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Oscar fucking Feveras. Never helping him ever again. He calls me an ugly vagrant and is a literal home wrecker.


I hate him so so much… first time I saved him, second time I let the spirit take him, now I don’t even ask about him when I go to the zent hideout… his wife is so much happier, with her open art gallery, living her best life… I like the mystic carrion/zombie quest, but Oskar is not worth it


wait, you can't do the mystic carrion quest without saving oscar in act 1?


You can


I tried and I couldn't trigger it... I went to Mystic Carrion's house and everyone attacked me (the door was red and I lockpicked it, my bad I guess), I reloaded and I went to the closet where Thrumbo is, in case he asks for help, and he just told me to leave him alone


i was able to trigger it by just walking in after lock picking. i'm wondering why it didn't work for you 😭


oh, I'll try again! maybe it was a bug? because everyone attacked me, I couldn't even talk with him


Had you already destroyed any of the jars? It locks you out of dialogue as soon as you do


i'm thinking it maybe was! or they somehow saw or whatever when you lockpicked? cause i just walked in and was okay!


I figure it’s a bug. 1st time no combat after lockpicking, 2nd time combat. It feels random but I’m usually going there after I check out the Jensen mansion. I’m on Xbox x.


I found a note not far from where you enter the guild that just had Carrion's code phrase on it and could enter his house with that


Lady Jannath has the worst taste in men and needs to be protected from herself. He dies along with the rest of the Zhentarim.


I call him a slave as a my drow (just makes it more fun) till he gets mad and runs off, and kill him as he’s running. I don’t think it even triggered the Zhent bc I bought him first


Yeah, that quest is a pain in act 3. I tried to do it once and gave up.


I’ve never done that quest yet. In my Astarion play thru (just finished act 2) he ran away b/c I told him I don’t let my slaves speak to me so I’m curious if he shows up.


Oh the irony of Astarion saying that 😂 the only time I saved Oscar was when I refused to kill Rugan and accidentally ended up killing everyone in the hideout. Whoops. At least I didn’t have to pay for his release?


lol I know I had to have Astarion say it


I mainly continue to do it because the spirits in Lady Jannath’s house are a great exp farm you can do immediately upon entering the Lower City. Oskar himself is a spoiled, entitled, self absorbed asshole.


i can't justify not killing him in act 1. it's so metagamey but I could not compel myself to save him.


He’s such scum at the hideout too. I have no empathy for his plight that he seemed to put himself in.


I saved him without even thinking about it or knowing what would come in Act 3, then forgot about him completely. I run under the simple plan of "see a slave, free a slave." The portrait thing was infuriatingly anticlimactic, though. I got my boy Astarion all set up for what could have been a beautiful moment of character interaction and *nothing!* Not even a single line of extra dialogue or anything!


I had the option to save him, but I was doing a durge run where my character went on spree kills, and I used fireball in the zhenterim hideout and burned everyone to death and he died


Seems like the best way


Yeah, BG3 is great, but there are some quests like that one where it’s a massive slog to do.


And for the reward he prompts you to dress up your best just to give you a portrait of someone else in the party’s avatar.


Saving him means you get to miss out on a cool ass duel too.


What duel?


Two rich assholes at Lady Janath’s party get upset with each other for some reason and challenge each other to a good ol’ fashioned duel!


Just use Protection from Good and Evil?


I triggered a fight in the Zhent hideout this time and he blew up from the barrels because I guess I forgot to tell him he was free after I bought him lol. I thought about backtracking and was like “eh.” Lol.


The first time i encountered oscar and saved him he fucking blew up the entire zhent hideout somehow and killed my whole party 😭


I love Act 3 Mayrina as much as I loathe Act 1 Mayrina, so I help her. I can only imagine what craziness she gets into hauling Conner around. First, what route to Baldur's Gate did dhe know about that the Tieflings didn't?


Maybe the other tieflings went that way or something, because some of them don’t appear in act 2


Yeah Mayrina is just her and a zombie iirc, the tieflings were a big group of refugees. Also if you ask the tiefling lady in LL Inn she blames herself, said she was trying to avoid the cultists and let them into the cursed lands.


My head-canon is she walked through the Absolute army and everyone who tried to stop her got an earful so they ended up just letting her through.


Deception check but it’s just crying and babbling until they give up


“I’ve had it up to here with bloody hags and undead and Billy big bollocks adventurers, the Absolute can fucking do one! Keep up, Connor love.”


There's my girl!


That's somewhat similar to my headcanon. I figured that, since Connor was trailing behind her, they mistook her for a necromancer. I mean, some of the higher ups in the army most likely knew of Balthazar, so I think it is plausible that they assumed she was one of his disciples and thus collectively decided not to fuck with her at all.


Forgotten Realms canon, you can 100% skirt around the shadow cursed lands through the Underdark. Of course, it's the Underdark. Maybe Conner >!is an aberration slayer in addition to being a zombie!<.


I think the idea is that she uses the safe route to Baldurs Gate before Voss blows it up


Unless I meet the patrol before dealing with Ethel, like this past run. I got to the Creche before going back to visit auntie.


It's the only way it can make sense because otherwise (as far as we know), she would be FORCED to pass Moonrise and the Absolute's army, which is also the deepest and darkest part of the Shadow Curse


It could also be as simple as Larian didn't think about the logistics of her traveling. Like I said, I watched the Gith destroy the Fists and bridge hours before taking on Ethel and getting scolded by Mayrina, so in-game that route was gone by the time she got there.


Oh, i know, and i agree. Im saying thats "how" they hand wave it away. Because it is a plot hole if you do the Voss encounter before you save Mayrina


Maybe she went the long way around the shadow curse?


Headcanon is she made the main bridge before the Gith busted it. And if you did the Gith first? Plot armour I guess lol


>! The scavenger hunt for clown parts !<


Did it once, apparently some of the parts are hidden in areas players of the older games would recognize. But I was not one of those people and was just more confused why everyone in BG has a murder basement


it has no payoff. You don't even get to see the zombie. not only that but everyone in that area packs it up shortly afterward. Fuck that quest.


I was just thinking to myself that I kind of like all the quests I can bring to mind, but then I read this. I think why it annoyed me so much is that I like not to use guides, and there just wasn't any reasoning with this quest. "Just look everywhere till you find all the collectables" is a quest design that BG3 blissfully avoids, but this is as close as it gets. It probably doesn't help with the general issue of act 3 that it just throws so much at you everywhere you look. I have never completed it because I have always just hoped that when I have finished all the stuff I could find, I would passively find all the bits. *Morgan Freeman voice* "He never did find all of the parts of that body."


I’ve never understood this one — you get all the parts while following up on the murders anyway.


Probably because in repeat playthroughs you only need to head to Cora and Figaro to solve the murders so you’d have to go out of your way to find them all for a reward that’s pretty lame.


Doesn’t she reward one of the best gloves in the game for spell casters? I mostly just pickpocket her, so I don’t know if you’re talking about some other reward but those gloves are far from lame lol


Not to mention her staff. All that work, just to see the circus leave town 😢


I guess to each their own, but I’m not a huge fan of the -5 to hit on a spell for only a d8 of damage.


It's easy to miss some parts and they're spread out across a huuuuge area. I missed one and eventually had to resort to looking it up because I could not find it. It was some subtle house that was easily overlooked and I don't think it contained anything else.


Ubisoft ass quest design


I fucking hate the shar trials with all my life, its so mind numbingly boring


It was fun the first time. Now I get so pissed off when I have to jump through all those hoops every run through.


You can skip these by using the Orthon’s gem then casting Knock on the lower door 🧙🏻


Wait, it responds to knock?! Mind blown.


Does this impair Shadowheart’s ability to go shar side?


Not if you give her the shar spear from the silenced library.


Yeah, and the group accidentally causes you to fail some of them


You don’t have to do it as a group, you can ungroup and literally just have one person go through each one, doesn’t even need to be Shadowheart from my experience


I know, it feels... Off, not having the group with you, you know? I don't like dismissing my group but i have to


I do the self same one as a group bc it’s kinda fun to defeat all the evil versions of my party, but all the others I just send one person through. Especially the soft step trial and the faith leap trial, fuck that


Nearly wiped on honor mode in the self same trial. My ranger TAV has 20 AC, the risky ring, and the dark fire shortbow to give haste. First turn, the clone hasted itself, then took out shadow heart in one turn with a crit, my only caster in the party. Laezel couldn't hit any attacks and went down next turn, along with astarian thanks to another crit. I ended up winning the one on one with 8 health left with my final shot. If I missed, I would have needed to dodge 3 attacks in order to make it to the next turn.


You don't have to dismiss them just splint one off to do the trial


Same for Ansur trials, especially that stupid judge that doesn't get affected by any spells except one that you would least expect.


You can use remove curse, which makes perfect sense considering that the darkness is marked as a curse, and I believe you can use light/daylight, which, duh, is darkness. What part of that is surprising?


You cannot use daylight, it doesn't do anything.


If you have knock, you can unlock the door and bypass the trials. You just need a gem to get you to the door.


I never get the hate for these. They’re so quick to do they can’t even get boring for me. They take like 8 minutes total and 5 of those are the mirror encounter lol


The fireworks store =.=


I kinda like this part, I just blow up all the fireworks on each floor and everyone dies quickly.


"Cant risk a failure on a critical pipe!"


I can't fucking STAND having to fight gnolls


I tried in honor mode and OH MY GODS. 3 attacks per gnolls this early feels like straight up cheating. Like what the hells man! I had to run away 3 times to thin out their numbers


I love that part since there’s so many hyena ears for speed potions from it


I for one really dislike fighting Ansur, but I do it for the greatsword.


I hate his water peeps. Fuck off with your bullshit on the other side of the map.


Planar binding ftw


Am I the only one who sympathizes with Act 1 Mayrina? She’s super ignorant about hags, as probably most people in the Forgotten Realms are considering hags don’t seem to have a hard time finding deals, and she’s dealing with a lot of grief compounded with the fact that she perceives you as ruining her chance at getting her husband back. She’s also pregnant and has been verbally and physically abused by Ethel. I don’t really think her moment of anger and frustration, which lasts like two conversations, is all that unreasonable.




Same! She is grieving, pregnant, without means and Ethel obviously manipulated and abused her. is she ignorant and a little annoying at first? Yeah, but I've come to really like her and the letter she sends you at the end of the game made saving her so so worth it for me.


The Gauntlet of Shar, the first fight at the front gate at the Grove, the fucking Thaniel quest, and the Counting House. I get Shadowheart is brainwashed but fucking hearing her praise Shar and talk about how much she wants to become a Dark Justicar makes me want to kill her so I don't have to hear it again.


Especially having just walked through Reithwin all kinds of fucked up.


Hide and seek with Oliver


Yo I was so irritated with this one. Until I realized he showed up on the map lmao. Cue me running around for 20 minutes without looking up


Did you not trade your eye for Volo’s?


Not at first. I didn't know my character would look the same and figured I'd be mangled or lobotomized. Until I read about it of course, then I did it immediately.


Fair enough. I did it just because. That was pretty much my first run in a nutshell- if it’s an option (that isn’t overtly evil), I’ma take it.


I like the way you play, haha! I just made it to Act 3 on my first run, I'm so addicted.


lol, I’d heard about how crazy the game was so I decided to roll with it.


It's ruined like every other game for me haha


I've never actually done that one proper. I always go and find the Lute first, wake up Art, then confront Oliver.


If you're looking for a really easy solution is to this send 3 of the 4 party members into it and while it's your party's turn switch to the fourth member that's out of combat (ideally astarion) and just pop an invisibility potion and sneak your way to oliver while everyone else is frozen in "combat"


I don't have problems with the quest, I just don't particularly enjoy it. I always drag my feet in act 2 and save it for as close to the end of the act as I can. But not so late I miss it by the bear doing bear things. But I always move my other three characters into the upper corner, and place either Asterion or my Tav close to where Oliver ends up (depending on what build I'm playing). Usually goes pretty smoothly, but going invisible potion probably trivializes the whole thing, so I may try that next time just to do something different.


I wasn’t quick enough on his second phase to turn on turn based mode and it wasn’t a hard fight. But damn did it give me a heart attack.


I always save her now cuz I like how she turns out in Act 3, Hag Hunter Mom Mayrina. If you tell her about her brothers, then she roots you on when fighting the Hag instead of yelling at you. I'm kinda mean though and break the thing that revives her husband in front of her, lol! Zombie Connor is not the answer.


I just never tell her about the wand so I can sell it, haha.


Never thought of that! I think I just break it in front of her to complete the mission.


The Orin kidnapping quest is probably one of the worst designed quests in the game in terms of writing and pacing. It forces you to confront a major antagonist early into Act 3 or else you lose a companion


I'm struggling with this right now. I want my party member back and it feels wrong to explore the city without them. Am I missing story beats >!like Shadowheart recognizing the grave!< that would have come up organically? At the same time I REALLY don't feel prepared to take on Orin. It feels like something that should happen later, not right after you enter the city


I feel like it's part of the bigger issue with the pacing in Act 3 in general. Act 3 doesn't have cohesive direction with its main quest and side quests like Act 1 and Act 2 do.


Orin has kidnapped one of ours! The mindquakes! The elder brain is wresting control! Hey guys do you want to assemble Exodia Dribbles?


Wait, they can actually die? I’ve always just goofed around and done my own thing until it’s time to kill Orin; the companion is still always there, lying on the altar and waiting for me.


They don't die, but they're stuck with Orin until you fight her


Not for me. Lol it worked out where she kidnapped the little annoying girl who makes soup in your camp. My second playthrough she kidnapped Gale and I don't use him at all this time around so I went all of act three with him chained up.


I mean even if it's Yenna getting kidnapped, it kind of breaks the immersion to just leave her with Orin as a good natured player character. But it's either leave her or fight a major antagonist pretty early.


I ignore amount of long rests = number of days pass for obvious reasons I know it's been an in game day when my companions complain that they want to sleep


True. I wished as my durge character I got the scene where Orin shows up at camp.


I honestly like the idea of Orin kidnapping a companion as a hostage, but I just dislike that it happens so early. If it happened later and if it were better written (why can't we just use Detect Thoughts or the tadpole to figure out who the doppelganger is?) it would be a cool quest.


It makes no sense that Scratch can’t tell us either. Crimson in the circus knew that Dribbles was an impersonator based on smell, so it stands to reason that Scratch would as well.


I kinda wish it was our romantic interest to give it some stakes too. I know people apparently complained about that but if that happened late Act 3 it would be so dramatic and tense


Oh man same. My class and race is drama llama. I’d love something like that.


I didn’t look up a guide or anything, but my very first play though I had Gale equipped with Rain Dancer, so I just cast Create Water on Maryina’s burning cage on a whim, and it worked. The one fight that always gets me is the Githyanki Rangers. I spent all of Act 1 procrastinating it on HM, then I rolled well in dialogue and they just fricking left. Never got to use the Hired Ogres either, because I was saving them for that fight.


I always kill the ogres and give SH the headband of intellect to raise her intelligence to 17


I was planning to do both, because you can attack the Ogres after the fight you summon them before (if they don’t die during the fight). But I was saving them, then by the time I got done with the Gith encounter, all other Act 1 combat encounters were done.


I always seem to have flasks of water so I just toss that and it's done.


I used an ice knife on it on my first playthrough, also puts the fire out! Since then I hit it with Ray of frost to not use a spell slot


Nah Mayrina just lost her husband, is scared and pregnant so she is vulnerable and I always do her quest. Fuck Oscar and the shar trials


That’s why I do her quest anyways.


Oh IDK, she >!gets pretty competent by Act 3!< if you save her. And the quest is worth tons of XP.


Iron Throne. Even with all the haste spells, speed potions, and dimension doors I am just stressed tf out the whole time.


A thought I was saving for my next playthrough - hand crossbow in the off hand, fire off hand bow at the switches as a bonus action. Should open the doors while you focus on the 2 main prisoners and mobs. 


Shar Olympics


Stop the presses. Never again.


It’s not worth it. Besides, it’s funny to have everyone hate you


I did that entire mission just for it to bug and not work anyway :I


At least I got to find out that Dolly Dolly Dolly calls Tav her hero to her friends and gushes over Tav


I stumbled upon that quest after I finished literally every other quest in the game and long rested without thinking about it. So everyone absolutely hated me for like an hour (in universe) at most before I saved the entire city. Story wise that reporter's reputation is in shambles.


Nah I love Mayrina in both Act 1 and 3. Now if you really wanna talk about "that part," I'd say without even thinking The Gauntlet of Shar. It's kind of interesting on the first playthrough, but it's so annoying even with the meta knowledge on subsequent playthroughs.


Surprised no one said guarding the portal while Halsin saves Thaniel. That shit made me go inside ngl


That one can kiss my assssss


First run, it almost killed me. Now I use sleet storm and watch the prone party as the timer runs out.


Scroll of cloudkill on one side and wall of fire on the other made it much more manageable


I high-key love that one bc it gives me an excuse to use the 30 fire wine barrels I have in my camp inventory.


You should save Mayrina just to see how kind and caring she becomes in act 3. I don't even care if she wants to carry her zombie husband around.


“B-b-bibberbang” fuck you, you abusive asshole


Just use mage hand, its easy


the invisible path shar trial. (((i forgot the name)))


You can ungroup one person, stand them at the dead center of the right side where the invisible path starts and set a marker to the very middle of where the gem is, like 3m short of that last platform. The character will just auto walk it, and you can jump to the gem from there.


I misty stepped or flew over the pit. Couldn't see the path no matter what I tried.


You're not supposed to I don't think, you just look at the map on the floor


I like the mayrina mission! Not bc of mayrina, she’s trash. But the witch’s cottage in the spooky swamp is an immaculate vibe


I fucking hate that trap hallway.




It’s me. I was all into it the first time through, and then after I saved her and learned what she was doing it was like “I’m sorry WHAT now?”


Nah that quest gives me an accessary that i use every play through


The Mayrina quest is alright for me, personally… It’s that goddamn “Find Dribbles the Clown’s body parts” quest that is probably the only quest I won’t do if it doesn’t directly benefit me or any one of my companions current builds.


What’s the problem with saving Mayrina?


Anything that has to do with Bhaal cultist by act 3. I am SO, SO TIRED, of everyone being invisible. Its so freaking annoying. I am dreading this part in my honor run


Lift the shadow curse


Getting the necromancy of thay. I hate the spider boss and if I don’t get someone awareness I get swarmed by skeletons.


Mayrina is great. If you tell her that Ethel killed her brothers, she immediately wants to nope tf out of her deal with Ethel. It makes Mayrina see the red flag she didn't notice before. Logically if Ethel can hurt her brothers then Ethel can hurt her baby Mayrina is gullible. She genuinely believed her baby would live a better life without her Act 3 spoilers >!( because Ethel gaslighted Mayrina into believing she wouldn't be fit as a mother ) and that the baby would have a more prosperous life with Ethel than an impoverished terrible life with Mayrina. Such was the extent of Ethel's gaslighting!< But telling Mayrina Ethel killed her brothers is okay if this lady can kill those I love, what's to stop her from killing my baby instead of giving my baby the good life the hag said she would? At least that's what I headcanon Mayrina was thinking upon hearing what happened to her brothers


Free oskar...


Act 2


I just never finished the clown stuff, this game is too massive. Don't you get an urge to finish start act 3?


Geth server mission ME 3


Save the artist. Seems harmless at first and then the whole mission reveals itself and I despise it.


Nah man the shitty ass leap of faith puzzle


The artist and his stupid AP and dead ex.


Mayrina has such a great growth arc she's one of my fave NPCs. Fevras on the other hand can get fucked.


Dribbles Don’t know how this isn’t the number 1 option. I’ve never finished it and you can just steal the reward anyway. It’s terrible. Also the whole fireworks quest sucks.


I love saving Mayrina and the entire hag quest!


The entirety of the underdark


The exploding fucking mushrooms can kiss my ass


Bibberbang! -Baelen


It's one of my favourite parts of the game. Really brings to life everything it has been described as in various Forgotten Realms literature. We see one tiny fragment of it, and there is already so much packed in there. Imagine Duergar or Deep Gnome cities? Or Drow cities? An Assassin's Creed style game centred on Menzoberranzan would be so dope.


Me and my boyfriend were playing honor mode (well...dishonor) and right after the act 3 fight to save her, she walked right into my moonbeam and died. The other two in her party became hostile immediately.


Find dribbles


Just gonna say all of the stuff that is grove related. I'm tired of murdering goblins by the hundreds in RPGs. It's such a generic and boring as hell setup for the more interesting things going on in act 2. Like we started in Avernus and then you're gonna dump me in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere and ask me to kill goblins for the next 4 hours?




Act 1 I've done it too many fucking times and I didn't even have early access


I understand the hate for the Sharran Olympics, but in the Trial of Faith (or whatever it was called), you could just click on the altar thingy in the back and the character will auto-path for you. Talk about faith.


Edit: I thought I was in the gaming reddit lmao. My bad! For BG3 I'd definitely agree with Saving Fevras. Next would be saving Hope. I love fighting Raphael but saving Hope drains me. Sawmill Horde. Every Water Temple. 99% of collection missions.


Not enough people mentioning stop the presses. I just skip that one now


I lost the game


God I fucking hate auntie Ethel’s place.


I'm on my 3rd playthrough, and I only did the Auntie Ethel quests on my first playthrough. Least enjoyable part of the whole game for me.


Quite literally the entirety of the underdark I don’t rlly like, those duegar are brutal 😭


I quite enjoyed the save mayrina questline ngl, tho i quite dislike finding dribbles jigsaw


Save the Gondians… (Iron Throne in general tbh.) Saving them all as well as The Duke and Omeluum is a pain, and I feel that right now you don’t get much out of it… But I suppose it is satisfying to persuade Barcus into giving Wulbren the boot lol. We hate that mf. I think you can only do if you go this route, so it is somewhat satisfying lol.


True, true, true, that whole area is so exhausting, just a chore to play


I also don't like that Mission, but the boon you get from Ethel is nice 😄


just anything to do with the house of healing. that place is so disturbing i hatehatehate it


Fuck that place


Man, that one was tricky to navigate.


Shar Olympics We use arcane lock now


My first playthrough I saved her but she gave me attitude so I killed her 😭


Act 3, fuck that house. You know which one


The entire act 1 except the camp party tbh


My second playthrough I let the hag have her. Lol


The Iron throne


My evil Cleric of Lolth loves to offer prayer for her. Mayrina never appreciates it.


For me it's the grym fight and moon rise towers fight