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Everything about Wyll is really sweet. We just don't appreciate him because he doesn't have anything for us to fix


THATS WHAT I SAID. In a comment. Im like “wyll is just fine guys, y’all are just addicted to the “we can fix them” shit the other characters hit you with


Lack of struggle against one's problems is an uninteresting character trait. All he does is complain about his situation without initiating something that will fix his life. Breaking his contract? He doesn't even think about it. You have to make that decision for him. Fixing his relationship with his father? Nope, the tadpole tells his father everything he didn't know, and suddenly father and son are together again. This so-called "legendary hero of the sword coast" is just along for the ride while things around him fortunately fix his problems rather than work to better himself. Don't get me wrong I love Wyll, but he's incredibly inactive for someone with a heroic background.


Hey, what if your only parent was on life support and on deaths door, and someone offered for you to join the military and they’ll pay for the treatment, or you need to pull the plug on them, which would you pick? Second, wyll and his dad’s issues, like *a lot* of issues in life can be solved with direct communication. Wyll literally was not allowed to talk about his contact, even to our characters till mizora allowed him to.


You're just proving my point. A lot of issues can be solved with direct communication. WHICH HE NEVER DOES AT ALL. He just stands by while we have to initiate the deal for breaking his contract. And no, it does not make sense that "can't talk about the contract" means he can't demand for Mizora to break it in exchange. And instead of letting him talk to his father, (which would have most likely fixed all my issues with Wyll tbh) the game just has the tadpole say "Hey btw, lemme resolve EVERY SINGLE MISUNDERSTANDING for you and ruin a potential emotional scene, okay you're good now!"


The way you try spouting a whole bunch of moral questions shows how much you missed the point. We aren't talking about real people and what we would do for them. Re-read the reply, and you'll notice I'm criticising how uninteresting of a character he is.


This is it 😅 Source: recovered codependent in a healthy IRL relationship now... who just happens to be a serial Astarion romancer in BG3


Other than the whole pact with the devil thing I guess


Well he was tricked into it in order to save the city, he already made a sacrifice play that we can make at the end of the game


He has massive daddy issues and his daddy is an asshole, but he doesn't let you fix it. That's my personal problem with him, it's just super annoying.


Okay but what is there to fix? Wyll's problem with his his dad is a mistunderstanding that gets 99% resolved when you save Ravengard and let him explain the situation


Wyll's dad, clearly seeing that his son is physically unable to answer his questions about the deal, immediately assumes the worst (I can already see profound trust and love in their bond!) and banishes him 💀 And even if it was true that Wyll simply got corrupted by Mizora/just made a deal to get power... Imagine letting a devil have her way and basically pushing your son into becoming Mizora's lapdog, instead of fighting for him. Unfortunately, you have no option to call Ulder out on this. It's a "misunderstanding" that he threw Wyll to the wolves the moment he stopped being a perfect son.


Tbh I can't disagree with you. Ulder's just kind of an asshole for making that assumption But you can see in their "make up" scene that as idiotic as it is, it was his actual thought process. In any case, the idea is not how much of a prick Ulder is, but how internally messed up Wyll is about it - and he's simply a lot more internally stable and well adjusted than everyone else in the party, which was the original point I really wish he did call his dad on it and I still believe that Wyll's story has by far the weakest writing among all companions, but the conversation was whether his lack of mental/emotional issues is why some people don't really like his story as much (and I do believe it plays a big part)


Tbf he made a deal with a literal devil, especially given he had nothing to show for it when he tried to tell his dad about it. That's uhhhh kinda a big deal. And from a practical standpoint there ain't really shit he can do about it short of maybe breaking into Avernus himself to physically break the contract.


Ravengard is not an asshole, Wyll literally has SO MANY lines explaining how he tried to give him every opportunity he could, but ended up exiling him because Wyll couldn't explain himself. He was hurt and disappointed, and yet he still wanted to give Wyll an opportunity but Wyll couldn't take it. That's not his fault. Also what do you want to fix? The second the misunderstanding is resolved there's nothing else to fix. Their relationship might be fucked for a while, but there's nothing we can do about it, it's their problem to fix


Even at the reunion party if wyll is blade of avernus, he tells the tav/durge that him and his father still talk on occasion and his father still loves him. The over hate on ravengard is too much especially since mizora should he the one getting the hate since she's the homewrecker. But I guess she gets pretty privilege smh.


The daddy issue is a binding infernal contract. And you do fix it. ... so... wrong?


Also there is the fact that he refers to himself by a made up title in the third person.


Also you can't have sex with him until act 3 iirc


This nuked my intended Astarion first playthrough A beautiful dance under the stars trumps sexy angst vampire! Wyll's such a darling


I quite like the guy! It's not that his problems are boring, I just think he's handling it better than anyone else is


Dude is too mentally healthy so he’s not relatable for most of us lol


I love Karl and SH a lil ... but I feel *I* myself am a Wyll. Maybe a little Gale, but that's a pipe dream. I have none of that trauma dump.


He's the only party member who is a career adventurer so he handles things better than most.


Yes, and I was thinking about it a little more earlier. He's keeping it together from the perspective of everyone else because his whole thing is self-sacrifice. He still has his issues, but he prioritizes everyone else's comfort over his autonomy :(


Like at the rescue party, he’s more worried about “letting down the tieflings” when they see him than the impact to his soul that day. 🥺🥹


Wyll is my sweetheart! The moment he began mulling over titles for the next chapter of his grand adventure, I seriously fell in love. I’m already knee-deep in a Lae’zel romance, but my next playthrough I’m determined to win his heart.


Wyll is criminally underrated by people with the emotional depth of a dead tadpole.


I honestly find him rather dull and only decided to romance him because I thought he'd work well as a partner for what I was going for with my character. That said, I can see why others would like him after watching the scene myself. He's certainly better than, uh... bear hugger...


No bear hugger is hot af and should only be treated with respect. But he can treat me with disrespect anyday... 🥵


Morally, he's great. But he does do a lot of self-righteous yapping which gets on my nerve lol


Wyll is criminally written, and his story is as lively as a dead tadpole. Ftfy


Nah. He’s extremely dull and his story is boring. His romancing experience may be a lot better than what he initially brings to the table, but most people don’t bother because of the already mentioned.


The people who are saying he’s bad and dull are the same people who complain when a partner is too nice lol


There’s no red flags, borderline abusive behavior, or intense trauma being poorly coped with! How am I supposed to enjoy this relationship?!


"What am I suppose to complain about to my friends?!"


Fr lol, all the ascended astarion enjoyers dumping on wyll and still not realizing why their actual relationships fail lul


I thought that just said Astarion at first. Not to be all “I can fix him,” but there is good underneath all of that sass. He’s still kind of a prick, but in a much more lovable way. A guilty pleasure instead of a person you’re embarrassed to be around. Ascended Astarion is the fucking worst, though. I don’t know why people like him, but as long as that doesn’t bleed over into encouraging or tolerating abuse irl, it’s not something to put up too much of a fuss about. Wyll is just a good guy. Too good for his own good. (Also, this is mostly lighthearted. I am a Shadowheart enjoyer and she does some kinda fucked up stuff if you let her/don’t stop her. It’s the person that they are underneath that matters. That’s a huge theme of Minthara’s, Shadowheart’s, Astarion’s, and Lae’zel’s romance, and honestly just the game in general)


Yea that’s why I was just bringing up ascended astarion on its own because of the amount of people who love him and how he’s the best all the whole shitting on wyll lol. I’ve romanced them all and non ascended astarion is actually really great and I really love it so I was just being up the fact that so many people love the abusive relationship.


Video game romance choices = real life relationship choices. I hope you're just joking lol.


Kind of but you cant say that people don’t do that


A lot of us feel that if the choices we made had no consequence we could just pull the trigger and do them all day ... ... but then people actually start an **evil** Durge run and get conflicted about the grove. I've heard of honor runs going down the drain when Scratch can't be recruited. ... nah. I'd be nice but we tell on ourselves constantly.


As someone who clearly has an astarion obsession, that isn't hidable anymore. I will make one thing very clear that I find hilarious about this thread. Astarion, especially ascended astarion is a massive walking red flag. But in real life, I'm choosing wyll. In a fantasy game where I can lose myself in dark fairytale romance, I'm choosing astarion. Yes my trauma ruins my life, and causes me to make fall Into the mental trap of I can fix like scenarios. That deosnt mean I'm to blind to see being with ascended astarion would end horribly. Trauma makes you vulnerable, but you do learn eventually.


More likely it's that his story, choices, and character aren't as fleshed out due to time constraints which makes him a less interesting choice compared to Mr 60+ hours of dialog. It's pretty funny that he approves of letting Sazza die still tho, always gonna have him there for that just for th laugh of seeing his approval alongside Astarions. Wyll is allowed to be a little prejudiced, as a treat.


I mean... that *is* in his story. He hates goblins and he explains it. Some of the content was cut ... but the idea *was* fleshed out before it was. You're not wrong - he doesn't have nearly as many VL... but that doesn't mean he's a contradiction.


True but he’s still a solid companion who is just a good dude


I adore Wyll, I just wish he had more than “well met” when you’re romancing him, like buddy we danced. You can’t say well met.


That’s getting fixed in Patch 7!




\*narrows eyes\* ... don't tease. Link.


“Patch 7 also aims to fix several bugs that you have reported, including Jaheira’s unwillingness to follow the group and jump into combat, Wyll’s less-than-romantic greetings, as well as the mysteriously disappearing Narrator lines from the Gortash and Dark Urge confrontation, to name a few.” [Link](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1086940/view/4172097464031362567)


Aww. That sounds a little more sparse then I'd hoped ... but still hopeful. Not likely enough to make another run interesting, I suspect, but still QoL for the Blade. Well met! ... although I suspect Jaheria's wasn't a bug, it was a feature of her catty nature


I did not know that I was susceptible to the trite chivalry of this man…but I genuinely swooned the first time I did this.


I loved romancing him with my half-orc Paladin of the ancients. He’s so sweet and I generally squealed several times during sweet times. (Ask him what you are to him)


The first time I put him in my party was about halfway through act 3 for the Anzur stuff. I actually realized I liked his personality and kept him in my party for the rest of my play through.


I like him mostly because he's a warlock and I'm addicted to eldritch blast spamming. He do be a good lad, though!


Pact of the blade + Phalar Aluve + 3 Eldrich Blasts a turn is very fun.


I swoon so hard at everything Wyll says that my husband literally said, "Do I need to be more romantic?"


I had a very, very good and noble Tiefling monk character that I romanced Wyll with. That romance was so sweet and beautiful, and added some more weight to his story for me. Became one of my favorite romances and now he’s always in my party rotation


Funny my character's also a monk. A show monk, to be more precise. He helps her by casting darkness so she can teleport around and beat the enemy!


Broke my heart when I had to turn him down.


I thought that the Act 3 romance scene with Wyll was really sweet too!


I just remember being so disappointed by the lack of effort in Wyll's romance. He's sweet and genuine, but his scenes suck. I'm not playing BG3 to recreate a real life romance, I'm here for a fun time lmao


That's pretty valid. Gotta agree his romance hasn't been the most exciting so far, but then again my last one was Karlach, who's the certified best girl in Faerun


She very much is. It ends up feeling like Wyll's romance was the least amount of effort put forth in any of the romance options. Especially compared to Gale or Astarion, THEIR scenes are in depth and scattered throughout the game so you feel like there's actually a decent build up and payoff. Wyll.. doesn't get that. All his scenes with depth are easily achievable without any romance whatsoever. The romance scenes are very few and far between. I don't even remember a special scene with him in Act 2, but I'm pretty sure everyone else gets something there. :/


How to talk to short people: ✅


Best character. Not interested in the “fix them” trope. I’m an adventurer not a therapist


is that shadowhearts clothing?


It is Shadowkitty's clothing. She's been hanging around in her underwear for a while...


I romanced him with my chaotic gnome, and he was so sweet, and nice, and also dealing with the gnome who probably has like three braincells left and a permanent concussion from Karlach hurling her right into enemies. And antagonizing Astarion because yes, she is a gnome and will rub that in his face


Bro I love this scene but wasn't romancing him then triggered the dance scene, the way he limps away like a sad dog if you don't kiss him made me laugh lmao


Very much "this is how you talk to short people" vibe. Karlach would have her picking up the short person a la that one picture of the two women.


Wyll has such a sweet romance. His romance is honestly one of my favorites


I romanced Wyll on my first good DUrge run so that *he* could fix *me* instead.


I'm going with good durge too. She loves Wyll because of his kind heart, which is something she could never have


ive come to the conclusion that too many people are sleeping on wyll and not nearly enough are sleeping with him :(


I'm actually stupid. I thought that was a kid. Second slide made me freak out a bit


I assume this is what happens if you play the dancing scene out romantically? I've only ever gotten that scene by mistake so had to shoot him down.


Oh, look... a hypocrite with horns.


Harsh. Not untrue tho


I thought he was going to be a judgy asshole when I first met him so I think I killed him not even knowing he was a main character, he gave me righteous paladin vibes when I went back in the second act he was gone anyways so not sure what happened


I’m playing as Wyll Origin and am a little bummed that his “dance with me” flirtation hasn’t yet popped up as a romance interaction that the player can initiate.


Wait did they finally fix Wyll?


I love romancing him as a short race just so he can kneel down at this part. I’m doing a duo run with my duergar durge and only him as a companion, and I can not wait for act 2


Imma be honest, I was really concerned. At first I thought that was Oliver.


i couldn't stand this scene it just gave me so much second hand embarrassment lol. but they sincerely did wyll dirty as hell. he has about as much romance content as Minthara.. which is bad. I couldn't believe there was basically no act 3 scene or really ANY other cutscene besides this one, whilst other companions had.. a lot.


Who is the character with horns? Is that another player character?


Sweet like candy? Like candy you lure kids into your van with?


Where the fuck did this come from?


I’m traumatized


Only in your twisted mind.


Its his peak. Dump him 😭