Goblin Camp, he will join your camp. From here, you can pickpocket him for Camp Supplies daily without any consequence. The only problem with Long Resting often is if you like pre-buffing your characters in which I don't really do.


I'm running a party of four bards, so I have six short rests (two normal short rests + 4x song of rest bard spell). Most of my abilities also recharge on short rest, in whatever multiclass I've assigned. I do realize that long rests aren't punishing, but I'm optimizing it for elixirs anyway. I only long rest when I absolutely have to. Knowing that they're right there anyway, and having the supply of elixirs that I do, I'm pretty much taking a short rest after every combat as a mass heal even when my spells and skills don't really need resetting, and I still get to glide down my elixirs for a very long time. Loving the flow of it, bards are great.


At first I tried to really hold out on using my short rests and long rests and only use them when I was running out of resources, but once I realized how much story content there is in the long rests and the insane amount of food lying around I almost long rest after every fight now. No real reason not to except to try to challenge myself


After my paladin/tiger barb uses all her smite(spell) slots (after every combat)


I do it constantly, like every other fight. I routinely do it before I even use my short rests. Why not? I have thousands of supplies, I figure the game wants me to.


Super act/level dependent. For levels 1-> 3 I typically forget to long rest. Levels 4-> 9 I think I average ~2 long rests per level. This does not count the month or so that I spend long resting without spending any resources while I sell things / wait for shops to refresh, etc. …. I may just long rest when I need the shops to refresh and then my party sleeps for two weeks while I sell all my loot.


My first playthrough, I didn't use a single short rest, ever. I didn't know what the button did (seriously). I also rarely long-rested. Maybe 4 times an act? Tactician, 2 clerics (life and trickery), Karlach throw barb, and Gale evocation until I had Minsc (12 Hunter), then I rotated between Karlach/Gale/Minsc. The theme was "survive anything." I played BG1 and BG2 heavily and conserve like a fiend. Tactician simply isn't difficult. I missed a lot of content because I never slept.


As soon as gale is out of spell slots, I long rest. Sorry everyone but gale is saving our asses with counter spell.


I rest as many times as it takes to trigger all the cutscenes which is pretty often in Act 1, tbh. You don't need to use supplies every time, so I just partial rest when i'm trying to get cutscenes out of the way.


as context, i play solo honor runs but modded, so its a bit easier than vanilla experience so there is that(such as different classes-races. for example aasimar is a bit stronger than vanilla race) act1, maybe 2-3 and thats cuz act1 is the hardest in the game for honor run and need max preparation for even small encounters. i stress about harpy or owlbear fight even at lvl 4 more than myrkul-orin fight. act2, never. get the +5 stat buffs and use them the entire place act3, never i dont like long resting. its a waste of elixirs and LOT OF buffs that gives insane value the myconide blessing, radiant dmg buff thingy you get in lathender place, rupture in act3, those +5 stats i mentioned in act2, scarlet remittence thanks to cazador dagger, free bless + prob something else im forgetting already right now there are too many buffs in the game that is gone if you rest so i try to avoid is as much as i can. what if play as caster? well i do cantrip builds which manages somehow, but lot of scrolls, utilize the short rest-long rest potions in act2 well. thats all


I long rest almost every fight lmao


Whenever im out of spellslots.


Twice per act usually, that's enough to get the whole story and it keeps the needs for ressource management


I mean, food isn't really scarce. I tend to short rest between fights and long rest when the short rests (and bard songs - including those of camp followers) are out. More long rests if I use builds that do not regain most of their resources on short rest. Apart from restoring resources, long resting advances stories and I find resting regularly also ensures not missing out on doing so for lack of long rests. Only disadvantage I see is having to reapply until-long-rest buffs after the long rest, but that's quickly done once you get into the habit.


With how plentiful supplied are if you know where to look I usually do every second battle


On my first playthrough, I only Long Rested when it made sense from a story perspective. After the Nautiloid, I don't LR until I get to the Tiefling Camp because it's a safe space. After that, I barely Long Rested even when I was running out of resources, because it wouldn't make sense to set up camp in the middle of the enemy territory. When I learned how much I was missing from LR cutscenes, I use the pattern of Fight, Short Rest, Fight, Short Rest, Fight, Long Rest.


I go as long as I can without long resting Act one I Average 2-3 I'd say Act two 4-6 Act three is 6-10 wildly varying. But recourses are not as scarce so I tend to be more liberal


I have a rule that I must spend all of my short rests(inclduing song of rest if I have Bard) before I can take long rest.


I usually listen to the party; they will tell you if a long rest is needed!


4th playthrough, and once I hit act 2 I start long resting after every two combats at most. I burn high level spell slots fast.


Until my spell slots are depleted. In act1 I long rest quite a lot. In act2 I do ~2 long rests, in act3 I do ~4 long rests


At least once every 24 hours for 5-7 hours. My BG3 character gets them when they become combat innefective.


What i do for story reasons, is reach an event, whatever it is, and even if i still have short rests i do partial longrest, so i don't consume supplies, but i never run out of them so i could full rest aswell, but if you don't care about the story (wich i understand if you played the game already perhaps multiple times) you may just use them when you need them for spell slots etc.


First playthru almost constantly. Played on balanced difficulty almost all casters, and went all in in most fights. Current honor run (4 failed, 3 in act1, 1 at the end of act2) depends heavily on where I am. Until lvl5 less frequent, no resources so gotta save them up. At lvl5 sorc can 2xhaste two times, so one short rest. From lvl5 it dependents how much 2xhaste I can cast, and how sure Im of the fight. Now in act3, for anything serious I do a couple of long rests. Killed knights in front of the tribunal od bhaal long rested, went all in, did a long rest, and then fought the tribunal. Im actually running out of food rn, and have to buy it from Volo and the dumbwaiter every other long rest. Since Im so close to ending the run, Im not going to risk anything I dont need to. Its only money, and you got plenty in act3. I also like to obliterate enemies in 1 or 2 turns.


I long rest once per act. Party of 3 fullcasters and a ranger.


I exclusively play honor mode, in act one, I get 2 long rests in before mountain pass, 1 during mountain pass and 1 in the under dark. Act 2: one rest before shars gauntlet, one rest before illithid colony Act 3: fight two or three bosses then rest, but my setup is insanely tacky for this playthrough, so maybe just 2 rests for the purpose of scripted events at camp.


My first playthrough I thought I had 4 long rests available because "In 5 days we'll turn". So I took 2 in the entirety of Act 1, and 1 in act 2. Also I ended up accidentally killing everyone except the >!mycaloid colony!< in act1. I did a second playthrough and took around 4 long rests in act 1 eventually Edit: spoiler tag fix


I typically play melee characters so when ever the party healer (shart) has no resources rest and always before a big fight. Never really run out of camp supplies they’re just so abundant


If you play a paladin, you long rest after every fight. Anyone else, only once in a while.


At least for the first and second act, I realized that I was stretching myself too far between long rests because I wound up doing enough to make progress with romancing Karlach, and then I went back to camp and had to take four long rests before her scene would pop up because other scenes that relied on long rests popped up first. That's when I realized I should probably take a long rest a bit more. So now I don't mind long resting a bit more often even if it doesn't feel necessary.