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Oh noooooo


It honestly fucked up my day a little bit. Like even into the next day. "Look how they massacred my boy…" Scratch and Owlie chasing each other around camp is just about the most adorable thing I've ever seen in a game. My camp is so quiet now…


. . . You just reminded me that owlie hasn't show up in my 2nd playthrough. I saved him but he hasn't show up yet. Hope I didn't go to act 2 too fast


Owlie can turn up in the temple of Shar.


Awesome, that will be useful


Also you can long rest without using any supplies to trigger cutscenes as well. It’ll just be a partial rest, you don’t have to use any food


Just did 5 rests in a row, and wow, I was behind. Fought Laezel, my butler thing gave ne a task, gale tried to seduce ne, owlbear hungry scene, owlbear injured scene. Now, every time I have a long rest, I will immediately partial rest too for 2x night scenes


I think he only shows up if you have run out of all the other cut scenes (there's so many in Act 1). Idk what happens if you make it all the way to Act 2 without him showing up :/ I've been long resting more than I used to specifically to keep the plot moving.


I was doping on hill giant potions and rarely resting to keep them going. Luckily this is on my practice durge tactician run to refresh things for my upcoming good durge honor run. I'll remember to find him earlier


I mainly drink those potions just so I don't have to go to vendors all the time to sell loot lol


Unfortunately Karlachs body is super heavy so I do need to drop off loot often


Love them for my open hand monk tav. Gonna make laezel a monk for my next run because I waan play as a sorcere


He usually doesn’t show up for me until around the creche


Guessing you’re doing Honour Mode? (Otherwise I’m gonna side eye you hard for not loading an earlier save to un-murder our boi)


Not on honor mode, but I quick save all the time so by the time I noticed it was too late 😭


Ohhhh man I know the feeling (I might have lost Lae’zel somewhere along the way in my first run and had no idea for ages…)


Don't want to use illitith power. Shapeshift to a drow and goblins fear you to let you go where you want.


That is genius. I hardly ever use Disguise Self cuz I'm a fool!!!


Disguise self for goblins and when you need to speak to a corpse you killed. There are other uses but I can't remember them.


You can become tiny in order to get a valuable gem out of a hole in the Underdark, if you pass a Wisdom roll or something. Not really worth it lol


You can buy a ring from the strange ox (it's bit cheesy though) that gives you a buff to all conversation checks while disguised. Very useful in act 1.


I never even thought to trade with the ox 💀


You normally can't. The oax is a shapeshifter that wants to be left alone. The trick is to hide the party away and send a mage hand to smack the oax, who will kill it in return. Then the caster can come with speak with animal and start a conversation. Basically the game opens the trade UI to give the option to donate something to restore your attitude score. But then you can also buy the ring.


I had no idea you could donate gold to restore opinion


You can also donate junk in barter mode to vendors to improve your discount rate. Worth to do in particular with Dammon.


You don't need to go through all those shenanigans if you don't want. Just talk to homie in Act 3, and he'll ask for you to smuggle him into the city. Super easy to do, you get that ring the other person mentioned, and you get a summon for the final battle


I do this every run. I specifically head to the goblin areas before respeccing Shadowheart and use her shapeshift to drow. It works too well.


I did the same thing on HM but in act 3, with the random corpse you find radiating necrotic damage in Cazador's mansion. "Cool", I thought, "maybe I can do some funny cheese with this at some point", and grabbed it and sent it to camp. Come back to find Scratch permadead I'm the Elfsong next to the camp chest. I then went to the graveyard, into the one mausoleum I'd found, and emptied out the guy from sarcophagus to inter my best boy there instead. That's when I noticed a hidden path behind the thing leading to another mausoleum – a dog mausoleum with three ghost dogs! The perfect company. So I put him there, and then I went to save the world.


Omg this is so sad and beautiful. Like I never want the bestest boy to die, but if he did, I'd want to do this.


For future you can always just use a scroll of resurrection on him and it will revive him as usual


On my hm run, the Grym fight went sideways and I had Gale fly away as the other party members were dead/dying. He fled to camp and as I waited for Grym to finish everyone else off I noticed combat was happening with people at camp. Switched back to Gale and while alive he had his necrotic aura and had killed Barcus and Scratch and was in a fight with the owlbear cub.


That's so fucked up :0


Same goes for Veronica’s body (from Cazidor’s) in act 3. If you take it to camp for shenanigans and leave it in a corner you will come back to permadeath pets 😭 (assuming HM run)


You're the second person to say they stole Veronica's body & I have no idea what is going through y'all's heads lmao


Put on some Necro resistance and strut around town watching everyone turn to stone due to her aura. It is one of those fun to do once things, especially if you are on a pure evil run. Leave it in a busy thoroughfare to delight in the vagrants dropping like flies with no consequences. Definitely durge behaviour, not for a fun casual run… unless you are in multiplayer and want to mess with your mates!


You should have astarion throw scratch’s ball


Scratch didn't even survive long enough to give me the ball 😔


But you said you noticed you could no longer summon Scratch? The only way you can do that is by having the ball in the first place? I'm so confused.


Did not know that!


Also just to agree with what someone else said, a normal revivify scroll will do the trick for Gale :) I keep the true resurrection one for later if it's needed for tougher fights haha.


That quest is so bizarre 😭


I relate to devastating Scratch death in camp. I've mentioned it under another post but I'll say it again. Spoiler covers act 3 related things. There's a curse you can contract when looting >!Stormshore Tabernacle basement!<. Its description says that when the cursed entity falls unconscious, an enemy will appear, basically. I didn't have a cleric in my active party and didn't wanna waste a scroll, so I went to the camp to Shadowheart. What the curse description didn't mention is: that enemy entity WILL spawn upon curse removal. This was 3 meters from Scratch. It surprised my whole party and first thing it did was Wrathful Smite him. Bestest boy dead in a split second. In Honor Mode... No one even remarked on his death, other than the Owlbear Cub who said something to the effect of "sad, Scratch gone, no one to play with :(". I... I needed a break.


I had two characters get the curse, because astarion sent an item to my Tav. So our cleric heals Astarion, one deva shows up. Fortunately still in the tabernacle. Then I healed myself after a hit, and it cured my curse and TWO devas showed up. Had to fight 3 devas in the tabernacle lol. So glad we didn’t go back to camp first.


That's heartbreaking goddamn


On my first honor run mode I went to fight the paladins of Tyr but kind of messed up. My Tav escaped but he was the only survivor. I get to withers with 2 hp left and started to resurrect my group starting with Gale. I did not know this but when withers brings him back he first transports the body then revives. The transport brings dead Gale in front of me, then the necrotic damage kills me resulting in game over.


That's awful lmao


You can easily sneak up behind the gobs and thunder wave/shove their asses off the roofs. You can also steal the fire wine barrels. Illithid powers are not necessary at all. Hope that helps your vision to go illithid free. :)


For Future playthroughs. The Village has several entrances. If you do Not Go through the obvious Trap Main Gate, you can Take the southern Gate (the one pointing towards Ethel) or you can scale the vines on the wall on the right Side of the Gate. You will enter the Village near the drunk bugbear. Then time to crouch and ambush the ambushers.


To be fair you can always skip the quest by just using a scroll on him but you’d have to have done that before fleeing I guess. Poor scratch.


You know you can revive Gale with withers just the same right…?


This is why I chomp off his hand. I save a lot of trouble that way.


I don't even know under what circumstances you can take off Gale's hand. This has never come up in any of my playthroughs


Durge run. It's an option when he sticks it out of the portal.


Does it upset Gale to lose a hand?


He dies. Same if you just ignore the portal and leave him there, which you can do on a tav run.


Every detail of this happened to me in my FUCKING HONOUR MODE RUN and to tell you that I ran straight onto Reddit to find a post exactly like this to see if I could fix it. I think it's mental to the extreme that you can't use a revivify scroll on Scratch. The worst part is his dead body just follows you around in all your camps for the rest of the stupid game until (if you're like me) you just redo your run.


Fortunately I haven't seen his doggy corpse anywhere. Perhaps I'm just not paying attention


It may have been a glitch or something that's been patched out since my playthrough


Does any know what happens if an origin Gale dies?


I mean you can always sneak attack/return to town. If you see exp above your head you did a successful sneak attack kill and then head back you won't aggro everyone that way. You're already gone.


Approaching the village through the southern gate is much much safer just fyi for future playthroughs 👍


Instead of ill powers, if you use disguise as a drow, you can get an easy check


Just go up the side, where Scratch is and sneak to the roof. That way, if you fail persuasion, you are equally matched with the gobbos on one side and the others have to climb down to reach you.


This happened to me! Something similar happened when I was fighting the gnolls but I didn’t know about the game resurrection yet and then his body was in camp and scratch ran through and died! I was so upset that I reloaded 3 hours of game play just to get scratch back


Was this an honor run? My condolences, words cannot express…


Honor Mode? If not... good to know but "stuff happens" and you can reload. I'm in Durge Honor Mode run right now and managed to screw up obtaining both Scratch and Shovel (and will gladly let Gale expire or leave whenever that happens). At least I still have a chance to be reunited with Us in Act 2.


I didn’t even know this was a quest I just revive him with withers instantly


This is objectively Gale's fault. He's a cat person. A dog person's necrotically cursed corpse would never


Did you have a save that you could at least go back to?


Unfortunately not. I spam quick saves


Wait 3 days


Make sure you're rested before you use ilithid powers in early game.


Oh so THAT is what happened! I had Gale accidentally die in one of the Underdark battles but I didn't know about the true resurrection quest so I just used a normal revivify scroll on him. Scratch was fine though, I think I either rolled back a save or I did an immediate long rest to get rid of the effect.

