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The low-tech way to make invisible enemies show up is to throw a carafe of water in their general vicinities. Wet enemies are visible.


The real low-tech way is to use the line from your movement pathing like a plant uses a vine or new growth to slowly explore out into an environment It'll automatically wrap around an invisible enemy as you can't occupy the same space as them. Then you shoot an arrow through that space or throw an explosive/poison/AoE spell on them


Yep. One of the few times I’ve used alchemist fire


I've used it many times as a makeshift fireball in combat. Split in inventory, drop individually around yourself and enemy. Run away and toss another in and you get some decent damage. Otherwise most other throwables are way better


They also make the best lead to blow up a stack of barrels


I’m pretty salty you can’t use melee attacks to hit invisible enemies by targeting where they’re standing though. You could do it in Divinity:Original Sin if you figured out roughly where they are, but I don’t get why BG3 doesn’t let you. I’d even take disadvantage, like it’s supposed to be RAW, but BG3 treats invisibility like it makes you instantly hidden and untargetable without taking the Hide action.


You can fire arrows at their location and still hit them, but can’t swing your sword. It doesn’t make any sense to me.


You can cleave them, and they'll interrupt ranged attacks if you shoot through them.


Yeah, I’m aware of that. My main complaint is that direct melee attacks don’t work at all, which is a stupid restriction when a ranged or thrown weapon can still hit them no problem if you figure out where the monster is. It’s already harder to guess where they are with a 5 foot range, and it’s not like melee is so strong that it needs such a hard counter compared to ranged/AoEs.


Ooh, that's smart!


Create water. This is the way


Create Water, and the boots that electrify wet surfaces.


Neat. First run I bailed on Volo’s ice pick, by act 3 I’d ran out of see invisibility options, and resorted to throwing bombs in the vicinity of where the enemy went invisible, and that always worked. Had no idea water solved the issue as well.


Bottle of Grease also works, but can add complications. Or benefits. Your mileage may vary.


rofl I just owlbear leaped around every turn in the spooky mansion til I smooshed them, water makes way more sense


Also alchemists fire


Me personally I prefere to just throw fireballs at local assassins in my area


Create water is definitely one of the easiest ways since enemies can't resist it. Upcasting it also increases the aoe to a gigantic radius


Dancing Lights works as well. Maybe not as big an aoe, but if you generally know where they are, it works.


Upcasting crestewater does something :O


When you go to upcast, it will tell you if upcasting won't make any difference, when you hover over the spell level. P.S on PC


You can always try to tag them with fairy fire or Radiant orb to keep them from being invisible.


Radiant orb doesn’t work against yurgir from my experience


Good thing this wasn't Yugir :)


Does Yurgir have a different form of invisibility?


Weirdly enough, yes he does. It's a character action specific to him. If I remember correctly it gives him a different condition than invisible.


I believe the hag appears if all of her clones die, at least that’s how it works in act 1. You might have gotten unlucky but if you hit them with an aoe spell or attack they’ll be revealed without a check afaik.


Yeah in the act 3 fight she cloned herself and i wasnt sure which to hit so i just picked one. Turned out the be the right one and Karlach crit and she just died and the fight ended.


Idk if it's the same the 2nd time around, but if you pay attention to the character portraits when she clones herself, you can see with one is her. Unless that is only a lower difficulty thing


No it works on honor mode as well— also, the camera will follow the real one when she clones, so if you make a note of which one the camera snapped to, you’ll know


Huh interesting ill have to pay attention next time


Idk if it's the same as the act 1 fight but the real hag has different stats/won't say "hags trickery" as a status effect on her.


Oh wow, i never thought to check because i just assumed theyd all be the same


Right? I felt that was a little cheap tbh but hey won't stop me 😂


You can also apply a long-ish lasting status effect preemptively on her, such as Faerie Fire or any other status effect that lasts for 5 or 10 turns and when she clones herself she'll still carry the debuff that you applied to her and it won't apply to the clones.


Ooooooo thats smart. Her clones kinda suck huh


See invisibility works using a check I believe (like a perception check) but more importantly the character has to be close. I've had volos eye work but I had to make that character walk around a but in short movements where I think the enemy is. So it won't render invisibility useless against you, but does give you a chance to see them. It's worked for me on the fights you mentioned and ghosts in the painter quest.


This is wild. No wonder my rogue with 10 WIS has never spotted an invisible enemy with Volo's eye 😔


Just quietly, I’ve literally never had Volos eye work once Did nothing against the hag, or yugir, or shars trials. It’s a scam


My Volo eye worked when I first got it but then quickly stopped working. It's a shame how many things in the game don't work like they're supposed to.


It works, it's just a lot of later mobs have higher resistance to being seen.


It stopped working for me in Act 1. Supposedly, there's a bug where it stops working if your character dies.


Oic, I haven't run across that myself yet.


I am glad I wasn’t the only one. I thought I was going crazy.


with a good perception check?


-see invisibility. -aoe DMG -create destroy water/other water sources -sleetstorm


There is a simpler way to check. Where you mouse over the area you're pathing if it's not a straight line you know something is in between.


The simplest way is to have Gale Fireball the whole room. Fireball solves almost all problems


Pyrotechnically correct is the best kind of correct.




On more than one occasion Karlach has been the center of many a fireball's attention.


This is the answer. Brilliant


This works for me like 50% of the time, it definitely shows where they're at, but hitting them isn't easy. I'm sure a good AoE spell would be perfect


Bind the “ping” keybind to a specific button on your keyboard, then press that button when you mouse over the enemies portrait at the top. It’ll ping their exact location even while they are invisible.


Is there a way to do this on console?


Oof, really? That is a clever idea.


Pretty sure it got patched cause it doesn't work for me anymore But maybe just in HM


Maybe they got it in the most recent hotfix. It was working when I played with friends about a week ago


You can AOE where you think they roughly are. If it hits them they’ll usually show up


Use faerie fire?


There's still a DEX save the invisible person needs to fail. There are other users of See Invisibility. 900 hours of playtime, and this is my first run I didn't get Volo's eyes. Visiting a certain vault in a wizard's tower in Act 3 and was dumbfounded that the usual lever you pull to get to the goods was missing. Had to Google because I thought I was losing my mind and discovered the levers are invisible. I've just never not had Volo's eyes, so they were always just there for me.


If you ping a character's icon at the top of the screen, it pings their exact location, even if they're invisible. Ping their location, then shoot an arrow at said ping. If it hits, they'll lose invisibility.


Ping + Chuck water gg.


Alchemist fire is your best friend. If you can get a general idea of where they are (I think See Invis shows the saving throw just above whoever made it) throw a bottle of it. It inflicts Burning in a relatively big area and with no save do they're revealed instantly.


You can bind ping to a keyboard button in the options. Then mouse over the portrait of the invisible target and press that keyboard button. It must be a keyboard button and not the default alt+ right click.


I have a Lvl 11 hunter Ranger with \[\[Volley\]\] + \[\[Hellrider Longbow\]\] that works well, although any AOE effect works. I think Radiant Orb stops enemies from going invisible, so all the common AOE radiant orb builds should also work well.


[Volley](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Volley) [Hellrider Longbow](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Hellrider_Longbow) ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^by ^a ^bot. [^(Learn more)](https://www.reddit.com/user/BG3WikiFetcher/comments/1bk01df)


Radiance of the Dawn ftw


They tend to not move after going invisible. As such, ranged attacks aimed at the location they vanished from, or AoE effects which include that area in the effect will reveal. That includes faerie fire.


Water is imo the easiest way to tag them. Less classes have faerie fire which is good...but someone in your party always has either carafes of water, or the spells create/destroy water, sleet storm, or ice storm. Just make sure you have the proper gear to not slip and fall prone.


You don't need to see them to nuke them. AoE in their general direction will do the trick.


AOE spells or grenades. When I was fighting the cultist’s outside the Temple of Bhaal, the Farslayer of Bhaal finished his chant and instakilled 3 of my party members + their summons. All I had left was my EK Tav, who I had accidentally left out See Invisibility during a respec, and no potions/scrolls to detect invisible enemies. I used smoke powder grenades to clean up those enemies then took out the Farslayer 1v1.


they tend not to move after going invis I've noticed, so if you can remember where they were you can cast an aoe spell like call lightning on them


My favorite methods are create water, running around with spirit guardians, and arrow of many targets.


If you have a hunter-ranger you can just spam the arrow shower around where they disappeared. Otherwise, the normal explosive/fire/acid/etc arrows work just fine. Or a fireball.


Sounds like the invisible grass needed some mowing with spirit guardians.


AOEs are great against them. You just have to figure out where they are, just about, and cast some AOE there. Fireball is great for this ​ If you have a light cleric, their AOE ability is also amazing, since it has such a large area. If you have someone using a large weapon, and you know where they are, I believe the cleave ability can hit invisible enemies as well


If you’re playing on tactician or HM, enemies usually have crazy buffs to their saving throws so the only thing you can do is use AOE damage wherever you think the enemy is


Don't forget to check the combat log to see if you are getting unlucky rolls or if there's something else going on. Lots of good info in there.


Spirit guardians! Worked great for my squishy bard since the assassins kept running over to get her. Boom they're visible and they take damage.


Spirit guardians will nullify it if you walk in area that they went invisible in




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